PC 84-11,,~~,.1 RESOLUT:[~)N N0. PCB~-1.1 ,~.,~.., A RL~SOLUZ'ION UE' TEIE ANAHETM CI'rX b'LANNIPIG COMMISSTON THA2' PETITION FOR CUNDT.`S'IONAL USE YEHMI`I' NU. 253U }3L GRAN'I'ED WEIEREAS, the Anaheirn City Pl~nning Cornmission did r.~ceive a verifieci Petition for Condition~l Use Per.~nit from RUBGRT P. KUTZ, 505 Cit:y Park West, Oxange, Califor.nia 9'l66&, owner, and G12EGORY L. SALSBURY, 7391 Talber.t, Huntin~tan Beach, C.a~.ifor.nia 92G47, ager~t of uer_tain r.eal pr.~o~erty situat;ed i~ the City o.E Anaheim, County of Or.ar,g~, State of CaJ.ifor.rlia, desczibed as; PARCEL 1: TH~ SOU'SHERI.,Y 284 I'E;ET Of ~'HE WF,~TERLX 163 F~ET ni' 2'HE EAST 10 ACR~S UF TH~; WEST HA.LF OF ~'HC~ SOU'rHEAST 1/4 OF '~EiE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, `rOWNaHIP 4 SO(J'i'H, RANGE 10 WEST, S.B.B. & M. EYCEP'i'ING THEFtE;FROM ALL 7'HAfi PORTION L' YII~G WITHIN LA PALMA AVENUE. t9HEREAS~ i.he City Plana~ing Commissiori did hold a publ.ic hear.ing at the Civic Center in the Citv of. Anaheir~i on ~Tanuary 23, 1984, at J.:30 p.m., notice o.E said public heazing having been d~~ly given as requfred hy Iaw and in accoxdance with tkie provisior.s af the Anaheim Munici~al Code, Chanter 18.03, to hear and cotzsider evider~c;e for ~znd ayainst said pr.oposed condition~l ase pe.rmit and h~ investigate aud make findings and r.~acommendations in ao~lnecticn thazewith,~ and WIiEREAS, said Commissiun, ~f~er. due ir,spection, investigatian and stiidy rnade b,y itself and zn it~ behalL-, and after. c]ue ronslder.ation of a11 evidence and rPport.s ofi`er.ed at said hearing, does find ancl de~ezmine the following facts: 1. Thai: the }~roposed usp is pr.operly one for. which a condi~innal use permit ia author.i~ed by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections & 13.61.U50.502 to wit: to pex~rit a cnntr.a~tor's stor.age yar.d and office use of a residenti.al st.ructur.e in the ML (Indiistr.ial, I,i.mit~~d) Znne with waiver of the f.ollowing: SLCTION 18.61.064.U2Q - Maximum fence heiqht. ~ (36 .inches per.mitted a.n fr.ont s~tback; 6 Epek pr.opuyed) 2. That the reqtiested waiver .is hereby gr«nted for a wrought ir.on tence with block pilasters on the ba~i.s that ther.e are special circumstarices app].icabl~ to the proper,ty such as size, sY,apc, topogr.aphy, ].ocation or. suxxoundings, which d~ not apply to ~ther. ideritical:~ zoned properties in th~e vicinity; and that strict aF:plicatiail of th~ Zoning Cor]e depr.iv~~ the proper.ty of pzivileges enjoyeci by orher. pxop~r.ties und~r. identical zoning classification in the vicinity. 3. That th~ proposed use wi11 not adver.sely aFfect the adj~ining land us~s and the growth aad developm~~n~ of the area in which it is pr.c,posed to be located. #0137r PC84-1.I ~~ "~^. 4~ `1'hah L•he size ana shape of the site pr.oposed £or the use is aderua~e to a11ow i:he ~ul.l development uf the pr.o~osed use in a manner. not detrimental t~ the par.ticu].ar. ar.ea nor. to the peace, health, saf.ety and g~n~r.a1 welEar.~ of the Citizens oL- rhe Citj flF .An~heim. 5. That kh~ gr.ani:..i.ng of the C:onditional Use Per.r~i.t under the conditions impo:~ed, if any, wiZl nat be detrirnental to tne ~,~acE, health, safet,y anci gener.al weltar.e o~ the Cilizens aF thc~ Cil-y of Anah~im. h. 'rhat the t;~affic g~nerated by the pr.aposed use will not impose an undue bur.den upon the sL•reets and highways designed and imp.roved to car.ry the traf.fa.r i,n the arca. 7. TY~at no on~ indicated thcir, presence at said public heariny in op~osition; and khat n~ corr~spondence was received in o~+posi.ti~n to the subject petit.ion. ENVIRONMEN`.PAL IMPACT FIN~ING: 'Phat the Anaheim City Flanning Commissio~a has revieweci the progosal to permit a contr.actor's stor.age yar.d and office use ot a res~.d~nt:~al stK~ctuze in the ML (Inciustr.ial, Limited) Zone wz.th waivex of maxxmum fence heiyht on a r.ectangularly-sha~ec] parcel of lacid consi.sting of appr.aximately (:.86 acre, !,~ving ~~ fr~ntage ~f appzoximately 163 i:eet on the nor.th side o~ La l~alma Avenue, and fur.ther. descr.ihed as 2465 West La Palma Avenue; and da~s h~~eby appr.ove the Negative Dec:lar.a~i.un upon finding tl~at it has consider.ed the Negative Declaxatior together with any comments r~ceived duzir-g the puhlic review ~rocess and L•urther. finding c~n ~he ~aai:, of the initial study and an.y comments ~.~eceived that ther.e is no substantial evidence that khe proj~r_t w.i.ll have a signifi~ant effect on the environment, NOGV, THEREE'ORE, BE IT RESUL~rED that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission does her_ebl gr.ant subject k~etition tor Condi.tional Use Per.mit, upon the iollowing c~nditions which ar.e tier.eby found to be a necessar.y prerequisite t~ the pr.oposed use o~ the subject pcoperty in o;:dEr to preser.v~ ihe sarety ~~nd gener.al welfare o~ ~he Ci,tizens of- the City of Anaheim: 1~ That the owner of subject pr.operty sha7.1, by r.e~orded deed, irr.evocably offer. to cleed to the Ci.ty of Anaheim a str.ip of land 5"s f.eet in wid~h f~om the c~nterline of l-he str.eet alor_g La Pa1ma Avenue for str.eei: wideni.n~~ purposES. 2. That all engineezi.ng zequir.ements ur". the City of Anaheim along La P~1ma Avenue, including pr.eoar.ation of impr.oveme~,~ plans and installation o~ ali imnrovements su.ch .zs curbs and gutter.s, sidewalk~, street gr.ading Mnd pa~iE~ment, sewzr. and drainage facilit.ies, ox cther appuxtenant ::~rk sha11 be compliec~ with as requicec! by the City E~ngineE;r and iri accor.dance with specifications on file in the O:fLice oi t:~e City Engineer; and that security in the Form of. a bond, ceztificate of cleposit, leh.ter of credi~., oz cash, i-i ar. amount and form satisfuctor.~ to khe City of Anaheim, shall be p~skeC with the Cit.y to guarankee the satisf~ctor.y completion ~F said improveme~zts. Said security ~~hall be posted with the Cit~ prior to a~pr~val of impr.overnent pl~ans, to guaranLee the insl-allation of the above-r.•equired impr.ovements p~-ior. to final building and zoning inspections. -2~ PC84--11 ~ {~<,,, ,. I ~,<~»;` ; 3• That stceet liyhting facilities along La Palma AvF,nue ~ha11 be insr_a17.ed a~ r.eguir.ed by khe Uti.litips Gener.al Manage.r, in accordance with speci.fications on Eile in rhe affi.c~ of Utilities Gener.al hianag~r., and that security in the Eorm of a band, cer.tifir~te of d~posit, letter of cr.Edit, or cash, in an amount and fo.rm sati.sfactor.y to the City ~E Anahezm, sha].1 be po~ted with the City to gtaarantee the satisfactor.y completic~n ~f the aLove-mE~ntioner3 im~rovements. Said s~cur.ity shall be posted with the 4ity of Anaheim pr.iur to approv~l of impr.ovement plans. 'i'he above-zequir_ed impr.ovements shall be inskalled prior. Lo finai buildinq and zoning inspections. 4. That pr.ior to issuance of a building per.mit, the ~ppr.opr.iate traffic signal assessment i:e~ sh-.11 be paid to the City of: Anaheim in an amount as deter.~,i.ned bX th~ Ciry Council f~r. open ar.ea. 5. ~nat dxainag~ af subject pr.opezty sr~a1.1 bt~ dis~osea oE in a manner satisfactozy tv 'che City Engineex. 6• ~.'hat tzash stor.age ar.eas sha11 b<~ pzovided in accor.dance with approved plans on file with the Str.eet Maintenanc~ and Sanatation Div.ision. 7. That prior to issuance o£ a building per.mit, appr.onriate watex as~essmenL- fees shall be paid to l-he ~.;ity r~L- Anaheim, in an ~mount as deter.^~ined by the Office o:E ~he Util.ities GecYeral Manager.. 8. That th~ existing mosk westerly dr_iveway on La Palma Avenue shall be zemoved and repJ.aced with a stat:dar.cl cur.b, gutter., sid~walk and landscaping. 9. That subject proQerty shall be devE~loped substantially in accordance with plans and specification:a on fil~ with thF~ City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 10. That due to the changc in the ,use ~.nd/or. occupanLy of the buildxng, plan<: shall ~e submitte~] to L-he Bui ldi.ng Divi~iois showinq ~omplianc~ with the minimum stand~zds of the ~ity of Aildhe.i.*0~ inc~:iding the Uniior.m Building, Plumbing, Electrical~ Mechanic~l and Fire Codes as adnpted by the City of Anaheim. The appropriatp permits shal,t ~e obtai.ned for any necess~xy woxk. 1? That pzior. to the commericement o£ ~he activity authorized under. this r.esolution, or prior ta the time that a building ~,~it is issued, oz within a peziod of one y~ar. from ~ne date of ;~iis resulution, whichever. occurs ~irst, Condi.tion Nos. 1 and 10, abr,ve-,nentioned, shall be comp~ied w.ith. Extensions Eor. fur.the~ time t.o complete said r.onditions may be yr.anted in accordance wikh Section 18,03,090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 1?.. That a minirnum 6-foot k~=gh chain link fence interwoven with r.eawood sl.ats shall be installed adjacen~ to the easterly proQez•ty line to scr.een the nutdooz stoz•age ar.ea ~nd that a mini.mum 6-foot hiyh chain :link ftnce with r.•~dwood slats and a sl~ding gate shall be pzovided on the southerly edge of the outdoor. stor.age yard adjacent to the parl:ing 1ok. -3- PCf34-11 ~~~~ _.. _ . ~ . .v.~.~.~, , ~ ~ 13. That minimal.ly, khe out~9oor s~.or.aqe yar.d shall be improved and maintained with crushed zock and oil, 14. Thak prior to iinal buildiny and zoning insper.tior,5, Condition Nos. 2, "s, 5, o, 8, 9, 12 and 13, abcve-mentioned, sha11 b~ r.mm~lied with. HE IT FURTI-IER RESOT~V~D that t;he Anaheim City P:lanning Commi.ssi~nn does he.reby find and c7et~r.mine that adoption of this Resolui:ion is expre~sly prPdicated upan applicant's compliance with ea~h aild all o~ the conditions her~a.nabove se~ forth. Should any ~uch conditxc,ns, or any paz-t ther.eaf, b~ declaared invalid or. un~nfozceable b~~ the t.inal judgment nf any cour.t of. competent jizrisdici:ion, tr~en thi5 k2~solution, and any approvals herein cor.tai.ned, shall be deemed null and v~id. THE FOR~GOING RF;iOI~UTION is signed and approved by mp this 23rd day of Januazy, 19~;4. ' ~L~•~~~ i~/ /J L~ ~•d~ 'G..~ CHAIRF'~~9~ ~ ANAHEIM t'ITY PLANN:[NG ~OMMISSIUN t~ A`rTEST: ' C_ -~ I ~ / ., ,~L.l.~r'~~, ~ /'~I ./G~ r.~c~ ~ SEwRETARX, P.NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION ~'re\TE OF CALIFORNIA ) C;OUNTY OF OR~INGE ) ss ~ C.ITY OF ANAk~EIM ~ T, Edith L. Har.ris, S~acretazy o£ the Anaheim Ca.ty Planning ~~ommissi.on, d~~ hereb~l cectify that the for.egoing r.esol.ution was passec7 and +~dopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cit.y Planriing Commission held on ~7a~uar.y 23, 1984, by the followir~g vote of the member~ thereof: A.YE5: COMMISSIUNERS: 90UAS, SUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KTNG, L1~ CLAII2E MC 6UT.N~Y NOES : CQMMf SSIONERS : NOiVF ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: N0:1E IN WITiJESS WHEREOI'~ I have her.~unto set my hand ~his 23rd day of ,7anuary, .1984. , ~ ~~,'~L~G-f%~ .C ~ -~2~t~ SECRETARY, A[3AHEIM CZTY PLANN:CNG COMt4ISSI0N -4- PC84-11 r~" ~ ~.ib._I.~