PC 84-13~ RH;SOLU'I'IUN NU. PCF34-13 ~, fiESOLU'1'ION O~' TEIG ANAH~IM CI`~Y PI,ANN:I'NG COMMISSiC)N THE1T PETT'1'IUN FUF2 Vr1l2IANc~L N0. 3373 E3C rRAN'1'ED WHGRI;AS~ l•k~e Anarieim City Planning C~mmission did r~eceive a verified Petition ~or. V~~r:ianc~ Lr.om LARRY C. NOGGLE;, 2~)41 Last La Jr~lla Street, A.naheim, CaliEor.nia 92806, owner of cer.tain r.~al pro.per.ty situated in the City of Anaheim, County af Or.ange, State of Califor.nia descr.ibtd as: 2'E~AT POI2T~ON OE' T,UT 4 TN BLOCK 6, OE' THE GOLDEN STA7'E TRACT, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RFCORD~1) IN BOOK 9, PAGE 66 OE' MISCELLHNEOUS MAPa, RLCORDS OF URANGE COUNTY, CALIFURNIA, UESCRIfiGD AS FOi,LQWS: Pi4FZCEL5 'l ANU 3, AS SHOWN UN A MAP Ft.ECORI)EU TN ~GOK 9I, PACE 93 OF PARCk;L MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF TKE COUNTY RLCOP.~ER OF SA'!D ORANCF. COUNTX. WHEREAS, the City Pla~ining C~mmission did hold a public hear.ing at the Civic Centec ir! the City of Anaheirn on ,January 23, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., not.ice n:E sai~ pub.li~- hearin~~ having beeri duly given as r.equ~r~d by .law ana in ucce.rdance ~~ith thr~ pr.ovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Cliapter. 1a.03, to heax and eonsider. evidence .fo- and against said 7roposed var.ia.nce and tu investigatE ~nd make findinys and cer,omme:~datian~ in connectinn thNr.ewith; anrl 4JHEREA5, said Commission, after. Cue inspectinn, investigation and ~t~~~y macie by itse?f and in its l~ehalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and rep~rts aEfexed at saira he~r.ing, does find and determin~ the fo.ilowit~y F~~c~s: .l. That the petit.ioner. pr.op~ses a waiver of the followfng L•o ceta~:~ a ~ar,pozt: SECZ~IUN 18.61.063.p12 - Mi.nii~ucn skr.uc~ura]. setbaclc (25-fe~t r.eguir.ed from a collector. strept; 15 fee*_ existin3 fr.om La Jo11a Str.eet:) 2. That the above-mentioned waiver.s are her.eby gr.ante~ on the basis that the petitioner. dernc~nstr.akec! that a har.dship exist~ in that the structur.e is existing and wi1.l not P~ave an adver.se effecC or~ adj~ining ~,r.operties an~ cioes not c~Nate a visual ubstruction and or~ the basis that ther.e ar.e ~p~~cfal circumstanc:es applicable to the pr.operty such as sfze, shape, topogr.aphy, location ~x su~roundings, wt~ich do not apply to othPt identical.l,y zoned proper.ties in the vicinity; and tha~ strict appl.ication ~f the Zoniny C~de depr.•ives the pr.operryo uf pcivil~gp~ enjoyed by ~ther ~:roper.ties in identical zoning cla~s.itica~.icn in L•~e vicinity. :~• That thexe ar.e excepticnal oc extr.aor.d:inar.J cir.cumstan~es or condikion:; applicab.le to the pr.o~~P: ty invulved or t:c~ tt:e intendec~ use oE the pcoper.ty tl-at• ao nc~t a~,ply ger~r.a:lly to the pr.oper. ty or. e1Gs~ of use in the sam~ vicinity and zone. #~1.L35-. PC89-13 ~~11fy~ 4. '.1'l~at the r.eque~ted var.iancF i, necessary f~r. th~ pr.~ser.vation and enjQyment o£ a substantial pr.oper.ty righL• posse~sed by other, pr.oper.ty in the name vicinity a-id aone, and d~nied to the pr.oper.ty in que~tion. 5. '~'t~at the r.eque~ted varianct wi11 nol- be mater.~ally cletr.imental to the public we.lfar.~ or i.njur.ious to the pr.o~,er,ty or. lmpr.ovemtint~ i~~ ~ur,h vi.cinity and zone in whicll the pr.ap~rty is loc~-ted. 6, 'l~hat no c~r~~. indicated thEix pr.~senr.e at said pub].ic hearing in opposition; and that no c:~rrespondence was r.eceiv~d in opposition to subje~t pHhition. ENVIRONMEN'rAL' IMPAC'i' FIN~ING: The ]?lanning Direc:i:or. or nis authozized xepxPSentative has deter.mined that the pr_opos~d pr.oject falls wittiin tt~e definition of Categorical Exemptions, C1a~~: 5, as defined l.;~ the Si:ate ETR Guidelines and is, thece£or.e, categor.ically exempt fr.om the r.equirement to prepar.e an ~t~t. NOW, THEk2FFORE, 9E TT RESOLVEll that the Anaheim City planning Commission does her.ei~y gr.anl- subject Pzt:ition for. Var.iance, upon the f.ollowing conditions which axe hexeby found to be a necessary prerequi.site to the pzoposecl use oF the yubject pr~per.ty in or.dez to pr.eser.ve the saf.ety an:~ yener.al welfaxe of tl~e Citizens af the City oE Anaheim: 1. That subject ~~roper.ty shal.l b~ developPd substant~ally in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim maxked Exhibit Nos. _t and 2. 2. That upon tcansfer. ~E the curr.ent owner's inter.PSt i-i subjec~. pr.opPr.ty, ttiis ver.iance sha1.1 ter.minate and the struc~ure shaJ.]. be r.e-noved or relocatad to comply with all applic~ble pr.ovisions of ~he~ Anah~im Municipal Code. 3. That Lhe owner, oF the propert}~ shall exer.ut~ and r.ecor.d a covenant against the pr.oper.ty, in a for.tn a~~pr.oved by the City Artorrney's Office, agzeeing to the limitati~ns set Eo!'th in Condir_ion No. i above. 4. That prior t~ f.inal building and ron~ng inspections, Condition Nos. 1 and "s, above--mentioned, shall be complied with. BF. IT E'URxH::R RESCLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hexeby find and deter.mine that adoption o£ tt~is Resolution is ex~r.~ssly predic~ted upon a~plicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions her.einzbove set for.th. 5hould any such condition, oz any par.t thereof, be r~eclar.ed invali8 or unenfor.ceabl.e by ti~e final judgment of any cour.t of competent jurisdicti~n, then this Resolution, an~1 ~ny approvals her.ein contained, aha11 be deemed null and void. TH~ ~OREGOING RESOLUTIAN is siyned and approved by ~ne tt:is January 23, 1y84. _.,, f-~ , ~' %~. ,, :'L~!~ - ~.! , .i~-~-~~r..,c..r CHAIRWOMAK~ A~M C.ITY PLANNING CQMMISSTON ATTES't' : ., , ~~ y ~ui~ / 1~iLt..~-~~ SECRETARX, ANAHE.IM CI'rX PLF~NNIN~ CO-hM1SSI0N '2' PC84-13 ~~ ,, :: ,: a,;';',t~~;~t ,t ~~M~ .X~rz. / STATE OF CAr~lFORN.l'A ) COUN'1'Y UF OFtANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Hazxi.s, 5ecretar.y of the Anaheim ~:ity Planni ng Commiss~ton, dc hexe~y cer.tiiy that thF £or.ec~oing r.esolution wa.s pas~ec~ and aciopted at a mee~ing of th~ Anaheim City P].anniny Commzssian F~e:t~a on Januar.y 23, 1y84, by the tollawiny voL•e o£ the membezs tlier.~oL•: AYES: COMMISSION~RS: BOUAS~ BUSHOR~, FRY, EILRBST, KIN~, LA CLAIRE, ~fC BURNEY NnES: COMM7:SSTnN1,RS: NONk; A3SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE TN WITNESS WEIER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand thi~ 23rd day of January, 1584. ~ -~~C.-v~c_,.. .C , . _ ~~ ~ ~~ SEC.RETA~2Y, ADIAEiEIM CI'rY PLANNING COMMISSI0~1 -.3- PCII9-13