PC 84-158r^~, ~ RESOLU7.'IUN N0. PC$4-a58 'a~""~ A RESQLUTIUN U1 'I'HE AN;IHGIM CI'rY PLANNIr)G CQFiMZSSION THA2' P):;TI'I'!ON FOR CONDITTONI~L USE PLRI~IIT NU. 'l59$ BE GR.ANTED, IIV 1~ART Wk1E~2FAS, l•he Anaheim ~ity Planna.ng Com~ni:;sion dia rec~ive a verif.iec; Peritio~i for Conditiona.l U~e Permit from MC DONALD'S CU~2PORA~.I~ION, c/o JUDY NLAHUTA, :109EiU Wilshir~~ L~lvd., #b00, L,os Angeles, r~~ifornia 90024, owner o~ certain r.~~l property ~it.uated in the ~iL-y of Anahc.irn, County of Oran~~e, State ~f Californi~, ~esc.ribed as: ALG THAT CER`rATN LAND SITUATED TN 'i'HL RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJOR D~ SANTA ANA, DE;SCRIDED AS FQLLQW, TO-WIT; THAT POR`.L'ION Or 7'HE SOUTHW~ST ;~UAR7.'ER O£ THL NORTH~AS`r QUARTER OI' ~ECTIQN 22, TOWNSHIP FOUR SOUTH, RANGE 1.0 WEST~ SAN BERNA.RDINO EIASELINF ANll MERTDIAN, DES~RIBEll AS I'OLLOWS: DFGINNTNG AT TFiE SOUTHW~ST COI?NGR OF f,AND DESCRIBED '!id TURRL•'NS `i'ITLE ~ERTIFI~ATE N0. 47, AS FILED IN TH~ QFFICE UF REG:CSTRAR OF TITLE~ Of' OI.ANGE COUiV']:'Y~ CALIFORNTA~ SAID POIN'.P BEING ON `1'HE NORTH AND SQUTH Q[JAR`.CE.R SGCTION LTNE OF SAID SECTTON 22 AND DISTANT NOR'i'H 0° .16' 25" WES'r 42.93 FEET FROM THE INTEHS~C'1'ION OI' SAID LINE WITH THE CENTER LINE QF CFRkITOS AVENUF, AS DESCRIBLD 1'N DEL•'1~ TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, REC.ORDED Ji1;,Y 15, 1926 IN BGOK 662, FAGE 292 OF DEEDS; Tfi~NCE NORTH 0° 16' 2~" WCST AL~NG SAID NORTH ANA SOUTH QUARTER SEGTION LINF A DI,STANC~ OF 41C1.73 FEET; THENCE NpR2'h ~3g~ 57' O(.1° EAST 660.00 FEET TO THE LAST L'!NE OF LAND DESCRIBEI3 IN SAID TQRRENS Z'72'LE CERTiFICATG N0. 47; THENC~ SOUTH 0° 16' 25" EAS`i' 411.03 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF L.AN~ DESCRIBLI~ IN SATll CER'L'IFICATE NO. 47; TH~NCE SOUTEi 89° 58' 35" WEST 6G0.00 F~ET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, . WH~REAS, the City P].anniny Commis:;;on did huld a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City o.i Anaheim on ~;:.ly 23, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., natice of saic] publi.c t~earing having been duly given as reguired by law ar~d i.n accordan~e with the provisions of the Anaheim Munici.pal Code, Chapte.r 18.03, to hear 3nd corisi.~ler eviden~e for and against said proposed conditional use ~ermit and to investic~ate and make f.indings and recommenclations in cnnnec~ion therewith; said puhlic hearing having been continued ro t.he Planning Commi.ssion meeting of August 6, 1984; and ~~IHEREAS, said Commission, afte: due inspectiort, investigatinn anc~ st~udy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration ~,f a.l'1 evi~lence aad reports ~ffered a~ said hearing, does fir~d and d~termir.e the following facts: 1. Th~~ the prup~sed uae is properly one Por whic:~ a conc3itiona:l use permit i.s authorized by Anaheim Municipal rode Section to wit: to permit a drive--through restaurant in the CR tCommercial, Recreat,ion) zonE with waive~• o.t the fol7owing: SECTIOt1 - Minimum landscaped ~~t-back. AND 18.98,063 (35 fte require~.9; 10 to 30 ft. prc~posed) #0285r PC84-1S8 ^. r ~. 'i'hat lhe regue~ted w~i.ver is t~er~by gran~~d, in pa~t, pertnitting onzy the encroachment of ~hr~e (3) parkiny sr~acES iri tt;e norrhwest cnrner of the property and one (1) p~rking apace in the southwesk cor.ner of Lhe pr~perty adjacent ko the c7riveway; and der~ying the rec~uest For the enc:ro~ehment of the propose~l playland ad;jacent Lo Harbor IIou].evard. 2. ThaL the pro,posec9 us~ wil~ not adversely affec~ t~he ad~oining land uses a.ncl the gr~wth anci d~velo~rtient of. the area i:- whicl~ il is propnsed to be located, 3. 'i'hat the size and shape of the site proposecl for I:he use is a~equate to allow the full development cF L•he proposed use in a n-anner not detrimental to the particular area nor 1.~ the peace, health, safety and general welf.aze of t:~e Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Ti~at the granting of ~he Conditional Use Permit under the conditinns imposed, if any, will riot be detrimental to the peacp health, safety ancl generaJ. welfare c~f L•he Ci.tizens o~ tr~c City of Anaheim. 5. Tt~at the tr.aff.ic gen<~•ral-ed by the proposed us~ will not impose an undue burden upon the street.s and highways desi.gnecl ar~d improv~d to carcX the traffic in ttae ar.ea. 6. That one person indicated h:.s presence at said public hearing in oppesition; and that no carrespondenc~ was received in oppositian ~o the subject peritiori. ENVIRONM~NTAT1 IMPACT ,FINDING: That the Anaraeiin Ciky Planning Commission has reviewe~i the proposal la ~ermit a dr.ive-thraugn res~aurant :;.n the CR (Commercial, Recreation) Zone witli waiv~~r of minimum landsaaped setback on. a rectangularly-shaped pac~cel of .land consisting of approximately 1.4 acrec, having a Lrontage of approximately 160 feet on the east side of Harbor Doulevar~a, and furtkier descr. ibe.7 as 15C~U 5outh Harbor Boulevarc7; and doas hereby approve l•he Negative L~eclaration upon finding that it has coi~~idered the Negative Ueclaration together with ar~y comments received during the public review proces~ and further f.inding on the basis oE the init~al ytudy and any comment~ ceceivecl thak ther.~ is no substantiaZ ~vidence that the projec~ iaill have a significant effect on the environment. ~IOW, Z'HEREFO.RE, BE I`C RESOLVED that L-he An~heim City ~lanning Commission does hereby yrant subject Petition Eor Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are he~eby t~unc] to be a necessary prerequisite to t:~e proposed use ot khe subject property in arder to preserve the safety and gene.ral wel:Eare of the Citizens ot the City oL-' Anaheim: 1. That the own~r ot subject property shall pay to the City uf Anaheim a ~ee £or tree planti ng p-.~r.poses along Hr~rbor f3oulevard in an ~mount as det~rmined by rhe City Council. 'l. '~ha~ ,prioc• to :issuance o;f a building permit, primary water. main fees sha11 he paid to the City of Ariaheim, in an ~~mount as delermined by, the O:F.fice of the Utiliti~s General Manager, 3. That prior to issuance of a building perrni.~, the appcopriate traffic signa.l assessmEnt fee shall be paid to the City of. Anahei~n in an amount as determined by th? City Council £or new commercial buildings. PC84-158 ~ '""^'~ t,„,,,, 4. 'I'hat sic1ewalks. shall be installed along Harbor 8oulevarcl ay requir.ed uy the City Enc~ine~r and in accorc~ance with standard plans and specifi~ah,ians on file in the Of.fiae c;f th~ City Engineer. 5. ~hat drainage of subjeet property shal.l be dis~osed o~ in a manner sat:isfactury to the City Engineer, 6. ~'hat sub~ect property sha.ll be served by undergroiand utilities. 7. 7.'hat trash stor~ge ar~as sha11 be ~rovided in acr_~orda,~ce with approved plans on file witih the Street M~intenance and S~nitation nivisian. a. Tt;at a11 driveways shall be d~sigried to acccmmadate ten (1Q) i'oot radit:s cuXb return , as required by the City Trafr"ir. Engineer. 9. That the design and ~ ~cation of drive~~ays servirag subjeci: property Ul~all be subject to the approval of the City Traf~ic Engirieer to ensure that there will be no opportunities for lefl turn ingress to Elari~or Boulevard. 10. That the vehicular acr.ess rights, except at approvec3 acc~ss poi.n~s, and the pro~osed relocation of f:r~e southern driveway on Harbox Boulevard, shall be dedicated to khe City of Anaheim. lle 'i'hat Par.cel Map No. 83••?_6G subdiv.iding si.ibject property, ~:ha11 be recorded in the office of the Oranye County Recurder. 12. That approval of this cor~ditional use permi.t. shall be ~ontingent upon the passagF~, and subsequent effective date of the Code ~mendment, now pendi.ng, permitting drive-tnraugh restaurunts in the l^R Zone subject to the approval of. a conditior~al use permit. 13. That p--ior to commencem~nt of structural framiny, Fire hydrants shall ~ be installed and charged as requir~d an:~ determinEd to be necessary by the ~hief oP the Fire D~partment. 14. 'Phat all air conclitioning facilities sha:ll be properly shielded from view. 15. That the praposal shall comply with a11 signing requirements of the CR Z~ne, unle~s a variance allowing sign waivers ~.s appr~vPd by the Plannir_g Commission or City Council. 16. That the owner of. subject. propert:y sha11 s~.ibmit a letter reques~.iny termxnation of Vara.anc:e r~o. 458 to the Planr~ing Department. 17. That sub ject properi.y shal.l be developed substantial.J.y in ac~:ordance with plans ancl spec~.fications on f.ile with the ~ity of Anaheim marked Exh.ibit Nos. 1 chrough 5; provided, however, t;t~at the playground shall nat be pe:mitted in tPie fr.ont 35-foot set}~ack alona Harbor Boulevard. -3 PC84-158 t ~-a ,.r. lE. '.['hat prior tu ~:he comm~ncem~nt of. Lhe ac.itiviL•y aur,t~orized undEr. this r.esolution or prior ~.:o i~suance of: ~ h~u.ilding ~ermit•, t~r within a period oE one yPar Ccom the date of thi; r~~solial•ion, whic:h~ver o~eurs f.ir.sr, pe~itic~r~~r. sha11 fi.l~ wi.L•h the City uE nnaheim an irz~~~vocable writt:~n agreement, approve~ ~~s to Eorm by the Ciky At.t•urney, that the median a.sland on H~~rbor ~ioulevard m~~~ be clo~ec~ r,r redesign~d to ~.~rohibit le£t turra:; inta ~nc] out at subject pruperty Erom Fiarbor Bouxev~~.rd. The City, by this condikion does not obliyar.e .itself lo cont.inue to permi.t l~tt turns into ~~nd o~it ~f :,ubject Property Eton~ Ha.rbor E3ou:levarr3. 19. That prior ro the commencement of the acL•ivity autf~orizer3 un:3er this re:~o].ution, or prior to the time that ~a bu.ilding ~~er.mit 1s issue~l, or within a period of one yeax fr~m t:he datE ot• this rPSOlution~ whictieve: occurs tir:~t, Conclition Nos. 1, 2, 3, ~, 10, 11, 1.2, 16 and 18, above-ment•ioned, sha2l be cnmpli.ed with. ExtEn~~i~ns f.or fur~her time to complete :~aid conditions may be granred in acc~r.d~ncc with Section 18.03.U90 of the An~heirn Municipal Code. 20. That pri.or to Fina;. bui.l.ding and zoning insZzections; Con~iti..~n ~los. 4, 5, br '1, 8, 14 and 17, ahove-ment.ionecl, sha~.l be complied with. BE I i CUR`i'HER RESOLV~;D that the Anaheim Ci ty .P'lanning Getn:nLssi~n d~es her.eby :i.nd and detErmire that adoption of this Res~].ution i~ expressly ~reclicatQd ~~pon applicant's cornpliance with ~ach tZr~cl a11 of l-hE c~ndition~ hereinabove set Foxth. Sh~uld any such conditior~s, or any part thereof, be declared ].RV8.I1C3 or unenfarceable by the fina.l judgment o£ any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resnlutinn, and any aFprovals herein cuntainEd, sh~11 be cieemed r.u11 ~and void. TEIE FORGGOING RGSOLUTION is signed ard approved by me this 6t~~ day o~ August, 1~84. ~ /' ' --- J ', ~ . i ~ 7 ~ ' / . ._..i~HA MAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA:JNING COMMIS ~TON ATT~ST: ~--~., . r/1 ~~ , . ~ i~/ / ! ~ . J` - /e! l! ~ i_,~t .~ _ . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C.l`L'X PLAiJNIIJG COMMISSION STATE OF CAL1E'ORNIA (:OUNTY UE ORANGE ) ss. CITY OE' ANAHGIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, S~~r.etary of the Anaheim City Planning Cor~mi~si~n, do her~~t,y certify that the foregoing resolution wa.s passed and adoP~ed at a m2eting of the A~aheim City Planning Commission he1~ ~n Augusk 6, 19~4, by the following vote ~E the member~ thereo[: AX~S: COMMS~..sIONERS: E30UA5, ~RY~ HERBST, KING, L'A CLAIRE, NOES: COMMISS[ONERS: NOM~; AgSEN~': ~OMMtSSIONERS: 6USHORE, MC BURN~Y 1~1 WI7-vESS W4iERE0E, I hav~~ hereunto seL• my hand tnfs 6th day ~f Auguat, l984. „ G: ~fi' ~ . _ i ~~,C_F~/c. ,~ J:~.C~'2~'i. J(.st SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CiTY PLANN.iNG COMMYSSIOtv -4- PCF34-158