PC 84-169;'~<, II p{~f:.': ,! .. < 11.;.'' ~ ~~~ ,. . t 41'~' •~ ~ I, `~+. , I ~i14.: ~ i~ ~ ~.,, ~ '~ ' ' 1:~SOLU`1'TON NU. ~~~'~ ~ 4 ' --------._ .r ~?C 8 4 -16 9 ----------._. ~~~Sn~~'L'ION pI~' `PH.L ANAEiEIM C.Ii'Y PLANNTNG C THA'!' PC'I''t'1'ION 1~Ok CONBI:CIONAL USE k'ERMI'I' N0. `' ' OMM.ISStON 2~~d~ ~~ GRANTF,D WHFR~;AS, tl~e Anaheim C':i L- pE't:iL-ion fnr Conditional Use , y p~~'~nn1ny Commis . aou~t, PExmit sion did `` ~ O'~xv~ `tr~~t~ Anahcirn ~~om ~~'1~Hl,IM CT~t~Y SCHOOL iv~ a~eriiied :1;; CHURCEi, AT~PN• ANDY ' C~~ifornia 92$OS nIS7RIC,T. R90 ~ - 1275 L•ast ~ owner~ a»d ! ~.yent ~~r ~ C.Ei~UNG , CHINE~E ~ ~,i cert~in r~aJ. BcoGdwaY~ Anaheim. C~lifora~ia ~A~rIST ~'~' Cali..ornia .~~ ~~ OranS~~ Statn o~ ` Pt~~dE~cribedatsa ln hhe CiEy of Anaheim, Count2805, ' Y of ~: i> PARC~L 1 AS PER MAP FILGD IN F3pOK 185. PA x.~ SAIU CUUN~'Y. GE 37 "~ ~ 1~ECORDS OF ~ PROPOSGD pARCEL MAP N0. 8:s-242 ~ r DEI[VG A SUBDIVISIOLV p,[~ ; PARCEL 1; L01'5 24 ~'U 29 BOTH INCLUSIV~ AND LOTS 42 TO 5$ ii~TH IN IN BLUCK D OF THE HO'.:EL D~;I~ RECORpGti IIV )3t~UK 24 ~, ~AMPO TRAC'!' AS SHOWN ~LUSIVE, CAL• FORNIA PAGhS 69 ANU 70 RE~OR~S OiJ A MAP r 7.'OGETHER WITH THE; ALL~Y QF i'OS A~GGLES, BQt1NDED ON THE EAST BY TH,? . '~p~ipINING OF ~,Om 4 SOUTHERLX p SAID LOT$ g~ BOUNUED ON 'rHE ShUT;~ ROLONGATIpN p~ EAST LINE OF THE SOUTii C.INE OE LU`!' lq ~Y ~'HE WEST~xLY pROLONGATION FROLONGA'!'ION GF THE , ' ~pU~llEb pN TH~ SOUTH LINL';S Or LOTS~ 48I T iR~UF 58~ g 5~ ~'AN,pWES'I' BY ~EI~ ,OUT~J OTH INCL ~YVEH ASNORTH sy CLOSGD HY BOARD GF TRUSTE~ Ob' CzTY OF ANAHEIM ~, RLSOLUTION ORDEFtEll A CERTIFI~p COPY pF ~ ZN rHA~' CERTAIN 30, 1904 IN BOOK 108 PAGE 265 OF n HICH WAS RECqRDFD EDS . S~P~1'~MBEF. 4/HEREAS, the Cit Ch~ ~l~~.c Ccnter l~ y Planning Commiss.io~ ~i~ notice of ,~-• th~ City ot l,naheim on h~ld a public heaxl~9 ar accordanc;~ `11d publir, hear.ing f~~~in ~u9ust Z0, 1984, at 1:30 with the ~,rovi; ions g be~~ du1Y 9iven as required ~ P•rn., to hear of the Anatieim Munici y YaW and in and cunsider evidence For arid a P~1 Code permit and to • gainst S~id - Chapter 18.U3, therewith. ln~~stigate and make firdin y Froposed conditional . and 9 and recommendation, use in connec~ion stUd mad~HF,REAS, said Commissz~n Y bY :tself and ~~EtP~ ~u~ ir~spECtion, i.nvesti ation evidence and ceports ~f in its behalf, and after g and Eo.llowin ~ertd at sa~d ~~Q cc,nsideration of 9 facts: hearing, does find and determine the 1• ThaL the use p~r.ml.t ~roposed use is i~ authorized by Anaheim Mun iF~ally one for wt~;ch a c~nditional wit: to Permit a churc:h p ~a~~ Section w~th waiver ot the following th~ I'~M-12UU (Residential .• to ~ MU1~sple•-Fam.ily) Zone S~CTSONS 18.Oq.042.02U _` AN-n~1f3.34.06~---~~ ` Mcnimum 1and~caned setback -- ( i,..~ ,?~d 20 L•eet re streets a~'- 4uirPd fr.om t.he ac]jacent Proposea) ~roperty lines; Q to 14 f.cet ~U296r PC84-169 ~. '.['hat t.he proposed use shal.l be lzmi.ted to c:hur.r.h purp~^es only wirh na schuol acLiviki~~ oE any ty~e l)tI7CC L-han Sunday S~hoc~l cl~sse~. 3. That ~he propc~ ,e~l use wi11 not Zc~versely ~Cfect the ~3djoining land uses and the arowth ~ind develoz~ment ~~ the arec~ in which it is ~;ronnsed to be .located. ~. Th~t Cne si.ze ai~d shape oL the site proposed fur tne use is adequGte to allow th~ ~ull development: of the pruposeci u;;e in a manner not detrim~n'taJ. to the ~articular area noc• to the j~ec~CP~ health, saf~~y ~Zn~ general welta.re oE the Citi.zen~= ot the Ci.l-y o.f An~he:im. 5. ~l't~at tt~~e granting of tt~e Conditinnal Use Permit undPr. the cnnditians imposed, iC any, wil.l not be dei:rimental to ~he peace, l~ealt.h, sa~ety anc3 ~a,~neral wc,lC-'are of the Citi;cens af.' the City of Anaheim. 6. That t:he traff:ic general-ed by Che propos~d use w.ill not impose an unduE~ burden up~n tl~c streets and highways d~signecl and improved to rarry the traCtic in the area. 7• 2'hat ane person indica~ec] l~is pres~nc~: at sai~7 public t~earing in op~:ositiori; and thal- r~o correspondence was received in opposition L•o the subject peti`:ion. ~NVIRqNMF'NTAL IMPACT F~INllING: That ~h~ Anaheim City Planning Cornmission has reviewed tne proposal to permit a church in the RM-1200 (Fcesidential, MulkiplP-Family) Zone wi.tk~ wa.iv~r of ~inimum l~nrlscaped setback on a i.rreg~,ilarly-.shaped parcel of land consisting of a~proxima~e].y 1.6 acres located at th~ southeast corner of Aro<~dwuy and Olive Street, and Further descrfbecl a:; 412 East Broadway; and does hereby ~nprove the NHgative Declaration ~ipon finding that it has consid~red the Ne,yative Declaration together with any commer.ts rec~:ived ducinc~ the public review process and Further findinc,~ on the basis ot the initial study and any comments :eceived that there is no subytantial evidence that the project wil.l have a significant eff.ect ~n the enviroriment. NOW, TfiERF~FORE, BF. IT RESOLVE~ that the Anahei.m City PLanning Commfssion does hereby grant subject Pe~ition for Conditional Use Permit, upon ttie following conditions wt~ich are hereby found ~~ be a ~iece:sary prerequisite to thP proposed use of the subject proper~,v in orcler lo preserve the safety and general welEare of the CiCizens of the Cil•,y of Anaheim: 1. Tha~ prior to is~uance of 3 building permit, tf:e appropriate tra~fic signal :assessment Fee sha11 be p~aid to the City of Anat~eim fn an amount as determined by the City C'~~inci:l for new comrnercial buildings. 2. ?.~hat the owner o1 subject property sha11 irrevocably ~fEer to dedi~cate to the City or Anaheim a strip o£ 1anc3 28 Eeet in widl•h fcom i:ne centerline ~~ the .,~reet a1~n~~ Broadway for street widening pGtpnse:~. 3. That dxainage of subjer.t properl:y sh~.ll be dispused o~ in a manner sat:~factory to ~t~e City Fnginezr. '~' PC8q-169 ~ .~ 9~ 'i'hat tra:~h stor~age arG~:a shal:l. approv~d plans on file with the Uivision. k~~ provided in ~ccordance witn Street Maint.cnanc~ and Sanitatian 5. That fire sprinklers shall. be install.ec~ in a11 applicable stiruc:~ures as r.equired by thE City Circ Maeshall. 6. ~'h~t str.eet liyhtin,y facil:~ties along 01i.ve Streti~ shall be in~tal.led as requir.~d by the [)tilities Gen~ral Manager. in accordance with specificatioi~~ on f.i1e in the UFtice oC Utilities General Mana~er, and that security in L•he tor.m o£ a bQnd, certificate of. depr~sit, letter aF credit, or cash, in an amuunt anc] form satisfactory to the City of ,Anaheim, sha:ll be po~,ted ~~ith the City to gu~ranree ti-e satisfactory completion af the above-mentioned imp~ovements. Said securaty sha.ll be po~ted with the Cit~y of Anaheim prior to approval of building permits. The above-requir~d improv~ments shall be installed prioc to occupancy. 7. That a per~etual e<<sement agrenment L-or el~ci:rical pur.poses ~hall be su~mitt~d to the Plann:ing De~artment and tt~en be transmiL-ted ~o the City Attorney's OfFice for review and approval. The precise Iacation ot said easement sha11 be determined by the Electr.ical Engineering Di~~i~ian. Tne approved agreement shall then be filed and recurded in the Office of khe Orange County Recorder, and ~ co~?y thereof sha11 be provided to t;l~~e Planning Depar.tmE~nt. S. 't'hat ~ubject propert~ shali be served by underground utilitie~. 9. That prior to commencernent of st•rucL-ural framing, ~fi.rE hydian~s sha11 be installed and ch~rged as required and del:ermzned to b~ necessary by rhe Chiei of t-,he I'are Deparlment. .10. That a~l a.ir condition~r~g facilities :;hall ba propecly r.~hiElded f.rotn vie~~, and the sound bufPer~d from ac~jacent properties. 11. That the existing structure sha71 be brought up to the rtiinimum standards oF the Ci.ty uf Anaheim, including the Uni.Eorm E3ui].ding, Plumbing, Electrical, Me~hanical anci Fire Codes as adopted by the City oF Ana~ieim. 12. That the pr~posal shal..l comply wit-h a11 ~igning requir.e~nents of the RM-1200 7ane, unle:~s a varianc:e ~~lowing sign waivers is a~proved by the Plznning Cc~mmission or City Councii. 13. Tha~ any pror~osed p~rking area ligt,ting fixtures sh~all be down-lighted o~itP: a maximum height oF ).2 fPet. Said lighting fixtures shall be directed away f.ram ac:jacent pro~erty lines to protecL• the resiciential integti.ty oC r.hP area. 14. That ~~abject pr~perty shall be developecl Uubstantial].y in accordance ~.+ith plans and specifications on L-i1e with tne City of Anal;tim marked Fxhibzl• Nos. 1 thruugh 3. -3- I~C84-169 :.~ ~ .^~ 15. 'I'hat~ pri.or ta the commenr4m~n~ of t1~e activil•y authorized under. triis r~solu4ion, uz prior tu the Lime that a buildin~; permil- is is~ued, or within a per.iod of one year from th~ date of L•hls resolution, wtiichever occttrs L-'irst, Conditi~r~ Nos. l, 2, 6 and '1, abov~-mentioneci, ~ha11 be complied with, Extensians for Eurr_hEr time L-o c~~mplete saicl condikions may be granLed in accordance with Section 1Fi.0:~.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 1G. That prior i:o t:hE commencement of the activi.ty authorized under ~hxs r~solutzon, o.r fin.~.l buil~iing and zoni.ng inspect~ons, Condit:ion Nos. 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, ].'_, 1:i and 14, above-menti~ned, shall be co-nplied with. , 1~. That no school acl-ivities of ar.y kind, ~th~r than Sunda,y Scho41 classes, shall be permitted. BE TT FUR'i'Hk,R RESC:LVFU ttiat thc Ana:leim City Planning Commission c~oes hereby find anci determine that adogtion of this Resolurion i~ expressl~~ pr~dicated upon apPlicant's campliance with each and al.l of the conditions hereinabove sNt Lor.th. ~hould any suct~ conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalic~ ~r unenEorceable by ~he iinal judgment o£ any court of competent juri.sdiction, l:hen this Resalution, and any approvals hereir~ cc,r~tained, shall be deemed nu.l.l an~~ void. THE E'QRFGO'2NG RESULUTION is ~igned and appr.oved by me thi~ 20th day of August, 1984. . .,' -~~. J ~,, : ~i - _ ' :~~!_ ~=.C ~:~ ,~`~~v' :.'''! ,~: ~ ~.. `~HAIR~IAN, ANAHEIM~G~TX PLANNiNG CCMMISSION AT`~EST : ; c ' ~ ~ ~ -- ~~ ~~ti `:'-.'-' ,'~ I 1~~~~°~'Lz-r~ SFCRF:TAftY, ANAHETM CITY PLANN?'NG COEIMISSIUN STATE U[' CALIFORNT~ ) CAUNTY Or C~12ANGE ) Ss, CITY OF' ANAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Ei~~.rris, Secretary of th~ Anaheim City Flanning Commission, do hereby certify tt~at the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mee~xng o£ the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commis~ion held on Augt~st 20, 1984, by the followi.ng vote of the r~ember.s thereaf: AYES: COMMISSTUNERS: BOUAS, Bf)SHOR~, L RY, HERB~'i', K.l'NG, LA CLAIR.~; MC BUR'JEY NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NON~ ADS~N't': COMMISSIONGRS: NONE IN WITN~SS WHERE~h,, I ha~e here~into set r~y hand this 20th day of ~,ugust, .1964. 1.-~~ ~% ~ ~Ii (p '/~ ~ t~, ~~ ~`~ `.V L~~ • ~~ " ~'L~ ~ J'VG+L-,I S~CktE'rARY, ANAHEIM CI2'Y PLANNING COMMIS~ION ~'~- PC84-169