PC 84-101RESOI,U'PIUN N0. PC8~1-lOl. A Ftk;SOLU'rIOI~ Oi~' '!'HE ANAfiEIM ~I'PY PLANN7.NG COMMISSION 'I'HA'i' 1~L'1'I'I':[ON I?UI: CONllI'.CTONAL U5E Y~RMI`1' h0. 257F3 HE GRANTEll WHEkL•'A5, the Anahe.im CiL•y F~lanning Commissi.on did r.eceive a ver.i.fied Pclition EQr Conditional Use Perinit Crom [3RYAN TNUUS'PRTAL PRO~'~RTTES, INC., 146 E:ast Or.anyethor.pc~ Avenue, Anah:.~i.m, Ca1.iFc~r.ni.~~ 92801, A`I'TN: JGNNIF~R HOYT, owner, anc! KFNNE~:I'H STA12K AND 4dILLIAM J. RATGRINK, 1321.1 San ~nhon.io Dr, ive, N~cwalk, C~.1LEor.n.ta 9GG5U, agent of• cer.tain real propnrty situaL-ed in the Ci.ty of Anahei.m, Cc~unt,y ~F Orange, State aE Ca.lifor.nia, c~sscri.bed as: THfs F~ASTERL'X 295.34 EEET O.~ THC SOUTH 10.U0 ACR~S OF THE SOU'P~l~AST QUARTEI2 OE~ `rHE SOU`SHWEST QUARTER Oe S~C'tION 34, TUWNSHIP 3 SnUTH, l2ANGE 10 WEST, ZN THE RANCHO SAN J~AN C1~JON DE SANTA ANA, AS SHUWN ON A MAI' RE~.UR~LD IN BOOK ~1 ~AGE 7 O~' t4ISCE~LANEUUS MAPS, kc,CORDS OE SAIU CpUNTY. h~HEREA5, the City ~?lanning Commi.ssion di.d ho.ld a publ-i.c heari.ng at the Civic !'c,~ter in the City of Anaheim or, May 30, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice o~ sai.d public hear.ing having been ~uly yiven as required by law and •in accordance wi.tt~ the provi.sions ~t the Anahetm t+lur~ici.pal Cocle~ Chapter. 13.03, to heat and consi.der evidence for, and aga.ir-st sa.i.d proposed con~? tional use ~-ermit and to .investig~te and ;nake fi.nd.ings and r.ec~mmendakions in connection thercwith; and ~~iHEk~AS, saicl Cotmnissio-i, af.ter. due tns~.~~ction, investigation and study made by ttself anc~ in il:s behalf, and after. due cunsideration of al.l ~vidence and reports offer~ed ar said hear..in~3, does find and determine the following facts: 1. ihat the propos:~:l use is pr.oper.ly one for. which a condit~onal use permit i.~ authorized by ,~.nahexrn Municipal Code :~ecti.on 18.03.03U.010 to wit: to permit a retail fur.nit~.ir.e store in the t4L (Industr.ial, Limiked) Zone. 2. `i'hat the proposed use wi.ll not adv~rsely affect the adjoining land uses an6 the growth and develo~rnent of the acea in whtch it is pr.opos~d ca be ].ocated. 3. That the si.ze an~ shape of r_he site proposed for the use i.s adequate ~o a.tlow Lhe £u11 development oL- the pr.opc~sed use i~~ a manner not detri~mental to the particular. ar.ea nor tu the peac~, health, safety and genera.l wetfare of: rhe Ci.tizens of the City oi Anaheim. 4. That ~he gr.anttng of the Conditional Use Per.mi.t under. thc~ condition:~ .im~~osed, tf any, witl not be detr.imental to the ~eace, healr.h, safety an~ general welfar.e oE the Citt2ens ot: the Ci.t_~ of nnah~im. 5. ''~hat ehe t-~t-~fFic gener.ated by the p~~po~ed use will not .imp~se an unciu~ bur.den upon ~he streets ana hi.ghway~ desi.gned and ~impraved to carry ~he ~r,a£fic .i:i khe area. 6. 'I'hat no one i.ndi.cated their ~r.esence at ~aid publi.c h~~ar. tng i.n opposition; and khat no co~r.espnnclence was r.ecri_ved tn o~posit.i.on to th~ ~ubject ~eti.tion. NU228c P~84-101. LNVIl2pNMEN,l`Aj, IMpAC'1' EINDtNG: '.Ch~xt the Anahei.m City Planning Comm:i~sic~n has r.eview~d r:ie }~r.opo~~l to per.mi~ a r.~ta.il fuzniture ~Lur.e tn rhe ML (Industrial., Limited) 2one on a r.ectari~;~ular.ly•-sh~-~p~~ parcel oE land ~on:;iNting of appr.c~,~.imately 1.86 ar.r.ES, h~~vtng a fr.c,ntage of approxi.mate].y 295 f.eet on th~ nortt~ sicic ot ~r.angNthorne Avenue, and fuc~h~r. c~~scr. ibed -~s 145 East Oranyethorpe Avenue; ~~nd does her~by approve the Negative Aeclar.a~ion upon f.indi.ng that i~ has COt1Si,dEr.~~ the Negative D~cl.ar,ation toc~ether with ~ny comments recr~.ived dur.iny the public r.ev.i.ew pr.octss and further findi.ng on the basis oE the init.ial sLU~y and ~any c.omments r.zceived ~hal• there is no substantial evide~~ce that th~ Nro ject wil.l have ~~ significan~ effect on ~he ~nvtconment. ',;... N~~W, TEIERGc^ORE, E3E I~i~ RESOI,VEU that the Anaheim City Planntng ~~;;:' Cotnmissiun doe~ heceby grant subject Petitiori for Conditional Usp Per.m.tt, upon f~~~: the following condition~ which are hereby founr] l•c be a necessar.y pr.erequisite ~~`' to the ~r.oposed use of che subject proper.ry in or:der, to pr.eserve the safet '~`. and general ~ve~fare of the ~.ikizens of the City of Anah~im: y ' i~ , "~ 1~ 'rhat subject pr.operty ,hall b~ developed substantially i_n accor:dance ;;'~ wi.th plar!s and specifications on file w.ith th~ Ci.ty of Anaheim F~' , marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and '~. ~K~' ~~~ ~ F~~• z• Thar p~.iur aysess - to issuance of a bui.ldin g per.rn.it, a tr.affic s ignal ;:~• ' e+`" menl fee ~qualing the difference between ~he . e ndustr ial s.c~ ~: ~'~' CCiP,II1PCCl~.L a a~:;essme~nt fees shall be paid to the City . . ~nd of Anaheim i };: n amount a s deter.mint~d by the City Council, n ~ ' ~ ';u~+ , 3• Thal• tr~sh approved pl s tor.age areas :;r~all be provzded in accordance wittz ans on fil '~~ ` Diviston. e with th~ ~ r .,t.eet Maintenance and Sanitation `?~; 4. That the propasa.l shall comply wi~h a~l signing r.equirements of the ,~' ~ ML 'Lr~ne, unless a var.iance allowir~ ~. ~~ ~ Planning Commissi.on or. City Couric i.tg 'ign waivers is approved by ~he , i 5. That pcio-: to f.i.nal builc~ing and zonf.nc~ ~nspecti.on;;, Condi.ti.on Nos. 1 and 3, above-menti.oned, ahall be complted wi.t;h. ' ~E IT FU~tTHEH RE50LVED rhat the Anahe.im City Pl;~nntng Commtssi~n c3oes hereby find and deter.m:I.r-e that adoption of th.is Resolution is expressly ~ predi.cated upon applicant's camptiance with each ani3 all of the conditions heceinabove set forth. Should any such condikians, or an declaKed tnvalid oc unenforceable by t-ie Final y Par.t theceoE, k~e competPnt juczsdiction, then this Resolution a ~d 9~~n ~ af any cc~u~t oF contained, shall be deemed nu.ll and voi.d. ' y E~~COVa1~ her.ei.n TEtE F~ORGG~TNG RESOL,UZ'IUN is signed and appr.oved Uy m~ this 30th day ... of May, 1984. ,~'"~ "= ' / /"%'~~ `~ ~'/ , ..._.l~r ;-' ~. r. r -~_• CHAITtWOfNAN 1k~i NEIhI CITY PLANNIN~ COttM.iSSl'ON A'CZ'ES'r: '~ ...• SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CIiY Pt,ANNIN(~ COMMISSION -2' PC64-1~1 1 STATE Or CAL:L'E'O12NI7~ ) COUN'rY 0~' 0l7ANGE ) ss. CIZ'Y OL ANAIiExM ) I, Eciith L. Harris, S~cr.etar.y of the Anaheim C:tty Planr~ing Gommi.sy:ion, do her.~by ctrtify thar trie ~ur.egoing ~e:olution was pass~d anc3 adopted at a meetirig of the Anaheim City Planriing Gommissinn held on May 30, 1984, by the f.oll~w:i~y voi:e of the members ther.eo.E: AYES: CUMMISSTONERS: 130UAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HEI2II5T, KING~ LA CLAIRE NOES: r.OMMISSIONERS: NUNE ABSEN'1': COF;i~1.T~SSIONER$: MC BURNL•'Y IN Wl'TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~hi5 30th day of May, 1984. ~~~~ K, ` . _ --_~~-~i~~,. SECRETAKY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS:ON -3- PC84-101. ~-