PC 84-146µ\~ RESOLUT:IUN N0. PC~34-19E~ A 21LSOLCI'i'ION Ok `1'H.E ANAHr7M CI'PY PI.,I~NNING COMMISSTUN THAT PGTIiIC~N I'OE~ CONllI2'IONEIL USE PERMI'I' N0. 2551 RE (i;RANTl.I) W:IERrpS, th~ Anaheim City F1~anning Con,mission did receive a ve::ified Pcrition for Conclitic.~~a1 Us~ P~rmiL Prom HAROLU K. OERTLE AND KAREN L. OE;HTLE, c/o CAPIZ'pL INpUSTItiAL PItUPFRTTES, 310 West Orangethcr~e, k~lacenria, California 92oa0, oHners, anc] ~TFk'r" ,1IL~KA, 244 Briardals, Urange, Ca.lifarnia, 92665, HEII)7 PODLICH, c/o Ci~UCR'S UN'LiMI7.'ED, ,1251 North Red Gum Street, An~heim, California 9280G, agent tor cFrtain r~a1 propEl:ty situated ir~ L-he Ci•i~y of Anah~im, Counky of Urange, State o~t CaliEornia, descri.k,ed as: PA.RCEL 4, ]:N THF CITX OF ANAF~EIM, COUNTY ~JF ORANGF, STATE OF CAI,IE'URNIA, AS PER MAP RECORllGD TN BOOff 66 :~AGE 37 Ob' M.iSCELLAN~OUS C1APS, IN '1'E1E UP'FICE OC TI•IE COUN'1'Y RECORAER OF SAID ~'OUNTY. WFiER~AS, the City Planni.ng Commission did ho].d a public hearin~ at the Civic Center in the City o.E Anaheim on Apri1 30, 198~, at 1:30 p.m., riotice oE said pi:blic liear.ing having b~een duly given as required by 1aw and in accordance with the pr~visia-ls ~F the Ariaheim [+lunicipal Code, Chapter .1£3.03, ~a hear and COl'1S1dEY Evid~nce for and against said proposed condi.tiA;,al use permit and lo irivestigate and malce £indinqs and recommenc9ations in conn~ction rherewikh; said public hearin.g having been continued to fhe Planning Commiasiori meeting o£ July 23, 1y84; and WHERLAS, sai.d Carnmission, aFker due i.nspec~ion, investigation and study made by itself and i i its behr~:l.f, and after due considerati.on of a11 evidence and repart~ offerf;d at :;aid hearing, do~s find and determine the follow,ing fa;,ts: 1. Th~t the pr~posed use is propet•ly one for which a conditional use permi.t is authorized by pnaheim Mtinicip~l Code Sections 18.06.OSU and 18. 61~05U,601 to wit: to r.etain three au~omobile c~s5tnmizing shops i.n the tdL (Inciustr.ial, Limited) 'Lone ~r~ith waiver of the following: SECTIONS 18.06.050.~?_22 - Minimum number of parki~a, ,paces. 11ND 18.G1.OG6.05Q (77 req~iired; 28 proposed) 2• 'Phat the propos~d usE is hereby granted for a period oE 3-1/~ years to expir.e March 31, 1988, the termination date of the cucrent lease on subject property. 3• That the C~~e parking v~riance wi requested 11 not wa.iver is f~ereby granted on the basis fhat caus~ an increase in trafLic corigestion in immediate vicinity nt,r adver:sely affect the granting oE the parking variance any adjoining land uses; that u~der the conditions impose~I i f the nat be detr.imen~al to ci~izens ut' th tt~e peace, , . any, health, sa~~ty or general welfare of ~~~i11 the e City of Anaheim. 4• That thP proposec~ use will not adv~rsely aff_ect the adjoining land uses an~ the growtli and development o€ the ar.ea in which it is proposed to be located. #0273r ~Ct34~146 'a~~n4 `~M1Ih1 5. 7~hat the siz~ a-~d s}~ape ~f the site ~co~~us~d Eor the use i~ adequate to a11ow tl~e fu11 devclopment of t:he progosec] use in a manner not d~tr:imental ta thc parta.cul.ar ar.ea nor ~o the p~ace, hea1L-n, safety and ~7enera]. welfaxe of the C:it:ize.ns ot ~he City oF 1lnaheim. G. Tha~ the granting of the Condil•.ional. Use Fer.mit unc]er the condiLions imposed, if any~, wi.ll noL- be dPfrimenl:al to the peace, hF:alth, safety and general welFare oE tl~e Citizens of the City of Anahei.m. 7. That. thc tratPic generated by the ~ropos~d use wi.ll not impose an undue burden upon the st.reets and highways dESigned and improv~d to carry the traFf ic i.n the area, 8. '.I'hat no one ir~c~icated t.heir presence at said public hearing in opposition; and t•.hat ria corresp~n~ence was receiveci in oupositiori t.o the sizbj~ct ~.~etition. ~NVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7' I'INDING: Tk~at the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revi~wed ~he proposal t~ retain thr~e automobi.le ~ustomizing shcips in the ML t:Indusl.rial, Limited) Zone with waiv~r of minimum number of parking space~ ~n a rectangularl,y~shaped parcel o.f land consisting of approximake]y C.62 acre ].ACated ~t the northwesL• cnrner of. La Cresta Avenue and Re~ Guni Street, and further described as 1251 Norti~ Ited Gum Street; and does l•~ereby appruve the Negative Dec.taration upan iinding l-hat it has considered the Negative Declaration Logett~er. with any comments received during the ~ublic review proce~s and fuzther £inding on the basis oP L-he initial study and any comments received that ltiere is no substanki.al evidence tha~ ths project wiil havE a significant efEect on tht environment. NOW, THEREFORE, IIE Im RESOLVED L-hat the Anaheim City P1~nning Commi.ssion does hQreby grant subject Petilion for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions ~ahich are hexeby f~und to be a nec:essary prerequisite t;U the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and gener~l weliare of the Citizc~ns oF khe Ci~~~ o.f Anaheim: 1. That a traffic signal as~essment Eee equaling the difFcrence between the indusi;rial and co~:mercial a~•sessment fees shall be paic~ to the City of Anah~im in an amaunt aw determined by the City council. 2. That no outdoor stor~ge or work on autan~bi..les or automotive parts shall occur with t~k~e e~cepta.on of khe area located withir. the proposed screened autdoor vehicle waitin~ area. 3. That a11 land:=cape~ areas shall be refurbished and maintained in compliance with City landscaping requiremerits. 4. That tr.ash storage areas sha11 be provided in acc~rdance with approve~ pZans on tile with the StreeL Mai.ntenance and Sanitation Diviszon. 5. That Che pr.oposa]. shall comply with all signing requirements of the ML ?one, unless a variance allow~ny sign waivers is approved by the Planniny Curnmiss.ion or City Council. -2- PC84-146 6. '~'t~at sub ject property shall b~~ developed substantia7.ly in accordance wi.th plans and s~eca.fications on f.i].e with the c:ity of Anaheim marked Fxhibii: Nos. 1 and '1. !. ~t'hGt Condit~ion Nos. ]., 3, 4, and G, above-mPnl:ianecl, shall be completed within a periocl of sixty (6U) days fram the date oE tl~is resolution. 8. That lP,e permit :is granted ~~r a period o.f 3-1/2 ye~zrs, to expire on March 31, 198a, which is rhe appr~ximate termi.nat~on date of the current l~ase on suhject proZ~erty, gE IT I'URTHER RGSOLVFD that the Anaheim CitX Planning Commission does hereby fin~ and determ~.ne tha~ ad~p~ion o.l this Reso~u~i~n is expressly prpdicated upon applicanL-'s compli.~nce wii:h each and a11 of ~he conditions hereir~abuve se~ forth. St~~~lc~ uny such condi~ions, or an~ part thereof, be declared inval~d or unenforceable by the F.ina1 judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, ther~ this Resolut;.on, and any approval~ herein contained, shall be daemed null and void. T[~E FOREGOING RESOLUTZON is signed and ap~roved by me this 23.rci clay of July, 198~. ~ . ~ '~ /~ c'r., /f . c.2..C.-L%a.~_ < _ ~ 1 n ~_- ~~ ~' . J ~ , CHAIRWO~fAN, PRO TEMPORE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON AT'rEST : ~~~~-~ ~~~ ` ~~~~ ._____... ~ SECRETARY~ ANAAEIM C:I`.P'1 PLANNING COMMISSION STATG Or' CALIFORNZA ) COUNTY OF ORAtdGF. ) Ss. CITY OF ANAHEI61 ) t I, Edit-h I~. Harris, Secretary of the A~taheim City P'~anning Commission, do h~reby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed aticl adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held an Ju1y 23, 1984, k~y the fo.Ilowing voL•e of the members thereof : ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERB: FiUUAS, BUSEIORE, FRY, KING~ L'~ CLAIRE, MC 6URiVEY NOES: CUMMISSIONEkS: NONE ' AF3S~NT: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST ~~ IN T~I~rNE5~ Wui~;nEOE', I hav~ ~ereunko ~et my hand this 23rd day of '' ~July, 1y84. i , ...._._____~ ~' ~ ~i11..li~..~t,..~a.- '~ ScCttETARY, AVAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUM~ITSSION >; ~ :, ~ ~ -3- PC84-146 i .i :, ~ ,y ..... _.,_ ,, ~•~-... ~ - `.,-;~ I