PC 84-187kf'f;OL!1'1'lUPI N0. ~7CaA-.1.8 %
A 1tF;,~OLi1'.CiUN U1~ '1'HE, A~lAil~:.ll~i C;'I'i'Y PI,AN~ING CUMP~I.LSSlON
'.l'HAT PL'I'I'1'TUN 1'OR V~tR1ANC'r.' tdU- ~~20 LiE; GRAPJTEU, TN YAR'].'
WEILR~AS, th~ 1lnahicim City 1?lanning Commission did receive a veri.~iec3
Petition E~r. Variance Lrom L`;CLID DEVELOPMEN`t~ PARTtdER;3, 8601 Wilshixe
Bo~levard, #~6U1, Beverly E1i1:1s, Californi.~a 902].1, ATZ'N: .USLPEI GH~UlR, owner,
and LINCC CONS'I'Rl1CTURS, INC., 1681 het.ttrir~g St.; Trvi.ne, CA 9?.71.4, ATTN:
GEURGE; NOONAN, ayent f-or certain r.~-:a.1 prop~rly situar.ed in the City oC
Anaiieim, Couni:y u.E Orange, State of Calitornia CIESCClb~?C1 as:
PAI2CEL 1 l7E' 1~ARl;LL MAP~ IN 'rHE .;.L'i'Y OF A~IAkiLIM, COC1N`f"1 OF
43 Ol PAktCEL, M:1PS, T.CJ ~.r~tr U1?FICE (ik~' THE COUN'PY I2~:COFDER OF
WEiEKLAS, the City P..anr~.ing Commission did h~~'ld a public h~ariug at
Fk-,e Civic CenL•er in tl~~ City c~f. Ariaheim on Scptember 5, }984, at 1:34 ~.m.,
notice of sai~ public hearir-g having been duly given as r.equired by 'law and in
accardance wikh the provisions of th~ Anat~eim Miinicipal Code, Chapter 18eQ3,
to hear and cansider evide:~ce for and against said proposed variance and to
investigate and make Eindings and re~commendations in connectiori L-her.ewith;
s~id ~ublic hearing Fiaving been continuec7 t~ the Plannin~ Commission meeting
of September i7, 1984; and
WHF.It~AS, said Comrnission, aFter due inspe~tion, investigation and
study made by itself and in its behzZf, and atter due ronsideration of all
evidence a~d reporks offerer~ at said hearing, does find and determxne the
following facls:
1. Thak. th~ petitioner E~roposes waivers of the Following to
construct a c~rnmercial retail ~o:~plex:
(a) SECTi0N5 18.Oti.050.022, - Minimum numb~r ~f parking spaces.
18.U6.080 ^ ~
AN~ 18.44.06b.U50
(b? SEC'1'IONS 18.44.063.U20 - Mini.mum structural satback.
ANU 18.44.063.U40 (5 and 10 fe~t requiced along east and
r ~ north properry lines; none pro~ose~3)
(c) S~CTIUN 18.44.Ob4.0.tU - Minimum widkh ~~f planter str.i.p.
~. 'rhat ~he above-mentioned w~~.ivec:~ (a? and (~:) are hereby denied
on the ba:is that the petitioner submittec] revise~ plans de~etiny said waiver~.
3. That the r~bov~-men~ianed waiv~r lb) zs herehy yran~ed , in purt,
allowin~,~ a"0" ~truct~~ral letback along the east property line only on t:~e
ba:~is th~~t t:here are special ci.rcum~L-ance:; applicah.l~~ to tbe property such as
sizN, ~hape, topograghy, lacation and surroun~ings which do not app.ly to ~ther
ident.i~~~11y zoned pruperty in the same vicinity; and th:it strict application
of thP 'Loniny Code d~prives t.i~e propecty of priv.i.legF~ enjoled by ott,er
properties in the ict~ntical zon? and classitication in the vicini~y.
#Oj14r ~~5~-1~~
~' 4.. 7.'r~at lherf~ are c~y,r;e~,t..ic~n~~l or E~xL-raorclinary cir.cumst~inces or.
'~ conoitioris ,~pE~li.cat~le. to tf~e j:~roper~y involv~~d or t:o the interided use cf the
Properi:y that do not a~.~,ply gc.nerally to the .~roperL-y or class of. use in the
same vzcinit;y and zonc~.
~i 't~ha~: l.he renuest~d variance is necessar.y for the presecvatior.
oyment o.f a subs~ant:ial. proper.ty riyht powJJE~:JJEPU b~ oL-her prc~ierky in
i.tac~ same vicin ity and cone, and d~n.i.ed t~.c~ ~i~r~ pr.o1~Erty iri g~aestion.
5. 'i'hat the rcquested variance will not be maf.eri.ally de~rimen4al
to the ~ub~.ic wel.fare or. injurious lo the ~roperty or improv~ments in ,such
vi.:,inity and 2on~ in which the pr~pert}~ i.s located.
~. '.l'hat: no on~ indicated thei.r ~resenc~ at said ~ub:lic hear. ing in
oppo;;ition; and thac no correspc~ndenre was received i.n u~p~sition to subject
~NVIRONMI'N`i'AL IMPAC`C E'.INUING: Tt~,at the Anuneim Ci.l.y Planni.ng
Commission h~s ~cviewtd the propoaa]. to reclassif,y s~;bject pro~•~~rty From thQ
CU (Commerc.ial, Off.ice and PrO.En~S10I1~i1) lorie to the Cf !Commerc.ial, Limited}
or a l~;;s intense zone to construct a commercia.l retail r:omplex witt~ waiver oL
r~inimum number of ~arking spaces, mi~ii.inum structura.l setk~ack and minimum
width o.E a p.lanter :;lrip on a r~ctangularly-shaped parc~l. o£- land COIla^1S~1f1CJ
of ap~r~,ti.mately U.86 acre ].acated at the southeast corner of Pa1m 7~ane and
Euclid Slreek, anci Furtt~er described as 1300 Soutt, F.'uc.lid Street; and does
t,ereby approve tt;e Neyative liecl.ar~ition upc~n f indiny tt~ar_ it t~as consiclered
the Neyative Declara~ion togetP,er ~vich any ~~t~mment.: receive~9 during the nublic
rev.iew process and Eur.tner find.ing o~ thF~ basis of. the in.i.tia.l rtudy and any
comments received that there is nn substanti.~l evider~ce that the proje~*_ will
have a signiEicant effe~.:t on the environment.
NOW, THF'REFORE, Bk~ iT RESOC,VE;D that the Anahr::im City F~lanning
Commission does hereby grant subjer.t Pe~it~on .for Variance, upon the fcl.lowing
cunditioris whir,h are hereby found Lo ~e a ner;essary prerequisite to the
proposed usE of t~he subject pro~erty i.r. order to E~reyerve the safety and
general we.lfare of the Ci~.izen: of the City of Rnaheim:
1. Tliat cur.bs and dri.vewa,ys shall be r~moved and/or reconstrucL-ed alang
Palm Lane as requirea by thc• City Enc~ineer. arid in accozdance with
standard plans and :~~ecifications uii Eil.e in thr, Oftice of. the Ci.ty
2. 'I'h~t 5idewalk ~cc:t,s r~m~.~:; shal.l t~e constr.uc-ted at Palm Lane and
Eucl:id Skreet in a~cc~r~1<~nr.e wi F h the C.i t/ of Anaheim standard detail.
:i. That prior l-a issu~ncc~ of a k:u.i).ding p~~rmit~ the ap~rc~priate traffic
siynal assessment fee sha.11 br. p~~ad l-o L-t;e Ci.ty of: Anaheim in an
amounl as ~etermined by the C'i.ty Counc~il. f~r new commercia~ buildings.
4. That drainage of subjecr. proper-:y shall F~e di~posea of in a manner
satisfact~ry to t:he City cngin~~c.~:.
5. That trash storagc~ are:as :~:~a11. ~c pr.ovi~ie~d in accordance with
ap~roved plsns on file with ~he :itreet MaintenancP a..d Sani.tation
-z- PC84-187
6. That prior tc, issu.ance a.[ a k,iii..ldir~y pe~:m.i.t, ~~rimary w~~ter main tees
sh~111 b~ pa.id to th~ C'it:y ot ~nah~,.im, i.n an ~mour~t as deL~:r.mined b`I
r_h~a ULf:ice o[ thc~ Ut.il.iki~~s Gcrtcr~:~l htanag~r.
7. 'lhar th:is Varian~:e is grant~~d sul,jr r_L ~o ti~e ~on;p7.~tion oE
iteclassification N~~. 84-B~~-G, nc~w pc~nd.ing.
8. 'lha~ bum~er blocks or si.x-inch cor~crete cur:l~ing sha11 be insta.lled
adjacent to th~ ~~n-site parkin~~ s~~ar,es ai;utL-ir~g Palm L~~zne in order to
preclude autoll1qv11E'S fror.~ overhang.ing t.h~ public rigl~L-of-way.
9. `i'hat all driveways sh~~11 b~ desi~3ned t~~ accommodate ten 110 ) fool
radiu.~ curb returns G~ rec~uir~d by th~~ Ci.Ly `1'r.~ffic Engineer.
lU. Thac sur~ject propert.y shall be served k~y unc7~Jrground utilitiPS.
1.1. 'l~hat prior to comrner,cement of sL-rucL-ural fr.arr~inc~, fir.e hydrar~ts sha11
be iristalled a-ld charyecl as requir~d and det~~r.mined t.o be necessary
by ' h~~ Chief of the L'irc~ Uepartm~nt.
12. That all ai~ con:]itioriny Faci.lities sfia.l:i be p~o~erly shielded from
view, and Lhe suund buffered Prom adjacEnk prope;:t:ies.
13. 'rhat the proposal shall comply with all signing rey~!iremPnts o£ the
CL 'Lone, un.lesa a variarice allowing si~r, wa.ivers Ls approved by th~
Planning Commission or C:ity Council.
14. That any proposed parking area .lighting fixtures slial~ be
~owri-I.ightad with a maximum heighl- ot 12 ~~eet. Said lighting
fixtures shail b~ r]irected away [ram adjacent proper~y liraes to
proteck the residential integrity of the area.
15. That : ubjECt p~opert:y sha.ll be dcvel.oped sub~tantially in accord~nc~
with olans and specifications on filt with the ~~ity oL Anaheim marked
Revision No. 1 0~ E:xhibit Nos. 1~ncl 2.
16. 'i'hat prior Lo issuance of a buildir.y per.mit, or witt~in a Nerfod of
one year fro,~~ the date uf this re~olution, whiche~iec occurs first,
C.^,ndition Nos. 3, 6, anci 7, above-mentioned, sha~ 1 be con-pliPd with.
Extension:s for furthc~r time lu complete said conclitions mav ba
yran~ed in acc:ordance with Section 18.t13.090 of the Anaheim Municip~l
17. ~i'hat prior to fir~al building and zoning inspecrions, Cc~n~lition Nos.
1, i, 4, 5, 8, 9, lU, 12, 14 and 15, ab~ve-mer.tioned, ^hall be
complied with.
FiE I`i' EUR`l'HER RGSULVED that the Anaheitn Citv Planning Comr~ission does
hereby tind and detecmine that adopti.on of this Reso.lttkion is expre~sly
~rFdicated upon ap~licant's corr~pliance with e~art~~ and a11. of the conditions
hereinabove set for~t,. Shottld any such c~;ndition, or any part thereof, be
declare~ invaliu or unenfurceable hy C.he final ji~dymenr_ of. any c~urt of
conpetent jurisdicti~;~, then this ~2eso.lution, and any approvals herein
cor.L•ained, shall be deemed r.ull and void.
-3` PC84-187
liai !!
G .~~'
`l'H~; E'OhEGOTNC f:GSOLU'.l'IUN i.s s.i,ynec] and appro~ ~~l by me th:i.s 17th day
r~f Septemb~r, l~;t~. ' ~
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AT'.~EST :
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CUUN7'Y QF ORANGE.' ) s;;.
; T, Ldith L. Harris, Secretary ui tihe AnahFim Cit,y Pla;~ning
~~ ~otnmission, do here~y certiEy that the foregoing r.esolutiUn was p~ZSSed an~]
adopted at a meetiny o~ the Anah~irn City Planning C'ommission hc.ld on
;~~+ :eptember 17, 1984, by the .Eo.l.lu winq vote of the members therE~of;
; •!
i IN Wt'I'N~;SS [aH EkEQF, T Hav~ her.eunto set m1~ h~nd this 17th dai oE
~ Sept~mber, 1964.
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'4- PCB~-187