PC 84-177RL;:U[.U'1'7:c~N N0. PCf34-•177 A RF'SC11..U'1'ION Ul' 'PNF; ~rinE~r:,:[hl CT'1"1 PLANI~T[JG COMMISSInN TtlA`l' i~E'.l'i`i'T[)N k~01? ~UNUT'1'TUNAL, USE. PG~~M1'1' NO, 25t35 f3E GRAN'1'ED WHF'REAa, tl7e Anaheim C.ity P.lannin~~ Cotnmisaion di~i ~eceive a vtriEien Petition for C'onditional UsF~ i~Ermit frarn RIU~;12 INVLS'PORS, LTll., A`r'I't~i: DAVSU MADItiGAI,, 18552 MacArthur F.;~aulevtir~i, Ir.vine, Ca].ifornia 927i`i, awner., and R. V. MOItSE, 12Et7 "A" Nar.~th JefEerson, Anahi~irn, c~aliParnia 92807, agent ~or certairl t~cal. pcoperty situar.ed in thE~ CiL,y t~L Anaheim, County c~E Oranq~, State uf Cali[~~rnia, d~sc:ribec; a: : '1'HAT PORTION UF LOT 4"l OE' Etr1ZAkD"S S[1F3UIVISIUN, 1aS SHOWN QN LICENSGI) SURVEXOR"S MAP F'ILED 1N BOUK 1, PAGE 26 OF RGCnk2D UE~' SI.~R~~EYS, IN '1'HG OF'r iCE OI~' ~I•iL C'OUNTY RECOIZDER OF ORANCE COUN`PY, CAi,IP~iRNIA, DPSCRIBED AS I'OLI~OWS: PARCBL NU. 2 AS SI~OWN UN A hIAF' E'l:~I~ti IN i30UK 117r PAGE ~7 UF PARCEL MAPS, IN THL OtETCE OF 'PHE CUI)NTX kECURDER 0[' ORANGE CUUN'i'Y, CALTFURNIA. WHEF2FAS, ttie Gity Planniny C:ommission ciiu hold a pub.lic hearing at Che Civic: Cen~er in tt~e CiLy of Anaheim on ~Iuly 9, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havir~y be~~n duly giv~n as required by .law ancl in accorciance wit.h ~he provisions of t}~e P,naheiin Municipal Co~eR Chapker 18.03, to hear and consider evi.uei~ce f'or and against said ~roposed r.onditional use permit and to investigate and make findi~gs and recomme~dations in connectian therewith; said public hearing i~aving henn continued to the Planning Commission meeting of 5eptember 5, 13a4; and 4~Hk:REAS, said Comm:i~sion, 4tter c?ue insper_tior~, investic~ation and study made by itself and in i~~ behali:, and afte: due c~nsideration of a11 evidFnce ancl r.eports aff-ered at said hearing, does fir.d and r3eterm~ne ;.he following Cacts: ]~ Z'hat the proposed use is praperly on~ Eor which ~ conc~itional use permit is ~-~uthorized by E~nahe.i.m Mun.ici~al Cod~ Sections 1~.06.080 an~ 18. 61.050. GU1 L-o wit : to ret:ain a recreur. i u-ial vet~icle upholstery an~ automobile dismantling and parts repair shop in the ML (In6uskrial, Limited) 7.one with waiver of the Followiny: SEc:TiONS 1ft.06.(~50.0'l2"l, - Mi.nimum number of parkiny spaees. 18.06.Q50.031, (52~ ~ces re5uired; 33 sp~aces existing) I,NU 18.61.~66.050 2. :hat ~ur~uant ~o Se.~cl-ion 18.02.041 (Land Use R~gulations - Ftesolution ~~f Uncertainti:,~~) of the Anaheirn M~niciFal Code, the Anaheim Ci1:y Planniny Comniission d~~e:s i,ereby fi.nd that autc,motive ~;arts re~air, includin~ repair oF portinns of disassembl~~~1 automobi.les, is appropriately classified as autumotive re~sair. within ~h~ rneaning of Sec~ion 18.6l.C50.60.1 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ~. "ihat Lhe ~~roE~o~ed ~~:.a is ~~er.eb} granl•e~ on thF ba~is that there sha1.1 be no autotnutive dismantlin;, wreck.iny or salvaying on subj~ct prope:t,~. #03C~r PC84-177 If ~.~r.~~ : u; 1 1• . I (, , r i ', ! 4. '1'hat L-l~F~ tt~e p~rking va-:ianc:t ~ requc~sted waiver is i1:1 hereby granted on t:he basis khat ~~ ' xmmediaLe -~ic.i.nii:y nor r~ot caus~~ ,in incr adve.sely ~:,f~ect e~,se in ~:raf.Eic ccnges~ion in the yra~~ting of the ~>arkin ~lny g variance under th adjoininy l.anc' u~,es; and ~hat the ' rlot bt detrimental L-o . e the pe~ace healLh c~,,n~iitions imposed, if any, £ will '~ citi.zens ot the Cit:y c: , , Anahci.m. ,sa et or y 9P11er~1 welfar~ of the 5. `i'hat-. th~ ~iro~~osed u:~~~: will not adv~r.sely aL£ect t~,e adjoining land uses and l.i:e grc~w~h aild de~~elapment of the area in which ik is proposed to ~e ? c~cated. ':' ~ ~:' ; ~• `i'hat adequate to allow the size and sl-,a~e ~f the si.te proposed for the f l : th~ use is s;; detrimental to th u . developrnent raf the ~~ cn e ~~art icular C l, a ~: ~~~~~ general welfare of . area nor f:o ~pie p ace, health, the Cit ireris of th afety ar~d ~ . e City o.t An~hezm, r. ~ ~ 7• Th~t conditions imposed the granti.r.g oi l•he Conditiona.l ~5Q c. Prmit iF under the ~ safety and gener.al , an y, wi.11 not be detrimental ra the pe~~cF:, h2al~h wel fare of rh ~ . ~ Citizens of L-be City of Anaheim. , ' ;~ $. That an iindue burd~n u~ tt~e tra.ffic generatec3 U ~~1e C on the titre t s ~ S ~mpose ~ ;~ the traffi~.: ii~ the e s and high ~ys c]e igned and to improvE~d area~ carry 9• That no one indtcated their pr.~sence at said public h~ar.ing 2n opposition; and ~hat no correspondcnc~ was r~ceived i~~ opposi.tiun to the subj~c~ petition. ENVIRUNMENTA'L Ib]PACT rINDTNG: 7'hat ttie Anaheir~ Cily Planning Cummis~ion has revi,ewed the proposal t~ r~ upholstery and autc,~nubile dismantliny and parts xPpairCCS~~oponan thetcML ( indu:~trial, Limited) Zone with waiv:,r -~f the min~«~~im n~~mber of parkirig spaces on an ixregu].arly-shaped parce.i oF land corlsist9.ng of approximately 0.$7 a; « located at the souttiwest corner of Miraloma AvEnue ~nd J@f''~CSO[1 Street, anc: furthar descri.bed as 1[87 "A" and "~~ Nurth .)eFfersor. Streek.; and doeN her~l~y approve the Negative Ueclar3tior~ upon fi.nding tt~at it ha~ ~onsidered the Negative Declaration toqethec with any comtrents received d~aring the pub.lic review proczss and further finding on the hasis of th~ zni.lial study and anv comments receive~ tha~ l-here is n~~ ~ubstantial evi~ence that khe ~,roject wi11 haye a significant ef.Lect on the t~nv.ironment. NOW, Tr1EREE'OR~, E3E I`J' kF'~OLVEL~ that li~e Anahe.im C~.r.•, , Cornmissiun does hereby yrant subj~ct Petition for C~~iditional ~~se PE~rmitanupon tile followir~g c;on~:itions ;rhich are hereby .found to be a necesyary prerequisite to the prol~osed u~e of the subject pcoperty in orc?er to ~n~ general welfare oi~ the Citixeris of the ~:,'ity c~f Anat~eim; ~resec•vc~ the safety 1• '"hat- ther~ .~hall be no oul•door storage ot or woc{c on vehi.cl.~.s or vehicle part~. 2• ~'hat th~re shall be no a~~tomo~ive dismantli.ny, wre~kiny or salvaging. ~• '~hat a traFfic signal assessment f.ee equaling the diffc,r.F~ the incustria.l and commerciai asses;ament fe~s sha11 he pa d~ o~vthe Czt:y of Anaheim in an amount as d~atc~rmi.ned by the City C'cuneil. _ ;_ ` PC$4-1i7 That fire hyc~?rants shall be installed and charged a~ required and c~~i.erininer~ L-o be necessar_y by the Chie~ oE l.h~ Fire Depari:mPnt. 5. That I-ras!~, storaye ar~~is shall h~ provicled in accoruar~cc with ar~pr.oved glaras on file w.it~h t.he Street hia.int~nanc~ and San.itation Div.ision. G. That the propasal shall cumply witn all 51~117.C1~~ requi.r.em~nts of the i~7I. P.one, unless a var..ianc~ allowing sign waivers is approved by the P1Gr~nina Cammission or Cit.y Council. 7. That subject ~~ro~eri:y shal.l be developed sub.~Lantia.lly in acr.urdance with plans and speciLicatio~s an F.i.le with the City of Anaheim marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 aiid 2. f3. That c:onditian Nos~ 3, 4, 5 anci 7, above~-mentioned, sh,a11 k~e compJ.eted within a period oL- 60 c~ays Crom the da!:e of this resolutian. BE iT FUN'1'H~k RESULVED !~.hak the Ar-ahei;u City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine th~t adoption of thi~ Rcsolution is expressly predicated upun applicar~t's compliance wir.h cach and all o.f the condition~ k~ErPi,iabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declar~~ i.nval.~.c~ or unenforceable bx L-he final judgment of any court ~f competent jurisdic:tion, then this Resalution, and ar~y a~provals he-.•ein contained, shail be deemed n~ili and void. THC F'QRE;GUING RI3SQ.LUTION is signed and approved b~~f ine this Sth d~ y of Septc:mber, 198~. "~ i/ ; i _.._.__ ~ ~ ~ •:,! -:_y ~ ~-= ~ ! ,L,d._`,~.,-~•~' .`~ ( ~ ,..''~,~ ~_ -..._--~ HAIRMAN, ANAHEIM'~Ct PLANNING COMMISSION AT'i'E5T : ~-, ~ [~'~ ~ i~~ti 5FCRETAF:Y, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING CGMMISSION 5'TATE OF CA~,T.~ORNIA ) CqUNTY OI' QRANGE ) ss . CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L,. Harris, Secretary vf the ~~naheitn City PJ.anning Commissiun, ~o hereby certify that the for.egoing resolution was passed and adopL-ed at a:nee~iny oi the ~n~-hei~n City ~lanning Commissi.on held on Sept~mber 5, 1984, b~~ the Collowing vote ot the member.s thcreoE: AYES: ::OMMISSIUNERS: $UUAS~ liUaHUPE~ EKY, HFRBu'P~ KTD1Gv MC BURNEX IdOES: CUMNISSIONERS: NONE AaSENZ': CUMFiISSION~RS: LA CLA:[HE I[~ WITNLSS P~[i~REGL•', T F~%ave t~~rrunto set my hand ~;.his 5th day oE September, :_984. /~ tL' ~ ~ , . ~ ~ .....• ~ t-_~~_-~~ SF,CRF~rARY, ANA~iEIt4 ~lTY PLA~~P~ING COMMISSION -3- PC84-177