PC 84-185~:~, I~ESQLU'!'lOt~ N0. ~?C84-185 A RI;SOT,UTIOI~ C~E' `I'NF. 11NAHEIM CI'I'Y PL,ANNTNG CQMMISS:ION THAT PL•"1'I'1'ION F'QR VI~RIANCL NU. 34'l9 IiL ~R11tVTEll WH~RF'AS, ktie tlnah~.i.m City Pl~nninq Cammission dici rec~ive a veri.fi.ed Petition for variance from PATRICK M. ANL~ DUROTHY H. HURLEX, 80 Harbor Ri~ge ~rive, l~dewp~rt Sear.h, Ca].iforn? a 92G60, r~wners, and ROHL•'RT D. MICKLLSC)N, P. ~. ' ;,; ' ' Sox 13U3, Orange, California :)2669, agent for. certain r.ea1 property si.tuated ,} '< :~~ j in the City of Anaheam, Co~anty of Urange, St~tc: of Califurnia descrik~ed as: ,1,`; ~ 'I'fi~, NQRTEIEAST QUAkTEF2 OF THE N012`.CHEAST Q~)ARTER OF 'i'HE ~; ~ ~ -~ NOR:CHEt1ST ~,~UAR'i'FR OE SECTION 'l4, 1'OWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~; 1] . ~'' . WES'.P~ IN THE RANCHO LO.~'i COYO`I'GS, CI`iY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP •~I. i RECORDGD IN 80~JK 51, PAGG 11, MISCELI~ANEnUS MAPS, IN THG ;,'~ OL'~ICE OE' THE CnUNT't RECOHDEI2 OF' SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE W~ST .132.00 ~P~E`t~ '~'HGREOF. AI~SO ~Y,CEFT TH~ SOUTH 32$. CO FEET '1'HLRLOF, ALuO EXCEPT THE EAST 262.30 E'E~T `.I'EIf~REUF. WH~FtEAS, t•he City Planniny Comrr~ission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the Ci.ty of Anal;eim on September 5, 1.984, at ].:30 p.m., notice of said publ.ic hearing havinc~ been duly given ~as required by law and in accordance witPi the provisions of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Ctiapter 1$.03, to hear anci consider evidence for ~Ynd against s~id proposed varianc~a and to investigate ar~d rnake findin~s anc~ rECOmmendation~ in connection ther.ewith; and WHEREAS, said Commi.ssior~, a£ter due study made by itself and in its behalf, and evidence and repor •s oFfere~~ at sa.icl hearing followiny facts: 1. Tt~at th~ petit~oner proposes construct a 94••unit apa!:fiment complex: insp~ction, investigation and after due consideration of all , does £ind and determine the waavers o.f the following to (a) 18.34.06'1.012 - Maximum strucl-ural neiqhC. (1-storv ~ermitked wi.thin 150 ft. af: sinrle- family resiciential; 2 stor~i.es proposed) (b) 18.34.U62.032 - Minimum E:1oor area. (_700 sq. ft. for one-bedroom uniks required; 625 sq. f_t. proposed) 2. `Phat the above-mentioned waivers are her~by granted on the bacis that thece are apec:ial circumstancAs a~plicable tr~ ~. •e property such as size, shape, topography, locat.ion an~ surroundi~gs which ~io not apply to other identically zon2d property in the same vicinity; and that strict application af t-he Zoning ~ode depxives the property of ~rivileges enjuyed by othe~ properties in the i.dentica]. rone and c:laasifi.c~atiori i.n the vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Cammittee recarnmendati~ns. #0312r PC94-185 ~ ;; ~ ,~Y ~ ~ 3. 'i'hat Ll~ere are exceptional or extraor.din~~ry cir.cumstances or r_anditians applicable to the property involved ar to the i.ntencled use o.f. the property that do not appl}~ gr:nera]..ly to thc property or clas:~ of us~ irl the sarne vicinity and zone. 4. That the requ~stc~d variance is necessary for. l•he pre:ervation anc7 enjoyment oi a substan~iaJ. property right posses4~d by OtI7@r propPrty i.n the same vicinity and ~.:one, and cienied ~o the ~roperly in que5tiori. 5. That the requ~sted var.iance will no~ be materially detri.m~ntal to i;he publi.c welfare or injuxious to the property or irnproc~ements in such ~~icinity ar~d zone in whi.ch the property is located. 6. That three persons indicated their pr~sence at said public heariny in opposition; and that no corr.esponc]ence was received in op~iosition to subj~:ct petition. LNVIRONMLN~i'AL IMPAC'i~ ~ INDTNG: That ~he Anar~eim City Planning Commission has reviewed the ~roposal to rec.lass~fy subject property from the RS-A-43,QOU (Resir,lential, AyriculL-ural) Zone to ttie ~tM-1200 (Residential, Multi.ple-~~amily) Zone to c~nstruct a 4~-unit apartmenL- complex Wlth waivers of maximtun structur«1 height and rninimum F1aor area on a rectangularl.y-shap~d ~arcel of .lar.d consisting of approxiR~ately 1.74 acres, having a frc~ntage of apFroxirtiately 271 ;~eet on L-r~~ sou~P~ side of f3a11 Road, and fur~her described as 262U West Pull R~ad; and does hereby approve the Negative Ueclaration up~n findiny that it has consieietec~ thc Negativ~ Declaration to~ether with any comment~ received durin~~ the puk:lir, revie~a process and f.urther findinq on the basis of the initial ~tudy and any comments rece.ived i:hat ~here is no subskantial evi~:~ence that th~ praject will have a si~r.ific~nt effeck on tfie envir~nment. NUW, Z~HEREFURE, E~E I'i' RESOLVEU that the Anaheirn Ci.ty Planning Commission d~es hereby yran~ ~ubject Petition fcr Variance, upor~ thn following conditions which are ~ereby founc~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the ~afety and genera.l welfare of the Citizeris oi the City of Anaheirn: 1. That the owner of subject pr~~pert:y sha11 pay to the c;ity of Anaheim a fee for tree planti-Zg purposes along Ba.ll Road in an amount as determined by khe City Council. 2. That prior tt~ issuance of a r~ui:lding permit, a~ipropriate paz~k and recreati.on in-l.ieu fees sl~all be paid to thc~ C.ity ~f Anaheim in an amount as d~termir~ed by the City Council. 3. Tha'.. ~rior to issuance of a~uilding permit, the apprupriatp traffic signal assessment fee shall be paid tc the City o£ Anaheim in an amount a~ aeterrnined by the City Council for each new dwQl.ling unit. 4. The+t drainage oz subject property sha11 be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City E7qineer. 5. That subject proper~y ~hall be servE~d by ur.dcrground utilities. -2- PC84-185 i'~'~'%~ "~; ~ ; ~~;. `a~~~~.i : ?~`.`' ~'~',~ . fl';~~!. ~ 6. That ~rior to commencement ot structural frarning, F.irc hydrants shall be :insl-a.iled and ct~arged as requireci ~nd de~crminec] to b~7 necessary by the Chief of th -r I'ire Depart:ment. 7. 'I'l~Aat tr.ash stor.age areas shal.l be providEd in accordance with anproved plans on file with tt~~ Streel• Maintenanr.e and Sanitatior~ Division. 8. 7'l~aL- any proposed parkiny area .lighting fixt.ures shall be down-liyhted wit:h a maxirnum hei,ght of 12 feet. Said ].ighting Lixtures sha11 be. direct~d away from adjacent propFC~ty lines to protec:t the r~siden~ia:L integrity oP the area~ 9. `!'hat this Vari~nce is grant~d subject to thP completion of Reclassificatior. No. ff4-85-5, ;;;:w penciiny. !-~-, 10. Thar_ ga~es sha11 nr~t pe installed across any driv~way in a manner '' which ma~ adversely atfer.t vehicular l:raffic in the ~djacent public ~f'~ . st~reets. Tnsta:i~ation of any gates within a distance of forty (40) `~` feet From said public :,treet right~-of-way ~hall be aubject to t?~e review ana approv~al of th~ City Traffic rnyineer. 11. 1~hat a11 driveways sha11 be designed tio accommodal-~ ten (1~~; foot ~ ; radius curb rFtur.ns a, rec~uired by tne City Traffic LriginPer. ) 12. Thak all air condi~iuning facilil-ins Ghnll be properly shielded from I ~ view, and the sound buPf~red Pror~ a~j~~ent prcperties. ~ i3. That prior to issuance of k~uilding permits thF~ , applicant shail ~ present evicience satisfactory to tt~e Ctiief Ruilding Inspector that ~ the residQntia.t units will be in conformance with Pioise Insulation ~ Standards specified in the Ca.lif.ornia Admi~iistrative Code, Title 25. 14. ~hat pr. ior to issuance of buiiding permit~, the a~plicant shall present evidence sal:isfactory to the Chief Building Inspector that ; the propased pruject is ~in canformance witr ~auncil Policy Number. 542 ; "Sound Attenuation in Residentiul Proj~cts". 15. ~ Th~t a 6-foot high masonry block wa.ll shall be constructed and ~ maintained alang the eask and west prope:ty lines. ! 16. '1'hat subject property ~hall be develoFed substantially in ac~ordance ' witti p?ans and specificatians on file with the City of Anaheim matked ~ Exhibit Nos, 1 through 7. 17. That prior to the time lhat a building pe.rmit is i.ssued, or within a period of one year from thP date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Conditi.on Nos, I, 2, 3, 9, 13 and 1.4, above-mantioned, shall be complied with. Cxt:ensi~ns for further time ta c~mplele said cotiditions may be granted in accurdancs with Section .18.03.090 of t'~~ Anaheim Municipal Code. 18. That prior to Pinal building and zoning inspecr_ions, Con~ition ~lose 4, 5, 7, 8, lU, 11, 12, 15 and lo, abovc-mentioned, shall be campli~~ with. -~- PCn9-185 ~,_f'' 'r"1 C ~ ~;, ~ !;~',~ l,,:,,~ ~~ ; I3G I'1~ FUIt'.L~t1ER ItH.S<)L:~E1) that khe Ar~,:~heim City P.lanniny Comruission does heceby find and cleLer~nin~ ti~at:. adopLion ~~L tt:i. , Resol~li.or is expre~sly pr~dicrated upur~ ~appli~~~~nt's con~.~.liancE~ wil.h F~~ach and a11 oi~ the conditions h~reinabove :;f>~ ~ort.h. Snoul.d any :,~~ch condition, or any parr thereof, be declarF~~i inva.li~l or. unnnforcc~able by t.he fin~~:l. ;,iudgmei;t ot' any court of compelent juri:yciict.ion, then th.is R~~soluti.on, and any aC~provals herein ec~cCainer~, shall k~c~ deemEd nu.ll <~nd void. '1t~E FOI~EGC~INI~ RF.;SULU'1'IOh is signed and a~praved by me this 5th day oL Septeml~er, ly£34. ~ -1 , - ~ - / ~L~.~c..l~ '~...J~..~.....'. ~ _ .. c;HA?RMAN, F,NAHE7M CI`.i'Y ~LANNING COMMISSION ATTE;i'I' : ~ _~ .~~~~'~~!'~ v~ ~ L.~G~-~ ` SECRE`1'ARY, ANAiiEIN, CI'Z'Y I~ LANNING CUMMlSSIUN STATE; OE (:ALIFURNIA ) CUUNZ'Y Or ORANGE ) ~s. C:ITY OF F,NAHE;M ) I, Edith L. Eiarcis, Ser.r~tary ~E ~:e I.naheim City ~lanning Commission, do he~eby cerlif,~ that the Eoreyoing re~olution was passed and adupted at a meeting of Lt~e Anaheim Cit~ Planning Comrnission held on SPptPmber 5, 1984, i~y the Follow.inq vote o[ the member.s ~hereof: AYES: CUMMISSIUNERS: 6GUAS~ BUSHOE~E~ EF~Y, EiL•'E~'BS`I'~ KING~ LA f,LA1R~ M!: BURNE Y NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONf; A$SEN'P: ~'Oh1MISSJONERS: NaNE !N WiTNESS WtiEREOP, I h~vE~ hereui-tc~ se~ my har~d this 5th day of September, 15~4. ~ ~~C.~~G._- ~ • ~ SECftETARY, A:VAhEIM CITY. PT,ANNING COhiMISS.iON -a- pcea-ia5