PC 84-186F:f;;;U1..U~1'i~~N NU. PC~~1-l~~Ei A R~'S(:)i..U'1'IOf1 uF '1'HL•' ANAfI(~iNl CI'1'Y PL~ANNING CUPIM.ISSTON THA'.l' E'[:'.1'i'1'ipN 1'UR REC:,ASSIF'1CATICIN NG. 84-t~5-(i HE: GRAtJ'i'L•I) WHf'k2f,A5, tht~ .A.r,aheim (:.iLy F~.l.anning Commission did receivc a v~ri£i~d petitiun For Reclassifi.cation f:om T:(;C1,'tU DC:VE;I.,UI~MGN'1' E~ARTNLFS, 86U1 Wilshire Boul~vard, #SU1, 13ev~rl,y Hills, Calitornia 90211, A'i'^N: JOSLPH GHAD'!k, owner, 4nd LTNCU CONS'I'ftUC'.CORS, INC., 168.1. Kettering Str.ec~t, Irvin~, California 92714, AT'i'N: GE~I?GE NOUNI,N, a~aent Lor cert:ain real pzoperly situated ir, the City oE A,iaheim, County oF Granye, Si:ate oE Ca.liforn.ia, described as fc~ll~ws: PAf2C~L, 1 OE' PAkCEL h1AP, 1N '.L'HF' l';i:L'X UE 11N/1FiF',IM~ ~'UUN7'Y OE' URANGE, S'PA'.CN; UE CALII'ORNIA, A:i PER MAP ['TLEI) ITi 13UOK $ PAGL 43 Or PARCEL, MAE~S, IN `~'F1E OrFIC:E OF '1'fir C:UUN`~'Y RECORDEFt OE SAID CUUN'i'Y. WHGkfsAS, l-.he City Planning Connnission did hald a public hear.ing at the Civic Certter .in the cir_,y of Anata~im on 5eptember 5, 1y84 at 1:3fJ p.m~, notice of s~.id public hearing having been ~uly giv~n as required by law and in accordance with the provisions af the Anar,ein- Muni~ipal Code. Chapter ].~.03, to hear and considFC evidence Lor and against said N:oposed reclassification and to invesLigate and make Eindings and recommendations i.n conneci:ion therewit•~ said public hearing having becn contir.ued ta the P~annir.g Commission meetiny of September 17, 1984; and WHEkEAS~ said Commission, afl-er due i.nspecl:ian, investigation and study made by i.tseil and in ir_s behalf, and after due considera'..;on ~~f ~~7.]. evidence and reports r~t£ered at s~~id hearing, daes find and determine the following f.acts: 1. That l-he petitioner ~~rr~poses reclassificati.on of subject ~rope:ty from t.he CU (Co.mmercial, OEFi.ce and Professior.al) to the CI. (Commercial, LimiLed) Zone. ~. 'I't~at tlie Anaheim General Plan d~signates subject prope~~y for commercial ~rofessional land ~~ses and nearby pr~perties across F.uclid Street for gc~neral comtnF~rcial 1ar.d uses. 3. xhat the propostd reclassificat~_on of subject property is rtecessary and/or desirablP £o~ the orderly and pr~~~~F~r d~veJ.op~nent of the community 4. 'l'hat the pr.o~osed e;aclassification of subject property doey properly re.late ~u the 2ones and their permi.tt~r3 u~es local.ly eatabli~hed i.n r.la~e proximity to subject ~r~~per t~ and to the zr~n cs and their permi.ttied uses generally establistied thrauyhout the comrnunity. S. Th:~t no on~ indicat~~d l•heir presPnce tit s:tid pul~lic l~~earing in opposition; and L•hat n~ currespnndF~nr,e wa;, r.er,e.i~ed ir opposition t~ ,ubject petition. ~{U313 r r~'a4~186 ENV1FtUNM}aNTAL~ IMPAC:'.l' F.':[NDiNC;: 'l'har. the Anah~~im c:ity Planninq Cornmission has Lev:iewed the propr.sal to rec:.lassiCy subjecL• Nr~~perty f.rom hhe CO (~'omnicrcial, Utfi~~~ and ProFessional) Zan~ to the Ci.~ (Commer.ci.al, I~imited; or a less int.ensc zui~e to construcL- a commerci3'1 -:etiai 1 comPlex wi th waivers of minimum numk>er u.f. park.ing :~~aces, minimuni structural setbac~c and minim~m width of a plant.2r str.ip on a r.ectaiiyular.ly-~h<~apec-i ~arcel af land consisti-1y ot appr~ximate.ly U.86 ac:re loca~ed Ut the sout.heasC corner of Pa].m Lane and Luc'lid Strect, and f.urL-her uescribed as .1.3f3U South Luc.li.d Street; and does hereb,y apprave thF~ Negative Dec.laratic~n u~on f.ind.ing t-.hat it has c~~nsidered the Negativc Dec.laratiUn t~o,y~:ther with dfly comme:nt~ received during lh~~ public review prucess and tarther tindirtg on the ba:;is o£ r_h~ ini~ial aCuc~y and any comr~ent , receivnd r.tiat ther~ i~~ no substantial. evidence that the proje~.c will have a significant eif.tct an th~ environ~~c~nt. NOW, THLkE;EUftF., RE I'1' RFSULVF.L~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssior~ ~3o~s hereby grant subject Petition for Reclas~~ification and, by so doing, that 'l~itle =8-Zoning ~f the Anahei.m Municipa.l Cnde be amended t:o excl.ade the ab~~ve-described property from LhE~ CU (Ccmmer.ci~l, Office and Profess.ional) Zone ~ind to inc:orporate said described property into the C~ (Commercial, Liraa.ted) Zone upon the Eollowing conditi~~ns which are hereby found to be ~ t1ecE~:~sar.y prerequi.site to the proposed use oF subject property in order to preserve Che ~atiet.Y ~n~ 9~°ner~~l welfare of che Citizens of the Cit,y ~f Anaheim: 1. 7~t~a~. ~_l~e c,~:• of :::ubj~~cr propecty sha11 ~ubmiti a letter requesting terminat.i~n o1 Vari..~nce No. 3144 to the P.l.anri.iny DepartmE~nt. "l. 'lhat pr.ior. to +.h~_ ii~trod~ction of an ordinance r.ezoning s~ibjecL• property, ~.:ondition No. l., abuve-menl•ionad, shall be cornpleted. The provisions or rights granted by ~his resolution shall become nu11 and v~i.d by action of the Pianniny Comnission unless said condition~ are ~~~mplied with with.in ~ne yeur from the date of this r.eso.lution, or ~uch fucther time as ~k~e Plann.in~,~ Commission may grant. 3. That subject ~roperty shalt be developed ,ubstantially in accorda~ce w.ith plans and s~ecifications nn file wiL•h the City of Anaheim marked Revision No. 1 of Gxt~ibit Nus 1 and 2. B~ IT EURTHER RESOLVED th~t the Anaheim City PJ.anniny Commi~~sion d~es hFreby :ind and determir-e that adoption oE this ~:esalution is expressly predicated upan applicant's com~liance with ear.h and all of. the conditi~ns h~cein~lbove set forth. 5hould any sur.h condition, or any part thereof, be declated invalid or uner_LUrceab.le t;y the fin~l judgment Ux any couct of competent jurisdictiion, then tl~is RF:~olutiori, and any ap~rovals herein ~onta.ined, .ha.l2 he de~med r-~11 und vc~id. Tttls E~i.~RE:GOTNG ftESULU'i'IUN is signed and a[~pryved t~y me this .17th day o~ Se~tert-ber~ 19~4. ~ _ 1 . ' ~ ~ / ~~ / -- CElAIRMAN, ANAE{CIM ~;I'?'Y YI,AtvNTNG COMMISSI~N AT'I' LS'1' : j - ~.4~ [~~t" ~~ --,~~~~'.~'' SECRt:`PARY~ P.NAEi~iM C:I'1'Y PLA-vNIPiG CUMMISSi<)tJ -2- PC~4-I8G STA`,l'L•' OF (;AI.,tE'ORNIA ) COUNTX OE' UItANGE ) s,~ , CITY Ol' ANAHGIM ) I, wdith L. E{arr.is, Secr.etar.y of the Anah~itn City Ulanning Commission, do herc~by certify that the forFgoinq reso.lut.ion w~is pas;;ed and adopted at a meeting uP the Ailahe.tm Cit.y Plan~ing C~mm~ssion held on S~ptember 17, 1a84, by the f.ol].owii;g vote ~,f the rnernbers ther.eof : AYLS: COMMISiIQN1:R5: BUUAS, F3USHIRE;, F'RY, EiERBSt', K.iNG~ LA CLAIRE, MC f3URNEY NOES: i;OMMISSSONEF5: NGNL ARSENT: CUMMISSIQNERS: NONL IN WJ'I'N::SS WI.EREUF', i Have hereunto set ~ny hand this 17th day of Sept~mber, ].984. i _-- _ ~-c~ .~`f- _ ,~~ t.~,.~; SECRF;TAZ2Y, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- [~C84-186 ;