PC 84-109F~ann ,~ ttESOi,Ux'TON NO. PCf34-].0 a A kE;;;OGUTIUN OE' :CHr ANAFILIM l:a'1'Y PGANN:ING COMMIS~ION THA`1' P[s".i'TTiOIJ FUR C:ONUI'.l'TONAL USL PGRMTT fJ(?~ 2584 pE GRANTED WHLREAS, the Anaheim City Pl.ailnin~7 Commi.ssi.on did r.•ecei.ve a ver.ifi.ed P~tition ~o~ Conditi~nal Us~ Permit Lrom WA~TGR E. BL~AIR, JNC., J.).00 East E'~ir.haven, Ap~. 1.49, Sant~ Ana, Ca1.iLorn.i~ 927Q.1., pwner., ~nd DONALLt SIMMONSr 947 Sout~~ East Street, Ar~aheim, Ca.lifornia 92a02, agent cor. certain r.eaJ. proper.ty sit:uated in the Cit:y of Anahei.tn, C~~unty c~f Or.ange, Srate o~ Cal.itornia, d~scr.~bed d~: TEIE SUU'P9Ek2~,X J.].O.OU FEE'i' Ol~ 't'ElE EAS7'r12LY l.y$.Q~ FEE`t' OF 'i'HE SOU1'HERLY 5 ACRES 0!~ THL NQFtTHERLY ].5 ACRGS Or' THE EASTERLY 2S ACRES UF Lq'.P "lJ. OF ANAIiEIM CXTENSIvN, AS °,HUWN ON A MAP OF SURV~Y MADE BY WILL,IAM HAb1E'L AND FILED IN THE OFFtC~ OE T;-IE COUNTY RECOR.DER OF L~S AIJGEL,ES COIlN7.'Y, CAi~Ik0I2~lIA; EXCEPTICJG TH[;REf~F2UM THE [JC)12THcRLY 27 FEET THEFtEOF. WHEREAS, the City P].anning Cc~nunission did ho].d a publ.•ic hear.ing at the Cxvic Cen~er. ;.n the Cit,y of Anaheim on June l.J., .1.98~, ~t 1.::30 p.m., notice oL said pub:tic hear.ing haviny been dul.y given as re~uired b,y law and in accordance w.ith the provisi.ons oE the Anah~i.m Munici.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consideK evidenc:~ for and against said proposed condittunal us~ permzt and to investi;atc anr, make findi.ngs and recommendations in con~~ ~~tion therewzth; ~nd W[~F'i2EAS, sai.d C~n~mi.ssion, after. due inspection, investtgation anc~ st;udy made ~y itself and in its behalf, and after ciue c.c,nsiderati~n of a).l. evidence and r.epor.ts oFf-er.ec! at sai.d h~aring, does Lind and c~etermine t:~e following facts: ].. That ~he proposcd use is pr.oper.7.y one far which a condi.tional use perm~t is autiiori~~d by Anaheim M~.~nici.pal. Cnd~ Sections & ].8.6J..U50.070 ta wii.: L-~ permit an automonil.e r.epair fac.ixity in th~ ML ( Industxial, Li,mi.tPd} lone with wa iver.s of the Cu].l.~wing ; (a) S~CTIONS 1.8.060050.022'l, - Minimi.~m number of par.ki•ng spaces. ].8.~6.U50.037., (20 spaces requir.ed; ].~1 spaces AND 1.8.6_1.q66.050 existtnc~) (b) SEC~i~IONS J.8,63..Oo3.~ll. - Min.i.mum land~caped fr.ont setbac~c~ AND 1.8.61..0G3.013 (5_ feet ].a-idsca i.na a].onr Artee P1acP --------- and J.0 feet al.onq Easi: Str.eet r.equir.ed; none p-'OpOS2d) 2. That the reque.tc:c9 wai.ver (a) is her.eby gr.anted on ~he basts that the pazki.ng vaciance wi.ll. not cause an ir~cr.ea~c. in tr.aff~.c congestfon in the i.mmed.iate vic.iniky r~or. ~dversel.y aEfec"_ any adjoi.ning tand uses; and t:hat th~ granGing of th~: par.ki.ny variance u~de~~ tFi~ condi.ti.r~n~ impo~ed, if anl, wil.l nUt be detr.ime-ital t~ the peace, heal.th, saCety or yene~~al. wel.fare of s:.he c±.ti2ens oF the City af Anahf~im. #U236r P~84-].09 ""~,~ , ~ 3. 7'hat the r.eg~ae:~ted wai.ver (b) is hereby c~rarited on the ba~is that th~r.e are spec;.a]. circumst-.ances appl.ic~7b:.e to tt;e pr.oper.ty such as si.ze~ shape, topogr.aphy, ].ocat.ion and sur.r.oiandings wh9.c:t~ do n~t a~pl.y to other identical.l.y ~or~eci pKOperty i.~n the same vi.cinity; and that shr.i.ct a~pl.ic~Zti.on ot the Zoni.ng Cod:~ deprives the pr.op~r.ty nf pr.i.vil.eges enjoy~~9 by other. ~~r.oper.ti~s in th~ identi.cal zone and cl.~asification in thw vi.cini~y and subject to Inter.depar.tmentaJ. Committee r.ecomm~ndations. 4. That L•he use if her.eby granted, subj~ct t~~ i:he petitionEr's sl•i.pu].ations at the publ.i.c; hear.ing as fo.l.l.ows: u. 'i'h~t a7.]. r.epai.r.s shaJ.7, be J.imi.tec3 to dashbc~ar.c~-type r.epairs such as speec:ometer.s, etc. b. 7'h~Zt a.l..l. work and stoi-aye oF vehic].es or v~hi.cl.e parts sha~J.l. be conducted inside the bui].dinq. 5. ~hat the proposed us~ wi].1 not adverse].y affect the adjoi.ning ].and uses and the gr.owth and deveJ.oprnent of lhe ar.ea .ir- wh.ich i.t. is propo~ed to ~P. ).OCdt~?C]. 6. That the ~.i.ze and shape of th~ si.l•.e proposed f.~r, the us~ is adequa~e L-o a7.].o~. the ful.l. deve7.opment ~f the prop~sed use i.n a mani~er ~ot detrimentaJ. to the par~icular are~ nor to the peace, t:eal~h, saf_el•y and generaJ. wel.fare of the Ci.tLzens of the Ci.ty of Anahei.m. 7~ 2'hat the granLing of ~he Condi.t:iuna]. Use Per.mit under the conditions imposed, i.t any, will. not be de~rxrnental t•o the peace, health, safety and gertera], we].far.e of the Citi.zens of thp City of Anaheim. S. ~'hat the txaffi.c general•ed by the pr.oposec] use wi.1.]. not impose an undue burden upon the streets and higt~wGy:; designed and i.mproved to carry the tiza~fic: .ir. the area. 9. That nu one i~~dicated their p~esence at said pub3.ic hearing i.n opposition; and that nc cor.respondence wa~ receivea in oppositi.on ta the subject petition. ENV~RONM~NTAL~ Ii9PACT FINDING: That the Araheim City Planning Commission has Ke~vi.ewed the pr.oposal to per.mit an automobil.e repair fa~il.ity in the ML (:[ndustri.al., :,imi.te6) Zone with w~ivers of minimum number of par,kine~ spaces ~nd mxntmum ].anc33caped frr~nt setback on a r.~ctangul.ar].y-shaped par.c;el. of ].and cailsi .ting of a~proxim~tel.y C.3 acr.~, ].ocal•ed at the s~uthwest c~rner of Arlee P?.a~e and E~st Street and further, descr.~.bec' as 947 South l~ast ~treet; an~l doe~ hereb,y app!:oae the Negative Aec].ar.ati~ri upon findtnc~ that tt has censidered the Negakive necl.ar.at.ion tayeth?r. with any cocnm~r.t; recexved during tt,e public rEVxew pr.ocAys ~nd f.uct~har, finding on the basis of: the i.nit.ia.l study and any commerits r.~~etved that ther.e is no substantial evidence that the projec~ w~l..i have a signxf.i.cant: eEfect on the Pnvir.onment. NOW, TH~;RFFORE, BE IT RE50I,VGD ~hat ll~e Anaheim CiLy PJ.anning (:~r,missio~n do~s tiereby grant subjpct Petition f~r Condittona7. Use Permit~ npon l-he fol.l.owing canclitians whi.ch aKe hereby found to u~ a necessary nr.er.ee~uistte to the proposed use of the subje~t gr~per.ty in ~~r.der to preserve the ~7fety and gener.al. weltar.e oC the Citizens uf the City of Anaheim: '2- PC84-.109 . ..\ 1.• x'hat the owner. of suhject pr.o~nr.ty :sh~z7.J. ir.r.evocably Af~er ~:c~ d~d~ic~~te Lo th~ Cil-y of An~~hei.m a s~r.~ip c,F. land 95 feet in width tr.~,m th~ cen~er.l.ine oF tl~ie str.eet «long ~ast SttEC?F. ~Gr str~~t w:idcning p~arposes. ~. 7~hat the owner. af subjecL- properL-y sha1.7. ~ay l•o the Ci.ty of Anahe.im a £~e ~or str.eet ].i,ght.ing al.ong East Str,P.c?t and Ar.7es P].ace i.r- dn amount as determ.i.ned t~y the City Counci].. 3. That ~.~rimary ~~~ter: ma:in F4es shall be pa.id to lh~ City of Anaheim, in an ~rtiount as determ.inLel by the Office of t!ae Utili~i,es Gen~ral. Manaqer. 4. `1'hat a traffia signal. assessment fee equal.i.ny tk~e difference between the industr. ia1 aczd cammercial ass~s~ment iees st~a.ll. be paid to th~ C.ity of Anaheim in an amount as deter,~nzned by the C.ity Cour~ci.l. 5. That a copy of a perpetua]. easement agreement, or other. docurnent~tion yua~ar.tee.i.ng rights of a,;ce~s over the proger,ty immediate.ly south of subject pruperty, shall be submitted to ti~e Planning ll~epdrtment ~nd then b~ transtni.L-~,ed to the Cs.ty Attarney's Offi.ce For, review an~ approv~~ 6, That thE Pxisti.ng dr. iveway }.ocated imme~iatel.y south of sttbject pr.operty (on East Str.ePt) shall. be ;:econstr.ucted with 10-faot mznimum ra~9i.us cur.b returns, as r.equ:i.red by the City Tr.affic Engineer.. 7. That trash ~torage a~eas shal.l. be provi.ded in accor.dance wit•h approved p].ans on tiJ.e wirh tne Street Md.intenance and Sanitation Div.ision. 8. 7~k~aY. subject pr.opc~r.ty shall. be devtl.oped subsrar-tt~.ily i.n accordance with plans and specifi.catians an f.ile w?th the City of Anahei.m mar.ked Exh.ibit Nos. 7, and 2. 9• ~l~hat pr.~ior to the comm~ncement of the busi.ness activity author.i.zPd under thi:~ cesol.~ltion, or final. bui.].ding and zoning inspecttons, whi.chever occur.s fzr~t, Cond.ition Nos. l., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ? a~~~7 g~ above-ment:ione~, shal.l be compl.i.ed wi.th. 1.0. That the ~x~~posal. shal.]. compl.y wi.th al.J. siyni.ng ecquir~;:r~ents of. the industr.i.a]., Limi~ed (ML) Zone, un.l.~ss a variance al.lnwing s~qn waivers is ap~roved by the Pl.anning Cnmm.issi.on or. Ci.ty Council. 1.1. Thal• ~~,1 re~~as.r.s shal.l. be l.imited to dashboar.c~-~ype r.epatrs surh as speedometer.s. 12~ Ti~at a].]. work on and stora~e of. vehi.c]P:; or, vehicl.e par.ts sh~z].J. be conducted insi.de th~ buil.ding. BF• IT FURTHEFt RESOLVEC that ~~he Anahezm Ciky Pl.anr.ing Commission does her~by find and deker.mine that adopti.on of this Resol.utton is expressif Pr.edicated upon appiicant's compl.iance w.it•h each anc3 ~~1;. of thp condi.tions hereanabove set ror.th. Shou;.d any su~h condi.tions, or any par.t thereof, b~ declar.ed inva].id or ~inenf~rceabl.e by the fi.na] jiidgm~nt of anY~ cour.t of com~etant jurisdictton, tt~eri this Flesol.ution, and any appruva].s her.etn contai.ned, shall. be deemect n~z]..l and void. -~ PC84-109 ~ `1~H~ FORE~OJ:NG RFSOLUTION i. , signed ana appcovec] by m~ tha.s ].].th day of J'l•nE, ].9R~. ~ f~,f f.,~,;' ~.« ~~~-~ CHAIRWOMI~N, ANAF} ,TM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION ATTI'sST ; ' ~ •, ~ _ -~~ .~ u.w~. S~CI2ETAR'; ~ ANAHETM CITY. I~LANNING COMMISSION STATE nI' rALIF01cNIi4 ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI`1'X OF ANAt?EIM ) I, Ld:ith L. Har.ris, Secr.etar.y o~ l-.kie Anaheirn Ci.ty PJ.anni.ng Commi.ssion, do hereby certify that the Foregoing r.eso.lution was passed ai7c7 adopted at a meeti.ng of the Anahetm Ci.ty P7.anning Commissiuu hea.d on Jurie ].]., 19E3~1r by tt-e fol.t~wzng vote of the members ther.eof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BQUAS, ~3UuHORE, E'RY, HERBST, KING, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISS?ONEF(~: NONE ABS~NT: COMMIS''~IUNER~: LA CL~AIktE IN FlI~NGSS WHEREOE', T have hereunko set my hand thi~ 1].th day of June, 7.934. __ ` ~'~ ~-~ ~ ' ,~..a.s.~ SEC;<ETAkY, ANAHEIM CITY PT~ANNTNG COMMISSION -4- PC84-1.09