PC 84-160R~SOL,UZ'ION N(?. PC84-1Fi0 A FESOT~UTIUN 0~ '1'EIE: AN~`,HEIM CI`.PX PL~ANNING COMM:LSSION 'I'HA~.I' I?ETT~I~ION I~~OR RGr_LA ~SICICA~i~ION NO. 84-$5-1 BF GitAN7~ED WHEk~AS, thc Anahe:lm Cih.y 7lanning Commissian di.d receive a verified petiti~n for Reclassi.fi~ation f-rom DAViD C. BOOMS, 229 Sout11 Loara Street~ Anaheim, CaliL-ornia 92a02, ~wner, and ROY C. KABAT, 2037 Clearbrook L~ne, Anaheim, Cal.iforn:ia 92E04, agent for certain real praperty situated in the City of A-~aheim, Coun~y o£ Orange, State af CGlifar.nia, described as fol.lows: A POR'!'ION OF 'rHE SOUTHEAST QUAK'.CER OL•' Tf•I.G NURTIiWEST QUAx'2TER OF TFIE [~t?R'rHW~;ST ~t)ARTER OF' SECTION 15, TUWNSHIP 4 SOU'.PH, RANi,E 10 WEST, SAN BFRAI~IRUINO E~ASE AND MLRID'IAN, DL"SCRIEi~D AS F'OLLOFIS : 'rHE NOR'.1'H 195 FEET OL' THk~ EAST 151.29 I'EET OF I~~T 6 OF EIEI~EN AND LYNCH' S AGUITION T~ ANA~•lEIbl, AS SfiOWN nN A i+1AP THER.EOF fiECORAF.D IN BOOK 442, PAGF 156 UF DEEDS, RECURAS Ok' LOS ANGELGS c:OUNTY. WHrR~AS, the City Flanriing Commission did hol~l a pu~lic hearing at ~he Civic Cent~r in the City of Anaheim on August 6, ]984 at 1:30 p.m., noti~e af said publi.c hearing having been ~uly ~iv~n as required by ,law and in accordance wi.th the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Ch~pter I8.03, ko hear and r.onsici~r evidence For and againsk said proposed reclassi£ication anci to investigate and malce f ictdinys and recammendations .in corinection therewith; and WIiEREAS, :;aid Commission, after due inspection, investigatia~ and stuciy made by itseJ.f and in its behalf., and after due consicleration of a11 evidence arid reports ~ffered at said heacing, does find and determine the fo1?owii,g Pac~s: 1. That the petitioner pr~p~ses rEC].assification of subject pr.g~ertX from i:he RS-A-43,UOG (RESidential/Agriculture) Zone to the ML (zridustrial, Limited) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for mtdium•-density residential lar-d uses and the property to the east across Loara :;treet for general indu~trial land uses. 3. That th~ proposed reclassification ot subjecl property is r~ecessary and/or desirable Fc,r the orderly and proper develnp~nent of the community. 4. That the proposFd re~lassificati.on of subjnct prop~rty does properly relate to the zones and ttieic permitteci uses locally established in ~lose proximity to sub~ect nroperty arid to the zones anc~ their permitted uses generally e.,t~blished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed recl~ssiFication of subject property requires thp improvement of abutting streets in accord~~nce with the Circu:lahion Element ~f the Geneca.l Plan, due to the anticipated i.ncr«~ase i.n txaffic: wF~ich wzTl be generated ~y the intensificakion of land use. #0287r PC84-16U ~ ~,,.r,:.::.. ~ ~ 6. '.I't~at no one indical-ed their presence ai: said publi.c heari.ng i.n opposii:ian; and that: no correspondenc:e was received in apposit?on to subject petiti.on. ENVIKO[vMG;N~i'AL TMP~'1C'i' E'TNll:iNC;: That t~he Anahei.m City Planning Commission has [~eviewed th~ proposal to reclas~i.L-y subject property Erom the R5-A-43,OOU (Resi.dent•ial/Agriculture) 'Lor.e to the ML (Industrial, Limit~ed) 2onc to canstruct an industri~l building on a rectailgularly-~hapFd parcel of 1anc3 consirting uP ap~r~ximat~ly 0.53 acre, hav.ing a frontage oE appr~ximately 195 feet on the west side of Loara Str.ec:l~ and Purther describeci as 219, 225 and 129 South L~oara Street; and does hereby approvP the Negative Declaration ups~n fiinding that iL• has con~idered the Negative D4c:larati.on together with any comm~rits recei.ved during the public review ~rocess and further fi.ndi.ng on th~ basis of the initial stuciy and any comments received that ~hez~e is no substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a significant eFfect on the environment. NOW, THGREFOR~, BG :CT RESOLVL;D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant suUject Petiti~n for Reclassifiration and~ hy sa cloingr that 7'itle 18-Zoning oP the Anaheim Nfuricipal Co~3e be amended to exclude tr~e abo~~e-described prnper.ty Lrom the RS-A--~3,000 (ResidPni:ial/Agriculture) Zone and ta incorporate said de~cribed pr~perty into the h1L (Industrial, Limited) Zone upon the Ea].lowing condition5 which are h~reby found to be a necess,~ry prer.equisite to the proposed use of subje~t property an ordPr to preserve the safety and general welfare of. lhp Citizens of the Ci~.y oE Anaheim: 1. '1'hak prior to issuance o~' a buildinc~ permit, the appropriate traffic signal as~essment fee ~ha11 be paid tu the Cicy of Anaheim in ~n amount as daternined by the City Council ,:or new iiidustrial bui3.dings. 2. 7.'hat draznac~e of subject praperty sra.ll be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City E;ngineer. 3. That subject property shall be serv~d by underyround utilities. 4. ~'hat trash storage areas sha11 be pzovic~Pd in accerdance with appraved plans on file with the Street hta.:ntenance ~nd Sanization Division. 5. Thai: a11 driveways srall be designed to ac:commodate ken (IO) foct radius curb return~ as requir~d by the City ~raFf_ic Lr.gineer. 6. That in the event subject propcrty is to be divided ,for ttle purpose of sale, ].ease, ar fznancing, a parce.l map to record the a~proved division of subject property sna11 be submit~ed ta and appraved by the Ctty of Anaheim anci t~~"n b~ recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 7. That prior Lo commencement of structural framing, fire hydrants sha11 be installed and charged as require~3 and detery~nined to be necessary i~y the Chief of the Fire Departmen~. •-2- pr84-'160 >~ `: ,,. ,..*,, ~,.:~~,, ,, ~. Tha~ prior to iss~zance of a Uuildit,g permit, appropriat~ water assessnient ~ees sha11 bF paid to the City oF Anaheim, in an amount a~ detet~min~d by the ~C~[ice c~f t}1e Utili.ties Gen~ral Manager. 9. That Cire sp~inkl~rs sha11 bE: instal.led in a11 a~plicable structures as required by t.l~e CiL-y E~ira Marshall. 10. Th~~t l-.he ~ropasal shall comply with a11 signing requirements of the ML Zone unJ.ess a variance allowing waivers is approved by the Planni.ny Commi:=si.un or City ~ouncil. 11. That the owner oE s~~bject propertiy shal.l submit a].etter requesting t:er.minatian of Conditional Use Permit No. 1252 t~ the Planning Department. 12. That ~rior to the introduci:ion of ar. ordinance rezoning subject ~raperty, Condition No. 11, above--mentianed, shall b~ completed. The provisions or rig~~ts grani:Ed by this resAlution ,ha,1.1 beco~ne nu7.1 and void by action o~ the P~anning Cammission unless saicl con~itions are complied with wilhin one year from the date of this resolution, or such further time ds r_he Plannir-g Comrnission may grant. 13. That prior to the commencemenk o£ the activity autho~ized under this resolution~ or prior to the time that a bui.ldirie~ permit is issued, or within a per.iod of one year :':rom the date of this resolution, whichever occurs f~cst, Condition Noso 1 an8 8, above-mentioned, sha1J. be complied with. Gxkensions for Lurther time to cUmplei:e sdid conditions may be granted in ~~ccordance with S~ction 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Mu.nicip~l Code. 14. That pri.or to Pina1 buildiny and zoning inspactions, Condition Nos» 2, 3, 4, 5 anc3 9, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. liG 1T FURTHER RESOLVED thak the Anaheim City ~~lanning Commission does hereby find and determine that adopti~n ~F this Resolution is expre~sly otedicated upon applzcan~.'s compliance with each ~nd a11 uf the cundirions hereinaF~ove set £ortk~. Should an,y such condition, or any part thereof, ~ie decl~ced inva.lid or ur,enfotceable by the final judyment of any court of campetent aurisdiction, then this Resolu~i~n, and any approvals herein contained, sha11 be deemed nu11 and void. rHG EOREGOING RESOLUT~ON is signed and appr.ov~d by me this 6th day of August, 19£i4. ~ ' ~ ,~ ~ ,. , ~_- r ~~ ~ --•' CH RMAN~ r~NAHEIhI CIT PLANN7NG C.OMMISSION ATTEST ; ~ ~? . / ----- - Ic2 ~_C _.~..'-1,. , ~~ ~G~.•'iii..~~ SECRETAI2Y, 11NAEiETM CI~Y P~ANNlNG COMMISSION -3- PC~4--160 ~ I :i :,; ;«;~ , ~ ~°~~, :~,,,.,, ,~. ~' :. ~~:;:: ~ STA7.'E OF CALtFORNIA ) CUUN't'X OI' URANG~ ) SS, CI7'Y OF ANAHE~M ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secret~ry of the Anaheim City Flanning Commission, c1o hereby certify that the furPguing re~olution was passed and adopLed at a m~eting of the Anaheim Cit.,y Planning Commission h~lc] on August 6, 1989, by ~hP following vote of th~e members thereo~: AY~S: COMMISSIOtJLRS; BUUAS, F'RY, HERBST, KING, LA CLATRE, NOES: COMMISSIOrI~R~: NONG ACiSEN'P: COMI~IISSIQNERS: BUSHURE, MC BURNI?Y IN N~T" ;ESil WHER~UF, t have het•eunto set my ~la~zd this 6th d~y of August, 1984, ~ f ~' _ /~ ~C' ,~i' .~-/ - ~ ~ L ~.~ •~ - ..C.,t_ aFCRETARX~ ~1NAHEIr~ CZTY PLANNING COMMISS]:~JIN -4- ~C'84-160 ~ s