PC 84-167RESOLU`.L'.l'ON NO. PCf34-16 % A RF.S(1I,U'i'ION OC' THf's ANAHEI~1 CI`1'Y. PLANNING C~?MMTSS7UN 'PERMINA'CING Ai.,L PROCFEllINGS SN CONNGCTION WT'.CH VARTANCE N0. 17G4 WHGREAS, on F'ek~ru~ry 28~ 19G6, Varianc~ No. 17G4 was yranted undec R~solu~:on No. 1956, a~ries 1965-6G by the Anaheim City P:Lan ning Commis~ion to permit ccnstructi~ri of a 20-stor.y ofEice buildin~~ c~n an i.rregularlf-shaped ~arcel o[ :land c~~nsistiny of appruximzately 1'7 acres located approximately 5i0 fsez on the north s.ide oE Ct~apmin Avenue and approximately 805 Ec~t east of the centerline of Fia~bor eoulevard; and W!iEREAS, the appl.icant, James P7. Skinner. (Warmington Homes) has 5ubmittec~ a letter requestiny termination of V~rxance No. 176A in satis£action oE a condit~on of ~he gr~nting of Var.iance No. 3391, yranted A~ril 1b, 19~~, to per.mit• waiver ~f R~inimum lot wi.dth to establish a 6-lot, 95-unf t, RM-300U condominfum subdivision on subject praperty. NOW, TliEREhORL, k3E I'r R~SOI,VED that the Anahein~ City Planning Commission doPS hereby terminate al.l proceedings i.n connE~ction with Var:~nce Nu. 1764 on ti~e basis of the foregoing findings. THG FQREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and dpp-_'oved by me this 6tn day ~f August, 1984. ,_~1 \ ~._` 7 ~ ~ ~ , X ~ ~(:HAIR A, ANAHCIM CI P~ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST : ,-~ ` , -~ .~ , /~ / ~% ~.- .', ; 1i.~~' _ Uli _ ~' ~ /f _~( , . ,r ~ SECRETA~Y, ANAHEtM CITX I~L~Nt1ING COriMlSSION STATE OF CALIEOKNIA ) CQUIrTY AE' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Bdith L. Harris, ~ecretary ot- tne Anaheim City Flanning ~omtnission, do her~by rertify that tt~e foreg~irtg reaolution was par~sed and adopked at a mPeting of the AnahPim City ~Janning Commission hcld ~~n Auyust 6, 1984, by the ~oll.owing vote of the members thereoE: AYES: COMMISSIOI3ERS: BOUAS~ FRY, HERBS'.i', KING, LA CLAIRf:, NOES: COMMISSIONEI2S: NUNE AaS~N~P; r.nMMZSSIONER~: BUSHORE;, MC BUithEY IN WITN~~S WHEREGF, I have hecEU nlo se~ my hand this 6th day ~E August, 1984. ,"- J• ~ , ,• t_ t~ , •• GLiL~i...~:i ~ SFCRE`i'ARY, ANANEIM I:ITY PLANNING COMM'lSSION ~U294r PC84°167