PC 84-10812ESOLUTION NU. PC84-l.Ufi A k2~SOLU'1'IUN pI~' '1'E(E ANAHLIM CI'i'Y I~L,ANNTP~G COMMISSTQN ',1'NAT PE`1'I'I'ION I UIt CUNUITIONAL USE PCRMI'1' Nc. 25~0 RE ~RANTED WtiER~.~S, t;h~ Anahc:i.rn ~iL-y P.l.anning Commi.ssion ciid rece~ive a ver.tti.ed I'etition for. Conc9iti.ona.l Use Per.m~t E'r.om GCONO-I,U~E, INC., ATTN; RUSSF;LL P~RKxNS, 491). Elir.ckl Str.~et, Newport Beach, Ca.l.ifor.ni.i 9?.6G0, owner, r~f cectai.n real ~~roper.l•y situ~t~~:~ i.n the Cily oP Anahcim, Counly of Or.ar.ye, State of Ca:l.:ifornia, des~r.{bed ~S; PARCGL .l. ; 'rHF SOUT~IGRLY 175.00 ~'E;ET OF '!'HL EASTEfiLy j.63.00 FEE'r OF THE SUU'1'HEAST ~UF.FtT~'tt OI' `.CHF. SOUTHEAST QUFR7.'F.R OE' Tk:G SUUTHW~ST QUARTE:R C~[' SEC't'IUN J.1., TUWNSEiiP 4 SOU`rH, RAD1Gr; ].]. WE5`i', IN ~i'BE RANCHO LOS COYO'PES, CZTY OF ANAH~IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATI; UC CALIFpRNIA, AS PCF< MAP RECt?RULD IN BOOK 51., PAGE .l.J. OF MISCLLLl1NE0US MAI~S, ITl `PHE UFFICG OF THE COUN'CY RECORDER OI' SATD COUNTY. LXCEPT TEiOSE PORTIUN;; 'I'HEREOF DESCRIBFD AS PARCEI, 1 P.ND PAf2CEL 2 IN THE DEGD TU 7'HE STATE OF C~ILIFURNIA RECnRDED MARCH 16, 1.956, IN BOOK 3~138, PAGE 502 0~ UEFICIAI~ R£CORllS UF SAIU COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Pl.anning Commission did ho7.d a pui~).ic hearii:~ at the Ci.vic Center in the City of ~lnahei.m cn June ].1., J.g84, ~at 1;30 p.m., notic~ ot said publtc hear.ing having been duly given as required by ]aw and in accordancr wtrh the provi.s.ions of the Anaheim MU~IiC i.Pc3]. Cpde~ Chapter 18.03, to hear and cunsider. evi.denre for and aga.inst said pro~oyed conditir~nal use per.mit and to tnvestiyate and make findinys and r.ECOrr,mendati.ons in connectton therewith; and WFiEREAS, satd Cvmmissipn, ~ifter. c~ue inspecl- ion, tnvestiyati.on ~'tnd stud,y made by {t~el.f and in i.ts bet:al.£, and after due consideratton of a7.:1 ' I evidence and repur.ts off~r.ed ;,t said hear.i.ng, daes f.i.nd and deter.mine lhe fol.l.ow~ny facts: i 1~• '.~'hat the ~r.~po,;ed us~a is p~.oppr.ly one for which a condittonal. ` u~e per.m~t is au~horized by Anahei.rn Munictpal. C~de Secti.on to wit: to per.rni t expansion of an existi.r~c3 aukomobi.l.e tune-up center. 2• That the propustd ~:;e wil.l not ariver.•~Ely aff~ct the adjotning land uses and the growth and development oE lnr: ar.ea irt wnic.h it i.~ pr.opoaed to be l.ocatP~.l. 3. That r_he yi.ze and shape oE the site pr.opose~~ for the ~~se {s adequate ro al.l.ow ttie ful.l. <leve]opment ot- thc~ pro~o;;ed use in a manner n4C detr.f.tn~ntal. to the gar.ti.cul.ar. ar.ea nor. ta tl~e pe~ace, healrh, safety and yener.al welfar.E nf the C~.Liaen~ of rhe Cii;y ot T,nahei.m. 4. Tha~ the gr.~nti.ng o£ the Cond(tiona' Use Pecmtt under. the conditions i.mpos~ed, if any, wi.;.1, not b~ d~r.r.imcntal to the ~ear.e, health, safety and gen2r,a~. wel.£ar.e uf. ~tiF~ Ci.tizens of the Ctty of nnahei.m. ~0'135r ' PCII4-I.O~ . r,_ 5. '.Chat thc traff:i,c g~nerated k~y the pr.opo~ed use wi.].J. nnt impose an unc9ue bur.dc~~ u~on tne str.eet~ ancl highw7ys de~i.gncd and tmproved t~ car.r.y the traf.Eic i.n l-.he ar.ea~ 6. That no one inraicaL•Ed thei.r p~~U~nce at sai.d publ.i.c hear.in~~ tn opposi~:ion; and that no cor.r.es~ondence was r.~c~i.ved in ~pposi.t3.on Ca thc sub~ect petition. FNVIHONMENTAL IMPACT FINL:NG: 'i'hak the Anaheim Ci.ty Yl.ann~~ng Commtssion has rev.tew~d the pr.apo~al. tn expand an automobi.l.e tune-u~~ center ].ocated ~n a i.rrc_yul.ar].y-~hap~d p~r.cel. of l.and c•onsYStinq af approximate].y 0.35 acr.e ].ocatcd at the nor.thwes~ cor.ne,: of Lincol.n Avenue and Western Avenue, and further. described as 3~O1. west Lincul.n Av~nu~:; and doe~ hereby approve t.h~ Negat;ive Dec).ar.atxon upon .f..inci.t.ng *_hat it has con~i.,~er.ed the l~egative Decl~rati.on tognthet with any cornments r.eceived dur..ing the publ.ic xev:te~~r process and f.ur.ther finding o~~ the basi~ of the i.nil:i.al study and any commer.FS r.eceived thai: there is no substanr ~aJ. evidence thar. the pr.oject wi1.]. have a s:iantf~.canL• e~fect on th~ envir.o~zment NOW, THEREFO.RB, BE; IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ci,ty Pl.anning Commission. does her.ebv grant subj~ct Petitior~ for. Conditi.ona~. Use Per.rni.t, ~ipon the fo.l.].owing condit:ion~ which ar.e hereby £ound to be a n~ce~sar.y ~,~rerequisite to the proposed use of the subject proper.fy in order to pr~ser.ve the safety and gener.a]. wel.faze of tt~~ rit~i.zens oP the C.ity of Anaheim; l.. Thar. the ~wnec of sub~ect pr.oper.ty shalJ. pay to the City of Anaheim a tee f~r. str~et l.ightin3 alor~cJ L.incal.n Avenue and Wester.n Avent~e in an am~unt as deter.minpd by the C~.ty Council.. 2. ~'hat the owner oE subje~k proper.~y shal). pay to the City of Nnahetm a tee for tr.ee plani:ing purposes along Lincol.n Aveniie and Western Avenue in an amount as der_armi.ned by the City Counci.l.. 3. That ther.e sha].] be no ~urdoor. stor.age or. work on aul-omubtl.es or. autornotive par.ts. ~. ?'hat pri.or. to i.ssuar.ce of a building per.mi.t, the appropri.ate traf.ftc signal. asse~sment fee shal.l. he paid to the Ci.ty of Anatiei.m in an at~ount as deter.m.ined by thz Czty Council. f~:r. n~w commer.ctal buiJ.dinr~s. 5. Z'hat trash stor.age a.e~as sha7.l be provid~~d i.n acco~dance with ap7roved pJ.ans on £.tl.e wi.th the Str.cet Maintenar-ce and Sanftatii.on Di.vi.sion. 6. Z'hat chP ~rnpo~al shal.J. comply F•i~h aJ.l. signtng r.~quir.emencs of the CL Zone, unl.ess a va~riance al.lowtng si~~n watver.s i.s appr.uved by the Ylanrii.ng C~mm.is:.ior. or Ci.ty Counci.l.. 7. :~hat ~ny pr~po,c~d E,:~rkinn ar.Na lighriny f~•:i:~lr.es ~hal.l be duwn-.tighted with a maxi.rnum heigt~t of 12 feet. Sai.d l.ighttng ftxtur.~s shal.l b~ df~ected ~~way Lrom au~acent proper.ty li.nen tc pcotect the r.esidenti.aJ. fntegr.ity oE the ar.ea. -2- PC84-.108 ~-. _ ~ ~V 8. '.l'hat: subject pr.oper.ry sha.i.l. b~ cievel.o~~d subsh.anc:i.al.l.y •l.ri accor.dance w:ith ~l.uns and speci.f ications on ti,le wi.t:h th~ Ctl-y oF Anaheim m~rk~d Lxhi.bit Nos. ]. thr.ougt~- 4. lU. '~hat: prior, l-o th~ comm~ncE~me~nl: ot' the acti.vity au~hor.i.ed under, this r.e>~.lut ion, or pr.i.oc to the t.i,ine or wtthin a per.iod oF onc: yecar. that Er.om a buil.ding ~er.mit i.s i.~staed, tha date o~ this resal.utton, whi.chE~vHr. occurs t.irsL•, Cond.El:ion Nos. ;., ? and 4, abave-rnentxoned, sh~~J.l be compl.ied w~th. L:ct~nsi. ons L-or. fur.ther ti.me t~ complete saic] conditi.ons may be gr.ankecl i.n accor.dan~.e with Section ].ft.03.Q90 oE the Atiahe.itn Muni.cipal Coc~?. l.J.. That prior. to final. bu.i.l.diny and zo»ing inspcctions, Condition Nos. 5, 7 and 8, above•-ment.ianed, sha].1. be ~:pmpJ.ted with~ BE IT FUR~'HER RESOLVED Lhat the A~ah2im City }?~anning Commisston does t~er.eby Eind and dete~mine that adoption oF thi.s Resol.uti_on is express~.y predicated upon appl.icant`s compl..ianc~ with E~ch and al.l of the c~nditions hereinabove set Eorth. Shoul.d any such condtti~ns, ~r any par.~. ther.eof, be declared inval.id or unenfor.ceabl.e by the ~inal. judyment ~f ~~ny cour.t of competent jurisdicti~~., then r.his Resc~l.ution, ~ind any appr.oval.s her.~in conta~.ned, shal.:l. be d~emed nul.l and void. TH~; b''OREuOiNG RE;aO'LUTION is s~.g:,.ed and ~pprpved by me this llth da_~+ of June, 1984. r/ ~ / 'c" ~/ ' OC/~-~G_~d!'~7 CHAIF.[JOM~1~} " ANAHE:IM CI'1'Y i~r.ANNINC C7MMTSSZON .~ A'1'TEST : ~~/"L~..J ~ ~~LL.P.1 SECRETAItY, ANAHEZDi GITY PLANNII~G COMMISSION STATE OF CALIE'ORNIA ) COUNTY OE' QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Har.ris, S~cretary of the Anahetm City Pl.anning Commission, do hereby cer.tify that the Eor.eqoing z~eso~uti.on ~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the An~heim City PJ.anning Co~nmis~i.an hc:lci on June 1J., 1.984, by the following vote of the member~ ther.eof: AYE.^,: COMMISSIONERS: BO()AS, BUSf?ORE, Fkl, HF.HBST, KIr1G, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMiSaIqI3ERS: NONG ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: LA CLAI~tE IN W:ITNESS WHER~;OE, I have h~r.eunto sel: my hand this ].J.th day o£ June, ~.9E34. ~,~ ~ ~- ~i'' ,.,.., / . ~~.ec=~ ;, ~ !~!~~ti~~ SE:~:RI:'i'ARY, AN4Y.EIh~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIGN -3- PC84-l.Qf3