PC 84-137~ ----~r•~ ~ pw~., ~ ~ .. RESOLU'1'ION NO. }?C84-1~37 --._.__ A RESOLUTION OE TH~ ANAHETM CITX PLANNING COMMISSIpN THAT PET:t~rION I'UR CQNllTm:[ONAL' [iSE PLRMIT NO. 2594 BE GRANTED, IIV 1~ART WHFREAS, the Anaheirn City Planning Com;nission did receive a veri£ie Petii:ion .Eor Conditional Use Permit fr.om STA~VDARD OIL C:pMpANY OF P. 0. Box 2833, I,a Habra d situated in the Cit•~ '~alif~ornia 90631, owner, o£ certaiii re 1~p operty described as; ~°t Anaheim, County aE Orange, 5tate of CaliFornia, THG WEST 200 FEEx OF 'rH~; NORTEI 191 FF~ ' QUAI~TER OF THE NOR'.PHWE,~T ~~~ rHE N0~'~'HWEST SOUTH, R~N~~, 11 WEST r1V Tf~E U~RTER C~'~ SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP r} R~1NCH0 LO.~ COYOTE~. c,XCEP'1'ING TEI~REFFtn[y THB WEST 50 FEET AND THE NORTI~ f5 FEET p~ SAI.D LAND Ev22 STREET ANU fiIGHWAY PURPpSES. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission did h~ld a t~e Civic Centex in the City of Anaheim on July 9, 1g84 a~ p~bYic hearing ~t Qf said public hearing having been dul ' 1'~~ p•n~•~ notice accnrciance with the Y given as required by iaw and zn provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Cr.de, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conaider eviden~e for and permit ~nd tn investi ate a~~ ~9ainst said pL•eposed condi~ional use therewith; and g make findings and r.ecornmenda~xons in connecGion WI~EkEAS, said Commission study macie by itse]~f and in ' a~ter due inspection, investig~tion and evidF•nce and reports off.et•ec~ ldt said~ hearin ar~Qr ~~e consideration oE following facts: 5, does find and ~~t„ all rmine the use '~' ~'hat the proposed use is pe-mit is authariz~a b ~rQPer.ly one for which a c~onditional ~rit: to Y Anaheim Municipa] Code Section ta wine. permit a convenience market with gasoline sales anci aff-sale beer and ?• That ~he proposed use is hereh ~the convenience market wikn y 9ranted, in p~rt gasolin~ sa].es and ~ Permitting wi.ne. Prr,hibiting off--sale beer and 3. Thdt th~ prop~s~d use, as granted y affert the adjoining land uses ~1nd tt~e growth and developmPntlof th~ arearin1whic is proposed ta be .lacated. h it 4. That the size and sha~~ of the s•ite ~ granted, is adequate i:o allow the ftill develo ment o}-~Ph~~d for the use, a, manner. nor detrimental ~o the p Proposed use in a a n d g~neral welfare of the Cit~zens F the C ty of pnaheimpe~ce, health, saf.ety 5• ~'hat the condition~ imposed, ~t anranting ~f t;» Conditional rJse Perm.it under thc 5~~~~y ~nd k~ will not be detrimental ~o the p~aC~, health, general, w~lfare of the CitizenJ of the City of Anan~im. PC89-137 ' , ~ ;~ ~,~ 6• ~'h~t the traffic ~enerated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon ~h~ streets and highways designed and improved to c:arry the traffic in L-he area. 7. rhat one person inclicated their presence at saia in opposition; and that no corresponderace was received in oopo itior. to~khe subject patition. ENVIRONT~IENTAL Ib1PAC'r FINDING~ That the Anaheim City F.lanning Commission has reviewed the proposal to pe;.,it a convenience rnarket with gasoline sales and off.-•sa.le beer and witie on a reci:angularly~-shaped parcel of land r.onsisting af approximately 0.47. acze, located ak L-l~e southeast cnrner of Lincoln Avenue and Knott Street, and fur.th~r described as 3450 ~~Iest Lincoln Avenue; and do~s i~ereby approve the Negative D~c.laratiori upon the fin~9ing th~3t it has considered the Negative Declaration togel•her with any comments r.eceiv~d during the pub].ic review proc~ss an~ fur,ther findinq on th,e basis of the initial stuciy and any comments rec~ived that there is no subsl-antial evidence that the project will hzve a significant ef:E~c~ or~ the envir.onment, NOW, Z'HF~HEFORE, BE IT P.~SOI~V~~A that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grani: suLject Petition for Conditiorial Use Yermit, upon the following conditi.ons which are hereby fou-id lo be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subjF;~~t properL-y in order to proposed use of the sub'ect ~,~.• prerequisite to the ] pra ri.y in order to pres~arve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens o~ tiie C.ity o£ Anaheim: 1. That the owner of subjecl property sha.ll dedicate to the City of Anaheim a sL-rip ~:E land 53 feet in width irom the centerline of the street along Knott S~re~t for. street widening purposes. 2. 7.'hat the existing most northerly driveway on Kn~ti: Street sha11 be removed and replaced with a sL-andard curb, gutte~:, sidewalk and landscaping; and that ~.he ~xistinq two driveway: on Lincoln ~venue shall be removed and repl.aced wilh a standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping; arid ~hat a new drive~~~ay on Lincoln Avenue sha11 be constructed with the location of said driveway being subjec:t to the approval o~ the City Tr.a£fic Engineer. 3. That drainage of subject property sha11 be disgosed ot- in a manner satisfactury ~o ti~e Cit:y Engineer. 4. That u~nless waived by the City k'ire Mazshall, the following minimum standards ~na11 ~~pp1y; a-• That dispensiny dFV:ices shall bt located a minimum distance r~f 10 feet from a property line and so located thak al]. parts of a vehicle k,eing s~rviced will be on private property. b• That dispensing devices shall be located not less than 10 Feet ~ from any building which is not fire resistive construction. ~ Such devices sha11 also be :located s~ that the nozzle, wh~n ~ hose is fully extended, shall not reach within 5 feet of any buildzrig op~ning. t , ~. -~ PC84-137 ~ i ~, ~ ~ -.•~. c. That dispensing de~ices shall be proter,ted agair~st physical damag~ Erom vehicles by mor.~nling on a concrekP island a ma.nimum of 6 i-~r.hes in he:igh~. Alte~rnat~ methods of providing equivaleni: protection r~iay be permitted when approved by the Chief. d. That d.ispei~sing of gaso.l.a.n~~ intp the fuel tank or in~o a container sha11 at all timF~s be und~r th~ supervision of a ~ualified atteildar.:. ~• Tt~at th~ atl•endant's primary f.unction sha11 be to supervise, observE arid roni:ral the dispnnsing of gasoline. f. That the disp~r~sing o£ gasoline srial.l not be into conkainers unless such conta.iners are of a portable construction, having a L-ighh. clasure With ~r~V~~ material and caver, so d^signed thar_ the c~ntants can be ~dispens~dr without spilling. g. That it shall be the attend~nt's c~esponsibility t;o control sources of ignition and iinmediately handle accicien~al spills and fire extinguishers if -7ecesaary, h. That Hm~rgFncy contro].s shall be installed at a locakion accepi~able t~ the Fire Department, but controls shall not be more than 100 feet from diypPnsers. i.. That instractions for the operation of dispensers ~hall be conspicuously postEd. 7• That remote preset-type devices arc~ to be i.n the "off" position while no~: in use so the di.~~enser cannot be ~ctivated with~ut the knowledge of the attend~nk. 5. ~rhat tr~st, storaye areas shall be proviGed in accordance with approved plans on file wi~h the Street Maintenance atid Sanitation Division. 6. That the owr~er of subject property sha11 pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for tree planting purnoses a1on9 Li~ncoln Avenue and Iinott Street in a,~: amount as determin~d by ~he C.ity Council. 7. Z'hat the remaining two (2} c:riveways sh~ali be redesigned to accommodate ten (10) foot rad.ius curb r.eturns a.s requi~ed by the Cjty Traffi~~ Engineez~,. 8• That subject property shall he served by under.ground tztilikies. 9. That al1 ai.r aondit:ioning a:acilities shall be propErly shielcisd from view. 10. That t:~e proposal shall comply witl; al~ signing requir`ments af tt!e ) C"L Lone, unles~ a variance a:ilowing sic~n ;aaiv~rs is approved by the t Planning Commission or City Council. ~ 11. That ~ prior to issuance of ~ b~:ild:ina ~ermit, th~ ~ppropriate L-raffic signal a~ses~ment fee shall be naid to the c:ity of Anah~i.m i.r, an ~ amount as determined by the City Council for n~w commetcial buildi,ngs. ' ~3 PC84-137 ~ ~ .~., 12• ~'hat the owner of subject pro~erty shall submit a letter rec~uesting terminakion of Variance No. 1725 and 2423 to ~.hP Planning D~p~ztment. 13. That subject prc~per~y ,^,ha~Y b~ develop~d substantzally in accordance with pl~ns and spec.ifxcations on file wi th the City o~ Anal~,eim marked Exhibi~ Nos4 1 thxough ~. 14. That prior Eo tt~e cammel~cemen~ ~t thr acL-ivity authorized under . resolu~ion, or prior to i:he ta.me that a build.in ~'his or wi~hin a period of or~~~ g~'~z~i~ is issued, whichever occu~s first, Co dition Nos.datP af this resalution, above-mentioned, shall be p , 1' 6~ 1Z~ and .~2, titne to complete said con~itionslma ~beh~ Fxtensions for .further Secl:ion 18.03.~,)gp ~.~ the Anaheim Mun: ci, gxanted in accnr~~nCE with I pal Code. 15. That prior to the commenrernent of the aat,ivi~y a~zthori~ed und~r resolution, or i'inal buildiny and zoni.ng inspections ~ rr-is 2, 3, 4, 5, 7~ 8, 9 and 13, above-mentioned, shall be c mpliEd~withs• '6. xhGt chere shall be no s~le of alcoholic bevera ~s on the . ~ premises. BE Zr FURTf1ER RESOLVED hhat the Anaheim Ci~y P1~nna.ilg Commission does hereby find and determine that P~edicated up~n applicant's c:ompl anc e lwith~ eachland eallution is expressly her~inabove set fortn. Should uny such coriditionr or an•Q~ thP conditions declared invalid or un~nforce~ble h ~ part thereof, be competent Y the final judgment of any court uf jurisdiction, ~hen this Resolution contained, sha11 be decmed nu11 and void. ' and any 1Nprovals herein THE FOREGOING RESOL' U'.PION is sig ~e~ and approved b nf Ju1Y, 1984. / Y mP this ,~th d~ ~ __ ..`' . r 7 / K- ;~ .__.. ~y ~ , ~ _ ..~_~s~ ~'_~~ =~:x...,,.~.___ __ .~ ~ A'i'TE; S T : ~ CIfA.I:Zb1AN, ANAH~ZI~~i7'Y.' ,LAN INC~COMMISS2011 , - ; ~ ~ SECRETAFY, ANAHEIM CI'1'~: PL~,NNING COMMISSIqN I ! STATE OF CALIP ~ ORNIA ) ~ COUNTY 0~' ORANGE ) SS, ' '' CITY OF ~1NAH~It9 ) ~ . ~' I, Edith I,. Harris, Secretar f Commission, da hereby certi~y that the ore oitlthe Anaheim Cit ~ Y ~lanning i ado~ted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cit ~ `~ resolu.~ton was pass~d and ~ 1982, by the following t~ate ~f the membe s therreo~ Comrni.ss~on held on Ju1y 9, " E ~ AYES; CCf9MISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, F~y MC BURNEY , HE~2BST, KING, LA CI~AIRF, ' NOES; CQMMISSIC.dERS: NON~ ' ABSr.NT: COMMISSTONERS: NONE ~ ( IN 4~I'!'NESS WI3EREOF ~ J'itly, 198q., ~ I I3ave hereunto set my hand this uth day ot ; ..P. ~ / l ~ 1 ' ~--~^- ~L...~[_~~.A .i1 / • i SE~RETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLXNNTNG COMMISSION I _,} ~ ~ ~ PC84-137 f