PC 84-132RESOL~U`1'ION NO. P~~3~}-1.:i2 A RFSOI.~U`i`IQN OF 'Z'HE: ANAHEIM Ct`i'Y .~I~ANNTNG COMMISSION AMENDING C:l"1N~JI~'IUNS 0@' ~1PPRUVAL OF VAF2IANCG N0. 3397. WFICREAS, Varianr,e No. 339]. to E~er.mit wai.ver, oE min:itnum .loi: wi~th l:o estab:l ish a 6~-l.ot, 95-unit RM•-31700 Zone cor-domini.um subdivi.si.on on an ir.reyular.].y-shaped par.cel. of .l.and consisting of. ~ppr.bXt.lt'ic~tL:l.y 6.96 acr.es, having a fr.ontage of ap~roxirnate'I.y G55 L-eet on the west side uf Wi.].].owbrook Lane was appr.oved by tr~e P.lanniny Commission on 11pr'iJ. .1.6, .1.9A~, Resc~].uti~7n Nuv ~C84-73 and subjec~ to Int~r..d~~ar.ttne~nta]. Committe~ rec~mn~enclation~, inc:l.uding the fo].l.owi.ng : "13. 2'hal-. idi.ra Cour, t sha].1 be i.n,;taJ.l.ed and impraved pr. ior. to occupancy of l~har~e I." an~; WHERi~~AS, the petitzoner. has reqiiested ma~ifi.cation to Condition No. 73 of PJ.anni.ng ~ommission Resol.ution No. PC84-73 pr.imaril.y due to rhe r~eveloper's constcur,kior~ and fi.naiicing tim:ing. The deveJ.~per :is requesti_ny that ttie suhjec:t condition be arnended to r.ead as to~l.ows: "J.3. Tha~ Mira Couzt sha.l:l b~ i.nstal.).ed and impraved through T~ot Nos. 1 and 2 of Tr.act ].?.J.56, prior, to occu~iancy ~t Phase I" and; WHEREAS, the Ci.ty PJ.ann:~n~~ Comrni.ssion :]id hol.~ *_he Civic Center Council Chamb~r, 200 South Anahei.m Ca7.xfarni.a ~n June 25, 1984, at t:30 p..rn., notice oL- haviny been dul.y g:iven as required h~ l.aw arid in provzsions of thE Ar-ah~im Municipa]. Code, Chapter. .18.03, eviclenc;e fnr and agai.nst ~a:d pr.oposed vari.ance and l-o Exndings and recammenc~ations in connecti.on ther.ewith; and a Fublic heartng at Boul.evard, Anaheim, sai.cl k~ublic hear. i,ng accor.dance with the to he~r and ~onsi.der investigate ~nd make WIiER~AS, said c:ommission, af.t~r due i.nspecti~n, tuvestigakion and stucly made by i.t5e1.E at said public h~ar.ing, DOES HEREBY FINU: 1. That th2 petiti~ner indicate~ that Mir.a Court wil.l. be comp].eted thr.ougtiout the r.emainder. of the pzoject (Lot Nos. 3~ 4, 5 a~id 6 of Tract No. 12].5b) ~r.i.or to occupanc,y o.c Phasp II. ENVIRONMENTAL TMPA~T F'IND:ING: That Envir.onm~:n~a.l. Impact Repor_t No. 223 w~s previ~tis].y approved (under. Recl.assificat.ion No. 78-79-26, Var.i.ance No. 30?J. and Teritativ~ 7'zact No. ].0476) f~ar. subject pr.oper.~y by ~;~c~ Pl.anning Commi. ~~ion on Januar.y 29, 1.979. NOW, TEiEREE'OR~, BE I`P RE~OLVED that the Andi~Pi.m City PJ.anning Commissi.on d~es her.eby amend Coi~dition No. l.3 of the Planning Commission R~sol.uti.on No. PC~4-73 to r.ead as f.ol.laws: 1.3. "Thal MiKa Coiar.t shall. be instal.J.ed an~ imp-'oved thr.u Lot Nus. l. and 2 oF Tract No. 1.21.56, prior r.~ occupancy of Phase I". ~ #0259c PC84-13? Br I'i~ ['UI2TE(ER RESOLVLD that th~~ Anaheim C.ity P.lanni.ng Commi.ssi.o~ do~s hereby L-i.nd and ~?eter.mine that- ac3option oE L-nis Reso].uti.on is expr.essl.y predica~ed upon a~v]..icant's comp] i.ance wi.th e~~~h and a11. of the condit.tons lier.ei.nabov~ set for.Ch. Shou:l.d ~ny sur.h condition, or. any p~r.t t.her.e~f, be dec7.ar.ed Li1Vd.a..L'".] or, unenforc~ab].e by thE CinaJ. judgm~nL• of any court o£ comp~tent jur.isdiction, then this Resol.uti.on, and any ap~rove~].s her.e~n contained, shaJ.1 be deemed nu.l.l. a•nd void. THE FOREGOING RL•'SOLUTIQN is signed and ap~r.oved by me "_his i5th day of June, ].984. '7 ._ ~/jl~~L`.~_~ ~J~'.~`"~-~--. CiIAZRWGNInN, AN~bI'~;IM CT`i'Y PLANNINc~ CQMMISSTOrI / ATTESZ': ~ ~ ~~~ ,~ i ,~...., SECRETAFY, ANAHLIM CTTY PI.ANNING ~OMMTSSI~N STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OI' ORANGi:: ) ss. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) I, E~;.ith L. Harr.is, Secr.etar.y o£ the Anaheim City Pa.annin~ Commissi~n, do her~by certify that L•he i'oregoing r.eso].utton wus paased and adopted at a mEeting oP tihe Anaheim Cit,y P].ann:ing Commission hel.d on Jur~e 25, 1.984, by the fo].l.owing vote of the members ther.e~~: AYES: CON,MISSIONERS: F30UAS, BUSEIURE, H~RSS`P, KING, LA CI~AIRE, MC BUR~IEY NUES: COMPiISSI0NER5: NONE ABS~NT: CONi~~ISSIONERS: FFtY IN W~TNESS WHr:REOF, I h~ve hr.reunt~ se~. my hand thi.s 25~h day of June, J.984. ~ ~'~..~.~, ~~ ~~~.~ SECRFTARY, FINAHEIhf CITY I~LANNING CUMMIS$ION -2- PC84~-132 ~~