PC 84-106--~. RFSOLU`i'IUN NO. k'C84-].06 A 12ESOLU'I'ION OC TH~ ANAH~IM CI'i'Y PLANNTNG COMMISSSON ~'I~AT PLTTTION ['OR CUN~T'!'TONAL USL; PERMI'P N0. 2525 ~3f. GR.AN'1'k;D WHER.EAS, the Anahe•.i,m City P.l.ann.ing Commission dic7 r.eceive a vcriFi.~u P~kit.i.on fur Candi.l-.i.onal Use Permit Er.om EIOLLY W~ DAV:[DSUN, P. 0. Box 3~5, HoluaJ.oao HI 96725 and WCS INTERNATIONA~,, 3?.00 East Fr.~pt~r~ ;;treeL, Anaheim, Cal.i.foxrii~.~ 92$OG, owners, and ORANUE COUN'i'Y S'P~EL/SALVAG~;, TMC~, 32p0 ~ast Frontera S~r~et, Anaheim, Ca7.i~ornia 9280b & GEORGE ADAMS, 3?.OU East Fran~era Str.eet, Anaheirn, Cal.ii:orni.~ y2~306, ager.ts Eor cert~i.n real. proper.ty sii:uated :in th~ Ci~,y of Anaheim, Co~ar-ty oF Or.ange, Stat~ o£ Cd~.i.FOrpj,~~ descr.~.bed G~,; T[IOSE FUR'1'IUNS OF LC~TS l.]., ].2,, AfJll 1.3 INCLUSIVE OF "ORF,NGG CROVE ~1CRES N0. 2" ~S SIi~WN ON A t4AP RECORDFD IN f30UK 7 AT PAG~ 36 OF' MISC:ELLANLOUS MAPS OI' ;;AID QRAI~IGE COUi~~TY, LYING SOU'.PH OF THE SOUTH LIP7G OF 7.'HE LAND CONV£YED TO '1'HE ~TATE OF CALIFORtdIA BY uI;ED RrCORAED MAY 24, J.9G3 IN EOGK 656J., PA~E 239 OF OFF.ICTAL RECORDS. LOTS 31 A,ND 32 OF "URANGE GHOVE ACRES N0. 2" AS SH0~4N ON A MA.~ RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 3G OF MJSC~LLAN~OUS MAPS, RGCORD; 0~ ORI~NGE COUNTX, C.ALIFORNIA. EXCEPTTNG THEP.EFROM '~'HAT PORTION OE SAID LOT~ CONVGY~D '~0 TEiE COUNTY qF ORANGE BY DEED RECC~RDED AUGUST 23, J.922 IN BOOK 433, PAGG 202 OF DGEDS. TFiAT PORTiQN OF `i'~IE NORTH HALr' UC POMELO DRZVF, AS SHOWN (1N `xi•1F MAP OF "ORANGE GROVE AC.RES N0. 2", RBCORDEll IN F300K 7, PAGE 36 QF ~1ISCELLANLOUS P]APS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTX, CALIFORNIA, ADJOI~tING LOTS ].J., ].2, A~3D J.3 dF SAID CRANGE GROVE AGRE:S NO. 2, ON THE SOUTH AND 'rHAT PORTION pi~ THE SQJ'PH HALF' OF SAID PUMELO DRIVE APJQiNING LOTS 3l AND 32 OF SAID OHANGE GROVE ACR~S N0. 2 ON THE NORTEl, ABt1NDONED AND VACATCD BY RESOLUTION UF TEIE BUARD QF SUPERVJ:SURS OF ORANGE COONTY ON MARCH 29, J.930, A CERTIFIF.A COPY OE' WH1CE1 WAS RECORDED t9AF2CH 31., J.930 IN BOUK 972, kAG~ 1.64 OF OF'FICIA'L RECORDS. L0~'S l.~ A.NA 15 OF dRANGE GROVE ACRL•`S N0. 2 AS S[•IOWN ON A MAP RECOFDED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 36 Or' MISCELLAVEOUS MAPS, IN THG OfFICE OF THE COUNTY RFCURD~R OI' OItANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF POMELO DRIVG, ADJOINING, VACATEll DY ORL~ER OE THE 80ARD OE SUPERJTSORS OF UI2AIVGE C:OU[3TY, A COPY GF WHICfi WAS REGORD'r;ll MX~RCH 3J , 7.`'3E3, IN SOOK 932, PAGB 164 OE" ON'FICIAL RECORDS. GXCEPTTNG THERLFROM THAT PORTTON DESCFiIBCD '!N UPC1 ST11'~E UF CALIF'OR~VIA RECO.RDFD ON FEBRUARY 24~ 195E 34].0, PAGE 1.24 AND DE[:D 2'0 THE STAZ'E OL' CALIFORNIA GN APRIL J.7, 1.964, IP~ BOOK 7008, PAGE 52., BO'I'H QE' RECORDS OF S~TD ORANGE COUNTY. #0233r ) OF THE IN BOOK RECVRDED OFFICIAL PC84-l.Ufi . fru^15 ° nap WHEREAS, the Cit,y P].anni.ng Commission did ho].d a pub].ic hearing at the Civi.c Cen+~er. i.n the C.ity of Anahei.m on June ]..1., ].9f34, ai: ].;30 p.m,, natice of said pub].ic hear.ing having been du].y given 1s r.equ?.r.ed by ].aw and in ~ccordar~ce with the provi.s.ions ot rhe Anaheim Municipa] Code, Chaptcr. 7.8.03, to hear, and consid~r. evi.dence for, ar~d agair-st said pr.oposed conditiona7. use per~na.~ and to investigate and ~i~ake findings and recommendations in r.onnecL-ion th~r.Ewi.th: r~nd WHEREAS, said Conaniss.ion, after due inspecl•ian, i.nveatic~ation and stuciy made by i.tseJ.f and in its b~hal.t, ancl a:Eter due consi.deration of alJ. eva.~ence and r.eports offered at said h~ari.ng, does f.ind ancl deter~ni.ne the fo].].owiny ~acts: 7.. Th~t the proposed u~e is pr.operly ane tor wh.ich a cond.itional. use permit is authorized by Anahei.m Munici.pa]. Code Sccti.on, ].8. 6J..050. 2?0, J.8. 6J..05U. ~tJ., J.8. 67..050. 5].6, and ).8. 6].. 050. 6].2 to ex~,and a zesource r.ecovery op~zation, incJ.ud.ing an automobi.le di.smant.li,ng business with who.lesa.le and reta.a.]. sates of aui:o par.ts and w.ith waiver, of tt~e foll.ow9.ng; SLCTIONS J.8.06.Os0 - Requ.ic~d i.mprovement af parkinq areas AND ]. (FUJ.]. p~~vinq requi.red; ~ravel and oi.l pr.c~p~sed ) Z. That the above r,•~quested waiver, is hereby granted on the basis of the nature of the use anc! that rhe par.king varzance wil.l. not cause an xncrease .in tr.affic congesti.on in the immediate ~.ic•inity nor adversely affect any adjo:ini.ng ].an~ uses; and that the granting ~f the par.kit~g var.iance under th~ conaitions imposed, if any, wi).]. not bc cietr.imenta7. to t:he peace, hea].th, safety or genexal. welfar.e of the ritizens of the City of Anat~eim. 3• That the proposed use wi.ll. not adverse3.y affect the adjoi.ning J.and uses and the growth and deve7.opm~nt oP ~he ar.c~a in whi.a}: it is proposed i:o be local•ed. 4• Ti~at the siz2 and sh~pe of the si.te proposed far the use i, adequate t~ all.ow the f!~].1 deve].opment of tkie pro~osed tise i:: a manner not detrimQntal. to the par.ticul.ar area nor. to the peace, hea].th, safety and general welfare of the C'itizens of the Citv of Ailaheim. 5. That the granting of trie Condxticnal. Uae Permit under. the cond.itions impo;ed, :~f any, wi].1 not be detr.imental. to thc pe~ce, heal.th, saFety and 9en~ral we].far.e of the Citizens of the Ctty of Anaheim. 6. That the traFl-.ic yeneral:ed by the ~r.oposed use w.il.l. not imposP an undue burden upon the stre~ts anci high~aays desi.gned and improved to car.ry thF: traffi.c in the area. 7. That ~~o one i.ridzcated ~hei.z presence at sai.d p~a~l,i.c P,earing in oppositi.un; and that no carr.espondence was re~~a.ved i.n ~~..~sit.ion to the subject pet~ikion. -~ I~CB~~-106 ~.~or,i ; ,~.w~,~ LNVIRONh1EN'I'AL IIdPACT E':tNDTNr: 'I'hat Lhe Anaheirn Ci.i:y 1~1.anning Commission has r.evie.~wed the pro~usa.l. to pxpand a resour.c~ r.ecover.y oper.ati.on ancl to incl.ude an autornobi.l.~ dismant].ing business with wl~o].esal.~ and r.etai7. sales of auto parts, with waiver. ~~f requir.ed im~~r.ovement of par.king ar.eas on ara izr.eguJ.axJ.y-shaped par.cel oE land cun~isti.ng oE approxi.mate7.y 8.2 acres havi.ng a frontag~ oF appr.oxr.mateJ.y 1..].7U feet on the south side of Fr.onter.~ Stzeet, and furth~z described as 32.00 East F'r.onteza Street (Orange County Ste~l. Sa].vage); and does hereb,y appr.ove the Negati.ve Decl.ar.ation upori L:inding th~t ii: has considered the Negati.ve Declar.ati~~n toc~ether wi.th 1ny comments received duzxng the pubJ..ic review pr.ocess ancl l=ur.tt»~: finding c~n the basi.s of the initial study and ar~y comments received that ther.e is no substantiaJ. evidence thaL• the pro.jec~ w.il..l. have a signi£i.cant eft-ect on l-.he enviroriment. NOW, THEREE~t~RE, B~ T~P F2ESOL~'LD that the Anahei.m Ci.l-y P.l3nning Commi~ssi.on does hereby gzant subject P~tition For Conditi.onal Use per.mit, upon the fol.l.o~~ing condi.tions which ~are hereby found to be a necess~r,y prer.equi.si.te to the proposed use of the subject proper.ty i.n order to pr.eserve the Nafety and genera]. we].fare of. the Citizens of L•he City o£ Ariahe~im: J.. That this Cnndi.t.ional Use Per.mi.t is gra~;tecl subj~c~ t.c the com~J.etion of Reca.lssif.i.caticn No. 83-84-1.5, now pending. 2. 7'hat trash sto:ag~ azeas sn~7.l. bE pr.ov:ideG in accor.dance with appro'v'•c~d plans on file with the Street Mai.ntenarice and Sanitation Di.vision. 3. That dr.atnage of subject proper.ty shaJ.l. be ciispose~ of. in a manner. satisfacto.ry to ~kie Ci.ty Engineer.. 4~ That khe pcoposa.l sha.l.l. compl.y with a1.7. signing r.equirements of the ML Zone, un7.es ~ a vari~nce a:.].awiny sign waiver.s is approved by the Plai~ning C~mmission or Cii:y Council. 5. That subject pr~perty sha].l. be devel.~p~d substar.ttaJ.l.y in accordanc~ with pl.ans an~ soeca.F.ications or~ f i.l.e wi.th the Cxty of Anaheim rnarked Exhibit No. ]. (P].an A); pr.ovidF~d, tic~wever, that subject pr.oper.ky may be devel.oped subs~antiaJ.ly i.n accar.daric2 with p].ans and ypeci.fications on file with the City of Anahexm makkeci ~xhibit No. 2 (Pl.an B) upon a Lindi.ng by the City Attorney's Office ~hal-. the petxtioner has submi.tited adequate pr.ooC for. vehicuJ.ar access and p~ck?.tig r~ghts on aband~ned Newkirk Road. 6. That all. outdoor storage areas, ~xcept as otherwi.~e approv~d i.n cr~nnec:tion wi.th Conditional. Use Per.mit No. 1.703, sha:l be encl.osed wxth chain J~ink Eenc:ing interwoven with redwoocl or cedar s].ats, aoli.d tnaso~nry block waJ.~s and/or an ear. then berm or. any combina+: ion ther.eof; the hea.ght ot said encl.osur.e to ,:uJ.l.y screen said outdoor. sLorage. 7. 'Phat Canditi.on No~. ]., 2, 3, 5 anc: 6, above-ment ~o~~ed, sha11. be compl.eted within a per..io~ of 9U days fr.om the date of thi.s r.esoiukion. 8. That thi~ conditional. use pPrmi.t shal.l. be effecti.ve on1.y up.~n the appr.ovaa. o~ thc use by the Anahei.m Rzdeve].opment Agenc~~. 9. That no outdoor, stU~age shaJ.l pr.oject above the enclosur.e £enc:i.~g. -3- PC~4-).06 ,;'. ~""~'1 ~~,. ~3L I'.P FUR'!'H~R RLSOLVED that the Anlhei.m City Pl.anning Commi~sion daes her~by f.ind and deter,mi.ne that adoption of th.is Resol.uri~n i.s expr.~ssly pred.icated upon appl..i.cant's cor~plianr.e with each and aJ.]. of. ~he condttions heteinabov~ set Eorth. ShouJ.d any such cond.i.ti.or:s, or. an.y pa-:t ther.eof, be declare~i inva7.i~~ or un~nfo~ceahl.e by the Fina.l. judgmenL• of any cour.t oF competent juci.sdir.~ion, t;h~ri th~is l~eso].ution, and any ap~r.ovats her.ein conta.i.ned, sha].a. ~e c]e~med nu]..l ana void. '.t'HE FOREGOING RESOLUTI~N i.s sign~d and appr.oved by rne thi.s ll.th c~ay of .TUne, 7.984. .- ~/~~G~[.~~e~~ CHAIRWOI~7AN,~. AHFiN; CTTY PLANNING CJMMISSTQid AT`i'EST : ~ ~ 9-~---~J ~ '~,.~.~.. SE~ktETARY, ANAHETM CTTY ~rANNING COMMISSTON iTATE OF' CALIFORNIA ) COUN'.PY OF URANGE ) ss. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L, Hazr.i.s, Secretar.y oE the A~naheim City P].anning Co~rimxsstan, do hereby cer.L-ify khat th:.~ for.~going resol.utioi~ w~s passed and adopted at a rneetiny c~f the Anahe9.m Cit,y P].anning Commi~~ion hel.d on June 1.7., ].984, by the fo~l.owi.ny vo~e of the mEmbe~s ther.eof : AYES: CQMMISSIUNERS: 1i0UAS, IIf~SHOR~, FRY, HERBST, KING, MC BURNFY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AB$ENT: COMMISiIONERS: LA CLAIRE Iiv WITNESS WE3~;REOF, I have her.et~nt,~ ser my hand this ).lth day o~ .1une, J.98~. ~ • ~ ~~,~~ SECRE~'A Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION -4 PC84-].06 ~ ~~ ~ ~, : ~