PC 84-173~~ kESOL!~'~IGN NO. PC84-173 .~;,:,,, A ftESOI~UTI.UN O1' 'i'HL ANAHEIM C.ITY PL'ANN.LNG COMMTSSxON TEiA't' T'~:'i'ITiaN POR GONllI'.C i~rl11I., USE ~ERMIT N0, 2610 E3E GR't1N'~'~D WHGRLAS, the Anaheim City Planninc~ Cammissian c~i.d receive a veri~ied Petiti.on for Conditional U~E Ye.rn~it from ORANGEWOOU AS5UCI~ITES, ATTN: S'PE:PEiEN BOW:[E, 3737 6ir:ct~~ Street, 4tr~ floor, Newpor~ t3~ach, California °2660, owner of certai.n real propert:y situated in the Cil:,y of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calif~rnia, c3escrii~~d as: THA'1' PORTION OL' `i'HE SOUTH ONF-HALC OF SUUTHWES`.r ~,'UAR'.PGR OF THE NORI'HWEST (~UARTER OF' SECTIGN 28~ TO~VNSHIP 4 ~OUI'EI~ 121~NGE 10 WES`i' IN TEIk: RANCEIU LAS ROLSAS, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RrCORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OI' MISCrLL~ANGOUS MAPS, RE~CORDS OF SAIll ORANGF ~UUI~TY, A~SCK.~IIED AS h'OLi,UWS: BEGZNNING AT 7.'HF. ~OUTI-IWES`.i' CORNER QF I,OT 1 OF TRACT NO. 354fi, AS SHOWN UN A MAP RECURDFD IN BOOY 140, PAGES 33, 34 AND ~5 UF MISCEI~LANEOUS MAPS, RECORD~ OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; THENCE '~I,ONG THE GGNFRAL WEST~RLY LINF c)L' SA7D TRACT NURTH 00 nEG. 56' 3Q" WEST 350.95 FEET TO TH~ NOR'THW' i' CORNER GF LG'T 5 O[' SAII~ ~'RACT; '1'HENCE WESTERLY AL,ONG TH~ SOUTEiCRLY LINE OI~' LOTS 7 AND S OF SAID TRAGT AND THE WES~.'ERLY PROLONGATION `LHE;REUF, SAID SOUTHERI~Y LINES AND PROLONGA't'ION ALSQ IIEiNG THE SOCI'rHF:;LY LINE OF THAT CFRTAIN LAND D~SCRIBFD IN ]`FE~ TG IRENL M. ~?ICEIT~;R, REC:OFUGJ S~P'~'k;MBER 30, 195$ IN BOOK 4431, ~AC;C 957 c:iF OFEICIA~ RECORDS OE' SAID ORANGE CQUNTY, 355.00 FEGT TC THE SOUT.HWE9TERLY CORNI~R OI' SAID LAIvD OC' IR~NE Me RICHTER; `.CHENCE ::~JU'.~HEE2LY ALONG TEiE WF..C,TERLY LINE OE' SAID SOU'PH ONE-HALF 2'10.~' h~~ET TO '!'HE NORTHWESTERLY C(~RNE;R OF THA'i' CER7'AIN I,AND DESCRIBGD IN TEIAT CERTAIN LEASE BFTWEEN GPORGE L. AP.GYROS AND OTFi~ItS, AN~ THE SOCONY MUBILG OIL CUMPANY INC. KECOFtllGD AUGUS'i' 16, I965 TN BOOK 802U~ PAGE 938 t~F SATD OFFICIAL RFCORDS; `i'HENCE EASTERLY ALONC~ TEiE NORTHERLX LINi; 188.00 ~'EET AND ~GUTHEIZLY ALUNG THE EAST~:RLY LINE 130.00 kECT Or S.AI.D LAST MElJTIONED I~AND TO TI3E SOUTHERLY LTNE OF THAT CER7'AIN LAND DESCRIB~D IN OUITCLAI:~1 DEED TO aLEX .T~. F~SEiMAN, RECORDED AUGU5T 16, 1966 IN F..'QOK 8020, Pf1GE 941 O~' SAIU OFF:iCI~L RECQRDS; THENCE EASTERLY ALGNG SAID LAST MEN'PIONEA SOU'PHERLY LI~E 167.00 E'EET TG THE POINT UF BEC,ZNNING. EXCF.P`.C:iI~G 'PHFREERUIN E'12UM A PURTII~N qF SAID L'AN1) QNE-HALr OE ALL OIL, vhS, N1INE;RALS AND 0'i'HER HYDRnCARF30N SU6S2'A~1CES IN A~ID UNLER SAID GAND GELAW A DEP't'H OE 5f10 E E:ET b~ROM THE 5URFHCI3 `tHEREOF, WIZ'HOU`1' THE RIGHT UF :iURFAGE °NTRY I'0'R `.CEIE PURPOSE OF REMOVING OR EXTRAC`i'ING THF. SAt4E, AS RESEltVED ItJ DGEllS REC,ORDED AUGqST 1G, 1~366, IN BUOK 8020, PAGES 930, 942 A:aU 943 OF OFFICIAL RECORDu. ~ WHEREAS, the C:ity Plannin5 Comrni~sion did iiold a public hea.ring at 9 the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 20, 1384, at 1:30 p.m., j' notice of said public hearing having been daly given as required by J.aw and zn { accordance with the ~rovisions of the Anaheim Municip~l Coae, Chapter 1a.03, to hear and consider evidenc~ for and against said proposed conditional use ~ permit and tc? investigate and make findings and rec~r~menda~ian, in connecti~n ~ ?~ therewiti~; and 3 ~S ~U300r PC84-173 4 . ~1 f~~u~4!\ WHERPAS, saicl Commission, after due i~~~pECtion, investig~tion and ~ study made by itself un~ in its be}~~aZL, and aiter due cunsidecation of all r evidenc4 and re~or.ts oCFer.~~ at said h~:aring, does f:ind and determine ~he ~ following ~acts: -, se is ~ro erl one Cor whi r.h a cond:itional ~ 1. Tha~ the rroposed u i P Y use permit i.s autho.rized by Ariaheim M•:nicipal Code Sections 18.06.080 and ~ 18.4~.050.O1Q t~ wit: to permit on-sale beer and wine in a proposed restauran{, ~ with waiv~r of th~ Pollowinc~: ~. SECTIONS 18.G~i.050 ,- Minimum numb~r ~_f ~,_arkinq spaces. ~~ 18.U6.U5Q.022, (138 s aces required; 1'l9 s~aC~~S pro~ose~l), AND 1a.~14.06G.050 2. '.rhat the requesi:ed waiver is her.eby granted on the basis that the wai~~er is minimal and thal- the parking varianc~ will nc~t cause ~~n increase in traf.tic conyEStion in L•he immecliate vicin.ily rior adversely ~~Pfect any adjoinzng land uses; and rhak thc granting of the ~arl~ing variance under. the conditions imposed, ii any, will not be detrimental to th~ peace, health, safety or genetal. welfare oE the citizens of. tt1P. ~ity ot Anaheim, :i. That khe propoUed use will n~~ adver.sely affecl. the acijoining land uses and the growtt~ and developmer t of the ~rea in which it is l~roposed to be located. 4. 7'hat ~he si.ze and shape of the sike ~roposed for ~he use is adequate t;o allow the fu11 development af the propos~d ~~se in a manner not cletrirt~er~tal tu the particular ar.ea nor to the p~ace, h~atth, safety and general wel.fare of the c:il•i~er~s of the City ~f Anaheime 5. Th~.t the gr.antiny uf the Conditiorial. Use Permit under the conc~itions impo~e~l, if any, ~vi.ll ~~ot be detrimenL-al to the peace, health, safety and y~neral welfare oF the ~it~zens of th~ City of Anaheim. 6. That th~ traffic ger~~rated b~~ Ghe proposeG use wiJ.l not• impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways ~esigneci and improved to carr.y the traf.fi.c in ~he area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said nublic heazing in uppouiti.o,i; and that no rorcesp~ndence was r.eceived in opposi.tion to the subject petic.ion. ~ ENVIRpNMENTAL TMP~ICT FINUING: That thP Anahei;n City Planniny C~mmission has reviewe.: ~he ;~roposal to permir an-Ga~e beer and wine in a propused restaurant witn waiver of minimum nuiTiber of parking Jp'lLJJ on an irregularly-sn3ped p.zrcel of lancl consisting of appr.oximat~ly 2.J3 acres .Locate~ iiorth and east oF the narthc~ast corner. of Orangewoud Aver,ue ~ind Euclid Street, and furthe: described as 2~54 "B" South F;uclid Street; and does herehy a~prove the Negativ~ Declaration «pon finding thaL it has consid~:red thQ Negativ~ Declaca~ion L-ogether wizh any comments rece`.~!nd during the pub~.ic zeview ~rocess and further findinq ~n tt~E l~asis oE thE: initia? study and any aomm~nts recpived that there ?.s nQ substant~al evidence that the project will have a signi.Eicant eff~ct on Ghe environment. _2_ PCB~~-173 r~"'~ , ~.~. NOW, TH~REI'ORE, 13E iT RESOLV~A that hhe Anah~im City Planning C:ommission does hereby granL subject Peti~ion f~r Condit:ional Use Permil, upon the following conditions which ar~ hereby £ound to bc~ a necessary prerecYuisite to the proposed use oF the subject pruperL•y i.n order i:o preserve the safety and gener.al welfate o.E the Citiz~ns of the C9.ty nf AnahE:im: 1. '1'h~t a11 on-site trash storage areas sha11 be ~ec~nsl.ructed in accordance tivit:~ app~ov~d plans on f:ile wi~h the Street Maintenance and Sanita~iun Uivision. 2. That tne ~rouoyal .shall cornply with all Uiyn.ing requiremerits of the CL' 2one, unless a vari.anc~ allowing sign waivers is approvac! by the Planning Comnission or City Council. 3. That subject property shall bp ~evelop~d substantially in accordance ~rith plans and specifications on file w.ith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 4. 2'hat urior to the commencernent of the activity ~~uthorized under this reso].uti~n~ or f.inal i~uilding ~~nci zona.ny inspections, whichever OCCUL'S fzrst, Condition Nos. 1 and 3, abeve-ment:oned, sh~ll be com~~lied with. 5. That no al~oholic beverage~ excepL- beer a~~d wine sha11 be sold or co:~sumed on the prernises . B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission d~es hereby find and deter.min~ that ade~ption of this F.eso:tutio:~ i:~ expressly ~~redicated up~n apolicunt's complia:~ce w.ith each and a11 of the conditions hereinabove Net forth. Shou:id an,y sucil conditions, or any part thereof, b~ c~eclared invalid or unenforceable by ~he final judgment of any caurt of compe*en~ jura.sr~iction, then this ~e~solution, ~nd any a~prov«ls herein contained, shall bc dePmed nu11 and void. THE FOREGOING R~;SOLU~~ION is signe~] and appraved by rnE t;his 20th cl;~y ~f August, 1994. j: ~ _~ :.. . ~ J .-~. / J~ .;` ~,: ~,, ~ .~~, ,,~.J >-;. .: ~- ::,~ - ~H~AZRMAN, ANAf?EIM , ~I7'Y ~PLAIVNING COMMTSSIOI~I ATTEST: ' ~ . .. i;' //~ y ._ ~/ ` /7 '' ~-t~~-' {~--' ~ -''../!./ V i~i-,L ~ SECRE`i'ARY~ ATlA:fEIbl CITY PL~ANNIIVG ~OMMI"aSION -3- E~C84-173 I ~.'.A'..., ~^,, r,,. , STATE OF CALIE'012NIA ? COUNTY QF UR~NGL ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, ~ditti L. Harris, Secret~ary oE the An~heim City Planning Commission, do here~y cercify that the fnregoing res~li.ition was pa~sed and a~3opted ~~t a meetiny of tlie Anaheim City Plannxng Cor~n~ission held on August 20, 1y84, by i:he following ~~~te oF the members thereof: AYES: CONIMISSIONERS: BOUAS, [3USHORE, ~RY, HERBST, ICING, L'A CLAIRF M(: BU}ZNEY NOES: C~MMISSTONE;RS: NONN; ABSEN',C: t:OMblTSSIQNI:RS: NUNE IN WI~l'NIjSS WHEE2EOF, I have t»reunto set rny har~d ~his 20th day uf August, 1984. ~ c,~i . ,~ ~ ! t~ ( i ,` . / /r~•~C~v'l; i...~~,,,.~ SE;C;RETP.RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~InN -4- PC89-173 ;,