PC 84-125,-",~ RESOI.,U`i'IUN NU. PC~t34-•J.25 A F.LSOLU't'SUN OF 'Pl•lE ANAHEIM CT'rY PL~ANNING CUMMISSIpD~ THA7' PE`.PIT:LON FOIt CO~IDITIQNAL USI: PERM:IT N0. 2582 I3E DGNILD WEiFREAS, the Anahei.m City P.l.ann.ing Commission d~icl recei.ve a ver, i.fied Petitiion for Condikiona.l Use Per.mit fr.om A~PLANTIC RICHL'IELD COM~'ANX, 3U0 ti~est G].enoaks Bo~llevar.d, GJ.e~zdal.e, CaJ.i.tor.ni.a 91.202, ATTN: E. L. KE:ti, & C. T~ FUI,,KLRSOPI~ Qwn~rs of cer.ta.in r.aal. pr.~per.ty ~ituateu Ln 'the Cit,y oF AnahFim, County oF Oranye, State of Cal.i~or.riia, descr.ibed zs: BLING A PORTION O1~ 'rHG EAS7.' HALE Or THF EAST 20 ACF2F5 OE' TE3E :~C~U'1'HEAS`t' QUAR`i'F.R OF 'i'HE SOUTHWFST QUAR~'ER OF SECTI~N 7~ TU`vVNSHTP ~ SOU'i'H, RADIGE l0 W~ST, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEJM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECC1ItllED IN f300K 5]., PAGE ].0, MISCEL.GAN~OU~ ~yAPS, FtFCO[tDS OF ORANGE CUUNT~, CALIFURNIA UESCRIB~D AS FOLLOWS: BEGiNNING AT THF.; SOUTH QUARTETt CORNER OF S~1ID SECTION 7; 'i'HENCF WESTEItT.,Y J.ii7.75 F'EET ALONG THE SOU`CHERLY LING OF `rHB SOUTEIW~ST QUAR'rER OL' SAID S~CTTON 7; THENCE NOR2'HP~RLY 4(1.00 FE~T, MEASURED !~T RTGHT ANGLES, ALUNG A LINE PARALLEL WITH `.CH~ EAST~RLY l~iNE nE' THE SOU`PH~IEST ~UARTEFt 0[' SAID SECTION 7 TO THE NURTHERLY L1:NE OF LpND DESCRIBED IN DEED TQ ~.'HE S~.'ATE 0~ CALII'QRNTA 12LCO.RDLD OCTOBEF 1.5~ 1956 IN k3U0K 3675~ PAGE 52~ OFFICIAL RECORDS ANn '1'YE T:tUF POINT OF 13~G7ND'TIVG; THL•'NCE CONTINUING rlOTtTHERLY 15U. UU L'FET AL~ONG SAID PARALLEL LTNG; THENCE EAS'~PERLX :I.b7.75 FEET ALONG A L:[NE PARALLEL WZ'.CH THE SOUTHERJ,Y L~IN~ OF `!'H~ SOUTHWEST QUAR~'ER OF SAIJ SECTION 7 TO THE W~STETtI~Y LIN~ Or AN ~AS~MLNT DESCRIBGD IN AE~D TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE RECORDGb OC'1'OBER 25~ ].951 ZN BOOK "1246, PAG.E 1.20, OFFICIAL RECORD5, SAID WESTERLY L~ZNE BEINC PRRALLEL WTTti AND 20.00 FEET WL;SZ'ERLY OF `i'HE EASTERLY LJNE OF THE SOUmHWEST QUARTER OF SAID S~CTICIN 7; Z'EIRIVCE SOUTHERLY 40.00 FEET ALONG SAIA PARALLEL LINL TO TEiE N~RTH~;R1,Y LiDIF, C~L' AV EASr,MEN'Z' DESCR:iBEb IN DEED TO 'rHE CI`i'Y vF ANAHFIr, 12~;CORDED QCTQF3ER .1.9, Z956, IN BUOK 3684, Pr~GE 230, OFFTCIAL REC:ORDS; THEN::E WL•'STEKLY '10.00 FEGT ALONG SAID N022THGRLY LINE, AEING PARAI,LGL WITH THE SOU`1'ElEF2LX L:[NE C1F THE SC~UTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SEC'PIGN 7, Z'G THE ~]ES7'ER.LY LING O.l~ AN EASEMENT nESCRI}3~D 1N SAID DEED TO TElE CITY OE ANAHEIM, SAID WESTERLY LTNE BEING !'ARIILLEL WITH ADIU 4U.00 FEG`P WF.S7'ERLY QF THE EAST~RLY LIN~ UF' ~'HE SOUTHWGS`.P QUARTER 0~ SAID SECTION 7; THEP~CE SOUTHERLY 90.OU r'EET ALONG uAill WES'PERLY LINE TQ TEiE NOR`PEIERI~Y TERMINUS OF LAND DI~SCI2TBLD IN DEED TO THL STATE QF CALI~~ORNIA, SAID NORTHGRLY '1'ERMINUS BE:[NG 60.00 E'E;ET NORTflEE2'LY, MEASURED Ai RIGEiT ANGLES, OF THE SQU`.~HERLY LINE Oi~ TEi~; SOU'~'HWEST QUARTER OE' SAID SECZ'ION 7; TfiENCE SOUTH dESl'ERLY AL'~ONG TH~ NOIt'TNWES~ERLY LINL UF LAND DESCRIBE' iN S11ID AEEA TO THC STATE OF CALIi'GRNIA Tn .~ PqINT IN :;AII NORTHERLY LItVG Ob' LANU DESCRIBED IN DL•'ED 'r0 'i'HE STA?'E OF CALIFOR[dIA, SAID POINT DETNG 6U.00 F~;ET FROM 'PHE EAS`1'ERLY LtNE OF THE SnUY'fiWCST QUARTER OF SAID SE~~TION 7; THENCE WESTERLY J.27.i5 FEET ALONG SAID NORZ'HERLY LINE TO THE TRCJ[; P~INT OE' BE~TNNING. #U253c PC84-1.25 ~xCGPT `l'HU S4UTHGRIaY ].50.OU I'CH'.C OE' ~'Ei~ PA; TERLX J,75.OU FEu7! OF SATD SOUri'HLA:~T ~UAR'1'ER OI' TH ~' SOU'i'I-]WGS7.' QUARTCR Or' SECTION 7. WHrRE1~S, the C.ity P.lanning Commission di.d hald a publ~i.c hearinc~ aY. the Civa.c Centcr in h.hE City ~f Anaheim on June 25, 1.984 ~t 1:30 p.zn., noti.ce ot said pub].i.c heari.ng having been du].,y given as requ.ir.ed by J.aw and i.n accordance with thE~ provxsi.o7s af th~> Anahe.im Muni_cipa]. Code, Chapter J.3,03, to heax and consicler. evidence for, an~ aga:inst sai.d pr.oposed condi.ti.ona), use permi~. an~l to invest:i,gate and make Eindings and r.ecommenr]ations in cur~necti.an t.herewith; and WI~IEREAS, sa.i~l ~ommxssian, after. due i.nspech.ion, :inv~sti.gation and study made by itse].~ and i.n it. behaJ.[, and aft~r due considErati.on of a].J. evidence ancl reports off~r.ed at said 'neariny, does f.i.nd and deter.m:in~ the fo_llowi,ng faci:s: 7.• Thar the pr.oposed use is pr.oper.ly one For which a conditi.onal use permiL• xs authorized b~~ Anali~i.m Muni.c~.pa]. Cade Seclion 1.8.03.U3U.0.10 tc~ wit: to permit a convenience market witt~ ga:;pline sa),es and off-sale beer and WLRE'. Z. 'l~hat the pro~osed use is her.eby deni.ed on the basis that the petit.ioner wa. r~ot w.i.l.ling (a) L-~ eJ.iminate the sa].e of beer arid wine from the p.roposal whzch is uirected ta the dr.iving pubJ_!.c and (b) to cl.ose the most sauther].y dr.iveway on G.iJ.ber~ ~~r.eet and the most e«sterl.y dr:iveway on Linco7.n Avenue, as r.ecommended by the C.iL•y Traific Engineer, there~ay creating an ur~safe ~ondi.tion for tt~e drxvi.ng publ.:ic. 3. That the pr.oposed use wi.il. adversely affecl- the adjaininq ].and uses and the growth and deve].opment c~f Lhe ar.ea in wh~ich it is proposed tc~ be J.ocated . 4. That tYie size and sh~pe o.E the site propos•~d for th~ use is not adequate to aJ.low the ~ull. deveJ.opment of the proposed use in a mann~r nat detrxmenta.l to the p~~zt.icular area nor to i:he peace, h~a].th~ safety and genera]. welEar.e of the Ci.tizens ~f lhe C.ity oC Anaheim. 5. conditi.ons That imgosed the iE granting of the Conditinnal Use ,~ermit undar the i and genera.l. , we].fare qf any, w _.l,J. be detrimenta.l ~o the peace, healrh, saf~ty i:he Cik i2ens f . o the City oi Anaheim. b. That the traffi.c gene.rat~d by the proposed use ~a~.J.l. impose an ux~due buxder~ upon ~he stce~ts anJ hi.ghways des.igned and imp~ovad to cazr~r the txafftc in the area. 7• That no on~ ind.ica~ed ~heir. presence at sa.id public hear.ing i.n oppos.ition; and that no cor.r.FSpondence w~s r.eceived ir- cppositi.on ro the sub~ect pet:it.ior~. ENVI.RONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That lhe Anaheim City I~].anning Commissi.on has KeviewHd the pro~osal. ko rec.iassify subject property (Por.txcn ~+) Fcom the RS-A-43,000 (Resi.c3entia7., Agr.i.cultur.al) Zone to the CL (Commer.cxal, Li.rnited) zone, and to pezmil• a convenience macket• with gaso].ine ~ sales and off-s~le beer and wine on an irr.e u].arl. I 9 y-shaFed parcel. of l.and cansi.sting uf approxi.matel.y 0."l acr.e having appr.oximate frontayes of 12 feet ~ on tiie north side af Lincoln Avenue anci 40 feet on the west side of Gilbect ~2~ PCR~-125 I . ~ ~ ~ ~ P"""',~ Str.eet and fucthec ~]escriued as ].:~.1. Nor.~ri Gi,].ber~ Street; and does her.eby approve the Negative DecJ.arakio-~ upan tLRCI.LIIC~ that it has cons.i.d~r.~ed ;;he Negatwve Dec).arati.on togeth~r wi.th any commer.ts received during the publ.ic r.eview pr.ocess ancl furL-her f ind ~.ng on tk~e k~asis of the init.i.a]_ study and any comments r.eceived that. ther,e :is no substant:ial. evi.dence that the project wtl.]. have ~ signi£~.cant et•Fect on t;ha envi.conmeni:o N(.~W, TEiGREB'ORE;, BG IT RESULVEA ~hat tl~e An~h~:i.m Cilk Ptanning Commission does hezeby deny subject l~~titioi~ ~or. Conditional Us~ Permit, on the basis o~ the afozementioned findings. ~i'H;s FUREGOTNG RLSOLU`i'tON is s.igned an~ appr~ved hy me tnis 25th day of June, J.984. ~ // ~~ /-~ o ~/~'C~. CHAZRW MAN, ~ c~HETM ~IT1 1~LANNINV COMMl'SSIUN ~ ATTESZ' ; ~ ~ ~,Q~1~t.~ SECI2ETARY~ ANAHEIM C7:TY PLAyNING COMMISBION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIvTY OF ORANGE ) ss. GTTY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Edi.th L. HaKris, Secr~tar.y of. the Anaheim City P?_anni.ng Commission, do h~~:eby cer~:i.fy that the for•egoing r.esalutiun was pasNed and adopted at a mEeting of thc~ Anahei.m ~::ity Planning C~mmissian hel.d on ~Jun~ 25, 1984, by the fo].l.awi~lg vote Uf the msnber.s thereoF: A~'ES: CQMMISS:iONERS: EiDUA5, BUSHORE, A'RY, EIFRBSZ', FCII3G, LA CLAIRL MC DURNEY NUFS: COh1MIS5IUNERS: NONE Aa~~ENT: COf9MISSIQNERS: NONE ICJ WITN~SS Wf1Ek?EUI', I havP hereunto set my hanc3 ~his 2~th day of JunEa, 1984. ~ ~ ~ ~' l~L..~ SECRi:TARY, ANAHE;TM CITX PLANNING (:OMM:[S~ION -3- PC84-].25 ~ ~~,