PC 84-145r~csUt,u'rtoN N~~. ~~ci34-195, ~~g~p~,r~~~~IpN qt? THE TINAHG:[M CI`i'Y PLANNING CUMMISSZON ~I~E~h7.~ PL'i'I'i I.ON f?UP. VT.FtIANCE N0. 3405 E3T~ GKAN'PFD WH.LREAS, the Anaheim Cit,y Planni.ng Comr,;is: ion clid rzceive a veri.f ied P~tition f:or Vari~ nce £rar~ M:IC[~AE1a S, S~MMONS & DEF3BiG A• SAMMUNS, 319G Fa~t R~dc1iEfe Avenu~, Anuheim, California 92806, owners ~f certain real properL-y 5ituated in the Ci~.Y of Anaheim, County of Orang~a, State of Ca1iforni~ described as: LOT 7 O[~. 'PRAC'.I' S3~19, AS PER MAP RECORDE~ IN BUOkC 245, PAGC~S 94 '1'0 46~ INCLUaIV.E OI' NIISCELLANGOUS MAPS, IN `PFiE ON'FICF OF 'PElE C:~UN`.CY RL"CORDEK OE SA7.D COUNTY. 4.~HERI;AS, thE City Planning Commis~ion di~3 hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in thE City of Anahein- on J i~Pn~,a ~98equired e by plaw~ and~~in of said ~ublic he~ring haviny becn c]uly y acc.,:dar~ce witt~ the provisions or thp Anaheim Municipa:l Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and con~ider evidence for and against said pro~osed variance and to ir~vestigate ancl mak~ findings and r~commFndations in c:onnection therewith; and WHERL•'AS, said Con~rnission, a~ter due inspection, i~lvestigakion and study made b~~ itself and in its behalf, and af ~~~Sd fina° and edetermine the eviclence and reports offered at .,aid hearinq, following facrs: 1. That the petitioner proposes a waiver oi the fo].lowi;~y ta construct .a room additian to a single-family r.esidence: SEGTION 18~27.062.020 - Maximum l.ot coverage_. ' ` (358 permi.tted; h2~ propo~ed) 2. That tk~e above-~nen~foned waiver is hereby yranted an the basis that there are special ciecum~tances app.licable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location and surroundinys which do not applY klicatLon identically zoned property in the same vicinity; and that strict aPP pth~r of L•he Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by pcoperties in the identical Lone and classi.ficatic~n in the vicinity and subject to Interdepartme~-tal Committee recommendations. 3. That there arc exceptional or extraordinar,y circumstances or c~nditi~ns applicable to the pro~erty inv~lved or L•o the :tnt:ended use ~f the propert•y that do not ap~ly general2y to thc property or class of use in the samp vicinity and zone. 9. Z'hat the requested variancf~ is necPssary f°r other ~f r~PertY i~n and enjayment oF a suost~ntial pro~erty right pos~es~in questi~n. the same vi.cir~ity and zonc, and der.ied Co the ~roperty 5. 'Phat rhe requ~st?d varxance will not be materially dptri.mental to the public ~delfare or ir.,jurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity ar,d zone in which r.he propett.y is locatec~. PC94-1~5 r~OL72r . .,~ ~. '.l'hat no one inr~icaL~~ their prescnce at said public hearin~ in opposii:ion; znd that no corr~spandence was rec~ivsd in ~pposition to subject peti~ion. L'NVIRONh1LNTAL TMPAC'i' FTNI~ING: Tne Pl.anning Director or his a~athori2ed repre;;ent~~ive ha~ detcrmincd t;:ar. thE~ ~-.. propo~cd pc•oject fa11s within ~hc clefinitxon a~ ~ategUrical G~emrtion~, Class 5 ~~~tP EIH Guiclelines and is, thet:ci:ore, categqricaliy ~~ex mpk n~ omn the requirE~ment ~o prepar~ an EtR. NOW, TEI~kEE'GRE, B~ I`1' RESpLVGD that the Anahcam City Planning Commission doPS hereby granL- st~i~ject Petition ~or Variance, upon the ~ol.lowing conditi.ons whict~ are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisit~ t~ ~he prt~posed u,~e of the sub;ect Nrope.rty in r~rc~er to preserve t:he safety a~td genera.l welf~re oE ~he Ci~iz~ns of the City of Anahei.m: 1• 7.'hac subject pr~perty aha11 be developed ~ubstantially iri .~ccord~nce with pYans and spe^_if:icati.ons or. file with the C:ity of Anahei.m m~rked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2. That prior to f-inal building and zoning inspec~ions~ Ccndition No. 1, ab~ve-mentioncd, sha.il be complied ca.zth. BE IT fURTHER RESOL'VED that the Anahe?.m City Planning Commissiorl does herc:by Find and determine Lhat adoption of this Resolutlun is expressly predicated upc~ applicant's complianr_e with each and ali of the conditiony hereinabove set forth, Shauld any such condition, or any part thereof, b~ declared invali~i ar unNnforc2able k~y the Eina]. judgment of any court of cumpetent jurisdi.ction, khen this k;esolutiGn, and any approva'ls l~erein contained, shall be c3eem~d nul.l and vuid. THE E'OREGOING RESOLU'PION is signec~ and approvnd by me this 9th day oE ~7uly, 1984. .. ,~ I ,r ";7 ~ ~' ~ r , ~,~_'! ~ / _.._---•-- `'~?~, ~ ~ i ,<,~ ;y1 ....'~.~~`..~... ~~ I.~i/1.i~... .y~.f..~.tr~t..~ _ _ _ •~" CHA~~tMAN, ANAHEIM ~C;ITY PLANNIt1G I:OMMIS5TON ATTEST: . '' ~' . SECRETARY, ANAHF,IM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION -2- Pc~~l-14~ ~ STATE OE' CALI£~'ORNIA ) COUN7.'Y OI' ORANGG ) ss. CITY OI' ANAHEIM ) I, L;d.itt~ L. Flarris, Ser.retary o~ the Anah~~im Ciky Planning C,ommission, do hereby certify that the for~:go:ing resolutinn w~s p~Used and adopted at a meel-ing of the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commissian h~7.d an July 9, ~.9A2, by the fol2.owing vot•.e of. trae members t:t;ereof: AYES: COMMTSSIONERS; BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRX, HERBST, KING, LA (;G~Ii2E, MC BURNEY NQES : Cp1~4r1ISSIUNERS : NON.~ ABSENT: CQMMISSIQ~lI:F2S: NON~ IN WTTNrSS W';~kEOF, 1 Have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of ,'lul,y, 19a4. ~ ~ ~ y ,. ~~ ^ ~ ~I , SECR)s'TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION -3- PC84-145 ~~ ~