PC 84-123.-.,,, RL501,UTIUN N0. PC84-.1.23 A RBSOLUTTON OF TElE ANAHE?"; ~.ITY PLANNING COMMTSSTON THA~' P.'~,'TI'i'IUN POI: CONDITIONAL USG PERMTT NOo 25&7 f3E ,;~2ANT~p ~9H~REAS, the An~hei.rn Ci.ty Planning Commissi.on did rec~ive a veriFied P~,:tition Lor Conditi.ona.l UsP Perm:t From ANAHEIM HUSINESS CLNTER CUMPANY, C/0 ERIC MAR~i~ENo 610 Newpar.~ Center Ucive, ~{7.455, Newpart Beach, CaJ.ifor.ni.a 92660, owner, and STEPHr^1N c~USS, ].34U North B).ue Gum Si:r.~~~, Ana'~Pim, Cal.ifor.nia 92806, agent ior certa:in r.~al. property sikuated in Lhe City of Anaheim, Count,y of Orange, State of Cal.ifornia, described as: PAI2CEI, 1:IN THE CI'.CY OF ANA.HEIM, COUNTY OE ~RAN~E, STATE Of:' C:ALIF'ORNIA, AS SFiOWN ON A MAP @'II,ED IN 1300K J.38, PAGES 27 AND 28 Ot~ PARCEL MA~S ` IN 't~HE UFFICE OF 1~HE r.pUNTX 12ECORn~R OF SAID COUNTY. WH~REAS,. the City Pl.anniny Commission di.d hold a publ.i.c hear:ing at the Civic Center in the Ci.ty o£ Anahe.i.m on June 25, J.984, at ].:30 p.m., noL3.ce of said pubJ.a.c hear9.ng having been c1uJ.y ~iven as req~i~.red by ].aw znd in accordance with the prov3.sio-is o:E the r~nahei.m Muniri.pal Code, Ch~pter ].&.03, to hear. and consi.der. evi.dence for and against said proposed rondit:i.onal use perm9.t and to investa.gate and makP findi.ngs and r~comrnendati.ons in connecti.on there~ith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due i.nspection, investigati.an and study made by i.tse].f and i.n iL-s behal.f, ancl after due consi.clerati.on o~ a.l]. evidence and repor.ts oftered at said hear.xng, does f.ind and determine ~he fo].J.owi.i~g facts: 1. That the proposed us~ i~ prape~ly on~ for whi.ch a conditiona). use perm.it is ~-~uthorized by Anahe:im Municipal. Code Section ].8.6J..050.6q6 to wit: i:o retain an ~xpansi.on to an existi.ng ath].etic and body-btii.ldi.ng gymnasi.ur~~. :'.. That ttie proposed use is her.eby gr.anted subject to the petition~x'G sti.pul.;!tion at the ~~ubl.ic heari.ng that ther.e sha7.). be no exter.ior en~trances to the se^.ond f~.oor of:fire and that sai.r] af~i.ce sha].7. be usAd on].y in connecti.on with thQ gymnasium. 3• That the pr.oposed use wi1J. not adver.sety afiect: the adjo.iri.ng J.and uses and the gcc,wth and devel.opment o~ the area in whi.ch iL- i.s pr.•op:;sed to be ].ocated. 4. That L•he size anc3 shap~ of the s;.te proposed for tt~e use is adequate to a].low th~ .fu].]. deveJ.optnei~t of the pr.oposed use in a;nanner not dr:trxmenta]. to the parti.cuJ.ar axea nor to the ~eace, h~a).th, safety and genera]. welfare of the Citizens cf the City of Anal~ei.m. 5. Thak the gr.anting pf thP Condxtiona.l Use Per.mit undec the cor.cl.itions imposed, :if any, wi.ll riot be detr.i.mental to ~he peace, hea].th, safety and g~nc~ral welfa.re of i:he Citizens of the Ci_ty of Anaheim. ~ `: ~ #025J.r P~$4-].23 ~ ~ 6. '.ChaL the tr.aL'fte y,~ner.at~c~ Uy th~ nr.oE~o;se~] use. ~i_1'I nc~t i.m~oae an undue bucden upun thc str.~~ets and hig}~w~ays desi.c~ned ~an~.l ~.mprovccf to car.ry I:he tr.axf.i,c i.n the azca. 7, 'T'hat no onc:~ i~di.car.e~i the'tr. pt~eUence at said puUli.c hearinc~ tn n~position; and rh~l• no corr,~spunr.l~~nr.~~ was r.eceivc~c! in oZ~p~ ~it~ion i:o the sul~~ect j~~tlti,0[l. F;NVIRUNMEN'.L'AL LMPAC`1' L~ INL' ING: Th~r tt~e Anaheim Ci.~y PJ anntng Cotnmiss.ivn has reviewed th~ pr.o~osal. to retain an ex~ansior, la an existtn~ ~~thl.et?.r. and body-bu.il.ding gymnasium on ~i r.ectangul.atly-::haped par.cel of l.and ~ansi.sting of approximateJ.y U.4 ar.r.e; ~.ocatecl at r,F~e uor.th~ast cor.ner of Vta MaKtens and F31u~ Gum ~trect an~i ~urther d~s.:r.ibed as 1340 Nor.th El.ue Gum Street; and clocs hereby appcovF t•h~ Negative Dec).araCior~ u~on f.tnding that it h,as considereci the N~:rative DF~cl.ar.ation togecher witY~ uny commenrs cecefved duri.ng the public revieca ~r.ocess anci Eur.Gher finding ~n th~ k;asis of the i.nitial stuc3y «nd any camments recei.ved that ther.e is no s-~bstanti.al evider.ce that L-iiE project wil.l. have a signi_ficant- effect on the envir.o~~meni:. yOW, Tk~~RGF'ORE, Bk~ I~i' RESULVL•'D thak the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Co~r,mi.~sion does hpr.eby gr~nt subj~ct [~etiti.on £or Condi.tiona.l Use Per.mit, upon the ~oll.owing condtt.ions WI'Ii.CCI ar.E hezeby found tr~ be a riecessar.•y pr.er.equi.sit~ to the ~roposed use of t}~e sub;ject p1:aper.ty in or.der. L•a pr.esPr.ve 'r,he ~ai~ty :,nd general wztfar~ of thc Citizens of the City of Anaheitn: l.. 2'hat prior. to issuance of a r~ui.Jdi«g per.mit, -:he appropr.iate tca£f:ic sig~ial. assessment fee stial.l. be ~aid to the City of Anahetm i.n an amount as deter.m.i.ne~ by the Ci.Cy Council for new commer.cial. bui.l~ings. 'l. 'Chat trauh stor.ayc: areas shal.l be pr.~vided i.n accor.dance wi.th approvPd pl.ans c,n fi.l~ with the Str.eet Maintenance aiid Sani.tal•ion Jxvisi.on. 3. ThaL pl.ans ;hall b~ subm~.tted to the auil.ding Divi.sion shnwin~ c:ompliance with the mi.ni.mum standar.ds of the City c~f Anahei.m, incJ.udi.ng the Untform F3utldi.ng, Plumbing, r".l.ectr.ical, Mechanica.l anc] Eir.e Codes ~a3 adopted by r.he Ci.ty ~f Anah2im. Th~ appr~pr.tate permxts shall be obtained for. .any necessar.y wnrk. 4. Z'hat the p~oposal shal.l compl.y with al.l. signtny r.equir.ements of t4e ML 2ane, un.less a vari.ance al.~.owing sign watvers is approvpd by the Planni.ng Commi.ssion or City Cauncil. 5~ 'That sub ject ~roper. ty ~h~~i l. he devei.oped suGstar,ti.al.l}~ ~.n accordan~e wfth pl.ans and spectf icat.tons on ftlc w~.th the Ctty of Anahetm mar.ked Exhibtt Nos. l and 2. 6. That Elr. io~ to the c:ortimpncement oE the act ivi.ty au~hoci.zed und?r. th.is r.esolution, oc pr.ior ro the timP that a builc~LnS ~er.mit i~ i.ssued, oc within a~er. io~J ~E one year, f rom the date ~f thi~ r.es~oluE{on, whichev~r, occu~s f~.rst, C~~iditi~~n Nos. 1 and 3, above-menttoned, vhal l. be ca:np l i,ed wi.th. Exken ~i.onh for f ur. the~r. t i.me to compl ete sai.d conditi.o~s rnay k~e yr.~nt~d tn accor,dance wi.th 5ectfo~t 1.~3.03.090 of the Anaheim Mun~.ci~~+J Cod~~. r -2- pcaa-~23 7. 7'hal• prior Lo tina] bui.lr3i.n~,~ and r~ning i.nspecti.oi7~, Condtti.or. Nos. 2 and ~, abov~-inenttonicl, shal.l. be compli~d wi.th. b. Thal ther~: ~h~~l.l. Ue rto exteri.c.~z~ n~•~t1'cryllCE: to the second f].oor offi.ce ~~nc1 that s~~id uff:i.ce sha].l. be used onl.y in r.onnectton with rhe yymnasium. BE I`P E'UItTEtLkt RE~OL~VGp that ~h~ Anaheim c:it.y P).annin~~ Commi.s~ion dues tieceby find and deter.rnir~e ttiat adopti.on of t:his Resoluti.on i.s ex~r.essJ.y pre~lic~ted upon a~pticanE's ccmpl.~ance w:lth each and a17. oC the condittons he~einabcve ~et forth. St~nul.d any such r.onditions, or. any part tf~er.eof, be dec].ared invaJ.id or. ianen~occeable by th~ fin.~l. judgment of any court of c:ompetent jurisdiction, ~:hen this Resol.u~i.un, and any appr_~vals herei.n contained, sl~iall bE d~.emc~d nul.l and void. THk: F~REGOT~U RESOL(J'i'IUN is signei] and approved by me this 25th day of June, 19Ei4. -'~~ %~~'~...~.z. ~~~J l~'~l-~-e~'_,a,_- ~HAIIZWOMAN~ AN EIM CITY PLANNTNG COMt1ISSTON ATTES7' : ~.~ ~ ' ~+ / ~~~~~~~ SF:CRE'.CARY, ANAEJEIt•1 CI''i'Y PLANNING CCMMISSIOf7 STA~.'G ar CA.LIF`ORNIA ) CUUNTY UF OI2ANGE ) ss. CI7.'Y Ok' ANANEIM ) I, Edith 1.,. Har, r, i.s, Se~~et:ary oE the Anaheim City Planning Cummisston, do h~r.eby certtfy lhat ttie focegoing r.esol.uti.o~~ w.~s nas~ed anc~ adopted at a meeting of the Anahei.rt~ Ci.ty k~lanning Commis~ion hel.d ori J~~n~ 25, 1984, by the following vote oF thc rnember.s thereof: AYES: COMMiSSIONEF2S: BUUAS, BUSIiUkE, FRY, fiERBST, KLNG, LA CLAIRE MC I3URf~EY NGE:S: COMMISSZOPIERS: NONE AFIS~NT; COMMISSIUNERS: NOtJL IN WTZ'NES5 WHLREOE, I have her.NUnto ~et my hand this 25th day of June, 1.984. ~ ~ /~~I.I ~~.~~M-~h/~ "~ SEC~ETARX, ANAHLIM CI`PY PLANNING C~MhlISSION -;,~- PC84-1.23