PC 84-113.._~. RFSULU~'ION NU. PC8~-],J.3 A R3SOLU'1`ION OE' 'SHf: ANAHBIM CI'rY PLANNING CUMMI^aSION TEI2h~:LNA'1'ING AI~L PRQCEIsDZNGS TN CpNNECTTON WI7'E:i CONDI`1'IONAL U:;G L~FRMIT N0. 2040 WHF.REAS, on llECentber. 3r 1.y79, C~ndi.tiana]. tlse Per.m~.t No. 2040 was granted tandez Iteso~.ution No. 79-E~47 to per.mit ,z 4-stor.y, 75,1)OU squar.e F~ot commer.cia]. of.fice compl.~x and r.estaurant wi.th on-sa].e al.cohol.ic bever.ay~~ on a rectangul.ar].y-shaped ~arcel. of ].ancl c~n~isting ~f approximatel.y 3,8 acres located at the nor.thwes~ corner, of C)r.angewood Aven~ie and ~tate Co].].ege Bou.l.evar.d, and WHERF:AS, thc app].icant, John T. Elacdy, ayent For. Bur.nett-Ehline Prqper,ties Tnc., h~~s subnzitt~d ~ J.ettcr r.~questi.n~ termina~ion a£ Conditiona). Usc; Permit No. 204U :in sa~isfacti.on c,f a conditic;n oP the gr.~nting of Conditi.ona.l Usc: Per.mi~ t~o. 2546 to per.:nit a~.2-story~, .1.9U-foot h.igh commercial. ofLice CQiilp7.@X i.ncluding a semi-encl.osed r.estauKant wi.th on-•sa~.e al.cohoJ.ic bever.ages and wai.ver of maximurn str.ucturaJ. height and ini.nimum structur~l. setback. NOW, TElER~'FORE~ DF IT RrSOL6~F'~ that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planni.ng Commissi.pn does her.eby ter;ninate a13. pxoceeciings in connection with CondiciQnal. Use Per.mit N~. 2040 on the bas.is of the foregoirig fi.ndi.ngs. THF FOREGOING RESOLUT:[~N is :;.igned and approved by me tha.s ll.th day of June, J.984. ~~~~ i~ ~~ ~ G.-~,C-- CHAIF.WOP4AN RNAEi~IM CITY PLANNING C'OMNI'ISSION ATTEST: c, n ~ ~ ~ .~ . ~.t `~ SECRETARY, A~]AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S~'A~E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OF 012ANGE ) ss. C:LTY OF ANAFiE:1M ) I, Edi~h Lo Harris, Secretar.y af the An~h~im City PJ.ann~ng Comrnission, do hereby cer.i;ify th«t t.he for.egoing resol.ution was passed and adopted at ~ meet.ir.g of the Anaheim City Pl.ann.ing Commissi.on he].~ on J'une ll., 19A4, by the fo).l.owiny vote of the members ther.eoE: AYES: COMMISSIQNERS: BOUA~, BUSHORE, F'RY, HERf3ST, KING, hIC BURNFY NOES: COM~IISSIOI~~RS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIO~I~RS: L1~ CLAIRE TN WlTNESS WH~;REOF, I have h~r.eunto set my hand this l.lth day oE June, 1984. ' ~ ~ ~ ~~~t-t.. S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLI~NNING COMMISSION ~U240r PC84-].13