PC 84-124t r _'_'~ J ~ ~ ~: o FtLSOLU'i'IQN NU. PC84-] 24 A RESUT,UT:ION UI' 'i'HE ANAHETNI CI'PY i~LANNING (:OMMISSIUN `1'F!A'i' I~LTI'1'ION I'OR RECLA55TF.T.CA7'IOtJ NU. 83-34-33 E3E G12ANTE;D WHEREAS, thp Anahci.m Cily P7.anning Commiss•lon di.d r.~ceiv~ a vertfied petitton For iter.l.a:;~,~ifical:ior. £r.om ATLANTIC FtICHr^:CELD CUMPANY, 30U West GJ.enc~aks Bou].evar.d, G:I.~nda7.e, ~.a.lifurnia, 91.2U2, AT7.'N; T~J. L. FCEIL & C. T. f'ULKEKSON, ~7~~ners oE cer:tain r.ea]. pr.oper.t.y situa~ed in r_he Ci.ty of Anah4irn, County o~ Or.ange, State of Ca].if~r.n.ia, dFNcribed as Fol.l.ows: BEING A POR~'IQN Gi' '.PI~iE EA57' HALE' OF 'i'HE F:ASx' 'lU ACRGS O[' THL•' SOU'rfIEAS`!' QU~k7.'r;Ft UF THE SOU`I`HWEa2' QUP.fiTER OF S~CTION 7, TOtVNSHl~ 4 SOU`.CH, RANGG ].0 WES2', IN ':C!•lE CITX OI' ANAHETM~ AS SHOWLV ON A MAP RECORpFD !IV BOGK SJ. , PAGE .l.U, MISCET~LANrOUS MAPS, FtECURDS OE' OftANGE COUDITY, CAL~IFORNTA llCSCRIIiCD AS FUI~LOWS : BEGTNiJI[~iG A'I' `I'EIE SUU'z'EI QUAI2'.CER CGRNGR UF SATD SECTII~N 7; TFiGNCE WESTERL•Y 1.$7.75 FL13T ALONG 'iIiE SUUTEiERLY i,INE 0~ THE SOU`~HWEST QUAi, :R OF SAID SEC~I'IU[~1 7; THENCE NORTHERLY 40.00 HEET, MEASURGb AT RIGH'.C RNGLES, ALO[~G A LiNE PARALLEL W.l'TH T:IE EASTGRLY LINE OF `.'HG SOU'PHW~:S7' QUART~R OL' SAID SE~TION 7 TO `PHE NORTHERLY LING OF LAND UESCRIAED IN D~Ell TG THE STATE OF CAL:LFORNIA RGCORDED OCTUf3GR J.S, 7.9~6 IN BOOK 3675, PACE 52, OFP'ICIAL RCCORUS AND '1'Fi~, Z'RUE POINT ~~' BEG~:NNSNG; TH~'NCE CON'1'INUI~JG NOR'rHERLY J.50.00 FLET ALONG SAID PARALLEL L'INE; THENCE ~:ASTI:RLY 1.67.75 FE;GT ALONG A LINE PARALLL•'L WITEI `l'HE SOU`1'HERLY LINF UE '1'HE SOUTHW~ST QUARTGR OF SAID SECTIC)N 7 TO TFIE WES7'~;RLY LTNC C-F AN EASEMFNT D~SCRIBED IN DEED 7'0 THE COUN7~Y Or' ORANGE RFCORUEll OCTOf3ER 25, ~.951. tN BOOK 2246, PAGE 12U, Of FTCIAL RECUP.DS, SAiD WES7'ERLY LINE E3E~ING PARALLCL WITH AND 'L0. (10 FEE'i' WESTERLY OC TH~ EAS~PGRLY LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QU1~I2'PER OH SAID SEC'i'ION 7; THPNCE SO[JTF;ERLY 90.00 FEET ALONG SAID PARALLEL~ LINI: TU THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN GASEMENT DESCRIBED IN D~ED TO `I'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE;CORDED OCTOBCR ].9, J.95b, IN BOqK 3684, P~±.GE 230, OFL'TCiAL RECORUS; THGNCE WESTL•:RLY 20.00 FEE'I' ALONG SAIA NQRTHFRLY LiNE, DEING PAP.AL' LEL WITH THE ;iAUTHGRLY LINE OF `r.~tE SOU7.'HWEST QUARTER Or SA7D SEC2'IUN 7, 'r0 THE WES'rERLY LZNE OF' 1-N EASEMEIJT DESCRYFSED IN SAID DE~,D 'PO TH~ CI'.~Y Or ANAHEIM, SAID WESTERLY LINL BEING PARALLEL WITH AND ~0.0~ FF.E'r WES'I'~RLY OF THE EASTERLY I,IN~ OF `1'HE SUUTHWEST QUAR`i'E;R Oi SAID SECTION 7; THENCE SOUTHERLY 90.OU FEL'.C ALONG SAID WES'tERLY I~INE TO 'PHF NOR'1'HEkLY TERMINUS UP LANL' DESCRIBEll IN DEED ':0 `PHE STr1'1'G OE' C~LIE'OI2NIA~ uAID N~RTHEFZLY Z'El:I~1iNUS E3EING E,0.00 E'~;E'1' NUR'i'HERLY, MEASJREA AT RIGH`P ANGLE9, ul' 'P!~C ~OU'PHERI.Y L'!NE OE' '~EtE S~JU7'HWEST QUARTER GF SAIU S~;C:'rION 7; 'rHF.'NCE: .'iOUT:{W8S'1'EP.LY ALODIG TNE NOkTF1W~S'1'E~iLY LINE: OE LAND DLSCRTB~D IN SAID DEE;D TO TNE STATE UF CALIE'ORNIA TO A POINT I~ SAID NOR'PHEiZLY LINE UE~ LAND DESCRiBEU ZN UEED TO 'PHE S'PA2'E OE CAL1EnRNIA, SAID PAINT 9EING 60.OU FEE:P FROM '1'FfE EA~TERI,Y L.IN~ UF 'CHE SAUTHWCST QUAR'1'ER OF SAID SEC''i'ION 7; TtIENCF, nIES`PERLY F'EE;T AI,ONG SAZD NOR`rFiERL~ I,INE TU 'rHG TRUF. POINT UF BEViNNING. YU252r. PC84-124 ~XCLP'i' '1'FIL aOI:'1'!~IERLY J.50.00 ~E~;T OE '~Ftf~ [:nS'i'LRLY J 75.OU ['GE`r OC SAZD SOU'1'H~Au`.L' c~UAR'.~ ~R UL' `1'H1: SOU'rEiWES7.' QUARTLI2 OL' S!?C'.I'TUN 7. WH[:1ZE~1S, t:he City F1.anni.ny Commission di~l h~~ Ld ~ pub.l ic hearing at the Civic Center, i,n the Cit,y oF Anahcim on .Tunc 25, 1.9Ei4 ak 1;30 p.m., n~tic~: oi said publ.ic h~aring havin~,~ bePn duly given as r.eguir.ed by .l.a~ and in accordance with the ~~covi~i~n:, uE th4 Anaheirn Muni.ci.pal Code. Cha~L•er. 7.a.03; tu h~ar an~l consi.der evidenae for. and agai.nst sai~ p~oposec~ r.ecl.assifi.ca~ion and to invesL• iyate ar~d tnak~ [ iradings and r, ecurnmendati.ons ~.n connect i.on tk~er.~witti; c-~nd WHEREAS, suid c:ommission, atter. c~ue ir.spection, i.nvesti.gation and study made by its~l.f and in it.s beha:l.f, and ati.~r. due cona~.der.aL-ion ~i•~ a] 1 Pvi.i~ence ~nd r.e~or.ts offer.ed a1: sa~.d hear.irxg, does Find and deter.mtne the foJ..lowir~y Facts: 1. That L•he petitioncr ~roposes r.pc]assiEication or Por.ti.on A of subiect pr.c~per.ty Eroan RS-A-43,OU0 (Resiclential., AyricuJ.tur.al.) Zone tu the CL (Com~n~r_cia~., Limited) 7one. 2. Th~-t khe Anahe;.m Gener.a7 Pl.an desi.gnate~ subject proger.ty for. y~ner.al. contmerc.ial. 1a;~d u~e~. 3. 'Phat ~h~ pr.oposed r.eclass~Fication of subject pxuperhy is necessary anci/or desi.r.able fo~~ the or.der.l.y and pr.oper devel.opment oF the commun~ty. 4. That the ~ropos~cl r.ecl.assifi.cati~n af subject pcoperty does ~~co~er.].y -el.ate to the zones ancl their permi.tted uses ?.oc~l.l.y established tn cl.os~ prcximity to subject proparty and to rhe 2.ones ane~ their. permi.~ted uses general.l.y est~b].ished t-~rou9hou!: the communii:y. 5. That the proposed r.ecl.assification of subject pr.oE~erty requires the dedication of abutting str.eets in accor.dance with i:he C.ir.cul~~ti.on Element of the Gener.a) Plan, due to the an~i.cipated increase ir~ tr.afftc which wi].1. be genezated by the intensi.ficat?.on of ]~and use. 6. That no one indicater~ +.heir pr.esence at sa~.d publ.ir. heazing in opposttion; and that no correspondence was -eceived in oppos~.~io:~ to subject petiti.on. ENVIRONMENTAL IMYAC'P E'INAINr,; Z'hat rhe Anaheim City Planntng Commi.ssion has reviewed the ~~~o~o:;a.l 'zo r.ec,lassify P~r.t.ian A of ~ub}ect proper.ty L-rom the RS-A-43,A11U (Re~i.denti.al., Agr.icul.tura~) Zone to the CL (Cc~n-mexcial, L~rrited) Z~ne, and to per.mit a cunveni.ence market wtth ga~ol..fne sale3 and ofE-sale beer, and wine on an irregul.ar.~y-shaped parcel nf ].and consxsti.ny of ~a~nKOximakel.y 0.2 ac:r.e havi.ng ap~r.oxxmate Erontages of ].2 feet on the north r~ide c,f Lincol.ri Avenue and 4G fe~t on the we.t side of Gi.]bert atr.eet and furhher descr.ibad as lll tdor.tti ~ilber.t SL•r.~et; and does her.eby apE~rove the Negati.v~ Dec:l.ar,ati.on uF~on Pi.nc3ing that tt has const~er.eci the Negative Declaration toy~ther. with any comm~nts r.eceived dur.i.ng the pub].tc r.evxew pr.ocess and tur.ther tit~ding on the basis oC tne initia] study and any comments r.er.ei.ved ~hat thpr.e is rio ~ubsta~ti.al. evidence that the projecl- wtl ] have a significant QfCkCt o~- the envir.onment. -2-- PC84- ~ 24 ,,.,~ NOW, ~'HEH~['OR~, f3G T'i' 1~LSCiLV[;D khat ~he Anahei.m Ci.ty P1.anniny Commissi.or~ clues h~r.eby grant subject Pc:t:it~ioil ]'.ar Rec].ass~iFicati.on and, by so do~ing, ~hat 'ritle 18-7oniny uE the Anatieim Municipa7. Cocie be amendzd to ~xcJ.udc~ Che ab~~ve-dcscr.ibed property f~com chc~ RS-A-43,000 (Hestdential, Ayr,icul.tural.) Zone and to i.ncorpor.atc~ said c1escr.i.bed pr.operty :in~o the CL (Catnmeta.ia.]., J~imit~:d) Zonc upon the fol.].owiny corlcli.Ltons whir,h zre her.eby found to be a necESSar.y pr.er.ec~ttisite to rhe pt:OpA5P,Cl use ~E subject proper.ty in orc~er to pr.eser.vc t:he safet.y and ~~eneral. wel.far.~ oP the Citizens ~f the C9.ty ~f An•~rieim: 1,. '1'hat tt,e owner, of subj~ct property shal.]. ir, r.evocabl.y offer. tn dedicate to L-he City of Anahe~.m a st:r.i.p of ].and variGb].e in wi.dth as r.equ.ir.ed by th~ Ci.ty Engi.neer. trom the c:enter.).ine of fh~ stKeet al.ong Gilbect Str~:ei_ For. str.eet widening pur.poses. 2. 'i'hat an or.dinance r.ezun:i.n~ subjer.t ~ruper.~y sha7.l. i.n no event ue~ome effectzv~ excapt -apon or. fo].J.owing the r.ecord~t:i~n oE the Fi.r-a]. ParceJ. Map No. 89-248 cur. rent.l.y ~~endinc~ on suUject pr~per. ty. 3. That pri.ur to the inL•roduction of an or.di.nance r.Pzon.ing 5ubject pr.operty, Conditiox~ Nose ~ and 2, above-mentioned, shal.]_ be eompl.cted. Thc: pcovisions or, ridhts gr.anted by this resolution shal.J. become nul.l and void by action of the Pl.anning Co~;mi.ssion unl.ess said condzti~ns ar.e cumpl.ied with ~aithin one year ~rom the date of thi.s [esal.ution, or :uch further time as the Pl.~nning Commi~ssion may gr.ant. 9E IT EURTHEFt RESOLVED t.hat lhe Anahe:~m City P:l.anning Cammission ~oes he~eby ~ind and determine that adoptior_ of this Resolutic.i is express].y pcedicat~d upQr~ applicant's compl.iance with each ano al.]. o£ the conditians hereinabove set for:l:h, Shou.ld any such conditian, ~r any pa~t theceo£, be ~ec~.arEd invali.c3 or unenPorceabl.e by L-h~ f i.n~.~.l. judgmQnt of any cou~t of campetent jur.isdictian, thsn this Resol.ution, and any approval.s her.ein contained, shal]. bP deemed nul.l and voi.d. TF1E FOREGOINC RF~SOI.UTIUN is signed ar-d appr.ovecl }~y me this 25th day o.f June, 1984. _._. ~', . ~~ ~ / ' L.G-~._r~~ CHAIItWO;;AN,~ ~NAHEIM (;xTX PLANNING C~~MMISSION ATTEST: a2~ ti ` ~~~a~ SECRE'I'ARY, ANAHEIM CI'PY PLANNTtdG COMMISSION -3- PC$~-].24 ~ ~• ;.. S7'.ATE OF CALI FORN I11 ) CQU~JTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTTY OE' ANAHEIM ) I, Eclith I~. Har.ri,, Secr.etar.y oE the An~theim City PJ.anni.ng Commission, do hereby certify that the f.oregoing resol.uti.on. was passed and adoptec~ at a me~ti.ng of the Anaheim City Pl.anning Commission hetu on June 25, ].9f34, by the ~ol.l~w:ing vote ot the member.s tl-~t~r.eof : AYES: COMMI,SIUNCI2S: BOUAS, }3US~i0RE, FTtY, HrRBST, KING, LA C'LATRE MC 13URNGY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON1: ABSENT: COMMiSSTONERS: NONL IN WITNESS WHF:Rf:O[', I hav~ Y~ercunto set my hand this 25~:h day oF June, J.~89. ~' . _~Kj ~"~ ~(~t.-~~ SECI~ETAR't, ANAHETM CITX PLANNING CO[4MISSION -4- PC84--3.24