PC 82-70,~. r-~. R[SOLUTIOPJ N0, p~32_~p A R[SOLUTION OF TIiE AMAHEIM CITY PLANtlING CqMMtSS16N ANEND ING COND IT I ONS NOS, 7 A'JD 3 OF PLAtJN I NG COMH I SS I OtJ RESOLUTIOIJ lJO. PC73-121 APPF~OVED i~d CONNECTIO~d IJITtI VARIAtlCE N0. 2515 WHEREAS, on June 7, 1973, the Anaheim City P13nntng Commission Variance No, 251~ by Resolution No. P with a furniture warehouse on ~73-1z~ to permit retail sales ~~ 9ranted land consisting of a P~operty described as a rectangularl conjunctlon feet on the west sidePofxState,Co1)egecBoulevard,~9andffurther descrlbedaas~~P2 res, of State College Boulevard; and 9" °f aP~roximately y~0 5 outh WFiEREAS, said resolution contained the folluwi~g conditions: "7. That there shall be no more than 20% of the building devoted to retail sales purposes, as stipulated to by the petitioner. $• That there shall be 9 9 property nor an "O si ns advertisin the retail use on the y other advertising, as stipulated to by the petitioner."; and 1' ; ~ ~~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~I~AIRMAPI, APJAHEIPI CITY PLANPJING C011MISSION SECRETARY, APlA~~tTY PLAPINING COMMISS i or~ IJHEREAS, the petitioner requests amendment to above-mentioned conditions to ~etain ten (70) separate business licensees on the building to be used for retail sales rather than 20~randsto a1low~outdoor2adve~tisfng for the retail sales; and lJI1EREAS, the petitioner stipulated at the signing requirements of the ML (Industrial, Limited)PZonec hearin one "open to t~~e 9 to comply wjth the general publ ic" sign ~,roulci be permi tted. ~ Provided, hosvever, that NOIJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby amend Conditions Nos. 7 and 8 of Resolution No, PC73_127 as foilows: "7. That there shall be no more than 20~ of the buiiding devoted to display areas for retail sales purposes and that the remalning II0~ o~ the buiiding shall be devoted to warehousing. $. Tliat the proposed retail furniture ~varehouse shall com 1 S~9ning requirements of the ML (Industrfal P Y W~th all provided~ however, that one ~~o e . Limited) Zone~ would be permitted," p ~ to the general public" sign 1'HE FOREGOING RE50LUTIOhI is signed and a APrf>> 1982• pProved by me thls 1 9th c!ay of PC$2-70 ,-~ STATE OF CALIFORWIA ) COUIJTY OF ORAtJGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIt4 ) ~ I, Edith L. flarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission held on April 19, 1982, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM111SSIONERS: BOUAS, E3USHORE, FRY, HERBST, KItJG, 11C DURDIEY NOES: COPIMISSIONERS: IJOP~E ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES I1J WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of April~ 19~2. ~~/ .~° ,~ - sECRETARY, A~JAHE I tt C ITY PLANPI I NG COf1M ~ SS I ON -2- PC82-70 ~c~~.4~~,a.U~ >~ 4 , ,~