PC 84-156,~ 12E50LI3`r70N NO. nC84-156 ~, A~2GSOLU'I'ION OF '1'HE ANAF~~IM CI`I'}' PLANNING COMMTSSTON T[•iAT PF`II'r10N 1~OR REC.LASSIL"ICAmIOtJ N0. E33-8~-29 BE GRANTLU WHLREAS, tl~e Anaheini Cit;y I~lanning Commission did recetve a v~rifi~d peti~ion for Recla~sification L•rom SATD ~.AHIDGANZ, E'1' AL., 1332 AmbPrwick I~ane, A~,at~eim, CaliEori~ia 92a04, ownec, ~~nd ST~RLING CARLSON, 447 East 171h Street, ~~osta Mesa, C~.tii:ornia 92627, a~~ent foc cectain r~a;. propertv situatzd in the City of nnaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali.£ornia, described as Follows: PakcEL 1: THG NOR'!'il 205 FELT OI' THL W~~T 120 FEET OC THG EF15T 221.33 FEET OE' `PHE yORTHEAST QUARTER OF '.PHE NORTHWEST QUAT2TER OF THI: NORTHWEST QUARTER Ob SECTION '1'W~NTY-F'OUR, 'i'OWNSHIF COUR SOUTH, RAI~G'r; ELEVGN WEST, S.t3.B. & M., AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOFtD~;n IN [i00K 51, PAGE 7 OL' t4?SCEI~LANEqUS MAPS, RFCORDS U~' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI}~. PARCEL 3: PARCEI. A: THE NORTH 205 CEET OF THE Er1ST 'l'21.32 CGET OF TE~E WEST 447..65 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OE THE NORTHWEST QUARTk,R OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTI:R OP' ~ECTION 2~, TOWN~HIP 4 SOU'.~EI, RANGE 1.1 WES'r~ TP~ THE RANCHU LOS CAYOTES, AS SfiUWN Q~i A MAP Ftk;CQRDGD IN BOOK 51, PAGE 1.1 QF [9ISCELLANEOUS MAPS, R~;GURUS OE' ORANGE COUtJTY, CALICORNIh. WfICREAS, th~ City Planning Commissi.on did hoa.d a publi~ hearing at 4he Civic Center in the City of Anahei.m or. May 30, 198~ at I:30 p.m. - notice of said public t~earing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance witt~ the pr~visions of the Anah~:irr Municipal CodP. Chapter 1t3.03, f:o hear an~ consider evic9ence foc and aqainst said proposed r.eclassifiaation :.r~d to inves~igate and rnake finr3f.ngs a~d cecommer~dations in connection therewith; sa.id public t~earing having beer~ continued to the l~lanning Cotnmission mr:eting ~f August fi, 1~84; and WHEREAS, sai~3 Commission, after due inspection, investig~~rio~t and study made by its~lf and in its behalF, an~.3 after due consideration of a11 evidence and re,por~:~: o£ferec] at said heariny, dAes ~ind an:3 determine the follc~winy facts: 1. 'rhat the pe~itioner propo~es reclassificati of subject property from R5-A-4:i,000 (Ftesidential, Ayricultural) 2one to the RM-1200 (ResidPtitial, MultiNle-[~amily) 'Lone. 2. Thar, tt~e Anahei.m Gcr~eral Plan designates ~ubject property tor low••medium density residentfal lar~d ases and that nearvy pro~:ertie~ located to the northeast. across E3a11 Ftoad and to the ea~t acrosa Cern Avenue are designateci foc med~ um denaf ty ceuident:ial 1an~ u.,~s. 3. That the pr~pored recl~~ssiftcation o~ sabjecf: properky is nece~sary and/ar dEnLr.iNle foc ~he o:der2y and proper r7c~vElopment oE the community. {0283c PC$4-156 ~... . , +: i:l :Hnn~ ~.. ~}. That ~.he proposed reclassi.£ication o.E subjecr prope.rt:~ does proper].y relate to khe zonc~s anc~ L-heir. permittc:d UJC'~J locally estabJ.ished in close proximiL-y to ~ul-, ject pcopertiy anc3 tr~ ~he zones and their permitted ~ises ge-ierally establistzed thraughout t:he c:ommunirv. 5. That the propo~ed rec.lassi£icatio~~ ~f subjF:ct proper.ty requirt ~ the impravement. of abutt.ing streets in ~ccor.dance wi.th the CYr.c~:lation I;lemer,t af tP,e Ge~ecal Plan, due to th~ anticipate~ i.ncrcase in traffic which will be generatPCi by the intPnsifieatic~n c~f. lanc] use. 6. '.rhat 6 pec~s~ ~:a indicated `heir pres~nce in ~pposition at tP,e May 30th publ.ic hearirig <~nd subrt-ittPd a~eGitiion c~ntaining approxi.mately 25 signatures in opp~sition• and that 5 persans indicated their presence at the August 6, 1984 public hea:.ing in oppo~i.tion. GDIVIRO_NMENTAI. IMPACT FtNDl'NG: That thc Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassiEX siabject properh_y fr.om the RS-A-43,OG0 (Residential, Agricultural) Zor-e to the RM-•1?.OU (Residential, Multipl~-I'amily) Zone to construct a 35-ur~it apartment complex with waivers of maximum structura.l height and maximum fence height on a rectangu;arly-shaped parc~l o:E ~and consisting o~ a~pr~x.imately 1.~8 acres, having ~ Erontage of approxinately 341 Eeet on the south side ~f Ball Road, and furtner described as 2910 to 291~ West Bal.l. koad; and does P~ereby approve ~he Negative Declaration up~n Einding that it has consic~erer] the Ne~~ative Declarat.ion tagethec with any comments received during the public review pcoce~s anc] further finding on the basis of the initial study an~J any commenl•s received that there is nr~ subsF%~ntial e~•icience that the projec~ wilZ have a significan~ effec~ on the environment. NOW, '1'HEftEF01tE, BE IT RESOLV~D that th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission ~oes hereby grant subject Pet.xtion for Reclassificati~n and, by :~o d~ing, that Tit'e 18-Zoning oF t.he Anaheim Municipal Coi3e be amended to exclude ttie above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Agricultural) Zone and lo incocp~rate said descril~ed pronerty into the 1?M-].200 (Residenl•ial., Mu.ltiple-Family) or a iess intensP zone uPon the following conditi.ons which are here~y found to be a necessary prerequxsit;e to the prc~po~ed use cF ~ubject propecty in ordec t~ preserve ltie sdte~y and gpneral welfare of the Citizens ot the Ci'~y of Anaheim: 1. That the owner of ~ubject property sha11 dedicatP to the City n€ Anaheim a stri~ c~f 3.and 53 feet in widtt~ from th~ cer~ter.tine uf the sc.reet a~ung Ball Road frr ~treet widening purposes. 2. That; tr-e owner of subjpct proPerty st~a11 submit a lel:ter requeatfn~ rQlinqui.shmen~ of a.ll rights urider Orange Count.y Use ~ermit No. 1a~33. 3. That prior t~ ~iie intr~duction of an ordin~:nce rezoning subject properry, C~nc~itioii No;:. 1 and 2, abo~e-mention~ci, shall b~ completed. 2'he provi~ion~ or rights granCed by thfs resolur.tun shall becom~ null and voi~i by action of the Planning Cammissi~n unless aaiii c~~nditions are c~m~li~d with wfthin ~ne year £rom the date nf this re:~o'lutt~n, ur such further time a:, the F]anninq Commission may grank. -2- PC84-156 ~~~ Jl~~ ~G I`r E~UFtTNER kGSOLVGD ~l~at th~ pnah~~.m C.ity k~lanning Commission does ~~eret~y find and deter.mine ~t~al ad~ption of this Resulut~~n is expres~.ly predicatPd upon applic~~nt's complianc~ with ear,h and a11 of the condi~ions hEreinabove set f~rth, 5hc~uld any such ~onditioc~, or ~~ny part thereot, pe declared invalid or. unenforceable by tt~e ~inal competent ;jurisdic~ion, then this .Resoli~tion~ nd y~ant ~~ any caurt o£ contaa.nPd, shall be deemPCl null and void. ~' Pprovals hecei.n 7'EIL•' E~REGO.~NG 22ESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by Augu~t, 19b4. ., /~ _ N, ANAHFIM CITI~ LANN.t ATTEST; f'' ~ '~-„~4.i - ~' r SECRLTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLI~NNiNG COMMISST7N STATL•' OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNZ'Y pF URANGE } ~s. CI~i'Y OF ANAHE.T.Ni ) -~tr#~~ 6~~ c.iay c~f / / ~~ ~~~ ~G CUMMISSION I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oF the Anai~~im Cit Commission, dc, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pa sed nand adapi:ed at a meeting of. the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commis:~i~n i~eld an August 6, 1y84, by the following vote of the member~• tharen~: AXES; COMMISSTON~RS: BOUAS, FRY, HExBST, KINr,, T,A ~LAIRE, NUEB: COMMISSIONFRS: NANE A$~ENx: COMMISSIqNERS: AUSHORE, MC BUt2NEY IN WITNGSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sel my hand ~his 6th day of August, 1984. i ~ -'~ ~_ ~ ~J ~ . SEC}2ETARY, ANAHk;IM CI'PY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC$4-,156 ~