PC 84-121`•~ RESOLU`1'ION NG. PC3A-].'ll. ~1 R~;SO.Lf~]'IUN OF THf~ ANAEIF'ZM C:l'I'X PLAP~N:[NG COMMISSION `i'HA7.' PR7'I`1'ION l~'UFt CUNI)I'1'IUNAL USL i~LFtMI`r N0. 2579 BE GFAN'1'ED WHERLAS, ttie Anahei.m Cii;y Pl.anni.ng Commissi.on di.ci r.eceive a vcr.ttied Petition ~or. Conctitiona7. Use Per.iiv.t Lr.om ~'1NAEiEIM DOC`i'URS INVESTMGNT CO[~7PANY, c~o ALLEN CLAkKE, .144U Nar.th I•lar.bor. E3ou.l.ev~r.cj, E~U]..l~r.t0[l, Cal.i£ornia 92635 and BG}2`rEIA OMAIaSKY, ET AL., 245 Nor,th AJ.mont, Bever.l.y HiJ.1.s, Ca].ifornia 902.1.2, owtzer.:~, and M. DAVIU LGP:IS, 64'll Coldwater Canyon, NOrtt~ Ho].J.ywoad, Cal.ifor.nia 9J.606 and TNA ~3LISS, 4646 Sier.r.a Tr.ee Lane, Ir.vi.ne, Ca].i.f~r.n~.a 9~77.5, agent for certain real. property si~uaGed i.n the C.i.ty of AnahPi.m, County o~ Or.ange, State of California, descr.i.bed as: THE WEST 80. ~0 FL;L"r (~E THE ~dOFZTH 250. 00 FEGT OC' LQT ].]. pF HELCN ANI) LYNCH'S SUBDIVIS:~ON OF THE WES`P HALI' OF SECTION J.6, IN TOWNSHIF' 4 SOU'i'H, RANGE .l.U WEST, SAN 13ERNARI)INQ DPSE AIJD MERIDIAN, CTTY OE' ANAHL~'IM, COUN'rY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ AS :iHOWN UN A h1AP THERGOF RECOI2DED IN BOOK 442, pAGE ].58, DE~DS, RECORU:; OF.' LOS ANGELCS COUNTY, CAI,IEpR[3IP.. THE 61EST HAI,E' UE THE NOI2THEAST QUAk~Tk;R Of 2'HE SOU'?'HWEST (,~U~IRTER OF `i'HE NURTHWCST QiJARTER UE` SECTION 1.6, '.i'nWNSHIP 4 SOUTEi, RANCE .10 WES'P, IN THE RANCIiO SAN JUADl CAJON D~ SANTA ANA, IN THF: CI'1'Y OE' ANAFiEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STAT~ OF CAI~Ik'ORNIA, HETNG THH: WES'1' HALF OF LOT ] J OF :1~LEN AND LYNCH'S SUf3DIVTSTON OF THE WEST HALF O~ SECTIQN 7.6, TUWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE l.0 WLST~ ~1~ PER MAF '~ECORDGD IR BOOK 442 PAGE .158 OF DEEDS OF LOS r~NGELES CUUN'PY, IN 'xFIG OFFICI: OF T[iE COUNTY RF'CORDGR OE' SAID LOS ANGEI,ES COUN'1'Y, ~HE ET~ST LINE OE' ~ElE ABOVL•' DSSCRIF3EU I,AND BL•'ING THE SAME AS TEiE WES'i LINE OF THE LAND CONVN:YLD EiY CHARLES SCHINDLEF AND WIFE, TO NETTIE EYGABROAD, BY DEED RCCORDED MARCti 1.5, .1.909 IN IIOOK 163 PAGE 387 ~F DEEDS. EXCEPT THAT POR'I'ION TNEREOF UESCRIBEG AS FOLLQWS: BEC~INNZNG iA'P THG P70R`PNEAST CORNER OF SAIll LANll; THEN(;~' WEST 170.C0 FFF'.T ALONG THE NOR'PH LINE OF SAID LANU; TEiENCE ~OUTH 35U.00 FEET; TEfENC ~' EAST ].7U.00 l EET TO THE F:AST LINC OI' uAID LAND; '~E?~;NCE NURTH 350.00 L'EFT 'i'O THE ~~OINZ' OF I3EGI~iNING. ALSU ~XC[.P`.C FROM THF 42EMAINI)F1R OE SAIL' LANU TEIE MQS'~ NUR7'EiERLY 250 FEET TH~REOI~ . WHEREAS, ~t~e City Pl.anning Comm~ssi.on ctic? hol.d a publ.ic 1'1Gdr.itlQ at thc: ~ivi.c Center in the City of Anaheim on ,1une l.l, ]984, at 1.:30 p.m., notice of satd public heari~g navi.ng b~~n ~ul.y given as requtred by law and in accor.dance ~~ritt- the ~r.evisions of the AnahF i.m Munici~:a'.. Code, Ch~~pter. 16.03, to hear and c~nsidec evidence Eor. ancl ag~insr sai.d pr.oposed c~.,ndi.t~innal. use per.mit and to .inveskiyate ancl make findirigs and r.ecommEnda~:ions ~.n connectton ther.ewith; sa.id public hear.~.ng hav.ing been continued to tt~ca F].ar~r-i.ng Commissi.on me~tiny ot Jilne 25, 1.93~',; and ~0249r DC84-1.21. ~ ~1 WH~REAS, s~id Comrni.s~ion, after due study made by itsel.f ar~d in its Ue;;aJ.f, and ~vicience and r.•epor.~s a.ELer.~~d a~ sa.id hear.:i.iig, fc,].].owing ~acts: /n'a inspec',:i~n, investi.ga~ton and ~fter. due consi.der,at.i.on of a7.7. cloes fi.r~d and deter.mine the l.. Th,at th~ proposed use is pr,operly one For. wh:ich a conc1i.tionaJ. use per.mik is aul:hor~.zed by An~~hnim Municipa]. Cade Secti.on ].8.06.~780 & :1.8.44.USU.17U to wxt: to p~.r.mi.t ~~ 49-t,ed psychi.atric t',ospi.ta7. for. ado'l.escent. chemical depcndencies WL~11 wai.ver of the fol.l.owing : 5EC`t'IONS ].B.OG.050.0267 - Mi.nimum number. of .parkinq spaces ANA 1.8.44.OG~.U50 (J.96 spac~s r~quir.erl; 8]. spac~s proposed) 2. That t.he r.equ~sted w~i.ver. ts her. -r.by gr.anted on the b~sis oP the type of use and on the basis tha.t the par.king var.iance wi].l. not cause an incr.ease i.n kcaffi.c congest~~n ~.n the inimediate v.icinity noc adver.sely affect any adjoini.ng land uses; and that th~ gr.anki.ng of the r~arking var.ianc:e under. the conditions imp~sec], if any, wi11. nqt he d~tr.i.IT1~Clta1. t0 the peacc, hea].th, saFPty or genezal. wel.far.e of the citizens of the C~i.ty of An~heim. 3. 2'hat the proposed use wiJ.]. n~L- adverse).y affect the adjoi.ning land u~es and the growth and d~ve.l.opment of tha ar.ea in cvhich it is prop~sed to be located. 9. That Che si.z~ ~and sha~e of the ~ite proposed F~r. I;ha use i.s adequate to al.low lhe L•ull development: o£ the prop~sed use i_n a manner no~ detrxmental tu the ~articul.ar lrea nor ~o the peace, hea].th, safety anc~ gener.a]. weJ.faKe of the Ci.tizens of the C.ity of Anat-eim. 5. Th~at thp granting of the Conditi.ona.l. Use Permit under the conditxons imposed, if any, wiJ.l not be detcimental. to tt-e peace, hea].th, saL-~ty and general. wel.f~re of r.he Citi.zens oi khe Cii:y of An~heim. 6. '.Phat the i.raffic generated by the pr_GpOac±d u: e w.i]..l not .impose an unoue buzden upon the stz~eets and hi.ghw~.~ys designed and im~coved to car.ry the tr.affxc in the area. 7. That 28 persons i.ndicated thei.r pre~ence at said pub7.ic hear.in,y .in oppos.ttion; and that petitions containing appr.Uxi.mately 500 signat~ir.es were r.ecezved in oppositi.or~ to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EINDING: That the Anahe:i.m Ci.ty Pl.anntng ~omm9.ssion has r.eviewed the pcoposal ~o permi.t a~19-bed psyr_hia.:ric haspital. for adol.zscent chemica]. dependenci.~s with wa~ver. ~f mini.m~im number of parking spaces on an i.rregu.lar.l.y-shaped parceJ. of l.and consistiiYg of approxi.m~itel.y 2.5 acr.es, having a Lrontaye of approxzmate].y 80 feet on the south sid~ c~f Br.oadway, and fur.ther. descr.~bed as 1.660 and 1.664 West Broadway; arcd does hereby approve the Negative llec3.aration upon f.i.nding that it r-as consider~d the Negati.ve Dec].aratton together with any comn~ents rcceived durirlg thE pub.l i.c r.PVtew pr.ocesa and fur.th~r. finding on the basi.s of the initi.al. study ar.d any comrnents r.eceiv~d ~:t~at ther.e is no substantiaJ. evi.dence that the project wi1J. have a si.gnificanh effe~t nn the environn~ent. -2- FC84-J.2.1 ^; . -~.~ I~OW, '.I'HI:RGi~ORE, I3E I'.i' RESOLVGD ~nai: Lhc Anahei.m Ci~y P1.anning Comm:ission do~s h~er.eby yrant: subj cct PE't'lti,0J1 L-or. Cond.iLiona]. U se Pe~-mi.t, upon the f'o].J.owi.ng r,:ond.iti_ons whi.ch are her.~b~~ Epund to be a nec:~ssary pree~qu9.si.te to the proposed use o~ the subject proper.~:y i.n c~r.der. to ~reser.ve the safety anc! gc:r~er.al. we.l~ar.c oE the Citizens of the Ci.i:y oL An~hEim: .l. That the e.xisti.ng driveway shal.l be r.~constr.ucted to pr.ovi.de a i:wenLy--.Eour ('l~l) L-oot tni.r-itnum wi.dth and ten (J.0) Eoot r.adius cur.b r.Pturns as r_equir.~d by the C:ity 'i'r.a.ff-ic Engi.n~er. 2, In accordance wi.th t:he recommendaticns of th~ Chie£ of Po:Lice, the fol..l.ow.ing sha.l]. app].y; (a) 'i'hat tri~ par.kinq ~r.~a sha:lt be l.ighted wi.th minimum one (].) f~otcandl.e J.ights maintai.necl at ~~rc~und ].eve) to de~er thafts ~r.om veh.icl.es and to maintain good visibi7.ity i:a reducE vu].nerabiJ.:tty to per.sona]. assaul.ts. A].s~, l-hat minimum one-ha].F (]./2) ~ootcand.le J..ights shal.l. be iris~:a] ].Ed and maintairied at ground _Lev~l betwe~n the caESt b.l.ock wa)..l and the hu:i].diny to el.imtnate ar.eas of concea.lment. A1 J. ).i.ght:s shal.l. have weather. ar~d vanda.l resistant covers. (b? That a wraught iron s~cur.ity r.ul.;. back gate sha7.). be~ znstai.led wi~.h a knox box ].oclc for. emergancy access by fir.e, po].i.ce and arnbulance i.n a].ocz~ion as apprc~ved by the City Traffxc Engineer. to deCer vanclal.ism and tr~spassing prob].ems, (c) That the faci.:Lity shall not have anyonn on the p~emi.ses or. w:ithin any pr.oyram who i.s under the i.nf]uen~^e of: PCP~ or, has been ch~m;.cal].y deperident on PC~~ (Pencyc7idine). (d) That an unar.med guard sh~l.l. be em~].oyed on-site 2~ hours a day l-o r.ed~.~ce po~.enti.a3. crimi.r.a]. and; or il.l.egal. activi.ti~s. 3. ~n accar.dance witl~ khe recommendat.ions of the City ~'r.aEfic Engineer,, thE~ f:ol].owi.ng sha.1.J. appJ_y: (a) That a shar.ed par.lcing agreement guazanteei.ng thc avai.l.abil.ity of an addi.ti~na_'.. 22 spaces to be shaced wi.th th~ church fac.iJ.ity J.ocate~ d~i.r.ectly north of the proposed hospi.tal., sha1.], be executed in a form as r.eviewed and appr.oved by the City AL-torney's Offi.ce and thc•r.ei~p~n recorded in the ~ffice o~ the Or~nge (:ounty I?ecor.d~r. Procf o:E said r.ecor.dati.c>~~ stia~ ~ be fur.nt~hed to the City. (b? `.Chat signage shal.J. be posted near the @X'151:111~ 24-£oot wi.de share~ access dr.i.veway t:o ide~-tit•y said driveway as a fir.~ lane anl.y and to pr.ohibit par.king or. stapping at any time on said d~ivewa.y. (c) That a parking pr.ovision agr.eement shal.l. be executed and r.ecor.ded by th~ owners of Nubject ~~zopEr.ky a~ceeing that if wxthin thr.ee y~ar.s foll.owing occupar~y of the hosp.ital, the Ctty canducks a tr.affxc stuc]y i.rid:'tcating that the exiatinq number of off-stzePt parki:lg spaces is inadequate, said ownQr.s shalJ. pr.ovtde additi.ona) off-~t~eet ~ar.ki.ng in a manner. .~nd numoer. satistactor_y to kt~e City Tr.affi.c ~ngi.neer. -3- PC84-1.2J. Ma~ ~. Tl•iat the numuer. of beds, shaJ.l. not excc~ed 49 ( fdr,ty nine) . 5~ Tt~at prior t.o ~.issuance of ~ bu.il.dirig permi.t, the ap~r.opr.iate tir.affi,c si.gnal. aasesstn~nt f~;e sha.l.7. be pai.d to the Cil•y of Anahe:tm i.n an amount• as d~ter.m:in~d by Che City C.ou~lci7. ~or new commer.c~ia]. bui7.di.ngs. 6. `Phat drainaye o:E subject pcuper.ty st~aJ,]. be clisposFd o.t in a manner sati.sfacloK,y t~ the City Etlc]i~]E?P_r. 7. That t.rash stor.age areas sha].1. be provided .in accordance wi.th approved pl.ans on f.i1.e with the Street t~(~.i.nt~iZ~Znce ~~nd .Sanitation Div~sion. 8. That all air. condiLioning ~'aci].ities sha:l.]. be proper.].y shi.eJ.decl ~'rom view, and t~h~ sound buffered fr.om adjac~nt p.roper.ti.es. y• That tt~~ ex.isting sl•r.ucture sha.l]. be brought up to the minimum standards of the City of Anatiei.rn, inc].udir:g ~he Uniform Bui.ldin~, Plumbing, El.ectricaJ., hlechanical. ar~cl Fi.r.e Coc3~s as ~dapted by the City oE Anahe:im~ ].0. Tt-iat ~he propc~sal. sha]..l ~omp]y with a],J. signing r.equirements of the CL'~ Zone, unJ.ess a var.iancc aJ.J.owi.ng sign wai.vers is appr~ved by the P].anning Commission or City Cauncil.. .11.. That an 8-foot high masonr.y bl.ock wal.l shal.]. be conslr.ucted anci mai.ntazned alAny the soutk-, east and souther..ly portion o~ the west proper.ty :lines; and tP,at an ei.gr~t (8) Eoot hiyh chainl.i.nk fence st~al.l be insta].led and maintai.ned from the tPr.minus of the B-foot high bl.ock wall on th~ easter.l.y pr.oper.ty 1.~i.ne exte~ding westerl.y from a po.int approxi~mateJ.y 200 feet nor.th oF the south pr.oper.ty ~.i.ne. 12. 'I'l~at any pr.opos~d pazking ar.ea J..i,qh~.i.ng fixtures shall be down-lightEd wi.~h a maxzmum height of l.2 fe~t. Said l.i.ghting fi.xtures shall. be di~rected away .~r.om adjac~rt. proper.ty Zines L•o pr.~tect the res:tdenti.al. i.ntegr.i~ty of the ar.ea. Sai.d l.ighting shal.l a1.so compl.y with Condition No. 2(a), .13. That the owner of subject property sha1J. submi.t a~.etter r.equesttng ter.mination of Var..ianc~ No. 9:03 and Conditianal. Use Per.mi~ No. J.39 to the P].anning Depazl-ment. J.4. ThaC subject propert•y sha11. be de~ve].oped substanti.atl.y in accor~Iance w.ith pl.ans and specif ications on Pi.l e with the City o~ Anaheim markPCi Exhibit Nos. ]. thr.ough 3. 7.5. That prxor to issuance of bu.il.ding per.mit, or. within a period of one year, f~om ~h~ date of this r.esol.u~ian, whi.chever occur.s fir st Cundi.tion wi th i~as. 3a, 3c, 5 and ].3, . , above-men~i.c~ried, shaJ..l. be compl.ied . . Ext ens;.ons for further ti.me to comp].ete s~zd ~onditions may be gr.anled in accordance wa.th Section of t-.he Ana;~eim Muntci paZ Code. . ].6. Ti~at pr~.or to the commenc~men~ of the activi.ty auttiorized isnder, thiy resolutxon, or. fina3. bui.J.di.ng and zorii.ng inspections, whichever OCCUKS L•irst, Cor.dition Nos. l., 2a, 2b, 3b, 6, 7, 8, g, 7.7., ].Z and J.4, above-ment~oned, shal.l be compJ_ied with. -4-- PCB~-7.2) ' l r,u+~,, t3E IT L~URTHER HESOLVGD that lhE Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commi.ssiori does h~r.eby tind and d~ter.rnine that adoption of this ResoJ.ution i.s expxess).y predic:ated upon a~p7.ic~ant's C0111p1. L~l1C~' with cach and a7.7. of thP conditi.ons her_~inabove s~t Eor.ti•,. Shou].d any such cond:iti.ons, or an a cleclac•ed inva.~id or uneniore~abJ.e by th~ ~inal. y I~art ther.c.of, b~ jur~.sd:tctiun, thcn this R~sal.ution, ~nd an a~udgment of: any cour.t of competent deemed nu:l.l. and void. y AP~'ova).,, h~re.in canta.inecl, shaJ.1, be '.~'HE FOREG~ING Ft~SOLUTTON is sign~d and a~pr.oved t~y me this 25th day of Jun~, ].98~ . ,--'l,~ ,j `' r` ; .-~~j/;• ~~ ~.f" ,i,/~~~--3~~ ~C:/__,(/i~ CHAIRWOMAN, AN,A ~IM CITY .PLANNING COMMIS,'3ION AT'rEST; ~ `'~'~~ . _.~ _~~! ~.~-~. SECRETARY, ANAHEIy CI'.PY PLANr~ING COMMISSION S'I'ATE OF CALIrOKNIA ) CflUP77'Y UF OR.ANG~~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Editti L. Har. ris, Secretar.y of the An~he:im Ci.ty Pl.anning Cnmmissi~~n, do hereby cextify tl~~at the foregoic:g r.~~ol.ution was passed and adop~ed at a m~~ting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commissiori h~l.d an Jun~ 25, 1984, by the fol7.owxng vote of tne mernbers thereof : AYES: NO~S: ABSEN'r : ].984. COMMISSIO.NERS: P'RY, H~F<BS'I', KING, LA CLAIRE COMMISSIONEk2S: l~OpAS, BU~~TORE~ MC BORNE'Y COt4MISSTONERS: ~IONE IN F7zTN~.;s WH~REOE, I h~ve her.eunto spt my hand this 25th day of June, `"~i f / ,~, . ~ JLt.~c.~.... .~ - ~..~_ SECRP'1'ARY, ANAHBIM CT'rY PLANNING GOMMISSI0~1 -S- ~~~,~ , .• . ,._ _ _. ~ PC84-].Z1. i ~ ~