PC 84-110^'r;c:'~ RESOLJTIUN NU. 1.~C54-].1G :,a,; , ,, ,_ i,1 ;; ~'~ A RESC~I~UTION O1~ THE A~IAHGIM CITY PL'ANNI~G CUMMISSIGN i~'' ~ `I'EfAT PLTT'1'IOI~I r'OR VARlANC1'i N0. 3904 BI'; GRAN^lED ~.: ` ~ ,,~ •w::;~ , y,,l WHERL•'AS, the Anaheim City Plannin;~ Commission did ~~eceive a verifa.ed 'ti;';! P~titiun ~oc Vari.~nce Prom CRESC~I~'.l' ASSQCTA2'ES, 242 He3.:i.oL•rope Avenue, Corona ~::'~ De]. Mar, Ca7.iEorr,i~ 92625, ATTN: PAUL R~;'iNOLD;,, owner, o£ eertain real. praperty i'';' ; 4.< ;;-' si.t~aated in the C.ity of Anahei.m, Caunty ~i Or.ange, S~.3ke of Cal.if~rnia ;~;,:~; des~ribed as; THAT POF:TIG.~I OF `rHE SOUTHW~?,ST QUAR'1'ER ~`F '1'HP~ SOUTHEAST QUARTFR OF SECTION 8, T(JWNSH]:.P ~ SOUTH ~ RANGE 10 ~~EST, '!N THE RANCHO I,OS COXOTES, AS ~~.'HUWN UN A MAP RECOI~DEB T[~ BOOK ~1, PAGR ).0 OF MISCELLAN~OUS b;APS, RECORDS UF SAID ORANGE C:OUNTY, DESCRIBED AS E'OLJ:,OWS : PARCEL A: PARC~L 3 AS S~IO~VN ODI A MAP FILED IN BOpK 7.0, PAGf: 35 OF PARCFL 1~APS IN THE OFFIC~, G~' THE COUNTX RECQ'RD~R Or ORANGE COUNTY, CALIE'ORNIA. PARCEI~ B: PARCEL, 4 AS SHOW:1 QN A MAP F:iLEU tN }300K ~.0, P}1U~ 7.0, PAGE 3S Or~ PARCEL MAPS I~1 THC OFFIC~ GF T~IE COUN'rY RGCORDER OF QRANGE COUN7.'Y, CAL.IP'OkNTA. WY.EREAS, the C.ity P'lanning Commi.s::ion di.d hvld a publ.i.c hEar. ing a~ ~he Civic Center in the City of Anah~i.m on Jui:e 1]., 1984, aL• 7.:30 p.m., n~tice oF said publ.ic heaz.ing hav:ing b~en dul~y giv~~n as r.equa.red by law and ~tn accorclance wi,th the pr,ovisions of t_he Ar~aheim r:uni.~i.paa. Code, Chapter l.a.p;s, to heax and cons.icier ~v9.dence .for_ and agai.nst said proposed var. iance and to investigate and make fi.ndings and recammendations ica connection therewith: and WHFRGaS, said Comm.issi.on, azter. due inspE,rton, i.nves~iqation and study made by it~elf anci in its beha].f, and after. dut~ consideration uf al). evidence and r.epoxts offer.•ed at sa.id h~ar:ing, does f.ii:d and determine the ~o).l.owi.ng facts; ].. That the pet.itic~ner pr~pose~ « r~a.iv~r of the fol.].owi-zg to construck a sZatted rh~.in .link Fence: SECTION 18.6].068.U2~ - Required ~' _ .~~.te screen~inq. ( 6 foo~ hi h sol.i.a rnayonr~ wal] or ; andscaped ,eazthen ber.rn requir.ed adjacent to r.e~~tdentia). zon.ing; 6 foot high chain l.ink fence w:~th redwood s].al•s proposed? 2. That L-t~e abov~-mentioi~ed wa:iver.s ace her.eby gr.~nted on `he basis that the Feti.tinne~ cl?monstrated r.hat a har.dshi.p exist;~ in tha~ tt:e ind~strial~ zoning oE sub~eck pr.oper.t;y substantia7.l.y pr.edates t~~e adjacent Kesidential zuni.rig and thaL- ther.e ~r.e s~~PCial. ci.r.cumstances ~pp).+.ca~l.e L-o ti~e ~ 4,`0237: PC~4-1.7.0 pxoper.ty siach as si.•r,e, shape, ~opogr,aphy, ].ocation and .ur.r.oundir~.c;a which do not apply t.o c~~he~ identi.caJ.J.y zoned pr.oper.ty in the same vicini.t ; sL•rici: app.l.ication of t:he Zoning ~~ode depr.i.ves L-he ro ert o~y' ard that enjoyecl J~y nkher pro~ert.ies i.n r_he identiaal. zone and~ class ricationlVin ethe vicinity and subject to Inter.depar.t:rnentaJ. Committee recommendat.ions. 3• Tti~it there ar.e exce~ti~na]. or extr.aurd:inary cir.cumstanc:es or. condi.tions ap~J,tcab].e to the pr.operty i.nvc~lvec3 or. ko the i.ritended uye ot the pxoperty tha~ do nc~t aPP~~Y 9~nera].].y to khe pr.apcµ~y or c7.as~ c~i use in th~ samt~ vicinity and zunc. ~• That ~he r.equestEd variance is t1eCE~SSdr.Y and enjoym~:nt of a subsi:antiaJ. pr.operty r.ight possessed the sa[ne vi.cinity and z~ne, and d2nied tc the property in 5. That the r.equest~d variance wi].l. not b~ n to the pub].ic wel.fare or injurious to the ~r~~,~r.ty ar va.cin.ity and zone in wh~ch the property i.s ].ocated. for the preser.vation by other proper.~y .in quesrion. ~ateriaJ.].y detr.i.mental. impr.ov.Qments i.n such ' 6. That no one indi.cat~ci their pr~sence at said ; oppositi.on; and that no eor.r.esp~ndence was received in ~ publ.?.c heaxing .in I ~etiti~n~ PPosi•~io;t to subject ENVIRONMF;NT.AL TMPACT FIyDING: The Pl.anriing Dir,ector. or, his authorized rep~esentat~v~ has determined that the proposed ~r.oject .fa).J.~ within the def.i.nition of Cateyarica~. Exemption~, Cl.ass 3, as defined in the State ETR Guidelines and is, ~h~r.efore, categc:-ical.J.y exempt fr.om th2 requi.rem~nL- to prepare an EIR. NOW, `!'H~REF'UR.L, IIG IT RESULVLD that the Anaheim Ci.ty PJ.ann.tng Cornmission do~s her~by yrant subjec~ P~titi~n Eoz Var.9.ance, upon the follcwing coridxti.ons which a~e her.eby found to be a riecessar.y pr.er.equisite to the proposed use uf the subjecr pro~erty in or.der Co pr.`ser.ve the saFety and g~necaJ. wel.fare ot the r,.;.Li.zens ~~f the Ci.ty of Anaheim: ~.. That pc:ior, i:a 1SS1.1~l1C@ af a bui7.di_nc~ ger.mil-, pri.mazy wat~~r mai.r- fzes sha].1 be paicl ka the Cit}• of An~hei.ni, in an amount as determtned by the Office of the Uti].ities General Manager. 2. That trash storage areas sha.il be provi,ded in accardance with appxoved pl.~ns on fi].e wi.~h the Str~et Maintenance ar.d Sanitatian Dzvi.si.on. 3. That ~ht wes~erly ?~ feet of subjecl• pr.oper.ty s:~a1.7. b~ improved with concrete, as~haJ.t or t.andscap:ing . 4• That str.eet l.xghting f.ac:i._I.i.ties a].ony Cr.escent Way sha7.t be i nstaJ ] d . . .e as r.equ.irad by the Ut.il~.ti.es Gener.al wi.tt~ specif icatia Manager .in accer.dance . ns on fi.le in th~ Office M~nager, and that a~cuzity in the F oE UtiJ..ities Gen~r,al or.m of a deposi.t, ].etter of cr edit o!• aond, cer.ti.ficate of . , cash, i.n satisfactor.y to the City ~f Anaheim sh al ] b an amount and form ~ , ~ ~ . e posr_~;c with thc: Ci.ty to guarantee the sati.sfacror.y comp'.etion of ttie ak~~ve-mentioned i .mproven~ents. Said security ~hal.l. be posled with the C.tty of Anaheim w.it•hi.n 3-J r'ays of. khe approva). of this resol.ution. The a~ove-r.~y~~.r~r~ x~,pruvements sha:ll be insta~ l.~ed withi.n 90 days ~f the appr.ova.l of tr-is resal.ution. ~2 PC84-J.].G ...,~ ~~ 5• Th~t subject pr.operty sh~l.). be developed ~ ~~~ w.it.h p].ans and ~ ~ubsrarat.ialJ.y in accocdance ~;~ pecif'icakions un file w.ith ~he Czty of. anal~eim ,:; maxkEd Exhibi.t No. ~.. ~~~ ~. That pzior to the c~mrriencement of tr,4 ar,ti.v:i~y auth~rized under. resal.ution, or fina]. k~ui.].~3ing and zon.~.nq ins ~. c l-his , + P~ction~, whicheaer, ~ occurs ri.~:sC, Condition Nos. ]., 2, , ancl 5, above-mentioned, sh«7.~ : be c.ompJ.iecl r~ith ~ i ', ~. That ther.e shall k,e no outdoor storage in the ar.ea reser. ;i par.k.i.ng. ved fo,. ~~ TZ' ~UR~.CHER RESOLVEL~ that~. the Ana~leim City PJ.ann?_ilg Ccmrnission daes her.ebx find and c3eter.m:ine that adopt.ion of this RESOlutton is e-; r ~- predzcated u~,on app.li.cank's c~mpl.iaric~ with each and ~).]. of the condici~ ~s hereinabove ser forth. Shou7.d ~~ny such ce.,ndition, o.r an r dec],azed inval.id or. unen.farceabl.~ bl t}1~ ta,naz } Part thereot~ ~e competent jurisc+iction, t.rien this R~so].ut.:on, rd g~any ~f any court o,~ ~~ntained, sria].]. be deerr,ed nul]. and v~,.id. PPro~a].s herezn TH.e FqREC,OING kESOLUTION zs signed and approved by m~c thi.s ll.th day ol Jurie, J.9g4. ~i~.., ~j~~ -_~~_'~~ CHAJRWUt+IA~~HEIM CITY PLANNING CUf~1MISS' ~ lON ATTEST: -.~, ~ ~" ~~~ SECitE'.~'ARy~ AN,AHEIM CITY Pt.,'~NNING COMMI ~aION SZ'ATE OF CALIZ~pfiNIA ) CUUNTX OF' ORA.'.VG? j SS~ :,ITY OF ,~,NAHEZM ) Zr Edi.th L. Har.ris, r.~ecretary oP the Anahe.im Ci.t Y Pl.anni.ng Comm~.ssi~n, ~o her.eby cez~ti.fy thal• the L-oregoing reso~.ution was pGssed and adopted at a mPeting of the Anahexm C:ity P].anning• Cortimiss.t~n hel.d on .~;tne ).]., ].984. by the Eo17.uwing rrote of trie member.s tk~er.eof. AYES; CpMMISSIONk;RS: BOliA,~,, BUSHQRE, FRY, HERBST NOES: COMM:fS5I0NERS: NONE r KING, MC $UF2NEY ABSEN7.'; COMMISSIOrdER5: I~A CLA2RE I~ W.~TNESS WHERE~F, I have her.~unto set my hand this ]..lrh day of_ J~~n~, ~.984. ,'~~?,t~"~; , ~ - ~. --~~ ~ ~1~r..~,~.. a.ECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITy PLANNING COMMISSION •-3-- PCF34-J.1Q