PC 84-155. . . ~ ' ' , . , ).I G%~~ I~~~v~-".~• ~.eu. ~ '~, RESOI,UTIGN N0. PC84-155 /rl ~+~~ A RES()LU'.I'ION UF `.L'HF~ ~NAf•IEI,hI CI'PY n7.,ANNING CG~•iMTSSTUN THAT PETITIO.N F'OR VARTANCE N0. 3384 B.E GRAN'!'ED, IIV PART WHEK.EAS, the Anaheim Cil•y Planniny Commi~sion did re~eive a ve:ified Pelition ~or. Variance from DON C. DU~(~ r1ND TAMIRI~ DUKE, 3538 West S::ivanna Street, Anahea.m, CaJ.ifornia 92804, DUAN~ FREDLRII:K Ai~D SALLY PETERSEN, 60Q iVUtwood SL•rPets Anal~ein;, California 92804, owners, aiid .10IIN KTNG, 19522 Iyide~encience Lane, H~;ntington Beach, Culifornia 92646, agent for certain real praperty situafed in thc City of A.n~heim, County oE Ocang~, State of Califarnia dF~scribed as: 7'HE W~ST 100 FEET UF LO'.C 18 ~F TRAC'r 743 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOQK 22 PAGE 10 UF'~MISCCLI~ANLUUS MAPS~ IN THE QFFICE OF THE CQUNTY RECORD~R UF SAID COUNTY. LOT 18 OF TRACT 744, A.S PER MAF~ RECORD~D IN A~UK 2?, p~r,E 10 OP MISCE.i,LANEQUS MAPS, RECOkDS 0~' SAID ORANGE COU[1TY. EXGEPT T.F1E WEST 1C10 FrET. WHEK~AS, the City Planning Canmission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in tt~e Ci.ty of Anaheim on April 2, 1984, at 1::i0 p.m., natice o.~ said public hearic-g having been duly gi~~en as required by 1aw ~:nd in accordance with ~he provisions oF the Anaheim Municip,37. Code, C;~~apter 18.p3, to hear and consir,ier evidence Por and ag~insk saic~ proposed vatiance and to invesi:igate and make findings and recommendztions in connection therewith; saici public t~earing hauir-c; be~n continued to the pl.anning Commission meeting of Auyust 6, 1984; and WH~REAS, sazd Cornmis.;ion, a£ter du~ in~pectian, investigation and study made by itself anci ~.n i~t~s behalf, and af~er. due con:~ideratian of a11 evide~ce and r.eport~ off.ered at said hearing, does Eind an~ determine the followir.y £acts : 1. That the petitioner proposes waiv~rs of the t411owing to coilstruci: a 28-unit apartment com~~lex: (a) SEC'PION 18.34.062y012 - Maximum structural heiuht. ^;1 storv permitted within 150 ~eet of any ~.ingle-famil.y residential zone boundar,y; 2 stories within 82 ieet proposed) (b) SECTI~N 18.34.062_.032 - Minimum floor area~ (c) 5EC7'T~N 18.3~.UG3.012 - Minimum landsca~ed ae~k, (d) SECTION - Permitted encroachments in~o front vard. ANU (e) SECTZOPJ 10.06.05Q.0123 - Permitted location of tundem arkin AND 18.34.f)66.010 spaces. #0282r PC84-155 .--•. 2. 'I'hat the above-mentia~:ed waiversi b~y (c,, (.d) and (e~ ar~ hereby clenied on the k~asis that r.ne pei:itioner submi.tted rzvised~pllns ~limin~~ting said w a i v e L s. ...~ c~ : r~ ~ Sf• •(d rl ~; 1`~;:.r' r,'1 ,~C:, Y.:,~rl, i'.:r,- ~."c I~c? /i),,l,I4 '~Y~ 7%;(~,-~. =' ~`" /. ~'cid ~ ~ G 3. ~~l~at the requestecl wai.ver (a) is her~.ay gr.anL•ed on the basi~ the General P1an land use desiynation .Eor the area is meda.um density resideni:a.al and when nearby pruperties are sa-zoned, the waiver will be unnecessary and on the basis ~hat there ~re spECial circum~tances applicable ta ihe propec•ty such as size, shap~, iopography, location and surroundings ~ahich do not apply to other identically zoned prop;:rty in the same varinity; and that S~L1Gt application of the Zoning Code deprives the pruperty of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the identical zone and classif'cation in the vicinity and subject to Interde~artmental C~mrni.ttee .recommendations. 4. mhaL• there are except:,~na1 or axtraordinary circums~ances or conditi.ons ~pplicable to tt~e propc:rty involvEd ur t~ the intendeu use of the ~roperty that do not anply generally to the ~~roper~y or class ~.~ uye in the samP vicinity aiid zone. 5. That the request~d variance is iiecessary for the ~reserva~a.on and enjoyment of a substantial proper.ty right possessed ~y other ~roperty in the same vicinity anci zone, and denied t~ the propecty ~n qu~stion. ~. That the requNSted variance wi11 not be materially detx~imental to tre public welfare or injurious to t.h~ p:operty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in wi~ich the prnper~y is located. 7. That no one indicated their presence ak said puhlic hearing in apposition; and that no corresponden~~ was received i.n oppo~ition to subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed th~ proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS--A-43,000 (Resi.dential, Agricultural) Zone ~o the RM-120U (Resi.dential, Mtiltiple~-Family) Znne ko construct. a 28-unit apartment complex with waiv~r of maximum structural height on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land cansi~ting af approximately 0.78 acre, havin3 a fron~age of zppraxir;~tely 158 Eeet ~n the soutih side ui: Savanriah Street, and furtk~er described as 3538 West Savanna Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon f.inding that it has ~ansiderp6 the Negative Declaration together with ~ny comments received during the public review pro4ess and further finding or~ the b~sis o.f the initial study and any c~~mments received th~at there is r,o subs~antial evidence that the pr.oject will have ~ signif~.cant effect ~n l:he environment. NOF1, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED t.hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject retition for Vari.ance, upoii the f~llowing conditions which are hereby tound to be a ~Zecessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property zn order to preser.vP the safety and general w~lfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the ownzr of subject pc•o~erty shall pay to the City of Anaheitn a fee for tree plar~tinr, purposes along Savanna S~:reet in an amount as determined by the City Council. 2. That the owner of subj~ct pro~erty shall pay to the City of. Anaheim a fee for street lighl.iny a1~ng Sa~~anna Street .in an amaunt as determined b;~ thA City Council. - 2- PC84•-155 1 Iz . ^~~ ~,~~~.,~ 3. That ~ubject proper.i:y sha11 be served l~y u-iderground utilities. 4. That this Varianc:~ ~~ granted subject to thc eampletion of Reclati,sification No. ~33-84-23, now pending. 5. That prior to issuance of a building ptrmi.t, appropriate water assessment fres sha11 be paid t~ the City of Anaheim, in an amui~nt aa deterrn:inr~ci by the Office of the Utilitips Generll Manager~ 6. That priar to issuance of: a building permit, the appropriate traffi.c signal assessm~nt f~e shall b~ paid to the City oF Anaheim in an amo~;nt as determined ~y the City Caun~il Eor eaci~ new dwelling unit. 7. That a11 engineering requirements of the Cit~ c~f ~naheim aJ.ong Savanna Stree~, including preparation of imprc~vemer~i- plans and insl•allation of alI improvements such as curbs and gutters, sic]ewalks, street grading and pavement, sewer and ~~rair-age facilities, ~r other ap~urtenant wo,:k shall bF comn?ied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance witY- specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and that security in the form of a bond, certificate o~ deposit, lektEr of credit, or cash, in an amount and f.orm aatisfactory to the City of Anaheim, ~hall bP posted witl~ the Ci.ty to guarantee the satisfactory complption of said imprav~ments, Said security sha11 be posted with tY:e City prxor to approval of °mpcovement plaz~s, to guarant~e Che installation of the above-required improvements prior to occupancy. 8~ That prior to r.omm~ncement oP s~ructur.al framing, fire hydrar.ts sha13. be installed and charg~d as required and deterrnin~d to be necessary by tne Chief of the Fire Department. 9. That tr~sti sLorage areas ~hall. be provicled in aacordance with approved p1~ns ~n file with the Street Maintenance and Sanitati.on Division. 10. That prior to final street in~pections, "No parking for street sweepiny" siyns shall be i.nstalled a~ required by thF Street Maintenance and Sa:>>tatiori Division and in accordance with specifications on £ile with sai.d division. 11. That prior to issuance of building permi.cs, the applicant sha11 present evidence satisfactory to the Chief Building Tnspector that the propnsed project will be in confurmance with Cauncil Policy No. 542 "Sound Athenuation i.n Residential Projects". 12. 7.'hat prior to issuance of buildirig petmits, the applicant shall present eviclence satisfactory to the Chi.ef Building Inspector tha~ the rPsiciential units will be in conformance with Noise Inyulation Standards specifiej in the Califor.nia Administr4tive Code, Tikle 25. 13. That all air conditioning €acilities sha7.1 be properly shielded from view, and the sounci bufEer.:d from adjacent properties. -3- PC.84-155 1 ~ i~ 1h~ 7'hat pr.ior to issuance oF ~3 building permit, appropra.ate p~rk and recrFation in-lieu fees sha.t7. be paid to the City of Anahcim in an ~mount as dzter.mined by the City Co~~nci.l. .15. That: gatPS shaw~.1 not be i-z.stalled across any driveway in a maaner. which may adv~~rsely affect vehicular Y.raffic in the acijacent public street. Inska7.lation ~f any gates within a distar~ce of f~rty (40) Leet .Erom saicl public sl:re~t rights-of-way ~ha11 be subject to th~ review and approval of i:hP City Traffic ~ngineer. 15. That all driveways ~hall be designed to accommodate ten (10) foot radiu~ curb returns as requa.red by the City Traffic Fngineer. J.~. That subject property sha11 be developed substantially in accordance wil.h p].ans and specifications on £ile with the Citl~ of AnaY,eim marked Revision No. 1 of ~xhibit Nos. .l ~hr~ugh 3. 18. That prior i;r~ th~ ti.mE that a building permit is issued, or within a period of one y~ar from th~ date of this resolution, whichever occurs fir.st, Co-~dition Nos. 1, 2, 9, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 and 14, above-mentioned, shall be cornplied with. Exten~ions for furth~r time to complete said r,onda.tions ay be gr.anted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Ar~aheim Municipal Code. 19. That prior to £irial buiiding and ;~oning inspecti.ons, Cor,ditinn N~,~. 3. 9, 13, 16 and 17~ above-mention~d, shal]. be complied wi.th~ BL IT FURTH~R RESOLV.ED that khe Anaheim City Planning Commission does he.reb,y fznd a~nd deterrnin~ that ac7option of thiG P,esolution is expressly p redicated upotl applicant's cumpliance wil•h each and a11 of the conditions hereinabr~ve set f.orl-h. Should any such c~~dition, ur any part thexeof, be dec3.arecl invalid or u:7enforceab3.e by i:he Eina1 judgment of any ~ourt nf cor~pel•en~ jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein containec~, shall be deemed null anc] void. `!'HE EOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and apprqved by me,~ his~th day of Augusl:, .1984. ~ ~~ ...----- , ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ;~~~~~/, "' ~, r~ ~._._. ^ HAI MAN, ANAHE2M 't PLANNING COMMISSION AT~'ES'P; ~~ ~ ~ ~,~~L~_c%~ ~ ~~.~ ,t , ~ SEC A12Y~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI[3G COMMISSION -4- ~~:~a , . . PC84-1.55 ... ~ t .q~I ~. . ` ~ ~ ~,~, ;F,~:..,, ST}1`rE; C~I~' CAI,TL~OItNIA ) COUNTY OE' URANGE ) :~~ • r,r~y pF~ ANA[~EIM ) I, L•'dith L„ Eiarris, Secr~tar,y af the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Comml~sion, do hereby certify that the Eoreguing resolutton w,~s p~'~:~~ed and ac~opted at a m~eting oi thE~ Anaheim City l~lanning Ccmmission he1c7 on Augusk 6, 1984, by the f~ll~wing votc of the members there~~f: AXES: GOMMISST~?NERS: BOUP.S, FRY, HGR[35T, ICING, LA CLAIRE, NUES: CaMMI.:3SIGNERS: NON~ AL~SENT: CUMMISSIONERS: BUSHOI~E, MC f3URNGY IN WITivESS ~atIERCO~, I have htreui~t~+ set my hand this 6ch day of Augusr, 1~84. l . -- -~- "~ >1 ~ `1 /~L'c-~..c..~. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN7NG COMMISSION _,_ pC84-155