PC 84-112•...,~ RL•'SOLU`1'ION N0. I'Ci~9-1.1.2 A 12GSOLUTTON Uf~' 'I'HF' ANAHETM CI'i'Y I~I~ANNING CUMMISa^TON THA`~' 1'Li'ITIUN E'pR VARIANCE N~). 33f39 F:3E Gk:AN'~L.U k'~tit.ion WHERLAS, i:he Anaheim ~'ity Yl.anning ioc Vur iance fr P ' ' CoRimissi~n di.d r.eceiv~ ~ verifi ec~ p. O. E3ox . um ACESE i TER I~ICIMI;S, P, NewPor.t E3each, Cal i for r i 92G :[NC., ATi' N: JOHN W. . KINC,, JR., s.ituatecl . . . , a 60 in t'r~e C.ity ot' Anaheim, County , owner. of of U cE~rtair~ r.ea .l ~ropert.y described as: range, sl:ate ~f Ca].if~r.nia LOZ'S l. AND 2 UF `i'f21~CT N0. ].:1~~6, I SHOWN ON A ' ' N `I't1E CI'1'Y QP` ANAHEZM~ AS MAP 1 HrREU~ RE;CpRDLll IN INCLUSIVE, MISCELLANEGUS A BOOK. 51.~., ' p~GES 32 ~Sp 34 M PS, TN RGCURDLR pE SAID C•, ANG~ CUUN'!'Y. PHG UFFIC~ UF' THE COU NTY WHLR~;A5, the City P.lanniny Commiss~ion di.d t~ol.d a publ.ic hear.i.ng a~ kh~ Ci.v.ic Cente~ in the Ci.ry ~f Anaheim on June ?.1., J.9a4, at 1.:30 p.m., notice oE said oubl..i.c hear.ing having l~een duly yiven as r.equi.red by ).aw anc! in accor.dance with the provisions r,f the Anahei;n Municipal. Code, Chapter 1.8.03, to heaK an~ considPr. evzdence for and ayainsl- sa:id nroposed v~r.~ance ancl ta investigate and m~ke findi.ngs an~ rec~mmendations ~in connect~.on ther.ewith; ancl WHERLAS, said Comm.ission, afte~ clue inspecL-ion, invest.i.g~tion and st~ady macie by xtael.~ and i.n i.ts behalf, and after. clun consicie.rati.on of a1)_ ~vzdence and zepor,ts offered at said hear..{ng, do~s iind and determine the fo].].a~vxng .Eacts; .~. That th~ peti.tioner. proposes a waiver. oF the fol.~.owi.ny ta dispJ.ay f.lags fur a new resi.d.ential. subd~.v.ision: SECTION 1$. p5.085.050 - Perinitt~:d da~s o__f. dtspl.ay for, temr~orar (Saturdavs Y-~~-~s~ ~ Sund~, and ].ectal. hol.ic~avs [~ermitked; seyen davs a wePk pr.opo~ed) l• Z'hat the var,iance to p~~cmit a maxi.r~~um oF ei.yht (8) smal.l. t~perzd £].ags is her.eby granted for a~Pr.i.od o£ approximate].y six (6) months for.- a term coter.minous with the ~xistinq ~er.mit issued pursu3nt to Anaheim M~inicipal. Code Sect.i~n ].H.05.085 p).us any exlensions oF time approved by the Ctty Coanctl. 3. T}2at the abov2-niention~d wa.ivecs are hereby yr.anted oci the basis that ll~eze are special cxrcumstances rappJ.i.cabl.e to the proper.ty such as si.ze, shape, topogr.aphy, locati.~n and surroundings whi.~h do not apply to ~ther identi.cal..ly xoned property in the sam~ vici.nity; and that str.x~t ~zpp~{cation af r.t~e Zani.ng Code deprives the pra~erty ~f pr:ivi.lEges enjoyed by other pr.operties in the ident.ical z~ne and cl.assi.ficati.on ~in ttl~ v~cin.ity and subject to Interd~:par.tmental. Committee r.ecommendactons. 4• Z'hat there are excppticnal or. extr.aor.d.inar.y cir.GUmstances ~r conditi,cns a~pl.icable L•o the pr.operty i.ri~ozved oz to the tntended use of the pKOperty thal: do not anp1Y yener.ai..t.y to the ~ro~er.ty or class of usP in Che same v.ict~ity and z~ne. ~0239r F'CS4-1.1.2 ~ _~.. .y' °' iy:'^1,,~, i ,i i C~ . f~i.4 :?i'' r~ , ~rj ~• '1'hak and ~n jnyrnent ol ~ ~he r.equest~d v~~r.ianct~ ne~;essary substant:i~:l Cor the the same vicrynit Y an . pr.o~er, ty r: i.yht possess~c~ d zon~, and d~ni d . ~ Y otrier pr.eSE~-yat{on e to the r, P~o~ue.rty in . ques~i.~r,. ~rop~r.~y in 6• Tt~afi to tl~,e publ.io w~l ~a L•he r.~q~.;ested var.i.ance wil.l. nuL- be r . .~ ar, injur.ious to the vic.ini~y and zone in WhL p~~ Prt ~ ~ Y or materiall.y i det~ime~ta]. . C I tt~e Pro~er.ty .is ].~cated. mProvem~ nks in such i. 1'hat no one indicated their. r. , opposit.ion; and ~hat no cor.r~spondence waspeeceiv~c~ain ~o~~ pub].ic heari.ng i.n Petit.iqn. Ppasition to subject F'_ NVT120NM~N~.'A~. authorized repr~sent~ti.ve ha~ACT t~---- Z~N~: '~he PJ.anni.n thE~ d~f.init:.ion of Categor.ical. ~,~~cemr,tiocs thatrythe r~, 9 D.~.r.ecto~ or his ~.Gp~sed ~ro~ect ~a].).s wzthin prepa~renan ~~H ls' tr•~r~for.•e, categoricallyJs~xern ~ S d~~ined i.n the State gI~ P Erom kiie r.Qquirement td NOW, THEREFORE, BF, IT RESULVED Co;nmiss.ion dc~es he~eby yxan~ thar_ the Anahei.~n ~; conditions which are Ju~j~`"t ~'zt.ition for. Var.iance, u ty p~~ann.ing hereb,y found to bc a Pon the Fo7.].owing pro~~osed tise of ~l;e ~ubjzCt necessar.y pcerequiszte general. welfar.e of i;he Citizens~o:EptheyCitn order to ~- ,,, ~o the p.e.~prve the ~a.fety and y of. Anaheim: 1. That the f].ags shal). not be ma vzew of tr.affic, as recomm~r.dedLb~ained in any mai,,~er. t!~ak b.l.ocks the y the Ci.ty 2rafEir: En_qinc~er. 2• That a^UI~)E'Ct property sha].l. be , wi.th pl~ns and specifi.caLions on~~il.e~WedhsFbstanr.ia].1 ~ . Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. '~ '•n a~~~r~ance he City of Anahetm markecl 3• That th.is var.i.ance fla c ~ p~~m:ikting a ma:cimum of ei.ght ~8j y~• ~-s g~'an~ed for a period of a sma13. taper.ed ter.m cottr.m:inc,us wLth th~ „ PProximateJ.y si.x (f ) months fot~ a Mun.icxpal Code Seckion 7.a.p, ~p~5~ny pezmit tssued ~ur.suant to Anaheirn by thP Cxty Counci.l. P~us any e.ctensions of L•ime «pproved B~ I2' FURTHER RESOLVED that th~~ hereby find and det~rm.i.ne that Anahe.im City p~~3nn.iny Commassi.on does pr.ed.icat;ed adopt:ton af th.is Reso).utton upon appixcant's compl.iance w.ith is expr.e~s~_y he~einabove s~t forth. Shou7.d ~~~h and a.il deaJ.ar.ed anY such condit,.{on °f t'~~ ~ondittons compeLent inval.i.d or unenforceabJ.e bY the final. ' ar. anY Part ~her~_oF, be juxxsdictiun~ ther: thxs ~ 3UdgmEnt oF anY ~ourt of cont~ai.ne~l, shal.l b~ deemed nu.ll. and void~J~~uti.on, and an Y ~pProval.s her.ei.n uf June, ~,984~ THE h.'URE;GOING I?ESOLUTION .is s:ign~d and apPr~ved by me this J.).th day 11TTEST ; ~ ------_~~_ - SECFtETARY, ANAHFIM CITY pLANN,ING CC1MM,.I. S70N -2- /~"~ ~ /~~' // l~-G..~ ~f ~~~~-~,_~ CHAIRWOMAN'~ ANAEIEIM CI`!'Y PLANNIyG COMMxSSION PC~4-11 ~ ~t a STA7.'E UF' CALIFOTtNIA ) C~UNTY OF ORANGL ) ~~. C:I7.'Y OP' ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Elar.r.i.s, Secrei:ary of th~ Anah~im Cit,y Pl.anni.n~ Conimissir~n, do her.eby certify that l-.hE foregoing r.~sc~:luti.on was p~ssed and adopted at a meeting of th~ Anal~eim rity P].a-7ni.ng Commissi.~;~ hP7.d on June ].1., ~•984~ by the t'oJ.l.owiny vote oF ~he member.s ther.eoi: F1YES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUe~a, 1~RY., HERBST, KING, ML BCJRNr~Y NOES: COMMISSSONERS: BUSfIORE ABSENT; C0,9MISSIUNERS: i~t~ CT,AIRE IN ~Vi7.'NESS WHER~Ob', T havc~ hereunto set my hand thi~ ].llh day of June, J.984. J ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ SECRE'.rAkY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSIUN -3- PC84-7.1.2 ~