PC 84-103Fik~~'~ ~ Y . -- i~ `~ R TA,~' 6 ti ~'. t'{ti'• Y::: , ~ 1~i'~.,~:; i ~~'~isU~ ~ ' i UTTON N0. ~ 103 ,,~~;:~ k C B 4 - ~iM1',,r',;,<J --------=---- fq~ ,.. j A RESOI~U'i'IUN Of~' ~'HE ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION °~', ;:; ~,CHAT .PL;TI:I'ION 1~O.R VARIANCE NO. 340p 13E DENI~D ,l;,s fi `': WHk;REAS, the Anaheirn City P.lannii~g Commiss:ion did recei,ve ~ ! Pctit.ion £ur Variai~ce Fr~m SAN Hunt~.ington k3cach, CalifoKnia 92g~~ R~ UE a verif:ied l~~.~;'~ Q, INC~, 16902 ~olsa Chica~ #203 ' the Ci.ty of Anah~im, Ccunt.y of. Orange,y State of al fornia ~r~~er.t ' ~ Y situated .in descr~ibed as; ,~ PaF;CEL 1: ~'~ H£ ~ORDED ~N1,0'BOUK O 78 ~P,ApAGES ~ 215$ 7, AS Sf10WN pN A ~ TO Zg MAP ;;; MISC,~LLANEOUS MAPS ~ TNCLUSIVE ~~',;: : , RECOk~DS O.E OHAN~~: COUN'1'Y C1F ~;,~, , , CA.LI['ORS~IA. ~~~"'' ~j~L~~A~, L-he C.ity Plann.ing Co.mmission d.id hold a ;;~~v ~ C.i,vic Cent~r ~in the City of Anaheim on Ma 30 ~ ~' pub1~.G hear.ing at the !~~', ~! ya~~ ~~ublic hearing havi.ng beEri du~ ~' r 1984, a~. 1:30 p.m. ~ noti.ce of ~~':.`'~ wi.th the Y 9iven as r.e w' ' p'c~vi.sions of tY~e ~nah~im Munic.ipa] Code, r haptera~laa03,'' todccor.~ance 4``~i consi.der. avidence for and against said pr.oposed var.iance i ' hear and ,~;,;, make findings and recomanendations in cotinect.ion therewith, ~nd ~~ t~~vPStigate and i~' ~ ''; WH~KEA~, said c:~mmission, after. ~ '.,~, + study made b du~ l.t]SiJC'CE ~011~ i.nvestigation and evxdence andy reports c ffer d~at sa.id1fheaxLa afl-er due considexation of ~ ~ all , following facts; n~, does find and i determine the Y;. '~;j 1. That the pet~it.i.oner 1-d '} block wal.l and swimmin ~ Aoses waiver.s of l•he follok~ng to r~tain a ; 9 pool: r 1~ (a) SEC~rIONS 18.O~1o043.101 18,~23 0 0 _ AND 1f3.23.064.070 (b) SECTIUN 1~3~pG3.011 • - Max.imtxm fence heiqht. !3 Eeet permitted in front 5,5 ~~et exi.sting) Yaxd; M_inimum front vard setb_ack. (25 ft• r.equired; 1,4 ho 32 ft. -_______...r e x i s t~ n g) 2• That the above-m~;~ti,oned wai~~ers ar.e that ther.e are n~ special ci.rcurn~ anceN a ~ereb t " pplicable to the prpperhd ~n the b~~si,s Sh~Pe, topogrdphy, ~o~~~lon and surzoundings wk~ich do not i.denticall zoned Y such as si.ze, y p~oP~zty .ir. the same v:icinit ~pP1Y to orhez the Zona.ng Code doea no~ deprive the y% and that s~ri~1: a P~'opeKti.es in th~ p~'operty d£ K~plication of identi.cal zone and ~].assi.Fzcation p n Vthe9vic ntty eand subject to Interdepaztmental i.omm.ittee recommer~dations. 3• mhat ther.e are no exceptiona:l cr: extr.~-~pr.dznar. ~. cond.ita.on , appiicable to the Y circum: _ances nK pt~p~r.ty that do ~iot a proper.ty involved ~r to rhE :intended use of the vicinity and zone, ppl~ yenerally to the pz~pErt~, or Class of use in the same 4• That the r.~~qUeUt~d ~~riancc~ is not necessnry for the preser.vation and enjoyment of a substant.ial pr.operty right; s~mp viciri.ity and zone, and denied to the pzO~,~ ty ~ ns~d by other property i.n the question. #0231r P84-103 ~t~ ~ ~ 5. tkie ~ubl.ic That w~lEar e the requesi:ed var. ianc~ r i wi.ll ae mat~ri.ally detr, i.mental ~o v:icini~.y and . zone in . o njur. ~ous to the which lh pr.oper.ty o1- improv~me~lts i,n such ~ pKOper.ty is locatcd. 6. That iott-,- persr~ns indi.caterl their. pr.esenc~ ai: sa:id publi.c hear.ing i.n opposiL-:ion; and that one ].etter was r.ec~~iv~d in apposit.i.on to subject petition. GNVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FTNDING: The Planni.ng Dir.er.tor. or hzs authorizec~ represer~tativ~ h~s det~rmi.ned that ~he ., within ~he ~efinition oE Categorical Exemptions, Clas~~5p~ as def~nedt in atl~ie ~tai;e EIR Gui.delines and is, thecefor.e, c:ateyqrically exempr from the requi.rement tu prepar.e an .ETR. NUW, THEREFrJ12E, BE IT RESpLVED thak the Anaheim City Planning Commiss:ion does hereb,y deny subject: Petit.ion Foz Variance on Lhe basi.s of the a~torementianEd f a.ndi.ngs o THE FOItFUOTNG RESOLUTION is signed and approvec7 by me ~hi.s 30th day of May, ~y8~}. : !~7,~ ~ /~~c:~' ~c_ • .~-~ --,x-..~-.~'zL..~.~ CHATRWOMAN, ANA~F IM CTTy PLANNING COMMISSZON ATTES'.P ; ~ l,~ i1 . .c ~ SECRETARY, ANt~fiEIM CITY PLANN:[NG COMMTSSION STATG UF C;ALIFQFtiVIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF ) SS~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Editl.~ ~,. Hazris, Secretar.y ~a~ the Anaheim City Planning Conunissioti, do hereby c~rtiiy that khe toregoing r.zsolution was ~assed and adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on May .30, 1984, by the .Eollowing vote o~ the member,s thpr.eof: AYES: COI~IMISSIONE;FtS: ~3USHORE~ ~RY, KIN~, LA ~LATRE NOES: COMMISSIC~NERS; BUUAS, HERBST ABSEN`r: CGt9MISSIONFRS: MC BUKNEY IN WITNESS WHEREOE', I have hereunto set my l~and th.is 30th day oi May, 1984. ~ r~,c...~ ,~~..~ . ~~ ~ECRE'1'AkY~ ANAHEIM CI~'Y PLANNING COMMISSION