PC 84-179,,,~r~'~~=~ IlESOLUTICN Np. PCB~4-1.'19 ?, kF:uOLJ'.CIOiJ Ou THE ANAl1t:IM ~w:i'1'Y PI~ANNING COMMISSI~)N i'[•lA'i' PE'l'I`i'IUN FQR t;ONDI`l'lONAL USE PERMI`I' N0. 2603 k3E G.RAN'.l'GD WHEFtFAS, thc~ ~n~zh~i~u Ci.l-y P.l~~nning Commissian did rer,ei.ve ~x verifi.ed Petitior. for CondiLional UsP Permit from RETIPEMLN'C l'I1ND TRUST UF THE PLLIMBING~ HEATTNG ~1NU PIPING INDUSTRt OF SQU'PHC1~N CA.LII•'OFtNI'A, c/o Southern Cai.. _urnia Pipe Trades 'Crust hurids, 5U1 Shat~o Place, 5tr, f~GUT'~ Los Angeles, California 9QOi0, owner, ~~nd f3ROWN ll~'VELOPMENT CORPORA'i'It)id, A'I"i'~; RI CHAkD T. LiROWN, 3595 Presley Avenue~ Riverside, Calif'ornia 9250'7, ~yent For certain real prop~rty situat:ecl in th~ ~itl of Anahei.m, Cour~i:y of Or.ange, Stai:e cf C:alifornia, described as: PARCEL, 3 AS SHOWN ON A MAP R~CnRDEU IN BOQK 143, PAGES 34 AND ~5 OF PAEtCEL Ml~PS, T[J T.NL OFFSCF' OI' THE COUN`I'Y RECOIZUF'R. WHETtEAS, the ~"ity Plar~nil~g Cornmissian did hald a~ublic heacing at the Civic Center in the City o.f. Anaheim o;~ August 20, 1984, at 1:3U p.m., notice ot said public hearing having been cauly given as required by la~v and in accnrdance witt: the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal t;ode, Chapter 18oU3, tu hear and consider evi.dence for arid againsc said pcoposed conditional use permit and to invEStigate and -nake findings and recornmendaL•ions i.n connec~ion therewith; said public hearing having been c~~tinued to the Plann.ing Cr~mmission meeting of 5eptember 5, .1984; and WHEF.EAS, said Conimissi.on, after due inspection, invesLiqation and study made by ilself and in ii:s behalf, and after due co~lsideration of all evidence and reports offer.ed at said he~zring, does firld an~ determinP the following facts: 1. `i'hat the praposed use is pl:operly one fot: whicn a conditional use permit is authorized by Anahei.m hiunicipal Coc~e ~ections 18.06.080 ancl 18.45.050.?,93 to wit:; to permil: a self-sto~age faci.lity in thc~ CG (Cortim~:rcia]., C,eneral ) Zone with waivers of tY~P f.o].].owtng: (a) SGC`.~'IONS - Minimum number of qar.king spaces. AND !456 spaces_ re~~:ired; 39 spaces propnsea) (k~1 SECTION -- Minirnum rt:quired ~puhlic ~arkincL arp.s. ~ (~3 of lot area dnvoted to ^ up blic parking r~quired; 1 2 proposed) 2. Thal- rhe r~quested waivers are hereby granted on the c~asis hhat the parking variance will not csu~e an increase in traf.fir, congestion in the immediate vicin~ty nor adversely aftPCt any adjoininy land ~~ses; and that the gcanting uf the ~arkiiig variance under the conditions imposecl, if any, will not b~ detrimen~al to the peace, heaitr~, saEety or general welfare of the r,itizens of ~he City of Anaheim. 3~ That the prc~posed use will not adversely aPLect tt-,e adjoini;-g land uses and tt~E growt:h and development of the area iri whicti it is proposed to be loc~ted. #030Gr PC64-179 ( 4• `I'Sat Lt:e size and shape of the sit~~ propo~ed for th~ L1S~~ i~~ ~' adequate t~~ allow th~ full deve~.~pment of the prcposed use in a manner not ~ detrimer~ta:i to the p~:~rticular area nor. to L-l~e ~aeace, hea.lth, safety and '~ .yer,eral welf~are o1 t~.he Citizens c~f tt,e rrty ~f Ariaheim. i ,' ,j 5• Tha~ the ~,ranting ot the Conditior,al Use Permit undcr the ~ con~itiais im~~os~d, if any, will not be de~rim~nt:uJ. to the k~eace, health, `i Uafe~y and general we].fare of. the Citizens oL the City of A,~~heim. ! ~ 6. That r_he traf.t ic yenerated by the ~rr~gosed use will not inrpose an undue burden upon th~ streeks and hic~hways desiynecl and improved ~o carry ~ thc traffic in the area. ~ 7. That no one indicated their. presence at said public hearing in opposition; and tk~at no correspond~nce was recei•~eci in opposition to the subjecl petiti~n. ~NVI'RONMFN'1'AL, IMPACT FINDING: '1'hat the Anaheirn City Pla.~nir~g Commission has reviewed the proposal to per.mit a se.lf-storage far_ilit,y i!~ tht CG (Commercial, Ge~eral) 'Lone with wai.vers uf minimu:n number oF parking spaces and minimum requi.rec3 public parking arr-.a c~n a rectangularly-shap~d parcel of l~nd consisting cf apnroxi.mately 10 acres, having a f rontac~e of approximatelv 440 fEet on the sou~h side of Wi.lker~ Way and beino located appr.oximately 77G Feet. east of the centerlin~ of .Harbor Boulevard; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finclir.g that it has considered th~ Negative Declaration togeth~r with any comments receivec7 during the public review pr.ocess and furtl~er f.inding on the basis oF the initial study and an~ comments received that there is no substantial evidet~ce that the projec:~ will have a signiFicant eFfect an the environrn~nt. NOW~ 'rFiF.REFORE, BL IT f2ESULVED thac thP Anaheim City Plannir?g Commission does hereby grant subject Petitiun for Condi~ional Use Permif, upon the Lollowing c:~nditions whic:h ar.e hereby fuund to be a necessary ~~r~~r.equis_ te to the pxoposed use of the subject proper~y in orcier to preserve the sa:Eety and genera.l welfare of the Citizen~ ~f the City uf Anaheim; 1. That prior t•o i.ssuance of a building permit, the apprapr~~te traffic ~ignal assessment fee shall be paid to ~he City o.f A:,aheim in an amaun~ ds dete;rmined by the City Council for thE new dwPlling unit and new industrial buildings. z. 'I'riat a modified cul-de-s~c siiall bP provicled at the terminus o.f Willowbrook Lane and '~'iller Avenue as r~quire~ by the City Engineer. 3. Tl~at gates sha11 not be in:atalled acr.oss any Griveway i,n a manner which may advsr.sely a£f~ct vehicular traf£ic in the adjacent ~,ublic streets. Installation of any gace~ within a dist~nce of .focty (4p) feet from said public street right~-of-way ^;,all. be s~~bject to the review dnd appr.oval ~f the City '!'rat.~Eic Engine~r.. 4. Tt~at a1:L drivew~ys sh~ll be dE~igned to accommodate ten (10) L-oot r~dius curb retu:ns a~ r.eq~~ired by the C~.ty Tra[fic En,ineer. -"- PC84-179 5. '1'hUh. dr~i.inagc= uE sul:,jc~ct ~,roC,crt~.y ::ha.il I~e r:ii:~j,o:;~:d c~f i!~ ~~ mt~r~ner i ~at~isE~ir.t~~ry t~~ t.h~> C':ty E•;nyincer. b. 'ch~t ::suk~jec:t; ~,rou~rty :~hall t~f_~ serv~~r.l 1,y uncler~;lri~und u + ilitie<;. 7. '~~ha~ ~.>riur tu commencer~ent. of r~t:riictur~a.l fraining, EirE~ hydr~.~nt:; shall be installed and char.~~t~d :~s r.e~~uirea ~~nci c.iet~rmined t~~ be necessary b.y ttic~ Chief of. the Fi.re DeE~~~rt-.ment. 8. That tcash utoraye areas shall be x~covic]ed in aeco~~dance with ~~~prov~~ci p.la ri~s on Ei le ~itt~ Lhe Stree~. Ma.in~enance and Sanilation t~ivisi~n. ~~. 'ihat L-he ewner c~t :~ubject prc~~erty snall pa~ to ~he Ciky of Anah~.im a EPE for tr.ee j~l~~nling ~ar~~osc~s ~~l~,ny Wilken LVay in an amount as determinea l,y ~tir City Council. lU. 'i'hat a perpet,ial e~~,ement agr~~ement for a str~p of ian~3 20 feet wid~ c~~ water. uti.iiry E~urpo~e~•, ~.Qnnecting the nortt-~erly existing tecminus of Wil:lawbrook Lan~ t.o the southerly exisr_ing termi.nus of Madrid Street shall be .^ubmitted ':o the PJanning Departmenc and then bt~ transmitte~ L-o the City Attorn~y's Utfice ~~d the Water. b,ngineeriny Division for review and a~~coval. 'I`he appru.ed agreement shall tnen be Eiled and record~d in the OL-Lice of the Ora.zgt County Recordr.c, ano a cupy of sai~ rec:urded ayr.eement shali b~ provided tr~ r.hp Planniriy Uepartment. 11. :hat fire a~rinklers s:~all i~e in:~~al.led as r~~qui~~~d by the ~ity F.ire Marshall. 12. Tt~at the use herei.n a~~pr.oved ,haii not commen~.e unt;il after the eFfective date o~~ the Code Amenc?mcr-t~ 11GW pending, ~er.mitting ~eli-storage/mini-warehause faciliLie: in th~ CG 'Lone as a conditional L':iP_. 13. 7'hat all lockable vehicular accEzs:~ ga~~:, sha].1 be ec;u:pped wi~h a 'knox box" dF~vice ~~te op~ner to the :,atisf~,~tion of the City Eire Maxshall. 14. 'iha~ a screenecl "crash y.~te" st~all he in:;talled at the northerly ter.minur, of Willowbrcok C,ane to th~ s~tisfactiun oE the City Fire harBhall. Said a~:cess shall t;e rertricted t~ emergency use only. 15. That the Nro~osal shall camply witl~ all signiny requirementa of the CG 'Lone, unless a vari~+nce .~llc~wi.ny siyn waiv~rs i:; %~pproved by th^ Pl~inniny Commi.ss.ton ~~r ~:ii:y Cn~nci!. lh. :hat a b-tooL hiyi~ ma:;c~r.r; block w~ll sh~,l: be c:cnr,tcueted and maintain~:ci ~lony ct~e ~~ur.h, ~.r~ct, ~nd ~a:,~er.ly approxi.mate 2~4 Ceet; uE the r~orth E~coperey lines. 17. That any E~rc.pus~~r~ txt.~rri~~c li~3hr.in~,~ F ixr.ure:~ :shall ht• duwn-lighr,er,J w:th a mGr.im~~rr~ hr.i~~hl ~f 1~ feet. :~•~ic! lighr.in~~ fixtur~3 cthall b~~ dirtect~~d away from adjac~nt ~r~~perty li~,~~:s t.o p~otec~ the re~id~ilt~Al itltn_gCtty pf the arA~a. _3_ pC84-179 ..~ '.,;, I ~ l '' .i i; ;;' ~ .18. ~l~hat. .l~-yallon Lre~r; ~.lun`.~~ci an .l0-Eoot ctr~tF~t::, with appcoprl.ahe arriyation [~cilic:.ies, :;l~a.ll be insta.lled ~ind mai.ntain~d along th~ :souLh, ea:;t, ~,nd ~asGer7.~~~ c~E~~roxi.:r~at~.e 284 feet ot' the narth peUpert}r .~ 111E'S . , 19. `1'h~it the own~~i~ oi c~ubjc~ct ~~ropc~rtv shal.l. submik a leltF~r Xeque:,t•ing t~cmination c,f Var.ianr.~:~ No. 3'12; to the Planni.nq U~p~rtr.~ent. Z~. 7'hat suki jec~ property sl~all k,c:~ develoE~ec~ subst~ntially in accordance with P.lari:; and sp~cifications on tile with the City of Anaheim marked Exhihit r~os. 1 anri 2. 21. That prioc to issuancc~ ot: ~a bui.lcliny permit, or within : period of one year from th~ date of this xesolu}ion, whichever oceurs first ~ondition No,. 1, 9, lU, 12 and 19, ab , ove-m~nti.aned shall be comp.lied with. Fr,tensions for rurLher , time ko complete said conditions may be granred ~ri accordance wil-h Section 13.03.090 ~t the Ar.aheirn Munici~aal Code. Z?.. 'i'hat priox to fi.nal b~ai.ldiny and Loniny inspe~tio~l:.:, Condition Nos. 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ t3~ 11 ~ j3~ 14~ 16~ 17~ .18 ]rld 20~ above-mention~d, shall he complied witt~. BE I'i~ EURTHER RESULVED ~hat thf, Anati~ im City F~lanning Commi ~siqn does htceby find and determine that adoption ef this Resolution is expcessly predicated upon app.licant's cumpliance with rach and all of the c~r~ditions hereinabcvP set forth. ShouJ.d any such conditions, or any part !,ere4f, be declared inva].id or unenEorce~ble by L•he final j~idgrnent of. any court of comp~tent juri.sdir.tion, thi~n this Resc~lution, ar~~~ any approvals herein contained, shal.l be deemed null and void. '~HE EUREGOING RESOt,UTI~N is sign.ed and appr~ved,by me rhis 5th day of September, 19~4. ~ ;`~-~ri'// `. %7 i `, ~~~ ~ . ,- :- _; ~ .: ~, =-.~=.._r--~-.+.~~ ~~ , - ~:hAZRMAN ANANFIM 'IT4. Y pLANNING COMMISSION ATTF.ST: ' SECRE'PAR , ANAFiE1M CI'i'Y PLANNING C:OMMISSION 51'ATr: C~N CA~IFORNII- ) CQUNTY C~f+' UftANGE ~ 5;;, CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, F:dikh I,. Harris, >er.rer.s~ry ot r.h<~ Anaheirn ~'ity Pla;ining ~otnrt~ission, do hereb~~ cerrity t:t~~~~ tF~c foregoing resolution wa3 ~assed and adopr.ed at a meetiny of tne Anal~~im City Planning c:c~mmission nnld on ~eptembec 5, 1984, t~y the followir~g vr~te oE Che mc:mbers r.hereot : ~Y~S: CUMMlSS.IUNL•'RS: E~OUAS, E'RY, HE}2FiS'1', KINC;, Mi: HURN~Y NUBS: COMNiISSIUNL•'R;;: BUSNlJKE ABSENT: ~;UNlMISSIUNERS: LA ~~.F,?F~F IN WI`I'NCSS W:iF:RF',UF, I have n~~reunr_o ::~t rny hand this 5th day ok aeptamb~r, 19A~. ~ -----~~L.~_~ SE:(:FtF.TARY~ I,NAK~IM CI.TY PLANNItvG (:AMMISSION ..q_ PC84-179