PC 84-162'"~`1 kE;OL,U`I'IUN N0. L~C89-162 ,. ~,, A RFS()I~UT:ION Uk~ `i'H~; ANAHEIM CI'1'Y PLANN:[NG CUMt7TSSTON `.1'Hr~'.P pL'1'.I`i'IUN ~'OR CONUI`i'TONAL U;iE PGRMI`L' NU. 260Q E3~ GRt~iV'.CEll WE1fREA5, the Anal~eim Ci.Ly Planning Carnmis;;ion did r.Hcei.ve a verii'ied P~t:I.tion for Con~aiti.~na:l Us, Pern~it from CREDGRICK ROF3F;R7' AND RUTH rFtANCES SACH~F2, ~/c> *•ee & Associates, F.O. Gox 249, E;1 Tor~, Califocnia 92.630, ownerE, and RONAT,D W. ~LASS, ~.0. Box 2364, Fom~na, Ca.liforni~ 917F9, agent for certain real prak~erL•y ~:Ltuated in the Cily af Anaheim, Cc,Unty of OrangH, 5tate of CaliEornia, described as: THA`!' PORTION nG' LOT 22 !N HLOCK K OL' '.~HE KRAk:MGR '~'RAC'r, AS SHAWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 12, P.AGES 87 AND ~$ OF MISCELI,A~JEOUS RECORDS UE' LOS ANGELLS CUUI~TY, C'ALIEORNtA. ~ARCE;i, B, AS SIiOWIv ON A MI,P ['rLrD IN f3U0IC 60, PAGE 45 O~ NARCEL MA~S, IN THE OFE'ICE UF THE COUNTX RECURDFR OF ORAIVGE COUN'rY. Wh~EREAS, the City Planning Commissio~- did hold ~ p~~blic hearing at the r,ivic Center i.n the City oE An~heim on Augus: b, 198A, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said p~blic hearing h~ving been duly glven a~ reauired by law ~nd in a4cor.dance with the provisiAi~s oF the An~heim Muriicipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c~n~ider ev~~dence Eor and agai~st said proposed condikional use permit ancl Co investigace and make findin~~s and recommendations in ~~.,nnection therewith; and WHr':REAS, said Commission, after ctue inspection, investigation ~nd ~tudy made by, itself .~nd in i~s behalf, and after due con~ideration of all evtdence and reports of~ered ~t said t~earing, doey find ~nd deterrnine the f:o.llowing f.acts r. 1. That the p[opo:ed usp is propecly one for which a cortdltional use permit is authnrized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections 18.~6.08U ahd'l to wit: to permit a~aper an~ aluminum recycling t:~cility in the ML (Tndustrfal, Limited) Lone with waiver of ~he follow.ing: SECTTON 18.U6.050_031 •- Mtnimum number aEJparkinu spaces ~and 18.61.066.U50 (88 ~pac~es required; 78 spaces exist.ing) 2. Tha~ the cequested waiver hereby yranted an the basis that thQ parking varlance will, not cause an ir.ccease in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely afEect any adjo~ning 1ar,d uses; that ~he granting of the parking va.-.-iance under the conditions imp~sed, if any, wi11 7ot be detrimental ~.~ thA peace, health, saEety nr general welFare aE the citizens of. the City oE Anaheim. 3. 't'hat the propo~ed use wi.ll not advers~ly a£Fect the adjoi~~ing land u~es and the gcowth and de~>elop~ment of ths area in which i~ is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the sit~ prop~r~ed f.or the use .ts ad~c~uate to allow the full develo~ment of tne proPused use in a mannec not detrimental to Che Narricular area nor to khe peace, health, 3afet1 and general welfare ot eh~ Citizens ot the City of Anaheim. ~0289r PG84-162 ,.""n., ; ~K.s'q,, 4. That the yranL•ing of. the Candition~.l Use Perm~t undez the ~:ondilions imposed, if any, wi.l1 not be detrimental to l•.he peace, health, safety ancl ~ener~l welfare of ~P,e Ci.tizer~s of the Cit~l of An~heim. 5. That thu traf.fic yenerated by the ~ruposed use will n~t impos~ ar~ undue uurden upon the streets and highways d~si.gned and improvt~d Eo car.ry the trafEic in the area. 6. That one person indicateci riis presence at said publi.c h~aring in oppositi.on; and thar no corr~sponder.^e was ceceived in oppnsition to the subjecl petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMFACT F?NUING: 'i'riat khe Anaheim City Plmnning Commisaion has review~~ the pr~:posal~to permxt a paper ancl aluminum reaycling Facility in the ML (Industri~l, t,imited) Zone v~ith w~liv~r vf minimum number o£ parking spaces on an ir,:egularly-~haped parcel of ].and consisting of approximaEely 1.9 acres, having a.trontage oF approximate~.y 377 fePt on rhe youtheast side of La Palma Avenu~; and turther described ~s 2.872 East ~,a Palma AvenuP; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaralion upon Eind9.ng that it has considered the taegative lleclaration ~ogether with any commeni.s r.eceived during the public review process and turther tinding on thP basis af the initial study aRCi any cotiiments r.eceived that ttlere iy no substantial evidenc~ that the project will have a significant effecl• on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I't RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning C~mmis~ion does hereby grant subject Petition f.or Canciitional Use Permat, txpun the follo~ing :;ondition~ which are hereby £ound to be a neces~ary prerequ~si~te to the proposed use oE the subj~ct prnper.~y in order to preserve the saf.ety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 't~'';'t :'{ ~ 1. That fire hydrants sha11. be install~d and charged as cequir.ed and 'i ;,,j determined to be necessary by the ChieF oF the Fire Department. , "~~~ ~ 2. That a trafEic signal a~sessment fee egualing thE differ~nc;e between "~ ~ tt~e indutitrial and commercial asscssment fee~ shall r~e paid to the ) ~ City of Anahei.m in an amount as deterrnined by the C~ ty Council. '~~ . ,~ +f' ~ '~` ` 3. That no portion oF the recyc:~ing ooer.ation, including storage, shall 'ti ` ;, r.,ccur outside the building. `~' v~ , 4. That fire sprir.klers Nhall be installed in all applicable structure~ R'~' ~ ~ as requ:trsd ty the City r"ire Marsh~ll. t ! ~J~ ~ w. ; 5~ TtiuC ll~e ~raf.Lii; circulstion pattern foc vehicles d~~~.iverfng recyclab1e materi.als shal? be clearly indic~ted on th~e site. 6. 7'hat no trucks, containers or vehicles that i~aul ~r stoze material~ sha].1 be permi.tted to be parke~ or stored outsidc the perimeter of ; ~ tne ;,uilding. 7. That subject Facility sha11 be limited ro the delivery, separat:Ion, temporary stora,e and distrib~itinn of al~zminum a,~d paper. '2" PC84-1G2 ~ti~ '": ! ,`~~+ ~ • That Crash s~orage arc~~s sha11 he ~;, l~;'.~~ ~ aPAroved plans on file witl~ th~ stre~tr~i~aanr~na ~~ °rdrznce with Uivasion l '+' : ~ n ce , nc] Sani*_ation ~;,`:.`, ~ ' ; `~~ That the proposal s1~a11 cum 1 ML Lonp unJ.ess a p y With all si~nir,g requirernents of t varian ; , ;,.,:~ ~ he ce allowing waivers ,is ~~ P1anr~ing Cammissi.on or City Counci.l. Pi~raved by the ',, ,°,( lU. That sub 'ect 7 properly sha11 be develu~ed substantiall witt~ plans and ~' specifi.cations on t'iJ.~ wit17 the City of An~h Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2 i ~ . e m mar.ked ~y ~`~ 11 • 'rhat Conditiun Nos~ ],, 2, 4, 5 E; ' +; and 10 completed witt~in a ' . above-mentioned, sha11 be period of 6U da s f ~ c ~ y rom the date of this resolution dr prior to the commPncement of th e activit resolutxon, whict~ever occurs first, ~ au~horized under BE IT EURTHER RESOLVED that the An~heim City P~,anning C~mmission does hereby find and determine th~-~l predicated u on a ,~ adoption of thie ~tesoluEion i~ P p~licant ~ complzance wi.th ea~h and all of. eX~~essly hereinabove yQ~ For~ f~, Shuuld an th~ condil•,idns cleclared invalid or un~nforcedble b cl~ conditi~ns, or any part ~hereof, ~e ~ompEtent :jurisdiction, then khis Resolui:i ~al ~udgment~ of any couzt of contaaned, sball be deemed nu1J. and void. ~~~d any dppr •~ls herein THE FOREGOING RESOI,U~~IpN is sign~d_ and appr~ved by me this 6tti day o~ August, 1984. ~ ~ ~--'" --- y'"r , '"~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'i! ,,~ ..._~~AIRhlr1N, ANAH~I CITY' P NING C MIS~ION ATTESZ' : ~ : ~; _ ~ , ~ ~ /• . SECRETARY, ANi~HElM CITY PLANNI' G CC-MMISS?ON STAZ'E OE CALIFC~RNIA ) COUN'rY UF ORANGE ) ~s~ ~I~'Y OI ANAH~IM ) z~ ~dith L. Harris, Secretar Commi~sion, d~ hereby certif y°~ ~he Anaheim City Planning adopted a~ a meeting oF tihe A aheimtCity i~:lan ing Commission~held s ~ 1984, by the f~llowin ~~tp P~ssed 4nd 9 of khe members thercoF: on Auyust 6, AYES: COM[dIS5I0NFRi; NOES: CQMM7~SlUNERS; ~UUAS, E'Fty, HERAST, KING, LA CLAIRE, ADSENT: CUMMISSIONEI25: E3USHORE, p1C BUI2NEX - IN ~VITNF.SS WHFREOF, F have. hereunto sa~ August, 1984. I~y han;] this Cth day ~~ .1 ~ ; ~ , ~ G~-•L-~i~~.. ~// ~F~~~/l.~l„ ~ aFCRE'PARY, ANAIiCTM C.ITY YL NING COMMISSiON -3- PC84-162 ) ,` i ~