PC 84-126,^ ~csoLU~rioN Na. ~c~~-~.2~ ~~ A RESULUTION 01' 7.'FIE ANAEiEIM CITY PL~ANNING COMMISSION DFNYING GFNEHAL PI.'~N AMIs[~I~MENT N0. 1.97 LAND USE ELLMFN'1' AND CIRCUL,ATIUN FLFMGNT WiiEREAS, the Ci.ty C~unr.ia. of the City ~f Anahei.m, did adagt the Anaheim Gener~i.l. PJ.an by Resulution Noo 69R-G~4, showi.ng the gen~ral description and exLent ~f possib.le f_u~ur.e development wi tt~in the Ci.ty; and WHEREAS, puryuant to a r.equest from the pr.oper.ty owner. for a Genera7. ~].an Amendrnent Study, City staff pr.epac~ed a Gener.al. Pl.an Amendment (Part I) for an are:a corisis'• i.ng of approx~imat~l.y ?.. U acr.~s ].ocated on the nor. ~hFast cor.ner, of State Ana Canyon Road and Pi.nney Dri.ve; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to a r.eque:t from the proper.ty owner £or. a r.evisfon i:o Bxhibit No. 7 of the Santa Ana Canyon Road Arcess Point Study, City staf£ prepar.ed a Gener.al. PJ.an Ameridment (Par.t II) ta ,per.mit an ar.cess on Santa Ana Canyon .Roe~~ as a par.t oF a ci.r.cu)_atian pJ.an ~'oc• the proposed commerciaZ pz~fessional offi.ce .faci.:Lity; anQ 4dHLR~;AB, the P].anniny Depar~ment cleemed it appr.c~priate, purs~anr ta the prova.sions of the Ca.l.iforr~i.a ~nv~.r.onm~ntal Quality Act, after review of the proposal ar~ Tn~ `.~.a~. Study G:~ finc in,y nca si.gnificant environmenta]. impact, th~t ~~ Negative Dec.lazation be approved; and WHEREAS, the City 1~].anni.ng Commission di.d ho].d a publ.i.c hear.ing aE the C~vic Center Counci]. Ghamber., 2U0 Snuth Anaheim Bau.levar.d, Anahet;n, CaJ_ifocnia on June 25, ].984, at i.: 30 p.rn. , noti~c of sai~l publ.ic heari.ng hava.ng been du).y given as requir.ed by .law and in accordance wi.th the pro~~i.sions of the Anaheim M~ani.cipal Code, Chapt~r 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said pr.oposed var.iance and tc~ inv~atig1te ancl make fi[~dings and r.ecommendations in connectivn ther.ewith; anci WHEREAS, sai.d Comariissiori, a.f.ter due considetat~.on, inspection, investigakxon and study madP by itse.tf~ and after. due consi.derati.on u~ a7.]. evzdence and reports offer.ed at sa..d heari.ng, DOES HEREBY FTND: ].~ That ,ufFi.cient evidenc~ was pcesented t.o i.i~~icate that the proposed commerc9.al. prafessional. desi.gnatian on th~ skudy si_te is incompat.ibJ.e wikh the sur.rounding lnw dens.ity r.esident~.aJ. deveJ.opment in the ar.ea. 2. That the prop~sed dev~lopme~~t oi an ac.cess on Sar~ta Ana Canyon !"t~ad wou].cl not be necessary i.f i:he proposed c~mmsr.ci.a). professioilal of:~i.ce facxl.i.ty i.s not d~ve.loped. ~NVIRUNMEN~'AL IMPACT EiNDING: That the Anahei.m C:ity ~l.anni:~g Commi.ssion has r,eviewed th~ proposed Gener.al. P7.~n Ame-~dment (Land Use ElemEn~} to change the cur.~e~l Hil.iside Low Density Residenti.a]. dc,signation to Commer.ciaJ. Professioi~al. on an ir.r.eg~i].ar.7.y--s}~aped par.cel. of ].and coneiski~ng of ap~roxii~atel.y 2.0 acr.es l.ocateci ~n the nor.theast corner. of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Pinney D.ri.ve; and to revi.se Exhibi.t 7 of l•he Santa Ana Canyon Road #~?.60r ~CE9-].26 ~iiK~..: •~^ . . . , . ~ . ~ r'.tibt' ,r.;ej(4~ ; .•., ~,N•'h ~Acr,ess Point Study ta per.mi~ study ~o p~Kmit an access oz Santa Ana Canyon Road; Staff has revi.ewed th~ proposa). and tY~e IniCia]. Study and Etnds no significant enva.ronm~i~taJ. impac~ and, thpreCor.e, recomme-ids that a Negative D~c].azation b~ approv~d upon a L-inding by i:he P].anning Commisslon that it has consadered the proposed Negative Aec].ar.ati~n toge~her with any comments r.ecexved duz.tng khe pubJ.ic re~ i~:w process and fuKi:her fi.nding nn the basis of the Ini.tiaJ. 8L•udy and any comments recei.ved tnat ther.e is no substanta.a]. evidence that the proj~ct wi.J.l. have a si.gniticant efftcl~ on ttie env:irorimene. N04J, THEREFORE, IIE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant ~o the foregr~i.ng findings ~he Anahei,m City Planni~ng Comma.ssion does hereby den,y General P7..an Amendment No. ].97. THE FOREGUING RESUi,UT10N i.s signed a!~~i appruved by me this 25~.h day ~f June, ].984. ~ ~ l~~ ~,'~~ j/'/~;~.t~_.~~ CHAIRWOMAN, . :A"19AHEIh] CI' Y PL ~ ANNING CQMMISSION c~ A~'TEST: e~.. ~c. ,~ ~,~1~. SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITY YLANT~IIVG COMMISSION ST~,TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Y, Edith L. Har.xis, Secr.etaz~ of the Anaheim City P].anning C~mmissxon, do hereby ~ectify that the fozegoa.ng reso~ution was passed anc! ado~te~ at a meeting of the Anaheim City PJ.anning Commiss:ion he~d ~n June 25, ].984, by the fo~7.owi.ng vote of the members thekeot: AYES: CGMMISSIpNERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE~ H~RBST, KTNG, LA CLAIR~~ N!C BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONFRS: FRX IN GVITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rny han~i ~his 25th day of ~~ne, ].984. ~'7 ~ `~ ._- r~'~ ~ ~ ,~~.. ~, ~, GECFt~T,~RY, ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2~' PC8~-126