6232 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE N0. 62j AN ORMPAT71"E �' i TIN^- A?L\7j- L 7 -TY INN A PROP'S , Y A . PF01&?V-QTY TI mH IvT CCr"POPAT7 LIMITS N' TTF 0 Il A "NT A TT C, - r� r r 1 'T T q qA.. C /J.' Y ".-.AP;.. 1 q z 9 c I OTTT.qCA.IL fir'''?' CImV A-74771 I S 07 SETH07, 1. That there be and hereby is fixed P. tax _f. or tl�e fl.sc�l year 1939-.39 of t1rielve cents seven ar hur�.dred s .xty-two ten thous and.ths mills (.127)'-2 2 on e ).c Dollary of tie assessed valuation of all real a1 andTaersana carri ori to limits of tCity of PLE! eim, for the ard.irry of said city.. SECTION 2* That there be a.nd herebT�.s fixed r. tax for � {,.e f�. s c�1 yee r 19�8-�q of one cent and- sever ! an au.,�. red sevent;�-seg:en ter tho,-sp.rd the pail is �.�l on 7 100 a 00) Dollars of theassessed. � �. � valuation �.�.c . t 1 ail Q f all. real a: . i thin the corgi �3ra.to �.i.�aits of the Cit*%Vr of lusheir, , Pxce'o Ir i thin the ainexed territories as described and. a -or .� a ve d 39r-;, 423, 19 9 4end. L.far ._ the purpose of paying. thean-ora 1adebte�.n;� ss of saiO ci tv, J_nc .J.rred. for the extension and of tsr e_ectric 1.�t .�ola,nt, together with one for '�tietn (1/1 deb te--mess. 9ECTICN � . That t1nere be and hereby'r i s fixed aj tax f e r U �.e f i s ca.Z C a a.r �. `-- ? t f thr e e ring f aur � _ thousa.n( sixty-two ten th,) us ^r1 tils mills '00 2 a�. a.ch anew Dol'-Larc.- of tht: asse s seg vjIar-.ti or ')fall � �, a� 1 reg,_.. CI, o e r ssonp . the co rT-)o rn to limits o f the City of �.na.hei m. excelolt only th-- an- ne7.ed territories a.s ue scribed and� ,.. . _ rove e. bo rdz !42-�--� and 4F� 1O�' ., .,the. ;:� �.r� se o f paying: the ann�.:91 ir aebteane s s of said. cis ty, incurre ' for the s � � �ur� a ._� e - a � the appa.r-n.tmss �'or s ter, tte��•e t r tr�. th. one - fortieth Zl o� lucTION 4. That there oeaa♦ � ,u � �-' T ; ;�e r �. o� �. s fixed sn tax for the fi scar irea.r 1Q79-- of foli-rteen _� cents(.14) o ($100*00) Dollarcs o . t� e assessed � . , as �. �. sed vim.- t�-. �z an of all rea.. -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Wi tf in t :.e corporate limi is �f the City of Anaheim for '� ta.,111 i 6g 4-, �oub lie i � ra.rti�r of sa z d city, SEC �'IOF rl:iat there be and hereby is fixed tax fr .)e +Fiscal -vear �.��r`�-- �� of t!�ree �.�,�. is seven. ani himdreo. seventy- f,-) Ur tin t'zodu.sand.t!=_s ;nil1 s i . o � �' Lr)� ' r On ($100.00) Dog' lers, ? f 4'e s? - r -'..� �. Ar s M` �% V- if L � t 1 0' o 1 ELI e l'. •� i. c4 :C`-r'r to jil t '� ����?� t�T G f Anahezm �'CP. f s w tn, in t1l e annexe,_. t P. r r i t fie c as de s c r i I. i 1; . an . w.- Proved -' and for to u.ror?se � . a ca�ithe L C .-, ren indebtedness: of sp id. City of Anaheim, incurred_ for the Pt ion ora ze"Ter fa,,,r: and the construction of a, sewer systE one--fortietl (1 !110� cf s^ id indebtedness. SECTION That there be anO Llereb �� is fixed. tax for the fiscal year 1979,,-79 of three and five ve thou.sax e i �h t ter. th ous a.n t-is mills on each One Hundre of the assessed.. of all real and.-oersonal proper ate limitO e f +'_-).^ Cit-tV of except only the pro-oer territor-` r -.c -� -a o s c r i b e e, an d a Nr ..�- T� �., - _ ;� pl ;,, o=y :.i,� ;.�. -nab. e {� .�: + T)�; f' 1 .r .. Cif o Z . ; the aminal interest of the 4�z6,said c i ty, i n c-L,..r r e d f -,)r t-'^ eurr .o s e o f t .). a acquisition �_ s i t i o n � an add.i. tions + o c . ty e1ectri c l i szil,i Plant, to.�.e t er i th ...0 of said indebtedness. SIRCTICN 7. That them be and. hereby is fixed a: tax for the fiscal year 1Q"A9..,-79 o f six cents i�thousen,_, s forty-thiree ten thn-US nd the m *ji s' (.0606543) on eacl, one . I)011 ars of the assessed va.li.i-a ti on o fl l real e al and persona. corporate l i ;Its o f the Citv of elm, except only the annexe_ territories as described and approved by ordinan + p� c and 456, for the purpose ;�-f :.�T'� r � � r _. T 3 � o the annt. ce _ interest o 1 said c i.':y , incurrec- for tn e �. �; se o f ac u . s; tion _ and cor o f.a..�n e i m of a public park, + o rpe t�� er ��� i th ow -� �- ' A � ,. n e_ o r� i i. t .�.._ debtedness, -2..* 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION That there be and hereby is fixed a tax for j'�e fiscal. year 10'1--70 of -'Four cents, five ana. f .urydre . t � zrty--one ter t - r-�,as r .. t 1s . i 7. 7. s . OW;'O'l on ecq ($100.00)o� 7.a,r�y �;fle assnsevalua.tion ol alb. reg -:1 pe, 4�. - 1 n t � ; rp r ^. t e �.. �. nl i t a - :, �- Ci t �' T c'�,he . +!� , ' C e +7 r annexe,,' terri tc-or'.er as de c cribed. and a=) -c -'roared 7 C7 '-ie ar, nuzl ir 427 i)iMr_r.()Sn payins t_ a-, ni edn€= o f sa i c i try, incurred. 'or the Dino se o-` acqui. si t brieCity of ,nape . , .;� �_ 1� f o r ':� �.� C .l c`�a.. u s e C tort thi a beth ('-%Li /70) of srid * ndebtednes�. Ec � . That t 1e}'�' e ,?�. ".fir ':T7- �. f 1 xed cN tax for t E f i: cP1 year Z -- of -` cer ts, two thou.0 trent:r7-six ten thovi s^nom tr-s mi'"(.070X1`9 on each one E Doll -ars of tree asaessed yrs.! r tion of a7.1 real and Persone conA ore.te limmits o^ tlae city of Anal-ieirr�. excet on7_y the annexed terrz torA.ec. a.- deq.nribes.-7 and a.:?proved b- or �_iranc .r�cw f'co r ttr e -ourno se o f a �i�� the nnu l - ntere s t of sai.,3 city, i cur r e f :r r Mne-�r- o s e o f the a c.i z. t i 4a n, c et!on b:- t'.e 0it'y of ,fir; 1ieim of. a� e.itions and �. rovemE of said city, toge Cher wi tY} one -twenty-fifth (1/2;;) o.'P se SECTION Z0. 7n.a,t tri.ere be and: hereby is., fi. ed tax for t' -..e fiscal year of one cent, ei.�, t p,nd t� two ten t1louspnd_th s mills (.0192092) on each one Hund -red of the assescsed. T�a7. ..ion of I1. rr a.n� personalproper limits of the city of Ar-un-heiUL.. except only }hero erty 1N territories as de s cr i "ed. aanfl. r'�nnr owed- by orc..i ne nce s numbe A- -Lor the :rose of yin -.a.,- the a�.nup.1 interest of. tie ind.e i.ndla.rred for Vrje purpose of the acQui si ti on and construct and. extensions o f -Ine sewer sys tew, of said city, together (1/70) of said- indebtedness. SECMION 11. That th e r•e be and hereby is fixed tax or U! 4-1--e z fi 4ri:�. V er. r: �... - :. . o ur cents, t�o C-=:nd_ ei 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 hundred fifty --six ter, the )uss.nd th s mills (e0429c956) on ea+ Dollars of the assessed. -Nralup.ti on of all reel and persone cornora.te limits o,.+,.' the city ofAnaheirn, exce-pt only the amoroved by o rd ire C: nce s numbers 41R � an o,- 4'1;6 for the pum,t in tern: s t the i._nJeb 'Ce C ne s s of said- city, incurred for acquisition, construction and. completion b,_%J the City of � the City of Santa Ana, of ri. joint outfa,Il sewer, togethei (].%40) of said indebtedness. SECTIOrT 12. n.,at there be and hereby is fixed tax 1 o r - .i s crate. -T ear 10'1 9� of five cents, four and I dyed ninety-three ten thousandths mi Is (.01;42293) on ea( Dollars of the assessed val�-ia t i on of all real a:nd.ersonc the corporate- limits of the City o ' , na .e im, except only the annexed territories as described and_ a. proved 13t,T ord.i and 4r6, for the p.-�i_r-o_.ose of -oa �ing the annual ` i o f sad.C1 t.7T , 3 �C 1. "' 'e ) the. pear oo se of .,a.rk in rovement , one ---fortieth. (1/4n) of sceAd indebtedness. SECTION 1"4e That t ere be annt� le reby i c Fixed tax "tore f j scrl year 1Q7,9, -*z9 of two; cents, one a:nd si-3 seventeen. ter. thou.san the mills (-0'1' 90,17) on each One Ht lass of the ass -N s sed vai i a:t on of ay.. rea? and ;ger sonal cony%orp.te limits o -O V e City of AM, except .3�i' annexed. territories as described and approved by ord.ina.nc for trt e. ��.rr.o se of -paying the a�n.nuaal interest of the Inde incurred for the purpose of the completion of the city ha fortieth (1/40) of sr.id indebtedness, S SECTION -14. That there, be and hereby- ' S fixed- -L • - �. � � 11 xe d tax for t�.e "isca.l year . `_ J. eight cents, six and s hundred sixty --nine tern thousa;nO th s mi 1 l s (X9517X6990on ea, �./ol -1 Vneassessed. V �r t 1 0 a.11 real a.L.i.t r t �?. cor-nora,te 11*?�Atp or the City o f Anp.wnezr:, on1 v the 1. C annexe. to rri to rl,- as I.e scrz bed and a --:-,%roved ordinance G 'ao se o.A. th.e annoa� intPre s t o" �-' ' . ,�� e indebtedness of LM" 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 for the gurpo§e of joint suer construction, tope tIier ori tl of said_ indebtedness. SECTION 15. 'hat there be and. hereby is f Ic tax for the fiscal year. 1939-30,9 of six cents, and two tho1 ten thousandths ($100.00) Doilars of.0! of al]. rep -1. and -,er sonaAl -pr-aoerty ri thin the cor-oorn: to 1 ii kwl.-,eim, a xcen t on1v her�. ert� .__ I thin �, annexe ...- terr. .nd ro ed v ord i nce No. - for the Qur-o ose of nay, of the indebtedness of said_ city, incurred for t�.e -ou.rpo si i�rov �n en s to the aster or of s .i�� c? ty, together wi tenths; (11110) of sa* d indebte��_ness. j SEMTION The City Clef ---c of the Cit -y ^-.,f the to a.s same of t h � or d i n.n n ce , and ctn-us a the same to be p. "Oranze Cointy Hews," a. newsoa�er of. �enera.1 circulation, and. circud.ated. in sa:i'. ci t�� , an". t", e �-r -fro � and. thereafter effect axed be in full for ee . Th.e f ore�i ono ord_i:.ince was passed. and adopted h City of Anp.heinn, on. o__ Se aay oSe1 :.,teBaber, 1979, a agoroved and attestea by pie th j_ s _ d.a.of Se-ptember, 1 Attl.ee t l ,er*k-- of tbe CW1,V6f aheim f M Tor of tha City 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIKIPUTIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS C ITY OF ANATITER I3 CTTAS, E. GTRIVvITH, City Clerk of the City of eer t i f� v t o t the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at meeting or the City Counci-11 of tyle Cit -,%T of Anaheim_ and w. by t ye follorinp- 1 nteC!* AY7Ss 'Councilmen NO-'.P.jS** Council....men M, -NNW W, up - op a CC rk of the C Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that .she is a. cit- izen of the United States, and of the State of California, over ithe age of eighteen years; that she has no interest in, nor is she a party to the matter herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said ORANGE COUNTY NEWS is a. newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid sub scribers, and -to published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence 'of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or rublished for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denom1na. tion, or of any number thereof; that it has been )printed and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication ,hereto attached; that the Or4:4 :j [t,*625 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was .published in said news- paper at least ........ 3L.Q* ............ commencing on the .... day of .-5-0ptl lor.------ 19.. 8., and ending on the ________________________ day of---------------------------- 19------. and that said ____ JOL............ was published on the following days: ---------------------------------------------------- S 4rtma ..]Sa--29.8-....... . ------------------------ ------------------- *4�d i. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... ............. day of --- -.... 19`� .... .......... ary.... --- NotC. ORDINANCE NO. 623 annexed territories as described ed by ordinances numbers 423, approved by ordinance numbers and approved by ordinances num- 435, and 456, for the purpose of 435 and 456, for the purpose of AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND bers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the paying the annual interest of the paying the annual interest of the LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON purpose of paying the annual int- indebtedness of said city, incurred indebtedness of said city, incurred ALL PRO�PURTY WITHIN THE erest of the indebtedness of said' for the purpose of the acquisition, for the purpose of the completion CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE City of Anaheim, incurred for the construction and completion by of the city hall, together with CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE purpose of the acquisition of a the' City of Anaheim of additions one-fortieth (1140) of said indebt-s FISCAL YEAR 1938-1939. sewer farm and the construction and improvements to the water edness. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE of a sewer system., together with works of said city, together with SECTION 14. That there be CITY OF ANAHMM DOES OAR- one-fortieth (1140) of paid indebt- one-twenty-fifth (125) of said in- and hereby is fixed and levied a DAIN AS FOLLOWS: edness. debtedness. property tax for the fiscal year SECTION 1. That there be and SECTION 6. That there be and SECTION 10. That there be 1938-39 of eight cents, six ancl: hereby is fixed and levied a prop- hereby is fixed and levied a prop- and hereby is fixed and levied a seven thousand six hundred sixty- erty tax for the fiscal year 1938- erty tax for the fiscal year 1938- property tax for the fiscal year nine ten thousandths mills 1939 of twelve cents, seven and 39 of three and five -thousand six 1938-39 of one cent; eight and two (.0867669) on each One Hundred four thousand two hundred' sixty- hundred thirty-eight ten thou-' thousand and ninety-two ten thou- (100.00) Dollars of the assessed two ten thousandths mills sandths mills (.0035638) on each sandths mills (.0182092) on each valuation of all real and personal (.1274262) on each One Hundred One Hundred ($100.00) Dollar* of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of property within the corporate ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed the assessed valuation of all real the assessed valuation of all real limits of the City of Anaheim, ex- valuation of all real and pers6nal and personal property within the and personal property within the .,!pt only the property within the property within the corporate corporate limits of the City of corporate limits of the City of annexed territory as described limits of the City of Anaheim, for Anaheim ,except only the prop► Anaheim, except only the property and approved by ordinance No. the ordinary annual expenditures erty within the annexed territories within the annexed territories as 456, for the purpose of paying of said city. as described and approved by or- described and approved by ardin- the annual interest of the indebt- SECTION 2. That there be and dinances numbers 395, 423, 435, antes numbers 423, 435, and 456. edness of said city, incurred for hereby is fixed and levied aprop- and 456, for the purpose of pay- for the purpose of paying the an- the purpose of joint sewer con- erty tax for the fiscal year 1938- ing the annual interest of the in- nual interest of toe indeotedrees struction, together with one-for- 39 of one cent, and seven and debtedness of said city, incurred of saki city incurred for the pur- tieth (1140) of said indebtedness. three thousand three hundred for the purpose of the acquisition pose of the acquisition and con- S.-FCTIDON 15. That there be seventy-seven ten thousandths and construction of additions to struction of additions to and ex- and hereby is . fixed -ani levied a mills (.0173377) on each One the city electric light plant, to- tensions of the sewer system of property tax for the fiscal year Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the gether with one-twentieth (120) said city, together with one-thirti- 1938-39 of six cents, and twn rn ssessed valuation of all real and of said indebtedness. eth (1130) of said indebtedness. thousand and thirty-four ten thou- personal property within the cor- SECTION 7. That there be and SECTION 11. That there be sandths mills (.0602034) on each porate limits of the City of Ana- hereby is fixed and levied a p+rop- and hereby is fixed and levied a One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of heim, except only the property erty tax for -the fiscal year 1938- property tax for the fiscal year the assessed valuation of all real within the annexed territories as 39 of six cents, six thousand and 1938-39 of four cents, two and and personal property within the described and approved by ordin- five hundred forty-three ten thou- eight thousand nine hundred fifty- corporate limits of the City of ances numbers, 395, 423, 435 and sandths mills (.0606543) on each s i x t. e n thousapdths m i I l s Anaheim, except only the proper- 456, for the purpose of paying One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as- (.0428956) on each One Hundred t3 within the annexed territory the annual interest of the indebt- sessed valuation of all real and ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed as described and apVroved by ar- edness of said city, incurred for personal property within the cor- valuation of all real and personal dinance No. 456, for the purpose the extension and improvement of porate limits of the City of Ana- prnperty within the corporate of paying the annual interest of the city electric light plant, to- heim, except only the property limits cf the city of Anaheim, ex- the indebtedness of said city, in- In- gether with one fortieth (140) of within the annexed territories as cept only the property described curred for the purpose of exten- said indebtedness. described and approved by ordin- a.nd ap�rroved bv- ordinances nuzn- Bions and improvements to the SECTION 3. That there be and ances numbers 423, 435, and 456, bers 435. and 456 for the Durno-Se, water works of said city, together 1 ereby is fixed and levied a prop- for the purpose of paying the an- of paying the annual interest of with three one hundred tenths erty tax for the fiscal year 1938- nual interest of the indebtedness the indebtedness of said city, in- (3'110) of said indebtedness. 39 of three and four thousand of said city, incurred for the pur- curred for the purpose of the ac- SECTION 16. The City Clerk Fight hundred sixty-two ten thou- pose of acquisition and comple- guisition, construction and cpm- of the City of Anaheim shall cer- sandths mills (.0034862) on each tion by the City of Anaheim of a pletion by the City of Anaheim, tify to the passage of this ordin- One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of public park, together with one- jointly with the Citv of SantR a.nce, and cause the same to be the assessed valuation of all real fortieth (1140) of said indebted- Ana, of a ioint rnitfall newer. to- Published once in the `Orange and personal property within the ness. gether with one-fortieth (1140) of Countti• News,'' a newspaper of corporate limits of the City of An- SECTION 8. That there be and said indebtedness. general circulation, printed, pub- aheim, except only the property hereby is fixed and levied.a. prop- SF.fiTION I2. That there be lishetd and circulated in said city-. within the annexed territories as erty tax for the fiscal year 193&39 and hereby is fixed and levied a and therefrom and thereafter the described and approved by ordin- of four cents; five and five thou- prcrpc�rty tax far the fiscal year same shall take effect. and be in ances numbers 395. 423, 435. and sand two hundred thirty-one ten 1938-39 -of five ' cents. four and two full force. 456, for the purpose of paying the thcusandths mills (.0455231) on thousand two hundred ninety- The foregoing ordinance was interest of the indebted- each One Hundred ($100) Dollars three ten thousandths mills passed pa.sRed and adopted by the City ness of said city, incurred for the ,of the assessed valuation of all real (.0542293) on each One Hundred Council of the City of Anaheim. purpose of the acquisition of fire & personal property within the cor- ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed on the 13th day of September. apparatus for said city, together rate limits of the City of Ana.- porate a l valuation of all real and p�ersana. 193S• and was signed, approved with one-fortieth (1140) of said heim, except -only the propertt rronerty within the corporate << ,1d attested by me this 13th day indebtedness. within the annexed territories as limits of the City of Anaheim, ex- of September, 1938. SECTION 4. That there be and described and aipproved . by ordin- cepa only the property within the CHAS. H. MANN, hereby is fixed and levied a prop- ances numbers 423, 435, and 456 annexed territories as described MaYor of the City of Anaheim "WVy 'tax for the fiscal year 1938- for the purpose of paying the an- and approved by ordinances num- A TYPIST: 39 of fourteen cents (.14) on each nual interest of the indebtedness bers 435, and 456, for the purpose CHARLES E. GRIFFITI-i, One Hundred ($lOfl.00) Dollars of of said city, incurred for the pur- of paying the annual interest of City Clerk of the City of Anaheim the assessed valuation of all real Pose of ac acquisition and comple- the Indebtedness of said city, in- ( S E ..1 I• ) and personal property within the tion by the City of - Anaheim of curred for the purpose of perk STA TI; Op CAI,�IFORNIA 1 corporate limits of the City of a building for municipal uses, to. improvement, together with one- COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 ss. Anaheim, for the purpose of gether with one-thirtieth (1130 ) fortieth (1140) of said indebted- CITY OF ANAHEIM ) maintaining the public library of of said indebtedness. ness. I, fiH.AS. E. GRIFFITH. Citi- said • city. SECTION 9. That there be and SECTION 13: That there be Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that SEICTION 5. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- and hereby is fixed and levied a the foregoing Ordinance hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1938- property tax for the fiscal year was introduced at a. regular adjourned erty tax for the fiscal year 1938-39 three 39 of three cents, two thousand 1938-39 of two cents, one and six meeting of the qty Council of the City cents, seven and seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-six ten thousand nine hundred seventeen of An heim and was passed and seven hundred seventy- four thousandths mills (.0302726) cqn ten thousandths mills (.0216917) adopted by the following votes: ten thousandths mills (.0377400) each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- on each One Hundred ($100.00) AYES: Councilmen Mann, Pear- on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars lars of the assessed valuation of Dollars of the asseseed valuation son, Yungb?uth, Martenet, Jr., of the assessed all real and personal property of all real and personal property ancd Sheridan. valuation of all real and personal within the corporate limits of the within the corporate limits of the. NOES: Property within the corporate City of Anaheim, except only the City of Anaheim, except only None. CHARLES. limits of the City of Anaheim, ex- cept property within the annexed ter` the property within the an E. GRI T�H• City Clerk of the City only the property within the ritories as described and approv nexed territories as described and of Anaheim. ( S E A L )