PC 84-135~\ RESOLUTION NU. PCB4-135 A RLSULUTIOIV 0:' '1'HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNII4G C:OMMISS:[ON 7'HAT PEZ'ITI~~N FvR VF~RIAIJCE NO. 339'1 BE GRANTEI) WHEREAS, th~ Anaheim City Plarining Cc.mniission ~id recezve a verified Petition far Variance fr.om RICEIARn JAMF'S & KATHLPEt~ DIANI~E t3ELTAKOFF, 3216 West Orange Avenue, A,naheim, C~.lifornia 92~304 and ~rIALTER K. & ETHEL M. BOWMAN, ';926 Cerritos Avenue, Stanton, Calif.ornia 90680, owners, ~nd STERL2NG K. CARL,SUN, 447 East 17th Stre2t, Costa Mesa, Ca].ifor.nia 92627, agent for certain real property siL-uated in the City of Anah~imY County af Orange, ~tate of California described ~s: 7.'fiE NORTH 1$0 ~ 00 FEEZ' UF' iHE EAST 60. 00 CL'ET OF 't'HF WEST 3R0.00 F~ET OF `PHI: NORTH H11LP OF THE NOR'PHBAST QUAR'i'ER QF THE NOF2THEAS~' QUARTER OF' ~.'HE SOUTHWEST QUAR`PER OF' SFCTION 1a, TOWNSHIP 4 SG".""H, RANG~ 11 WGST, IN TI~I~ RANCHO LOS CQ'Y07.'ES, IN TH~ CITY OF AIJAHEIM, AS SH064N ON 11 MAP RECORDED IN BUOR 5'l, PA~E lI OE' MiSCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORLS OF ORANGE COUN`~Y, CALIFORNIAo EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THE rAS~.'ERLY .10.00 P'EET. THE N012'.CH ONE-HALF O.E THE NORTHEASZ' QUARTFR O.F i'FIE NORTHEA,.riT QUARTER OF THE SOUTfI?~1EST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, 2'OWhSHZP 4 SOUTH, ~:ANGE 11 WEST, SiAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; EXCEPTING 'rHEREFROM THE WEST 3G0 F'EET THEREOk'; ALSO EXCEPTTNV THERr~FROM `~HE LASTERLY 172 FEET TFiER~nF. WHEREAS, the City E~lanning Commission did ho7.d a public hearing at the Civic Center in trie Ci~,~ of Anaheim on May 30, 1584, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce of said public hearing having been duly given as required by 1aw and in accord~~nce ~~ri~h the provision~< of the Anahei~r Munici.p~l Code, Chapter J.8.03, to hear ancl consider evidence for and aqainst sai~ proposed variance ar_d to investigate and make findin~s and z~ecommend~~tions in connection therewi.th; saicl public hearing hav.ing '~een continued to the Planni.ng Coznmission meeting of Ju1.y ~, 1984; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a£'~er due in~pection, invesL-ic,~tion and study made by itself and in its behalf~ and aFter due consideration of all evidence and reports offerecl at saic! hearing~ do~s f_znd and determine the followii~g facts: 1, That the petitioner p~oposes waivers of the fcallowing to construct a 21-unit apartment comp~.ex: (a) SECTTON 18.34.Q62.U12 - Maximum structural hei ht. ('1 story permitted within 150 ~eet ~f a sinyle-family residential zonirig; 3 stories proposed at 85 - ld4 feet) #D262r PC84-135 . . ~ ~v ~ iY:d1!~. (h) 5~C`1~TONS 1~i.04.p~3.102 - t~l~ximum ~enc~ hei ht. ~ AND 18.34.068_02.1 (Ei £ect }~ermitt.ed; 7 Feet praposed) 'l. 'rhat ~he abovP--menL-ioned waivtrs ~r.e hereby granted on the basi~ th~:. the ~etiL•io-~er demonstrattd that a hacdsF~ip exi~,ts in thal there are special circumst.ances applical~.l.e Lo the ~roper:ty :.uch a~ size, shape, tiopograpl~y, 1oc~~,t,ian and surroundings which do nol anply to other irjentically zoned property in the same vicinity; anc! tt~at sl:rict application oP the Zoning Code depriv?s r.he property ot privileg~s e~ijoy~d by other properties in i:he i~entical zune and classiL"ication in the vicinity anci :~ubject to Interde~artmental Cammittee recc~mmendationa. 3. That tY;er~~ aze e.cceptional or Pxtraord.inary circum~tances or cendi~ions ~pplicable t~~ tt~e prc+perty involved or to the intended use of L-he proper~y tt~at do not apply gen~ral'.y to the pruperty or cl~:~ss of u~e in the sam~ vicinity and rone. ~. That the requested ~~:~riance is necessary for tF~e preUervation and Enjayment ~f a substantial nroperty rigt~t pos~es~ed by other property in ktie same vicinity and zone, and clen:.~~d to the property in question. 5. ti~hat tha requeste~] vari.ance wil.l not b~ materially detrimental to *_he pub.lic welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and 2one in which the pr~perty is located. 5. Th~t Four per~:,~s inc3i.cated thei.r presence at khe M~y 30, 1984 publi.c hearing x~~ oppos vn; and ~hat no correspondence was recF~ived in opposition to subject petition and no one in~ica~ed their presence zt the J~ily 9, 1994 public hearing in oppo~iti.on. ~NVIRONM[;NTAL IMPACT ~INLING: ~hat l:he Anaheim City Planrzin~ Comr~issi~n has . aviewed ttie proposa; to re~:lassify :=ub~ert property Prom the ItS-A-43,OU0 (Residential, Agricull•ural) 'Lone to hhe RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple-~amily) or a less iritense zone to con,tr.uct a 21-unit apartment complex with waivecs af maximum structural hnight and -naximum Lenc:e height on an irregular.ly-shaped parcel of lacid cunsisting of approximately 0.52 acre, having a frontaye of approximately 160 £eet on t}~e south Side of nrange Avenue, and further descri.bed as 320$ a:~d 32:L6 West Uralige Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declacation upon Einding ttsat it has considwred the Negati.ve Leclarati~n ~o~3etr~er with any comments receivec] during the ~ublic ceview proce:;s and furth~r Einding on the basis o~ the initial study and any comments received thak there is no ~ubstantial evidencP that tt,e pro ject wil.l have a signifi~ant ef.f.ect on the envir~nment. NUW, TN~FtEkORE, BG I'P RESOLVED that thE An~heim City Planning Commissic~n ~]o~.s hereby grant ~ubject Pe: itiun for Variar,ce, upor- the f.nllowing conditi~ns whic.h are hereby tounc3 to be a necesyary prerequisiee to thu ~ropoaeci use of the subject ~roperty in oc~er to ~rFServe the safety and general w~lfarc of the c:iti2ens aE the City o£ Anaheim: .i. Z'hat. prior to issu~~nce of a building ~aermir., recreation in-lieu f•ees shall be pai.d to the an~unr as determined by L•h~~ City Coun~it. apE~ro~riate park and city oE Anaheim in a~n ~ -2- PG84-135 : r.. ?.. 'l'hat prior to issuancc~ of a building per.mi~, ~he appropriate traffic sic~nal aasessment r~e sha11 bE~ ~.~aid tc the Cit.y ~f. Anaheim in an amount a~ ~9etermined by the Cxl•y Counri.~. far eac.h new dwelling unit. :3. That a11 driv~~vays sha17. be cle~i~Jned as required by the City Traffic ~ngin;ecr . 4. That dr~inag~ o~ subjec~ praperty shal~ be ~l:isposed of in a manner satisTactory t~ ~he City ~ng.ineer. 5. ~1'hat sub,j~cl: ~~z.~perty shall b~ ::erv~d by ~in~3erground uti.lities. 6. That prior to comnencement uE structural :Eraming, £i.re hydrants ~ha11 be insta.iled e~rtd charge~~ .~s required and deterrnined Go be necessar,y b,y the Chief cf tt~e Fire Department. 7. That tcash starage areas shall b~ provided in accorrianre with approv~d plans on file witt7 t_h~ Street Maintenance anci 5anitation Division. 8. 't'hat prior L-o issuance oE a building ~srmil:, primary wa~er main f.ees shall be ~aid to the City of Anaheim, in an amount a:; c~eter.mined ~x Che Office of the Utilities Generat Manaqer. 9. That prior to issuacicc of building per.~mits, the applicant shall present evide-iae sal-isfac~~~ y to the ~hief Bui.lding Inspectoc that the proposed project is in conformance with Council F~olicy Number 542 'Sou~id Attenua~ion in P•.esidenti~l Projectc". 10. Tha~ a 6-Eoot high inasonry block wal.l ~hall be constructed along the westerl.y, suutherly and easterly property line;s) with the exception o~ ~he southerly i17 feet oF the westerly property line which ~hall be deveJ,oped with a 7-foot high masonry block wa11, if appr~ved k;y Variance No. 33~7. !f. not appr.oved, a 6-foot wall shall be construcled iii place of sai~1 7-foot wa~l. 11. That this Variance is gran~ed subject ~o the completfon of Fteclassification No. 83-84-28, now gending. 12. T.hat yates shall not be instulled across any driveway or pt~ivate street in a manner which may adve:sely affect vehicular traffic. in ~'e adjacent publ.ic street. tnsk~lla~ion of any gatey within a ~~stan~e of forty ~40) feet fcom said public street riqht-Qf-way shall be s~ibject to the review anc3 appr.oval o£ the Cfty Traffic EnginEer. i3. That pri~r to issuance of G building permit, aa ~n-site vehicular cfrculatian plan ~hall be submitted to and a~proved by the F'ire Marshall, City Traffic E;nyineer and the Streer; and S~niC~tion Departinenr.. 14. 7'hat subje~:t propecl•y shall be develoPed subatantially in a-:cordance with pla~~s ~nd specifications on fi7.e wiGh the City of. Anaheim mar`ed Cxhibit N~s. 1 an~3 2. -3- i~C84-135 ~ {~ ~ '~ l~~~t~~ ~ i^ 15. That prior to the commen~ement aF. ~he activihy authorizt~d under this resolution, o: prior ~~ the time that a building permit is i~sued, or within a period oE one year from the da~e oE tl~is res~lut.ion, whichever occurs L• irst, Conditior~ N~s. 7., 2, 8, 9, 17., And 7.3 above-mentione~l, ~ha11 be complied with. Extensians fo-~ further time ~.o complete said conc~it-.ions rr,ay be yranted zri accordanc~ with ~ccl•ion 18.03.090 oE the Anaheim Mui~i.cipal Code, 16. That pri.or to fin~7 buiiding and zoning in~pectaon~, Candition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7, 1C, and 14, above-ment:ioiled, sha11 be complipd wikh. iiE IT FUR~'Fl~l~ R~SOLVED lhat the Anaheim CiLy Pl.anning Commissi.on does he.reby iind anc~ det~rmane that adoption of thas nesolutiun i~ expressly predicated upon appli.cant's compli.ance with each and all of the condi'tions hereinabove set farth. Should an;: such condition, or any parl- lhereof, be de~l~~red invalid or unenForceable by the final ;judgm~nt of any court of compEtent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed riu11 and void. TEih: E'ORTG07NG REaOLUTION ia yigned and ap~ruved of Ju1y, 1984. ~'" ~. `~~ r-J~'~ `r~~•~~ i "~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ ~----~~ me this 9L•'r: day .~~~ `-"'CHATRMAN, ANAHEtM GITY~,~PLANNING COMMTSSIOL~ AZ'TEST : _., ~ G''K-- ~~ ~~4!~~ i~. SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSLON STATE OF CAL7FO1tNIA ) COUNTY Or ORANGE ) ss. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) 7, Edith L. Elarris, Secretary oE the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion, da hereby certify that the foreyoiny resol-ition was passed and adopted at a m~eting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Ju1y 9, 1982~ by ~he fo.1loN~ing votP of the members thereo£: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: BQUAS~ BUSEiORE, FRY, HER}352', K:CNG, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NQES: COMMtSSIONGRS: NONE A85ENT: COMMISSIONERS; NONF. IN WITNESS WHFItEOF, I Elave ht~reunto ;,et my h.3nd this 9th day of ,ruiy, iasa . ~_~z~~~ ~<~ ~zc~._~ SECRE'rARY, ANAHCIM ~ImY PLAiVNIf1G (.OMMIS~ZUN "4- PC84-135 ti.•.. ,~.y,~. ;~+., a . . .. `j