PC 84-166~ Rr~SOI,UTtON N0. PC84-i66 ,^~ A RESOLU`.l'II~N OF 'CHE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~PIMISSIUN Z'HAT PF~.PI'.PION rUIt VAR:CANCE N0. 3415 BE GRANTGll t F7HL~Et,S, th~ Anaheim CiL-y Planning C~mmissi~n did recei.~e a verifiecl :;' ,,,~ Petiticn £or Variance from KFNT LAND COMPANY, 11601 TAilshire fi~ulevard, 11th ['luor, Lr,s Anyeles, C:alifornia 90025, owner o£ certain r2a1 property situated ;;,~ in the City oC Anaheim, County o.E Ocanc~e~ State oF Calif.ornia :~ese~ibed as; ;i'~ ~; :' THACT N0. 1fJ9ti3~ IN THE CTTY. OF ANAHGIM, AS SHpWN ON A MAP t`~ THEREOF RECpRDGD IN BOOI< 521r PAGFS ~2 TU 46 IIVCLUSIVE~ M.TSCELLI~NEOUS MAPS, IN 'I'HE OFFICC OF 'rHE COUN`i'Y RECORDEP. OF i~ SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS, thc~ City Plann:ing Cammission did hold a publ9.c hearing al- th2 Civic C~nter in tne City of Anaheim on August b, 1984, at 1;3p p~tn,, notice af said public hearing havang been duly giv~n as required b~~ law and in accorclance with the pcovisiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~ consider evidence for and against said pro~osed var.ianc~ and to inveskig~~t~ and make Lindings and r~commendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissi::n, ~fter due inspection, investigation an~ study made by ii:seJ,f and in its behalf~ and after, due consideration of all evide!ic;e and reports offered at saic~ hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the follosvir.g to display t~:mgorary f,lags fo.r a new residential subdivision: (a) SEC~'ION 18sU5,085.0?.0 - fdaximum number of fla s. (8 flags permitt;ed; 10 flags proposed) (b) SEC'~ION 18.05.085.OF0 - Per.mitted da~s of dis 1a~ (:aturd~v~, Sundavs and leqal holidavs permi~ted; seven davs a week proposed) 2. That the ~bove-mentioned waivers are hereby granted on the basis that ~h~re are soecial circumstances applicablp to lhe pr~perty such as size, shape, ~opography, location and surroundings which d~~ r~~t apply tr~ oth~r identically zot~ed properLy in the same va,cinity; and tt~at stric~ applicatiun of the Zoning Goctz depriv~s the property of pra.vileges enjoyed by other properties in the identical zone and classification in the v.ir.inii:y and subject to Tnterdepar.tmental Committee recommenc]ationy. 3. That there aee exceptional or extraordinary circumstances oc conditions applicable to the property invo7.ved or to the intendec] use of tt~e property that do not apply c~~neXally to the property or class o:E use in thP same vicinity and zone. 4. r:~at t,he requested varianc~ is n~cessary for the pres~rvation and enjoyment of a substanf:ial property righL- p~ssessed by other property .in the same vic~ni.ty and zone, and denied ko the pr~perty in question. #0293r PC84-166 '~4~~:~~.i,~.. . ... , ' , . . .. ' ' ' . . . . ~ ; . ~• '.Ptiat the request~ed vari.ance wi11 not be materially detrimental ko the public w~liare or injur.ious to the property or impr.ovements in such vicinity an~l ~,one in whi.ch the property is 7,ac~~ed. ~• That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oopositior; an~9 that no corresPondence was received in o~iposition to subject petitio~~. E:VVTRONM~NTAL IMPACT L'INLING: The I~lanning Direclor or his authorized repr.esentativF Fhas c~etermin~d khat the proposec3 project fa11s withir, thf: d~finition of Categorica.l Exemptions, Class 11, as defined in tha Stai:.e EIF: Guidelines and is, Lherefore, cal•egorically exempt from the requiremerit to prepare an EIR. NOW, ~rHEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does h~rery grant subject Petition Eor Varianc~, upan the following canditions whic,~~ are hereby found to be a necessary p.rerequisite to ~he praposed use o.t the subjec.~t property in ~rdEr to ~reserve the saf~ty and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of AnahPim: 1• `.Ch«t subj~ct property sh~ll be d~~ve~.oped substan~ially in accordance with plans ~nd specifications on file with che City of Anaheim markea .Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2. That this variance, permi.i:ting a maximum of ten (10) small taperec~ flags, i:~ granted for a period of approximatEly ~ix (G) months for a term coterminous with the permit issued pursuant tc~ Anaheim Municipal Code Sec:tion 18.05.OB5 plus any eYtensions ut time approved by the City Councile 3. That ir~ complianre with zoning Code Section No. 18.05.085 perl•aining to temporary fZags and banners in residential zones, -,~ flags and banners permi~ sha11 be obtained from the Zoning Div;.sion of the Planning Department, and ~$100,OQ appiication Fee sha11 be ?aid at that time. 4. That Condition No~ 3, above-mentioned, shall b~ completed wii:hin a pPi-iod of i:wen~,y-s~ven (27) cia~s from the date oP this resolution, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cif:y Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that ado~t.ion of this Resolui:a.on is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wi.th each and all of the condit;~ons hereii~above set forth, Shou:ld any such condition, ar any part thereof, be declared inralid oe unenforceable by the f.inal judgment oC an~~ court of competent juri.sclicti.on, then this R~solution, and any .~ppro~als herein ~ cont~ined, shall be deen-ec~ nu11 and void. `PHE E'OREGOING P.ESOLUTION is signed and approv4d by me this 6th day of Au~ust, 19a4. ; i . ~ ~' i /: - ° z,~- i j`,, , ...,---, ~-- "~~ -'~%"~ - ' {~~ %,~. ' >, ,f~ GHAZR2~IAN, ANAHEI ~IT~C PLANNING'(;OMMISSYON ATTES~'; _ ~- „ ~ ~ ~.-K-(~~~.,. ~~J l -~,% . .- t~~ - 4 ~-~L~ • ~.~ G~( ' i SECRET1~RY, ANAHE:M CITY PLI~NNING COMMISSIO[V -2 PC84-166 ~ , .. . . . . ~. . ~ . ..~ ~1iijA ~'~~ . . ~~1. r ~ 1;f ~ STATE OF CALIFOFZNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE.l'~9 ) z, Edith L'. Harris, Secr~tazj o~ the Anaheim City Planning Commissi.a~n, do hereby cerEify khat the ~oregoing rc~solution was passed and ado,pteci at a meeting of the Anahe:im Ci.ty Planning Commissa.~~l held on ~1uc~ust 6, ~9g4+ bY i:he fcl.lowing va~.e of the members tl•ier~~t : AYES: COMMISSIOIJE.RS: BOUAS, FRY, HLRBST~ KING, LA CLAIRE, NOES; COMMISSIONERSt NONE AASEN'1': COMMISSIONEItS: AUSHO.RL, MC fiUI2NEY IN WITNESS WHEREOI~, I have h~reunto set my i~and this 6th day of August, 1984. • .~,.-• ` ;, ~~ i,~ C~ - ~ ~ ~:-r _~`:~ ~-, . ~~. ~~.~~_~:~ . SECRETAFtY, ANAHEIM CI~'Y PLANNING COMMTSSION R:'i ~)! k .'; r ,; ~, , t..: -3- ~~;.~:nr~-~~,~r~~•r~< .,...... ,, . ~--_ --- PC84~1.66 f ..~ t''~ I ? ~ ;` i ' ~ i i:; ;- ,;