PC 82-41RESOLUTIO"J N0. PC82-41 A RESOLUT 10'I OF TNE APIAIi[ I M C I TY PLAN~I I VG C(1M~A I SS I OPI TiiAT PETITIOId FOR RECLASSIFICATIO~J FIO. ~31-32-1~ BE GRLINTED, 4JHERE/1S, the Anaheim City Planning Commission di~i recetve a verified ~etition for Reclassification from BRIAhI J. 0'NEIL, ET AL, 1~11E North Parker, Orange, Califo rnia 92G67, owners of certain real propn_rty situated in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: THE LA'1D REFERRED TO Iv T1115 POLICY IS DESC°IREO AS FOLLQWS: THAT PORTIO~J OF TfiE EAST HALF OF TI1E PIQRTHIJFST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTIOPI 3, T 1+ S, R tq lJ, WITIIIN THE RA!ICHO SAM J11~1p1 CAJO!~J DE SA-;TA AtJP., CITY OF ApIA~1EIli, COU;ITY OF ORAhlr,E , STATE OF CALIFORtdIA, CONVEYED TO HENRY G, 11FISER dY DEED P.EC~RDED I"~ BO~K 63G, PAGE 354 0~ DEcDS, IPJ THE OFFICE OF THF COU!JTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRI~~D AS FOLLOWS: QEGIIIh11NG AT THE SOI~THEASTERLY CORP:ER OF P/1RCEL 4 OF THE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY RELINQUISIIED (REL-254) TO THE CITY QF A~JAFIEIM BY RESOLUTION OF THE CALIFOR";IA HIGHWAY COHt11551Qt~, A f,ERTiFIED COPY OF WHICH RESOUJTIOtd IS RECORDED NOVEM~ER 30, ]~65 IN 300K 7756, PAGE, 472 OF OFFICIAL F3ECORDS, Itd SAlD OFFICE; THE~dCE ?~ORTHERLY ALOIJG TNE EASTERLY LIiJE OF SAID ?ARCEL ~~ DFSCRI9F~ TIIEREIN AS N 1 36' 1+3" E, 141.6y FEET TO THE NORTHERI_Y TERMItJUS OF SAID COURSE SO DESCRIBE~: TNEtdCE S S9o 36' 00" E, 322.00 FEET; TNEWCE S 40~ 5,' 24'~ E, 33.~3 FEET; TIIE~~CE S 70 ~,3' 07" W, 90.1~0 FEET; THErdr,~ S 5go 23' 27" lJ, 75.9u FEET TO TIiE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAllD OF MEISER; THEIdCE IJ 3G~ 51' 29" lJ, 271,1/~ FFET T~ THE PQINT OF i~EGIWMI~lG. WIIEREAS, the City P)anning Commission did ho1~1 a nuhitc h~~ri~n ~t the Ciyj_ Certter in the City of Anaheim on Novemher 3~, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by I34J an~i in accordance with the provisions of tiie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1$,03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification an~1 to investigate and make findings and recommendations in ~onnectiun therewith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of March 22, 1937_; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by ~:;lf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports ofr •~:d at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subiect property from the Rs-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) to the f4L (In~lustrial, Limited) Zane. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan destgnates subject property for general industrial land uses. 3. Tliat tlie proposed reclassification of s,~bjr>.ct property is necessary and/or desirable for thc orderly and proper development of tlie community. Pc82-41 I~._.~,_..w,w.,.,.._.~._ ,.._.. .. .--, . . 4. That tlie proposed reclassification of subjert property does properly relate to the zones and their permittr_d uses lor.ally establisherl in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and tiieir permitted uses generally established throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subjer.t property requires che improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to t(ie anticipat~d increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensification of land use. ~. That no one indicated their presrnce at safd ouUltc hearing in opposition; and tliat no correspondence was received in oppnsition to the subject petition. ENVIROMI4EIJTAL 111PACT FIPIDING: That the Anaheim Citv Planning Commission has rev3eo-~ed the proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS-A-43,0~0 (Residential/Agriculturalj Zone to the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone to construct an industrial laundry facility on an irregularly-shaped parcr_1 of land ce~sisting of approximately 1.1 acres located at tlie nortlieast corner of the Riverside Freeway and Lemon Street (1420 North Lemon Street), and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental in~,~.a:t report on the basis t~~at there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to tlie approval of this Megative Declaration since the Anatiei:n General Plan designates tlie subject property for general i~dustrial land uses commensurate ~~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposa); that the initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negat+vs Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. tJO;•!, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLUED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Title 13-Zoning of tiie Anaheim Ptunicipat Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,OU0 (Residential, Agricultural) Zon~ and to incorparate s~id described pronerty into the t1L(lndustrial, Limited) Zone upon the foliowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prere~uistte to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the saf'ety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: i. That al) engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Lemon Street including preparation of improvement plans and tnstallation of a~) improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidearalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant worl;, shall be complied ~vith as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with specifications on file in the Office of the City EnginePr; that strPet lighting facilities along Lemon Street shall be installed as required by the Office of Utilities General Manager, and in accardance with specifications on file in the Office of Utilities General ~lanager; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, tn an amount and form sattsfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirements prtr~- to occupancy. 2. That trash storage ar2as shali be provided in accor~iance ~vith approved plans on file ~oith the Office of the Executive Director of Public Works. -2- PC82-4t 3. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the ~ire Department prior to commencement of structural framing. 4. 'fi at subject property shall be served by un<lergroun~ utilittes. 5, That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to tfie City Engineer. b. That appropriate water assessment fees as detr.rmined by the Office of Utilities General Manager shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in an amount as ~etermined by the City Council, for industrial buildings prior to thr. issuance of a building permit. 8. That the owner shall prepare, execute and record a covenant against the property in a form approved by the City Attorney and City Engineer, whereby the owner wiil landscape and maintain the City-owned property behind (east of) the future curb along Lemon Street at no cost to the city. 9. That owner of subject property stiall enter into an agreement with the City of Anaheim to inscall a traffic signal at the intersection of Lemon Street and the Riverside freeway on-off ramp in conformance with State of California, City of Anaheim, and City of Fullerton standards with separate phasi~ig and vehicles indications. Said signal shall be required to be installed if traffic volume exceeds 200 vehicle trips per average work day. Said agreement sl~all be submitted to the City Tra~fic Engineer and City Attorney for review and approval. 10. Tiat the proposed driveway from Lemon Stre~t si~atl have a maximum grade of 2~ for a distance of 40 feet from the back (east) of the sidetvalk adjacent to said street. 11. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~aith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit ~os. 1 and 2. 12. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance re~oning subject praperty, Condition Nos. 1, 8, and 9 above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted ',y this resolution shall become null and void by action of th %'lanning Commission unless said conditions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 13. That Condition IJos. 2, 4, 5, 10 and 11, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final buiiding and zoning inspections. BE IT F;;RTtiER RESOLVED that tlie Anaheim City Planning Commission does heraby find and determine that adoption of .~~is Resolution is expressly pre~iicated upon applicant's compliance ~aith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition~ or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable -3- PC82-41 ~ ~ bY the fi~a~ judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein r.ontained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 22.nd day of March, 1932, 9~-~.~.~. (L. 1- ~,,~Q.e..-` AITEST: CHA I Rt4AP1, AtJAHE I f1 C I TY PLANN I ~dG WMI1 I SS I OIJ o ~! D~~ `~ /iJ SECPETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY P APJt~ING COMMIS510~1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPJTY OF ORqtJGE ) ss. C17Y OF APJAHEI~4 ) ~+ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anafieim City Piannin9 Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion held on 1lareh 22, 1~82, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM~IISSIOiJERS: BARPlES, BOUAS, BUSHORE, KING, Mr BURP~EY NOES: COMI1ISSIONERS: FRY, HERf3ST ASSENT: COMt41SSI0:JERS: NOWE ~~~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of March, 1982. ~a~. ,~ .° 9~. ~ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEI~1 CITY PLAtJNING COMt11SSI0N -4- Pc82-4t