PC 84-172~tE;SULU'I'TON NO. PC$~-172 1~ 12ESOLlJ'i'IUN OI' THr; ANAHEIM (:ITY ALANNING COMMISSION '.CHAZ' ti'L'1'T'i'TON L UI; CONDT'PIOMAL U5E PGitMT'.I' N0. 2G.13 E~? GRAN'1'FU wfi~xr'A5, the Anaheim City I~lanni.ny C~mmission did receive a verifi~c~ Pet.ition Eor C.ondi.tional Use Perniir_ Erom J(~FiN KOCYI~A, 1'l0 Lakeview Avenuer Anati~~im, California 928U7, owner, dI1CI LANTERN REALTY, &6B6 Merced, D-1009, 1Huntington peach, California 92646, agent £or certain real property situated in tha CiL-y of An~zheim, County of Or.~nye, St~ate of Ca].:iEornaa, described ~s: PARCEL 1: THE 5GUTFfERLY 10U FEE`.[' Uk THAT PORTI()N UF LOT 27 O'r' ANAHEIy EXTENSTUPI, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CQUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF' CALIE'ORNIA, AS SEIQWN A MAP OF SURVEY BX WILLIAtd HAMEL, A CC~PY OF WHICH IS Sf10WN IN 60GK 3 PAGGS ].62 TO .164 iNCLUSIVE OF "LOS ANGELES COUNTY MAPS", IN THS UI~ETC~ Or THE COUNTY' RECORDER O1' ORANGF:: COUNTY~ CALIFOl2t~.IA~ DF;SCRIBED A5 !~'OLLOWS: DEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSEC`rION OF THE CEN'('EI2 LINE U[' VL•'RMU~T AVENUE, EORMERL' Y$ROAD STREET WTTH 'PHE CENTGR LINE OF PALM STREET; TfiENCE NORTHEASTGRLX ALONG THE CENTER I~INr OF VEI2MONT AVEI~UE, 162.Uq EE~Z'; TH~NCE SOU'!'HEASTL•'RLY, PARA.I,L~;L WI'rH THF. FAS'1'ERLY LIN.~', pE `CHE PARCGL UF LAND DGSCRIE3ED :N CE12T:IFICATf: OF iITLE IvO. 77?.5~ IN TEIE OFE'ICE OF THE ktEGISTRAR OF '~'TTLES OE' SAID ORANGE COUNiY, ANll ~.'HE E~tTENStOtv OF SATb LING 257 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWE;iTERLY PAEtALLEL WI'PH TIiE CENTCR L7NE OF VERMUNT AJENUE 162.09 FEET 'i'O A PUINT IN THE CENTER LINE UF ~AI,M STR~ET; 7'HBNCE NGZ2THWESTERLY ALONG THE CEh'I'ER l,INE OF PALM ;;~REET 257 FEGT TO THE POINT UE' BEGINNING. E}~C~PTING THE PURTION INCLUDED IN VEFMONT AVENUE AND PA:GM SiREE'.[' , ALSU EXCEPT THAT PORTIpN pESCItIgED IN CERTTF'ICATE N0. 2G668 IN THE QEEICE GE' ~HE REGI;;TRAR OF TITLES OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. SAIU I.ANU IS TNCLUDEU WT'PHIN `PEIE AREA SEIOWN ON A MAP FILEb IN E300K 11 °AGE 4~ OF RECORD 0? SURVGY IN THF OPFICE OE THE COUNTY RECORDFH G[' SAID COUNTY. THAT PORTION OF L()T 27, ANAHEIM EXTENSION, IN TNL•' CI'PY n~' ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP UF' SURVEY MADG BY WILLIAM Ef.AMF'J~ Itr 1868 AND F~ tI,,l:U IN THL•' [~FFICE UC 7'HF COUN'P'i RECORDEIt OF i.OS ANGEL~S (;UUNTY, CAL.IFOE:NIA, DESC:RIE3GD AS E~LLOWS: AEGINNING A'P A PQIN`I' IN THE CENTER LINE: OF' VERMONT AVENUE;, AI5TANT TNEREON 167..09 FEEi' NORTHEASTERLX t'RUN ITS IN'P~RS~C~ION WITli `xHE CGNTEk LIN[: GF YALt4 STf2BET ANL E2UNNtNG THENCE NOk':HE:A~TEJ2GY ALONG SAIU CEN'1'E;R LlNE OF V~;RMAN'1' AVENUE 75 PEET; mNENC~ SOUTHEASTE22GY PARAi,LEL WITE: T'rlE ~ABTEP.LY L' INE OF 'I'EIC PARCEL OE~' ~AhD DESCR7gE;D IN CERTIPIC~ITF; OE TI7'I.E NU. 7725, IN TNF Qr'EtCE OF THE RE ~TS'~RA12 OF I,ANU TI9'LGS ON SA7~ ORANGE CUUNTY, AtJU THE EXTL'NSIOM 0[~ SAID LINI?, 7.57 FEE'P; ~ +0299r i>C84-172 THENCE ;iUU'i'IiWESTERI.Y. 1~ARALLf .L WTTII '1'EiE CLN'.CG17 I~:[NE OF VN~RMONT AVf~NUL, 75 L'FE.'1'; '1'!•l~:NI;E NOR`1'HW~STG}'tLY FARA'Ll',EL 4r'I'J'H TH~ FAS'Cr;ItLX L:[NE Oi~ THG PAI2CEL OE' I.~ANU DESCR:tB~D :[N SAI1) CEft'P~CICATE; OC `!'ITLL NO. 7725~ At'~~ TE•IE EX'r~NSIONu OL' SA,[U I.AND, 275 E~G~T TO T!IL PQTN'!' nI' E~~G:[NN:[NG. F:XCEPZ':NG 'i'HGREEROy '.CHE NOR'rHWF~ ~'.~ERGY }~ORTlUN IyCL~3DED 2N VERM~NT AV~NUE. TEIA'r PORTION UF.' i,0'r 27, ANAHBIM EY'i'GNSION AS SHOWN QN A MAP OF SUFVE'1 MADE BY WILLIAM HAM~L IN 1£363 AND EILE~ IN THE OE'P'ICE OF THE COUN'!'Y RECORllER OE' LOS ANGGL'r'.S COUN'.CY, CALIFORNIl'~, DESCRIBGn AS FOLLU~~1S: E3G~~:[NNING A~ A PUINT IN 'I'HE CGNT~R i.,It3~~ Or' VERMONT AVENUG~ DISTANT THERCOt~~ 162.09 F~ET NORTHEA~TERLY FROM '"'S INTE~2SECTTON WITH 7'HE CENTER L7NE OE PALM STRET~T; RUNN~.~G 'rHENC~ NORTH~ASTFRLY ALONG SAID C~N~I'ER LINE OF VERM~JNT AVENUE~ 3U0 E'~~"l; THENCE SOU'iHEP.STERLY PARAL'L~L ~1I~H THE GASTFRLY LINE vE' THE PARCET, UE' LAND AESCRIBI3D IN CERTIFICATB OI' 'PtTLE NQ. 7725, IN THE UG'E'ICE OE' THE RGGISTRX~R OE LAND 7'I'PLES OF ORANGS COUNTX, CALIF'OI2NIA, AND TFiE EX'P~NSIONS OF SAIU L'ING 257 I'~~T; 'PHENCE SUUTHW:'STERLY F~RALLEL WITH 2'HE CENTEN LZNE OF VERMANT AVENUE, 3U0 r'EF:Y'; THENCE NOftTHrAST~RLY PARALI~GL WITH THE F.AS'i'ERLY LINE OC THE PARC~G OF LAND DE ~CRIBEU IN SAID CERTIFI:CATE OF TITLE N0. 7725~ AND THE EXT.ENSIONS OE SAID LINE, 257 E~ EET i0 THE P`JIN~' OF fiEGINNING. EXCEPTING ~'!;E EAST~RLX 150 FEET AND THE WESTERLY 75 FEET THEFEOF. ALSU EXCEP'i'ING 'rEIERFFROM THE NORTEIWESTF'RLY ~'OR`rIOtd INCLUDGn IN VERMONT AVENUE. WHEREhS, the City ?lanning Commi.ssion did hold a publi~ hearing at the Civic Center in tt~e City of Anaheim on Aug~ist 'l0, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public tiearing having bee:- duly c3iveri as required by law ~nd ir~ accordanc.e wit}~ tt~e provisions of ~he Anaheirn M~tnicipal ~ode~ Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and ayair,sr, said prop~~ed condicional u~e permit and to i.nvestigate and make tinrings and recommer.clati~nc in connectior~ therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after duz in7pecL•ion, inve~tiyation anC study made by itself anc~ in it~ k~ehalf, ana aE~er d~e considerarion o£ a].1 evi.dence and rFpocts ofL•ered ~it said hearinc, does find and determine the f.~llowing facts: 1. 7'hat the propo~ed :;.~e is properly one far which a ~on~aitional us~ permit fy authorized by An~~hei.m Muniei~al Cocir Sections 18.06.080, 1H.44.C50.010 ana 18.44.05U.30U tu wit: to permit a ~emi-er~closed re~taurant witl~ oci-sale beer and wine wikh waiver of Lhe L'ollawi.ng: S~'c:_'IONS 18.G6.050.C?.3_1 -• Minimun number of parkinq soaces. AND (70 s aces rr.qui~'ed; 64 proFx~s~d) _z_ PC84-172 • °•, 2. '1'hat the r~quesl-.crJ waiver i~ Ilereby grant.ed on the bas `.s th~t the waiver .is minirnal ~nd L•h~~t the park.i.ng vari~anc:e wi11 not cause an incre~~se in traL-£ic cong~~tion in r_h~ immec~iate virini~Y nar adversely ~zEfec~ ~ny ad~~ining l~ind uses; anc3 L-hat: l-he yran~ing of L•hc~ park.in~ variance ~ndec~ the conditions imposed, if any, ~~il.l not be detrimental t:o the p~ace, healEh, safety or genexal wn~.Eare oE th~ citiz~n~ or the c'ity of Anaheim. 3. That l:he proE~osed use wil:l nut adverse.ly a£Peck thc adjo~ning land uses and th~a yrawth ~ind deve].apment oF the area in W111C11 ik is pr~~~sec] ~O ~JP. IOCat@d. 4. T.hat the s.i.ze and shape of the sit~ pr~~p~sr•,d L'or the use is adequate tn a11~w the £u1.1 develo~m~nt o~ the proposeca use in a manner not c~etrimentz~l to the particu].a.r area nor to ~he p~a~e, hc~lth, sa.E'ety and general welEarP of the Citi~ens of the Gity of Anah~im. 5. 7'hat the granting of the Conditional U~e Permit under th~ canditions imposed, i.E any, will not be detri.menl•al ta the peace, healtl~ safety and ge~~eral welfa.re oC the Citizens of the ~~ ry , of Anaheirn. 6. That thF traCfi.c generat~d by the pruposed ~se will not impose an undue burden upon the streets an~ highways designed and improveii to carry ttie traf~ic in the area. 7. That one ~~erson indicat:ed his presence at said puL.lic I~earing in oppos~tior~; and tt~at no correspondence was received in opposition to the sub;ject petition. ENVIRONh1ENTAL IMPAC`r ET~IDING: xhat th~ Anahein C:ity Planning Commission P~as reviewcd the proposal to p~rmit a semi-r~nclosed restaurant wi~h on-sale beer and wine with w~iver of m:in.imum number of ~arking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel cf land con~isting of approximat~7.y 1.06 acr~~ located soulh and east of ttie so~atheast corner af Vermont Avenisc and Harbor Boulevard, and fu.r.ther described as ~106 West Vermont Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratiori upon finding that it has considered the Neyative Declaratian together with any commEnts r.eceiv~d during the public review process and further £in~ling on t.h~ basis of the inii:ial study and ~an,y comments received that L•here i~ no subsr_antial evidence that the pr.oject w.ill have a signific;ant efE~c.r. on the environment. NOW, TH::,F<F.['ORE, BE Ix RESOLVED that Lhe Anaheim City E~:anning Commission doQS hereby grar:t .,ubject Petition for Conditaanal Use Permi.t, upon t!~e following condii:ions which are hereby fa~.ind to be a necessary prer~~qui.site to the pr.opo~ed us~ of thn subjecr, p~~perty zn order to pre~erve the sa~ety and general welfare of the Citizen~ oF tlie Cir~ of Anaheim: 1. 'rhat prior l•o i~suance of. a building nerrnit, a kra.Ef.ic signal ~ssessment fPe equal.ing L•he ditf.erence between ~tie residential and commercial ast.essm~nl• fees shall b~ paid to the ~ity of Anaheim in ~n amount as cletermined by the Ciry r~uncil. ~. That the owner of suL•jecl• propecty shall irrevccably oE~er to dea.icate to the City uf. Anat~r~:Im a~tsip nf land 5.3 feek in width from ::h~ centerline of t.t~e ytre~t a.long Elarbor Bou3.evacd for s~reet widenzr.y p~irposes. "'3- PCB~.-172 - ~~, .~M , 3. Thar pric~r tc~ issuance o[ a hui.:l.c~ing per.mit, primary water main fees sha].1 bE paid to the Ci.ty c~f Anaheim, in an amount a~ ~a~t-ermined by the Off.ice of the ULi.liLi~s G~ner.al Manager. ~. That the exisl-iny land~caped areas shall be reFurbished and maintained in cc~mplia.~c~ wiLh CiL-y lan~sca.pi~ng requi.r~ments. 5. ~hat trash stor~a~~ ar.t~as :h~x].1 b~ ~ravicled in accordance with appraved plans on file with thc Street Maintenacic~ ~nd Sani~a±:i.on DiViSion. 6. That a.ll air conciitionin~ L-ac :.l it:i.es sha] 1 be properly shielde~ f rom view, ancl tl~~ sou~id bti.Efered Erorn zd.jacent residential praperkies. ~ 7.'t-~t due r_o the change iii use and/or occupancy of khe building, plans sha11 be U~zb~r~itted to the Building Division showin~ c~>mpliance with the ~ninimum standards ot the City oE Anaheim, including the Uniform Bui.ldi~g, Plumbiny, Electrical, Mechanical and Eire CodPS as adopted by the C:ity o£- Anaheim. The appropriate permits shal.l be obtained fur any necessary work. 8 '1'hat the ~roposal ai•~a11 compls with all signiny requirements of ~l~e CL Zone, unless a variance allowing sign waivers is approve8 by the PlanninQ Commissian or City Couneil. 9. That the owner of subject property sha11 s~abmit a lettier c:equesting termination of Conditi~nal Use Permir No. 2307 to the Pl.anning Departmenl•. 10. T!~at subject property shall be cievelop~d sub~tantis~lly in accordance with plans a~id speciLicatic~ns on f.ile with the City of Anaheim markec7 e;xhibit Nos. 1 throu9h 3. 1].. That prior tu the commencement of the activit,y authar.ized uncier this resaluti.an, or prior to the time thal• 1 building permi~ is issued, or within a period oE one year from the ciate of this reyolutior, whichever occurs first, Condition Noa. 1, 2, 3, 7 and 9, above-mentianec~, shall be compliecl with. Er.ten~ion; for further ti.me to complete sai.d conditions may be grantec7 in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anat~eim Municipal Code. 12. Thar prior to the commenc:einent oP the acti~~ity authorized under thi~ rPSOlution, nr final building and zoning iiispecl•.ions, whichev~ez occiirs first Con~litiun NUS. 4, 5, 6 and ].0, above-mentioned, shail be compli~d witF~. 13. ~i:nat no alcoholic beverayes e:tce~C beer ana cair.e shull be ~ald or consumPd on the premi~es. B~ i'1' ~'URTNEa 12ESflLVED lhat L-he Anaheim City Planning ~:omrnisyion docs hereby fin~1 and determine thal• adoption of this RPSOlution is expressly prer3icated upon applicant's comFiiarice with each and all of tk~e conditi.rns hereir.above set f~rth. Shnuld any +~uch condit.ion~, or any part ther~of., be dpclared invalid or unenforceab].e by the firia.l j~dgrnen*_ of. any c:ourk of competerit jurisdiction, then lhis Resolution, anb any apprnvals herein conl-ain~~, shal]. bc dzemed null an~3 voi.d. -q- F~C84-172 ~~ r'""`"'~ THE FORLGO]:NG RESC~'LU'rIUN is sign~d anc~ approved by me this 20th day o:C Auyust, 1984. ; ~ ~ ~/~ ~,. ; , ' ~ 1__ "~ , '• ,• ~ % ~... _ ` ~.;. ; ; ~. ,~ , f :-(`'•-;' ~~..'-• f~, ;;~ ,. CEIAIRMAN, ANAIiEIM r.:c~rY.~ r.~ANt~TNG COMM:IS~SION .~T7'EST: ~) ~,.,~' '~ ~ , / ,. ~ ~i' / ~ %~ . Sf -~ ~_ c.._. /• s~'M~~•~^..~,;.,.. SGGRETARX, ANAHEIM CI'rY PLANNINC, CfjMMTSSION S~ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ok' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) z, Edith 'L. Elarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commis:ion, do hereby cezkiFy that the E~regai.ng reso.lution was passed and adopted at a mceting o: the Anaheim City Planni.ng :.ommi.ssion l~eld an Atigust 20, 148~, by ~he foilowi.ng vote of the members thereaf: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: k30UA5, BUSHORk;, FRY, E{ERBST, KlNG, LA CLAIRE Mr. BUI3NEY NOGS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMTSSZON~F.tS; NUN~ IN WI'rNESS ~VHEFtEOE', I hav~ hereunto set my hand i:his 20th day af August, 1984. ~-~~ r ~* .' ~ ~~ ~'"L-~" '~-~ ~, ~~ ,{i1~'t..c:-.U SECRI;TARY, ANAfiEIM CTTY FLANNING COh1MISSION -5- PC$4-172 ~~~1~ :~ _ , . ~. . ` II .,~