PC 84-1'~,. ., RE;SOI,U'l':LQN N0. :'1:~34-1 11 RLSOI.U'i'ION U!' '!'HL; ANANEIhI CI'1'Y PL,ANNING COMMI~iSION 'L'H~\`i' I'LTi'P.[dN FOk Cl"~Nl1.l`i'.1ON11L USL; FI.RMIT NU. i5"1.4 L'(? GRX~N'i'I~U WFi~;:F'AS, the l~nat~eim C.it:y ~lar,ning c::ommission clid r.eceive a ver.ified FeCiti.Un .Eo~' Caildztion~.l Use Per.tnit Lrum SANTA ANITA [2LAL'.CY EN'I'L•"F2P~t:iSl:S, INC., I~. 0. Box 6G8, l3r.e~i, CdLLtOCIl1~7 9Z62.7~ owrter., and STN,P[1L~I STIEFEI~, P. O. BuX a50, Lakewo~~~~, Califor.nia 9'17Z4, ag~~nt ot ccr.~~i.~ ,~eal pr.oper.ty situated in the City uf l,naheim, CounL-y of Or.unge~ St~ztc ai ~a~ifor.nia, descr.ibed a~: PARCEf, H: PARCGLS 1 Ui PAkCLL Ml1P 79-"172, IN 'i'ElF CI'!'Y 0[' ANAEIGIM, COUNTY O[' ORANGE, STATF' C`[~ CAl~.I1URN:[A, ~~S PER MAP FII,ED IN I~OOIi ] 46 Pt1GES 16 ACID 17 UI PAFtCEL MAI'S, IN THE OFk'ICE OF TFIE CUUNTY R~CURDG~Z OF SA.i D c:0(1NTY . WHEREAS, the City Pl~.~nning Commission dic] hald a public h~ar.ing ~~t the Civic CenL-~r. in L-he City of Anat~eim on .~anuar.y 9, 1~84, ai: 1:30 p.~n., notice ni :aid pub.lic h~ar.•iny having beeli duly given as r.ayuir.ed by law ~nd ir~ accordanc~ with Che pr.ovi.sions oL khe An~lhc~im Municipal Code, Ct~apt.er. 18.03, to hc~~r. and con:aider. pvidence f~r. and ayain5t said pr.oposed conditional use p~r.mit and to inve:~tigate and laake f:ndinya ancl r.er,omri~ndations in connection ther.ewi.th; and WEiERLAS, said t:ammis5ion, after. due in:pection, investiuatior- ar~d study made by ii:self and in its behalE, and after, d~ae consider.atic:n of. all eviderce and r.epor. ts of fer.ed at said hear. ing, cloes f incl and de~er.tnine the fullcwing facts: 1. That ttie I-roposed use is pr.oper.ly one for. wt~ich a conditional use pEZ~nit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Co~~e Sect.ions 18.44.USO.U10 h 18.06.U50 to wit: to permil on-sale alcohol.ic bever.ages in a r.estaur.ant in the CL (Commercial, Limited) 'Lone with waiver. af: SGCTIpN 18,06.050.U232 - I+linimum number. of par.king spaces. AND 18.44.Q6G.050 (122 s.paces r.equir.~d; GO spaces pro~used) 2. 'rt~at the r.equest~d waiver, is 1•~er.eby gr.ani:~d on the basic thar the par.king var.iance wil.1 not ca-ase an in::r.ea~e in tr.afEic congestion in the immEdiate vicinity nor. adv~r.scly ~Lfect any adjoininq land u~es; an~ that the ycantiny oE r.he par.king var.iancc ur~der. the c;ondi~ions imposed, if any, ~~ri11 nol bp detr.~mental to tha peace, health, saf~t,y or, gener.al ~~+elfar.e of the citizens ot the Citr of Anaheiin. 3. That the pr.o~.~os~d !ise wil.l n~T. adv~r.sely affect the adjoining land us~s and tl;~ g-:owth and development of the ar.e~~ in which it is prU~OSed to be locUter]. 4. 'Phat the size ~nd shap? ~c nc~~ :;ite ~r.opased ~or, khe use is adequate to allow the Cull development of the ~r.ono~e~3 u~e i.n a manner. nut detximental to the ~ar.eicular. area ~1ar. to ~he peace, hea~th, safety and general welfar.e oE the Ci.~izFns o; the City of Anaheim. #0125r. ~'C84"~ r ~1. 5. '~'h~zt. Ci~~e c~r.~r~~ii~y cundit:ion:, impos~~i ii uF ~he C:~;,nditional U,c~ P~--m:it uncier tfie , . ~lny, wi1:l saf:f~i:y ~nd gener.a:1 we.l.far.e oL r he nuc bc t:i~: ire : dc~l:.riment~~l f • to th~ ~cace, health, _ . n ; o L he Ci~y of. Anahnim. '-~ `i'ha~ t.hc. t-.r.at[ic gencr.~tc~d l~y i:hr~ pr.uF>os~d use wi.ll not impose an undue I~ur.d~n upon t:he st.r.~t~L-s arci hi.yhw;ay„ ~:le,;.iyned and improved to carry the tr.aftic in th~ ~r.e~i. 7• 'z'h~t no one indic~~te~~ their. E~r.ese~ce at sai.d opposition; ~nd that no cor.ee~~ondenc~ was r.cc~ivr~i .in opublic hear.in5r:in subject pet.ition. ~posit.ion to _he ENVTRONM.PNTAL• I.iNPACT 1~INI)1NG: Th~~L the ~;nahci.m Ciky Plan~iing Cammission has reaiewe~~ t.h~ pr.o~osal to ~er.mit on-sa1~ alcoholic ~CVE?CciC~E?$ in a r~st~aurant in the ~wL (Cornrner.cia.l, Limi.tcd) lonn wi.lh waiver of mis~imum n~:mber of parking spacc~~~ on a rectangular.ly-shaued par.ce.l o.E land consistinc~ oi' appxoximately 0.9 acr.F locatFd at th~ saukhw~st cor.ner of Rorr.neya UrivE anc:l Euclid ~~r.eet, ai~d ~ur.thex descr.ibed as 1199 Nor.th Euclid Stre~t Broiler.); ,.~nd does her.Eby aPpr.ove the N~ (5~afood gativ~ Decl~,r.at.ion upon Eindiny that it has consirler.ed tne N~~g~itive Declar.ation t:oyether. wifh ~ny comments r.eceived during the publir_ r.•eview pr.oces~ and iur.ttier. Li.nding on the ba;;is of the a.nitial sr_udy and any cornm~~~nts received tt~zt ther.e is no substant.ial evidenc~ that the projec:t will have a signiPicant effect an the envir.onment. NOW, THEREC~RE~ EiE I.' RE50I,VEU that the t~naheim City Planninc Commission does 1•ier.eby grar-t subj~;ct Petition far, C~nditional Use Per,mit, upoil the following condi~ions whir,h ar.e h~,r.eby found tc !:~ ~ necessar.y pr.erequisit~ to r.he propused use oF the subject pr.op~:rty in nrder. ~o pr.eserve the safety and yen~ral suelface of the Citize~zs of t:he ~~il-y o~ Anah~in!; 1• ~~hat subject pxoper.ty staall be ~eve.loped su~stani:ially in accur.c~ance with plans arid sper.i~ications on file wi~`.h the Ca.ty of F,naheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2• That prio.r, to commencement. of the activity author.~.Z~~ under, this r.esoluti~n, or final buildir~g and 2onir~g inspPCtions, Condition No. 1, above-rnentioned, shali bc complied wi~h. BE I'I~ E'UIt7~HGFt R~S~LVED thah the Anal:eirn City P'lanniny Commission cioec her.eUy find ~nd deter.l~ine Chat adoption ~f this kesolution i~ expressly pzedicated upon ,.~i~plicant'y compli~~nce with Pach and ~11 c~f the conditions t~er.einabove set fuKth. Should any such cond.itions, or. any ~act th~r.eof, be declaxed invalid or unenfor.r~eabJ,e by the final judurt;ent ~~t any cnur.t of ~~ompetent jur.isdiction, theri thiy Resolution, anci any approvals herein contained, sha~l bA deemecl null and voi~.l. ~NE E'OREGOSNG f2.ESOLU:'IUN is signtd and a~pr.c;vec~ L-y me this 9th day oE Januaxy, 196~. /I .1 /~~f .C/ • n~~•~~st.~ CHAIftWUMAN, ~'~1AHFIM CITY PLT,NNING COMMISSiQtd v e1TTES7' ; ~-~aQ~ ' ~ :..P~,, ~ Lti.~-,. SECRE;'PARY, ANAHE'!M CITY PLAiV;~ I:JG COMMISSION -i I~C8~4 1 I .... i STATE UF CALIFORN:tA ) CQIJN`.CY UE QRANG~ ) ss. CI`i'X Or AIVAHEI[~ ) I, E;dil:h Ta. Elarris, Secr.etar.y oI` the Anaheim City Pianning Commi~sion, do hece~y cer.tify that L•he ~or.c<;oing r.~,o:lution was passecl ~nd adopteci at a meetin:~ oF rhe Ane,heim City Planning Cc,mmic,siun he:Ld on ~Januar.y 9, 1984, by the following vote o£ the m~mber.s ~.hereof: AYES: COMM:IS~~TONI:~ZS: LiUUAS~ BC]SHOFZC,, F.'ll:t'~ EI~RE3~T~ K.ING~ LA CLAIF;E MC 13UR~IEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NI~NE ALiSSNTz COMh1IS~1~NERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHE;REOF, I have hexeunto set my hand this 9th day af January, 1984. ^ ~ ~-1-~'~ ,~'__~~..:, SE~RL•''r.ARX, ANAHEIM CI'rY PLANiJING GOMMISSION _3_ pca4-1 r.,