6151 2 ORDINANCE; No. 615 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 19 OF ORDINANCE 10. 487 ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE 4 CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE TRAVEL, TRAFFIC AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS: ESTABLISHING A 5 BUSINESS DISTRICT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE BREACH OF ANY OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THIS 6 f, ORDINANCE" 7The City Council of the City of Anaheim does ordain as follows: 8 SECTION 1. That Section 19 of Ordinance No. 487 be, and the 9same is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 SECTION 19*0 BOULEVARD STOPS* The following streets 11 and parts of streets are hereby declared to constitute through 12 highways for the purpose of this s eotion: 13 LOS ANGELES STREET, CENT -ER STREET, LEMON STREET, 14 PALM STREETS BROADWAY, SANTA ANA STREET , OLIVE STREETS EAST 15 STREET, THAT PORTION OF WEST STREET LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE 16 OF CHESTNUT STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF DIAMOND STREET, BALL 17 11 ROAD, AND MANCHESTER AYEitUZ 18 Every operator of a vehicle traversing any street intersecting 19 any through highway shall stop such vehicle at the place where 20 such street meets the nearest property line of the through highwa; 21 before entering such through highway, providing the property line 22 is clearly marked or sign--� osted as required in this ordinance. 23 The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and required to place 24 and maintain, or to cause to be placed and maintained upon each 25 and every street intersecting a through highway and at or near th 26 property line of the through highway p appropriate signs upon the 27 street or devices or marks in the roadway, such signs, devices or 28 marks to bear the word N STOP" or the words N BOULEVARD STOP' in su 29 position and with letters of a size to be clearly legible from a 30 ist4nee o fifty (50) feet along the street intersecting the e. 31 4, Y 32 PAG} i• 1 SECTION 2: The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall 2 oertify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be 3 published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general 4 irculation, printed, published and circulated in the City of 5n.aheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it 6 phall take effect and be in full force. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by thi s loth day of December) 193% ff: SEAL por of the Gity of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA dOiTIfTY OF ORANGE OITY 0F ANAiiZ2Y 89 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anahelm, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was Introduced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 23rd day of November, 1937, and that the sate was passed and adopted at said meeting held on the 14 day of Recembe.r , 19371 by the following vote: AYES: CdUncilmen: MANN. PEARSON _ YtTNC;R .j7j _ lI1rAR1rr' jET _ .TR X JWRIr, NOES: Councilmen: NONF _. ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Councilmen: NONE And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said ordinance on the 14th day of December, 1937. IN WITNESS wHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim, this 14th day of November, 1937. IZi,ty-,,/Glerk of a City of Anaheim 31 II SEAL 32 r FAGE 29 IAN Tfi�ttuit of �uhlitatinn .a ixy ..af. _anabelxn... ....... .....---........----------- Afftbanit of pubitratwu of ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of. - --- Ox-ange ------------------ --- 1 ._Theodore ................................. of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and say$ : That he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that - ---- --------------------he is the ............... ........................... publisher of the.. Anabeim Gazette -- -----------------------------------...------..... a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published___ weekly_.__in said County, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- tion list of paying subscribers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and published in the said County Qf ................................ ....... Or-imge-__._........___- for a period exceeding one i year; ---------------------------------- that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newspaper on the following dates, to -wit: -- -D-a.ae.mb.e.r-_1..6,% -x.5! 7...---•------------------ ...------ .. ..---- .............----- ---- ------ -- - - - --- - ---- - ------------------- • I ' _..--Publisher. I lip-;- lie ted f'r`y► ..:. co ' ��e • ' of �ed : In , ��' - wl�d i� ,�; f apter ,witi prp�' d: 79j, Statutes of„8Z9; as ani�xite and a. to 1may ctuBi�T , . further he intonation i�Yo6ed at the office of for •6. sneer. Proposals t'i.les Ito 5 inclusive must be Submitted ..on blank forms feted the - by : e water supe' . n ,; x ust. big.;=54 it: sWdd -d. •:.r�ijerk -and e of tai' ropos:.is . isA Ci't. Cowl-. C."_ thy:' df reft0 this r or all proposal; 4 . ve any. infarsnality ih►h3:ir- • order of the City wed Deoe�er :5.+ 193` ; CH F'.. ARTS::0.01 city Clle�rk.: civ. of` E �Q. 61S ` CITY OF AMM MW ANUS' . i.E OR- OF I UP i i LI1� A, 'A��Ntx .. �I�. As OF. - li r A gj $a D • j0jg4$jiW-jNiG A SSLR,RS .::: ANY O TIHE TMS AOR- XROULA ONS IN T1 NOE. ” The . City Council of the City of AxIiihelm does ordain as follows: gTiON..l. ThaieFction .:19 Of ria -ce -No.'-'487- big, and the eafy :is hereby annerided to read Subscribed Sworn to before me this -4-1-2-9_---- "_.._ --44( ---------- - -- r/ ----------------------- ,-_ ----- day of _ _ . �': 19'.--6f� r .. --- - ------ Affidavit of Publication—Anaheim Gazette �. fo eo�tte . thot 41 ays for the purMoee of tiffs CSL. STAT, . C..FT- .ST R.EET, 3 T TRT' 4ROADWAY, � .. A. ANA^- ' STX- =, OLIVE EAST ST RET, THAT P .. ION . OF WEST STREET Mini.- t : BETWEEN THE . NORT?f LATE OF CfiE8T9t1T STREET L � O C� A 1:T`IiE SOUTH EINE OF shall take effect -arid be in IIIA OND STREET, B.A L L force. • - full ROAD; AND MANCHESTER The foregoing. ordinance is signed; a Every operator of a vehicle me this 14th roved- ay of aDecem by traversing any street.._ in ' I December, ter�sectir�g i. 193x. • . any through high way shall stop . p (SEAL) CHAS: H.: MANN Such, vehicle at the place where Mayor of the City of An h , h - Bis - , suc street meetsthe nearest proporty line of the through high- a elm. STATE OF..CALIFO RNIA ) ' CITY ! ING � way before entering such through. highway; providing the property' ' . COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS � CITY OF ANAHEIM 3b �. CE TEED; : OR- Line i� clearly marked� Y arked or sign_ Pdsted as required in this ) I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk . ' .OF THE CITY OF ' �N ordi- nanr�• of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that A 1 � E I�M, CALp RNIA, 1 ITLAfiING THE TRAVEL, The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and required to the foregoing mance was introduced at a met- C, AND USE OF PUB-: r place .arid maintain, or to cause to be ing of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held the tic STREET$-- ESTABLISH- ING A BtTSINESS DISTRICT: p(40d and maintained upon each and every street intersecting a through on 23rd ; day of November, 1937, and that the same .was and opted aheld AND.`PRli�.YIDING 'A PENAL- i highway and at or near . at said meeting thessed Ty ]"OR fi� BREACH OF lite :Property line of the through highway, on day of December, 2937 b the ANY,:' RULES AND EGGL,, NS IN THIS OR- ; appropriate signs upon the street or devices or marks in following vote: y e 1I1�T T .for The C' CRY:. of the City of the- roadway, such signs, devices oSTO arks to bear the ! AYES: Councilmen:' MANN, PEAR -SON, YUNGBLUTH MAR- ; Anaheim .ordain asfollows. � ifECTIOW4. ,� word P or the words "BOULE- VARD STOP" in TENET, JR. & SHERIDAN. NOES: Councilmen: NONE. That Section 19 of ° Ordnance No.•�' 487 be, and the ' ' such position and with letters of a size to be ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Councilmen: NONE. sari is "10reby. 'amended to read ' clearly legible from a distance of And I further certify that the as f SECTION 19: BOULEVARD fifty (50) feet along the street in- tersectin g the through highway. Mayor of the City of Anaheim STOPS. The following streets SECTION 2. The City Clerk of signed and approved said ordi- nance on the 14th day of Decem- and parts of streets are hereby I the City of Anaheim shall certify ' ber, 1937. declared to constitute through � 10 the passage of this Ordinance IN WITNESS WHER.PCgF; I highways for the purpose of this section: ; and cause the same to be pub- lished once in the Anaheim have hereunto set my handd LOS ANGELES STREET, CE]Nl , ; 'zette, Ga- a weekly newspaper of I affixed the seal of the City f Anaheim this 14t h day of TER STREET LEMON STREET . , general circulation printed 1 � � ,pub- • _ oer, 1937. PALM STREET, BROADWAY, lished and circulated in the .City CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, .SANTA ANA STREET OLIVE ; of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days (SEAL) ) City Clerk STREET, EAST STREET. THAT ; from and after its final passage, it p g of the City of Anaheim. PORTION OF WEST STREET - - LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH LEGAL NOTICE I LIN. -'E OF ckEjrNUT STREET. A1I7 THE SO T`H LINE Ol" shall take effect and be in. full Di.MO1�TD STREET, B A L L fo ROAD . D MANCHESTER o A ; 'a pro t$`dy i eve -..operator of a vehicle me this 14th . o ecember, trskie any street intersecting 1937. ar* highway shall stop ' ( SEAL) CHAS. H. MANN i such at' the place where Mayor of the City of AnaAeim. st h st reef meets the nearest property. line of 'tie . through high' STATE OF CAT{IFORNIA ) w*' before ..entering such thrajLgh COUNTY .OV 49AN.GE- hi ., provi ftg the property;: CITY OF- ANAHEIM } 1' a iy rr#ai ked or s°i*n4 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk. rdquitibd 'in this ordi -erf - the' 'City. -of Anaheim, do hereby k certify 114 the foregoing ordi- ;: • :: : :. < ..Folli . - by : riarice vitas introduced at eet- s.. , d: q fl alae in . of the City Cauncil� -the or;., to ca t b _pity of AnFthinl, Held on ` Mrd 11I. an-P:iii�ai tained - upon' •eac -� 'ay of Nove Aber, 1937 >a that Areet iii rsec' ;the. same vita passed`kand ai3i ed wad .and gat. dr . ''said` f ee held on the 14th thrOngday of December, 1937 by -the airapiate signs ori _ follov. vote: `' . t Of devides oc inar itiadWa �n e ►,. sub signs, de' )PEARSOI ► ' s s x tQ -bear - the TENET, JR. S>"E 1 or_02, the words "Rb NOES: Cor�cii MAW. ST' P" ill such positi ABSENT A�1Ti� ' :1' a with rs of a size tbi oilmen: e by legib a from adistance o d I furt k _ (00) .feet along the .street inayo.r of the pity 'tits a thrOugh highvo gned and a provi lrl' 'Z: The City Cler]� 'ante on the .14th d 'pity. ::;tea 1937. to... a�:..� � �i ��� . t . s. 1K. WI TNgSs ;f cat6ie s .. `tne to be h set r 1 _ � oh.. fto,nahe'- -. a� JA.seal of LK UN U that the Anaheim nofdi- ecem- 11. i and th` iy of or • vk+ 8 1Cleft Otl r " and after its final passage, it. City of Anaheim.