PC 84-159nm. RLSULU`!'ION N0. PCB~-159 A f2E5pL,U'1'ION OI? '.L'NF; ANAHEIM CI'1'Y PI~t1NNIDIG COMMISS:ION `i'FiAT PL''TT'J.'i0N f~'UR C:ONllI'i'IONAL Ut~E PLRMIT NC). 26U2 BG GRANTEI~ WHER~AS, t:~~ Anaheim Gity E~lannir~g Commi.ssion did receive a v~~ri Fied Petiti~n Eoc Conditional Us~ I>er.mit £rom NTLL PLACE APAF2'PMENTS, c/o WTLLIAM R. GORMAN, 1335 West Valencia Drivr~, Full.ertor~, California 92633, owner, and MELISSA P. ARRABACA, ].315 S, Anahe .im Blvd., Anaheim, California 92804, agent Lur cert a:in rea]. properL,y situated i.n the Ci.ty of• Anaheim, County of Orange, Stake of Califorr~ia, described as: LOT 3 O1~ TRAC`.C N0. 3203, IN 'i'HE. CITY GI' ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF' OfiANGE, STA`I'B UC' CALII'OI2NIA, AS PER MAP REGORDED IN E300K 96 FAGE 'l3 OF MI;)CELLANE~US MAPS, TN THE UIF'IC~: OF THE COUNTY RECORI)ER OF SAIL COUP~TY. WHEkE.AS, the City Planning C~mtnission dic~ hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in tt~e City oF ,~n4heim on August 6, 1334, at 1:30 p.m., notice ~f ~aad public h~ariny having been c3u.ly given as required by 1aw and in accArdance with t~i: provi~ions of tt~e Anaheim t9unici~al Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consi~er evidence ~or and against ,aid proposed conditional use permi.t and to investzgate and make findi.ngs and recommendatinns in connection therewith; and WHEkEA5, said Cc~mmissi.on, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its bchalF, and after due c:onsideration of all evidence and repurks ofCereci at sa~d hearin~7, does find and dEtermine the follocving fact:.: 1, 7'tiat the proposed u~e is pcoperly one for which a r.o~lditional use permit is au~f~~rized t~y Anaheim M~~nici~al Code Sect~on to wit: to permit a 40-bed adult board anc] care f~cility. 2. Zha~ the proposed use is hereby grant~d :~ubject. to the f.olloeiing sripulations made by the petitioner at ~he gublic helring: a. To construct and maintain a six !6) foot high block wall .zppruximately 140 feet long ac.r~:s the front of. the cour~yarc~ fac:ing Hill PlacA and setback ten (10) feet from the streer. Said wall to be subject to approval of the Building Divi:~ion. b. To provide and pecpetual~y maintain dense lanc]seapiny with ~ropFr irrigatiun zn front of t}ie six (6) foot t~igh block wall along Hil! P).ace. Said lai~dscaping to be subje~t to the appr.c?val of the Planning Deparkment. ~:. Tt~at ~o advertisiny signs shal.l be permitted on the pr~mtses. 3. That the proposed u;.e wi11 nor adversely affect the adjoining ~anc1 use~ ~nd the yrowth and development of thc~ area in which it is proposed to be located. ~0286r T?C84-159 ;;'':~.~ ''~`: ~' ~ 4. Th~t adequat~ tc, allow the t;F,e size and sha~e ~E f~i].1 develo ment £ the site pro~osed foc the use is ;~, detr~.rri~n~al t.a th p o. e ~~r~~.~u:lar area nor the prc~posed ure in a t manner not `.; gener~l welxare oC khe Cit.izens oE th~ c.iF o the e' h~alth, o f A ~a.fety and ; ' y nahE m, . ;: ,';j ' :' i ; ~ 5. 'i'hat conditions impos~d the if ~ granl:in of ~he a ConditionaJ. Use Permit un~ier the „ ;~, i '~~,;, safety and gcneral , we.l~ ny, wi1.l not Ue de~rimental to the pNace, health are of the Cit.irens of t-h~ r; 3-.~ „~ *.._L_ ._ ~ '~1 6. 'rhet the t.r~~ffic gener.ated by the Fro~~sed use will not imr~ose ;~~~'~,~ an undue burr~~n u~on the streE~ts and h.igh~•.~ays design~~ ~n~ im r~ved t ~;,;~; thc traffic in the area. ~ o carr.y ~ 7. That approxi.mately 17 persons ind.icated their pteNence at said pub.lic heariny in oppositian; and that no corre;;pr;ndence was rec~ivPC] in opposition to the subject petit~on. ~NVIRONMEN`.CAL I~9PACT FINDING: Th~t the Anaheim Ci.t Commission has reviewed lhe Y Planning propo~al to ~ermit a 40-bed adult board and care faciJ.ity on an irrcgullrly-shaped parcel of: land cons.isi:ing of a 0.75 acreN havzng u frontage o~ approximately 175 f.ee~ on ~he north sidP eof Hi.ll F1ace, ar.d Cur•ther ~iescr~bec~ as 127 ai~d .133 West Hill P].ace; and does hereby approve the Negative De~laration upon finding that it has considered th~ Negative Declar.ation tage~her witta any commerits recei.ved during the public review process and furtl~er fi;~ding on the basis of ti,e initial study and any comment~ received that thexe is no substantial evidence that th~ pr.oj~cf: will have a sigriificant effect on th~ environment. NOW, THEREFOkE, BE I'!' RE50LVEU that the Anahef.m City Pl~nning Commissi~n cloes hereby gid~~t subj~~:t peti.kiUn ~~r Conditional Use Permit, upor, the Enllowing conditions which axe hereby foun.3 co be a necessary prerequisite to the ~~r~posed use of the sul:jeck property in order to ~ and gEneral weifare of the Citizens of the City of Anah~a,m.preJ~KVe tt~P safetv 1. That. the owner ~E subject properl-.y shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for street lighting along Hill P1ace i.r; an amount as determineJ by the ~ity Cou~ci.l. 2. That the owner af subjec:t property shall pay to the City o~ Anaheim a fee f~~r l•.rc~e plantin~ purposes along Hill Place in an amount as det~rmined by the Cit.y Council. 3. 'rhat fire sp,rinklers shall be instalied in al.l a,~p].ic:able str.u~tures us require~ t~y the Cicy F~ire Marsha].I. 4• That trash st~rage areas shall be ~~ravide~l in ac.cordance with ap~,roved plans on fi.le with tFe Street Maintenance and Sani.takion DiVisi~n. 5. Tt~at i:he existing strucl•ure aha11 be brought ~p to the minimun I standards of the City of. Anaheim, .including fhe Uni.f~rm Building, ~ Plumbing, Eler_tri.cal, Housing, Mechanica.l and E'Lre Codes as adopt~d by the Ciky of AnahPim, ~ f i ~z PC84-159 1 ~ . .~,~,~, 6. 7'hat subject. propert,y shall b~ clevelaped s!ibstantial.ly in accord~3nce wiL-h plans ancl sp~cifications on .Eile with thF City of Anahei,m marked Exitib~.t Nos. 1 und 2; provide~, how~ver, that a six (6) foot high b'!ock wa11 sha11 be consl-.rucL-ed and maintained for app.roxim~tely 140 feet along the Cront or the courl•yard area facing Hi11 Place and shall be s~tbaak t~r~ ( 7.0 ) feeL ~.rom the streEt; and that landscaping ~znd prap~r a.rrigation sha].:1 bE provid~d and perpetu~l:ly maintained in f.ronk o.F. ttie s~id six (6) fooi: wall. along Hill Place. Said wa11 aha'_1 be suUjPCt to the approval oF ~he F3uilding Divi.sion an~~ the landscap~ plans shall be approved by thF~ P].anning Depar~.ment. 7. That prior to the commencetnent of the activi4y aukhorized under thia resolution, ar within a peri~d a~ one ycar From the da~e of this re:~~lution, wr~i~r~~~Nr occurs fzrst, Cunditx~n Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, above-mentioned, sha11 be compliF~d with. Extension~ for furthec time to complete s~id conditions may be qranted in accar~ance with Secl•ion 18.03.090 0~ the Anaheim Munici.pal Code. 8. That the board and care resident~ shall be limited to those withouk automobiles. 9. That the m~,ximum uccupancy for this annex facility shall not exceed f:orty (40) r~sidents. 10. That no ad.vertising signs sha11 be p~rmitted on thP premises. l , t ~1 6E IT FUR7.'HER R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy find and determine that adoption of rhis Resolutiori is expressly prediaated upon applicant's compliance wi~h each and a11 of the c~nditions t~ereinabave set farth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared iiivala.d or uner,L•arceable by ~.he final. judgment af any couct of competent jurisdiction, then lhi;~ Resoluticsn, ~nd any approvals tiereiri contained, shall be deemed nu11 and void. THL FOREGOING RLSOLUTION i~ signecl and approved by~me this 6th day of AugusL, 1984~ ~-- ~,/: _ % /~ ~ / ~ ~ ---''CHAT MAN, ANAEIE C. TY E.pN ING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~..~~ , ~ ~ .~ . ~/ G{! c'~ .~ij~~ /~ . ~~L.iL-~--.~ SECPEx'ARY, ANA'-iEIM CITY PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N -3- PC84-159 ~ ^~~ ~~r r r~ S7.'A`i'E qF CA.C,IFORNIA ) CGUN~~CY nI' ORA~IGE ) ss. CI7.'Y OF' ANAHETM ) I, Eclith I~. [-larr.i.s, Secrei:ar.y af the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certi£y lhal• L•he Eo.regaing resclution was passed and adopte~ a~ a meetiny of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hel.d on August 6, 1984, by the Lol].owing vote of I:he members there~.£: AYFS: CUMM:I$SIUN~Ra: AOCJAS~ FRY~ H~Ff3ST~ KING~ LA Ci~AII.~~~ NOES; COMMISSTQNER5: NQNE ABS~NT: CPNMISSION~RS: BU~HORE, MC: BURNEY IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have here~xnto sct my hand this 6th day of Augusi:, 1934. ; T ` , ~i~ ''1 • 1~7c~~.~~- .~C ~ t~.~1.tit~ , SGCRETARY, AIJAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSTON w ~ ~'.~- PC84-159 J 1~ , ,