PC 84-139, °•~ RESOLUT:ION N0. PC84-139 X1 RESULU`I'ION Ur' '.CHF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISS:[ON ~'HA'.L' PP7'z'1'ION I'OR CONUI'i'IUNAL USG PEHMI'i' N0. 2593 13E C,RANTEP WHE;REA;;, L-he: An~aheirn City Pl:~nning Comm.ission uid r.eceive a ve~i.fie~ Yetitior~ Lor Condikional Use Per.mit frorn DAVID C. L)'UR~O & NIKK:I L. MANDELI'~, 15~7 ~ast La Falm~ Avenue, I~naheim, Ca.iifornia y2805, owners c~f ~er.tain real propert;y situatecl in the r_ity oF Anahcim, County of Or~nge~ SCate of Cali.Fornia, describzd as: '1'HE WEST 7U~ GO FEET Q}? THF SOU`1'EI 165.00 FEET Of~ TIiE SUU7'fi.E~ST ~UAR'.i'E~~ pF 7.'HE SOU'1'HWEST QUAR`~EFt OF TFIE SOU'PFIEAS'!' QUARTER UF S~CTION 2, TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'rH~ RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAIJ JUAN CA.TON DE SANTA ANA, IN THE CI'rY OF ANAHEIt4, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN I300K 51., PAGE .LO O1~ MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, 7N THE OFFICE OP THG CQUNTY RECORDEfi UF SAID COUNT`l, SAID ~OUTHEAS't' QUARTER OE' THG SUU9'HWEST Qf,IARTER OC 'rHE S~UTHE~.ST QUARTER BEING DESCRIBED AS FULl~~WS: B~ING AT A 4 X 4 STAKE ON '~'HP SOU'tHLINE OF SAID SEC'rzON, WESTERI.Y 1325.28 FFPT FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER 'PHERGOF; ~HENCE NORTH 660.U0 FEE'1'; THENCE WEST 662.31 F~ET; TI~EI~CE SOUTH 660.00 FE~`P TO THE SOUT~I LINE 0~' SAID SECTION; THENCE EAST 686.40 FGE2' TQ TEiE POTNT OF BEC~INNTNG. WHERFAS, the City ~lanning Commission did hald a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City oP Ana-ieim on .7uly 9, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notir_e of said public hearing having been duly giv~n as required b~~ law and in accardance with the prot~isions of Ltie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidencP Eor and against said oro~osed candi::ional ~a~e permit and ~o investigate and make f.indings and recommendatiuns in connec~ion therewith; and WHERGAS, said Commissior-, after due inspection, investigakion and study made uy itself and in its behalf, and a.E~er due consicieration of all evidence and ~eports offer~d at said heariny, does find and c3etermine the following facts: ~. That the pr~posed use is properly one for which a conc3itional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal C~de Section ].8003.030.010 & 18v06.U8p Lo wit: tc ~ermit retail plant nursery with waiver. oF tt~e tollowiny: SECTIONS 18.06.05U.022 and - Minimum rumber of~arkinq_s a~es 18.21.Q66.01~ (16 spaces re~uireci; b spaces.pzopased) 2. That the requested waivcr is her.eby granted on the basis khat the par.king variance will not cause an inr.reas~ in traffic c:nngestic;~ in the immediate vicir-ity nor adveryely aLfect any adjoining land uses; and that the granting of the parking variance under the conditions impoueci, i.f any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, ~afe~y or general welfaCe of the citizens of: the City ~f Anaheim. #0266r PC84-139 ~~ , ,~~, 3• '.Chat th~ ~~copu:;ed use wi1.l not adversely affect t.hc adjoiiiing land uses and the growth and developmenk of thP ar~a in wt•~ich it is pro~ose~ to ~e locat~:d. ~~e That the si.ze and shape of the site proposed for rhe use is ac~equate to a11ow the fu.ll development aF the pr~pusec~ use in ~ manner np~ detrime~lt~~l co the particu:lar area nor to the ~enera]. welfar~ oE the Citizens oi-' the C.ii:y of lanah inace, health, safety ~nd 5e That the gran~ing oP th~ Conr]itional Use Nermit under khe conditions impospd, if any, will nat b~ detrimental ro the safety and general welfare of the Citizens ot kh~ City of Anaheim eace, health, 6• 't'hat the traftic yenerated by the proposed use wi]..l not impose ~r. unduc burden upon the streets and highways designed and improv~d to carry tt~e L-i:aific in the area. 7• That no one .indicated their presence at said public hearing i,n ~AA~sition; and that no correspondence was recei.ved in o~position to the subjec~ petition. ENVIRONMLNTAL INIPA~T ~ INDING; Tl~at the l~naheim Cit Commissio~, has reviewecl the proposal i:o r Y Planning waiv~r of requ.ired nutnber of Ae-mzt d xetail plant nurs~ry with ~arking spaces un a rectangularly-shaped parcel of l~nd consisking of approximately 7,~42 squar.e feet, having a trontage of a~proxiniat?ly 70 feet on the north side of L a Pa lma Av~nuP and further described as 1547 East La ~alma Avenue; and does hereby approve tt~e N~gative Declazati~n upun finding that it has considered the Negative Declaral-ion together with any camments recei.ved durzng tt~e put~lic review process and farther finciing on the basis of the initial study and any commarts received thal there is no substantial evidence that 4he projpct wi11 have a sa.gnlficant elf.ect on the environment. N~W, THEP.EFORG, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby yrant subjECt Pet;tion Por Cond~tional Use Permit, upan l•he following co~ditioris which are hereby found to be a necessarY prerequisite to t•he propo~ed use aE t•he subjecL• property in order to and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anab~im:p~eServe the ~afet,y 1. That lhe owner of subject property sha11 pay to ChP City of Anat~eim a fee for tree planting purpo~es along !~a Pa1ma Av~nue in an amnunt as determined by the City Counci.l. 2• Tt,aC prio.r to issu~nce oF a building permit, primary water main fees shall be paid to tt-,~ City ot Anaheim, in an amo~irtt a.~ determined by the Ui:fice o£ thc Utilities Genera.l Manager. 3• That drainage cf subj~ct property shall be disposed ot i.n a ma~~ner satisfacrory to tt~e City Engineer. ~1• That trash sLorage areas sha.il k~e approved plans on f.ile wi,th the Streepr Ma in enanceaand aSanitation ! DiVision. -2- PC84-139 P~tl ~'", 5. ThaL the owner of subj~c~ propert,y sha11 pay to th~ c;i~.y of An~~t~eim a ie~ ~or sLL:~ei: ligrita.ng a.long I,a Palma Avenue i~a an am~unt as d~t`rmined by the City Council. 6• Tha~ prior to issuance af a buildi.ng permit., L-he appropri.ate traffic signal assessment fee ahall be paic~ to the Cilv of Anaheim ir~ an amount ~~s dctermined by t1~e Ci~y Counr.il for outdoo:: uses. 7• ~.'hat yat~s shal]. not be installed acroys any dr:iveway or pri.vate ~trect in a manner w.hich may advers~l,~~ affect ve}~icular traffic in Lh~ adjacen~ ~~ublir, streets. Ins~aJ.lation of any ga~es wlthin a distance of forty (40) feet :Erom said public sti~eet righ~s-qf-way shall be subject to the review and appraval of the Ciry Traff.ic Eagineer, 8• That L•he drivEway shall be designed tn the satisfacl•.ic,n of the Ci~y Traffic Engin~er. 9• That the proposal ~hal~. comply with ~11 : i-,iling rec~uirements of the RS-A-43,000 Zone, unless a varia-zce allowing sign waivers is approvec~ by tne Planning Commission ~r City Council. 10. '.['hat any proposed par~ing area lighting f~ixtures sha.ll be down-lighted with a n~aximum r~eigtit of 12 ~e~~t. Said li3hting fixttares shall be directed away .from adjacent residential property lir,es to protec:t I:he residcntial integrity ~f the area. 1:1. That subject property sha.ll be dLvelopeci subskantially in accordance with plans and specifications on .~ile with the CiL-y o.f Anaheim maxked Exhibit ~lo. 1. 12. Tl~at ~ i_or to the cumm~ncernQnt of the activaty authorized under this reso on, or within a period of one y~ar from the date of this reso.. ~.on, whichever o~curs first, Condition Nos. ]., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 anr7 11, abcve-mentioned, sha1l be compli~d with. ~xtension~ for ~urtPier time to camplehe said conditxons may be granted in ar.cordance with Scction 1a.03.090 oC ~he Anaheim Municlpal Code. BE IZ' FU~THLR RESOLVED ~hat the Anah~im City Planning Comm:tssion doe. hereby find and determine i:hat aduption of this Resolution is exprPSSly predicatpd upon ap~licant's compliance with each and all of th~ conditions hereinabove se~ forth. Should any ~uch condihions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the Final ;judgment of any courL- of compeL-ent jurisdir.tinn, then this Resolution, and any approvals herei.n con~ained, shall be deemed nu11 and voxci. '?'HE ~OREGOING RESOLUTION is sigried and approved by me this 9th day of July, 1984. •~~ .__.i~ `~ ,; ~ ~ /~ '~'' ~ ', ~_ ,~. C,...,. -r' ' f„ ~' ~ -. ~- ~CHA RN(AN, ANAFI~IM .eITY Pl,ANNTNG COMMI;sSTON A'~TEST : ~' ~ ~' ' . - ~ ~!. ~~w SECP.ETARY, ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- Pc:84-139 , , ~~ ~~ ~ S7.'AxE OF CAL~ FORN ~ A ) CUUNTY OF QRANG~ ) ss. CI'.PY OF' ANAHRIM j I, Gdith L. flaxria, Sec.rPtary c~f tk~e Anaheim Cifiy Planni.ng Commission, c3o hereby certi.~y that the .Coregoiny resolution was pass~d and adopted at a m~eting of- khe Anaheim (;ii:y Planniny Commission heTd on July ~, 1982, by the iollowing voL-e of the membets thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONL~'RS: BOUAS~ BUSIiOF2~~ FRYo HERBS~.C~ K:[NG~ LA CLA.i.RE~ MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NONC ABSEIVT: COMMTSSIONERS: NON~ IN WrTNESS WHk:REOF, 7 f3ave h~reunto set my hand this 9i:h c]~y of Ju1y, 1934. `~ ~ ~ ;.~ ~ . _,~~ SECRE;TARY, ANAHEIM CZ'TY P.LANNING COMMISSION '`~- FG84-139 ~ ~ ~L~>N~ '~~jx,'J~i ~ 4•~._~•,. . .~ - . . ~ . . , . .. . . . .. . . . . ~ ~. .. ... . . . . . . ••y'H'i!'