PC 84-130,.w~ I?I~SULUTiON N0. PC84-:1.30 A R~SULU~InN OL' ~i'.HE ANAtIF'IF] C:ITY PLANNING CUMMiSSIpN THA7.' k7ETT'1'IOI~ FOR VA~tIAN(;~ NO. 3409 !3E D.EDIIED wEi}3R~AS, L-he Anahcim Ci.t~y P.lann.in~ C~mmi.ssian did recei.ve a ver..~fied Fetitiun .Eor Variance ~rom DAVID S. COLLINS AND MARION GR~AF COI,!;TNS, ].077 West 6~J.1 Roaci, An~heim, Ca).ifor.•nia 923p2, ow-zers of cer.tain rea.i. prop~zty sztuated in the C;.t~~ of Anahe.i.m, County o~ Or.ang~ , Stal-.e of ~al.i,f.ornia described as: LQT ~G OI' T1tAC'I' NUa 162U, .AS PLR MAP TH~REOF 12ECORDED IN BOOK 58, PAGES 29~ 30, AND 3J., Or MISCELLI~NEO[);; MAPS, RECORUS OF ORANGE CUUN'i'Y, CAL'lFORN:[A. LQT 5). OF TF2ACT NO. J.620, AS PER MAP THLREOF REr.ORDGD IN ROUK 58, FAGES 29, 30, A[VD 33., OF' MISCELLANGOUS MAk~S, 1~EC:ORD5 OF ORANGE COUNTY CAliIFORNIA. I~OT 58 52 OF '.PFA:;'I' N0. PAGE ).620, AS PER MAP THEREnF' .RLCOt~DEll T:P? t300K , S 29, 3G, ANL~ 3)., OF MISCE'LLANGOUS . MAPS, RECQRDS UF SF,,ID ORANGE COUN'.CY. LO'A' 58 53 OF `PRAC'.P IJO. PAGE J,G20, AS PER M:AP THFRFOF RE~'ORDF.D IN BOOK ~ SAID S ?.9~ 30~ ORANGE COUNTY. ANJ 3].~ OF MISCEL]~ANEOUS ~yAPS, RECORllu Ur WHEREAS, the Ciry PJ.ann.iny Commi.ssion did hoJ.d a publ..ic heari.ng at the Civic Center. in tl~e Ci.~y of An~hPim on June 25, ].yd4, at 1.:30 p.m. , notice of sai.d pub7.ic hea.ring hava.ng been duly gi.v~n as r.equired by ].aw a~ld in accordaiice wii:h the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa.l. Code, Ct,ap~er .1~.03, t:o hear. and consid~~ evi.~ence for and against said pzoposeG v~riance and to invest:Lgate and malce P~indings and recomm~ndations .in conneci:i.oc~ ther.ewith; and WHEREAS, sa.id ::umm~.Nsiuri, after due inspection, i.nve~kigati.on and ~~udy made by itsel.f ~nd in i.ts beh~.l.f, and af~.er due consideration of a].7. evidence and zeport~ offer.ed at sa.id hear.xng, daes fir.d and deterr~ine t.he fot].o~xng facts: ~-. 'Z'hat the p~titioner. proposes wai.vezs of the fo].l.owing to permit a].7-uciit ~bEd and br.eakfast" motel: (a) SEC'PTONS - Minimum number of`parkfn s aces AND 1.8.98.U66.050 (32 spaces raqui.r.~~d; 21 space~ ~ propoaed) (b) SEC~'ION]..l - Maximum srr.uctur.ai he~ ~ (2 Eeet 3 .inches ~ermi.tted f.r.om k5-720n Zon.ing; 7 feet 6 iric~hes existi.ng? (c) SECTION 1.~.~8.Ob3.U30 - Min~mum str.uctural seL•ba~k ~ ~ ().5 feet req~~irad f, r.om nor. L-h property ~~ lines; 4 feet 6 inches existi.ng. I: (d) SEC'rION 1~.48.064.030 - Maxi.mum wall. heiaht ~ ~ -3 feet per.mi.t.ted in setaack aJ.ang Ba.l7. k Road; G feet exist~.ng) i: #0257e -- ~ YC89-J.3n C ~ 4 r~...,~ , ~. That the above-mentioned wa.ivers ar~ hereby ~eni.ed on the basi.s that ~here are no ;~peci.a]. cii:cum ~tances applir,abl.e ta the ~roper.ty such as size, sha~~, L•up~gr.ak~hy, ].ocaL-ion or. sur.roundings, which do not app].y ~o other identi.cal.:ly zoned properties in the vi.cinity; and thal• stri.ct appJ.~.cati.on of the Zoning Code do~; no~. depri.ve l-he pro~~erty of pri.vi.leq~s enjoy~d by othcr pr.oper.ties in ideritical zone anci c].assification i.n the vlci.nity and subject to T.ntezdepar.~menta]. Commi~~ee r.~commendations. 3. Th~~t there dre no exc~ptiona]. or extr.aor_di.nary cir.cumstar~r.es or con~9i.~ions applir.abJ.e tc the property involved ~-r. to i~he intencied use of tl~e proper.ty rhat do not appl.y g~ner.a]..l.y to i:he ~~~aper,ty or cl.ass of use i.n the same v:icinity and zone. ~. That the r.equest~c! variance is not necessar.y for the ~~r.esarvaL-ion and enjoymen~ o£ a sul~stantiaJ. pzo.~~r.ty right possesse:] by o~her groperty i<i ~he same v~.ca.nity and ZO[72r and denied to th~ property in question. 5. That thc r.equested variance wi.J.l. be materiat.l.y detr.imental. t.o the public wel.faze or injurious to the ~~r.operty or improvements in such v~tcinity and zone in whicn the p:'apercy is ].ocat~ed. 6. That one per.son ind.i.cateci his presence ~t said publi.c hearing i.n opposition; and that na cur.r.es~ondence was receiv~d in op~,osit:i~n to subject petii:ion. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC'~ FINllING: That khe Anaheim City Pl.anciing Ccmmiss9.oii has review~:d the proposal to r.aclassi..fy subject proper.ty fr.om the RS-72U0 (Residen~ia.l, Si.ng7.e-Fami].y) Zone Co the CR (CommerciaJ., Recr.eation) zone to permi.t. a 7.7-unit "bed and br_eakfast" mot~.l. wi.th wa.a.vec~s of min.fmum number of par.l:in~~ spaces, maximum structu.cal. hci.ght, minimum structuraJ, setback, and maxi.mum wal.l hezght Qn an ir. regu].~x].y-shaped parcel o£ l.and consisting of approxi.mate~y 0.69 acr~ ].ocated at the nottheast cor.ner ~f Bal..l Road and F].ore 3tteet, and Lurkher describPd as ].077 We~t Ba].l. Road anci 942, 946 and 9~2 S~uth Flore Street; anii does hereb,y appzove the N~gati.ve Dccl.azation up~n fi.ndin~~ that iL- has consi.dered the Negati.ve Declaration together with any comments rECe9.ved duciny th~ public revi.ew process ar;d fuKther. findi.ng on the basis of the inikia.l s~udy and any comments recez.ved that ther~ is no substantial. ~vidence that the project w.i1J. have a significant effe~t on the envir.onment. NOW, T~iEREFORE, ~E tT. RESO~VED that the P.nahei.m City P].anni.nc~ Commi.ssion does he~:eby deny subj~ct Petiti.~n fur Var. i.ance on the basis ~f the afor.ementioned f.indings, 7.'HE FURFGOING ~2~SOL~UTION is signed 4nd appro~~ecl F~~~ me t~his 25th day of June, J~984. / /iL '~ `~<:. /' / . -~/ ~1C'?`-~-~-.' ---- CEIAIRWOMAN,~ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION v Az~~ESZ~ : r, _ ~'1~~C~"~, Z,- ~~~~ SECRETAFiY, ANAHEIM CI'i'Y PLANNTDIG COMMISSION _~_ PC£34-J.30 ~ ~ STATE Ok' CALTNORNIA ) COUNTX C`P ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Har.ri,, Secretary ot the Anaheim City P].anning Commission, do ner.eb;~ cer.til'y that the Paregoing --~so.lution was passed and adopted at a m~etiny oi the Anuheim City Planning Commission he].d on June 25, .1984, by the L'o].l.owing vote of the membe.rs kher.eof : AYES: CpPiMISSIQN~RS: BOUAS, HERI3ST, LA CT,AIR~, ~IC BUktNF~Y NOES: COMMISSIGNERS: c3USHOH~, KING ABSENT : CQMMISBIONBHS : FRX IIV WITNGSS WH~RPOF, I hav~ hereuntc set my hand this 25L-h day oE June, 198~. ' ~-- ` /~ ~lit_.~.-. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO~IMISSTON -3- PC8A-130 . ki~~ :i i~~ . .. ~ ~ . . . ~ A ~ ! 4.' . ~ ' . . ..