PC 84-188RE;;UL,U`PIUN NU. PC84-18(3 A RESOLU'1'.IpN UI' `i'fiE AN71E31?IM CI7'Y PLANNING COMMISSIUDI `i'HA'1' PETI'I'IUPJ 1'OF: CONllI'1'IONAL~ USE Pf~.RMl'J.' r10. 2618 ~3E C;R~N`.PED WH~RGAS, the Anahei.m City Planning Commission did rE~r,eivc a verified Petition for Conditional Use Perrni.L from N~DONllC? INVES'i'h1ENT CUM~ANY, 'l9(i Redon~lo Avenue, Long l3ear.h, Calif.<~rnia 9U8Q3, A'1~TN: ~. ROBERT LANGSL~:~i', o~ner oL certain real pr.opert~ situ~~ted in the C:ity of Anaheim, County of. Orancie, State of California, described as: PARCE,L A; BLVINNING AT `i'F1E MOS'I' EA~'1'ERL~Y CURN~F2 UE PARCEL 3 AS SHOWN QN A MAP FILEU iN BOUK 122, PAGES [.$ .F1ND !.9 Cr^ P~132CEL MAFS, I;F.COR~S GF 5AZU COUN`rY; ~'HENCL ALONG THE S()UTHE;ASTERLY LINE OF PARCGI~S 1~ 2 AND 3 UF SAID MA.P ANU THE NOR`.CH~AESTERLY 1'~INE Uk RIU GF~ANUE DRIVE (54 FFE'1' WIDE) SUUTEI 47° 57' ?7" P7EST, 36~.70 FEET TO 'I'HE MOS'P SOUTHERLX COR~JEk OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCG P.LONG 7.'E~E WESZ'ERI,Y LTNB OF SA.ID PARCEL 7. NOFt2'H 42.° 02' 13" WEST, 28.OU FEE'.['; `1'H:SNCE NORTH 78° 56' 49" WEST, 203.L7 F~'ET TO T1iE SJU'1'F1WES`I'EKLiI ~'URNER OE' SAID i=ARCEi, 2, SAID CORNER ALSO BF"''.dG AN ~1NGi~H.' PO:iNT ]:N THG EASTERLY LIi•~E OF `~'f:E ,..~'iALVTA A1VA VALLEY IItRTGA'J.'ION COMPP.NY (:ANAL; THENCG ,~,EAVING SAID WEaTERLY LINE NORTH 76° 25' 57" WEST, 26.70 FEE:' 7'0 AN ANGLE PQ:INT IN THE C;ENTERLINE OF SP.ID CANAL; THF.NCE AL,ONG ~AIll CF't~TERLINE NOR'1'H 7° O1' 27" WEST, 146 .5 % E'EET j ~l~Y.ENCE NORTH 7° I7' jj p EAST, 1').7.56 FGET; TfiENCE N012TH '27° 39' 18" EAST, 12^-~.77 F~ET TO A POtNT IN SAID C;ENTERLINE; THEtJCF LEAVING SAIA CEN~'ERLINE ALUNC; A I.,IiJE WHICH IS PGRPENDIC'ULAR WITH TEIE• SOUTHEASTERLY LING OL' S:~NTA ANA CA~IYON ROAD ~~S SAID LINE IS SHOWIV ON TEiE MAP FILED IN BOOK 9~ PAGES 1 THi.G~JGH 10 OF HI(dHWAY MAP~, REC:GRDS OF SAID COUNTY, NURTH 'l8° ~8' 1G" WEST, 28.00 FEET TO A POIN'I` ON SAID SUU`PHES`['EItLY LINL O}~ SAN'PA ANA CANYON ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE NO:RTH 61° 11' 44" EAST, 350.38 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF' A TANGENT CURVL (Itd SATD LINE) CONCAVE NORZ'HWESTf:RLY HAV.CNG ~1 RADIUS OE' 2110.00 EEEi; `PH~NCE ALUNG SATD CURVE THROUGFI !1 CEN~,L'RAL ANGLE OF 2° 22' 51" , 87. 6$ FEET TO `:'HE BEGINNING QF' A REVEFtSE CURVE CON^AV~ SOU'PHERr~Y HAVING A RAUIUS QE ~5.OU E'Er.^.'; TEiENCE h.LONG SATU CURVE TEiROUGH A CF,N'PRAI, ANGLE OF 84° 04' 53", 36.~9 FEET TO THG WESTERLY LINr^. OF E'AIRMON`i' BUULEVARD ( 92 . 00 f~ EET WIDE ); TEiENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID LING aUU:L'H 37" G6' 19" EAS`1.'~ 338.5U FEE'1' TU 'P[•!f BF(~INNING OF A TAN~EN'.C' CU12VB CONCAVE WLSTERLY HAV7~JG A RADIUS OF 28.U0 F'EFT; iNLNCE ALONG SAID CURVE TFIROUGH A CENTRAL AN~LE OF $5° 04' U1", 41.57 FEET TO 7HC i`JORTElWES'i'ERLY LINE OF FcIO GRANllG DRIV~, ( ~9 .OU FEk~T WIDC, ); THENCE ALONG SAID LINE ,~UUTH 97° 57' ~-7" WES'i', 196.11 E'EET TO THL•' POIN'r UF BEGINI3ING. WHE;RE~S, thc City Planniny Cammission di~ hol•9 a~ublic hearing at the Civic Center in t~e. City of Anaheim on September 17, 1984, at 1:30 p.m. , notice ot ~aid public hearing havinc~ beer~ duly git~en as required by law and in accr~:dance with tne provisions of the Anat~eim Municipal Code, CY~apter 18.Q3, t~ heGr ar-d consider evi~~nce for ar-d again:~t sa.id proposPd conditional use permic and to investigate and makr~ findir.ys and recummendations in cannection th~rewith; and #0315r. PC~i4-188 WHEREAS~ suid Comrnission, a~ter~ Que inspection, inves~.igation and study made by its~lf anc.i in its bet~al.f, and ~fter. ciue consid~r~~tion of. all eva.dence and reports off~re~:~ at s~id heari.ny, ~ioes find aiid dpterntine khe followiny facts: 1. 'i'hat the pr~pr~sed use ;.s properly one for wt~:ich a conditional use p~r.mit is aul-riorired by An~heim b1unicipa). Code Ser.tion 1fi~U6.080 t; 18.4~.~5U.UlU to w.it: to permit on-sale beer and win~ in r~ proposed restaurant with w~iver of the following: SF'Cr1=sON 18. U6.050. U"lll, - Minimum number af. ~arkinq spaces. ~ _,18.06.050.U22 ,(380 spaces requic~d; 34$ spaces pcopo5ed) 113.06.05U.0221, 19.U6.050.U23'1 i~Nl) 1'r3.4~.Ob6.050 2. That the rer3uested waiver. is hereby <~ranted on th~ basis ~hai: the parl:in~;7 variance will not ~ause an increase in tra~'fic congestir.n in the imr~edial•~ vic~.nztX nor .~dversely af.feck any ad jr~ininy land uses; and ~hat the granting ~f the ~axking variance under tt~e conditions irnposed, if any, wil~ not be detrirtiental L~ the peacE, health, safety or gener..al welfare o~ the citi2~ns of the City af Anar,eim. 3, `rhat the pru~osed use ~s hereby gr~nted subjeck to the petitioner's sti.pulation aL• L-he public hearing that L•he hours of operakion for ~hi: restaurant shall. be: Mon:;ay throu.gh Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 2;00 p.m. and 5:U0 p.m. - 10;00 p. m. Satucday and Sunday 5;OU p.m. - ~ 10;00 p.m. 4. That the proposed u~z wi11 not aciversel,y aEfect the adjoining land uses and khe growkh and development of thc area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. 7'hat the size an~1 shape of the site propose:a for the use is adequatc: ~o a11ow tne full development of the proposed use in a manner nat detrim~ntal to the particu3ar area nor to the pear'G-~~ health, safety and general welfare of the Citizer~s of the City ~f Anahei.rn. 6. That the granting of the Condikional Use Permit under L•he ~onc~iti.ons imposed, iP ~jny, will not be clel~imental to the peace, health, safety and genera~ w~lfar~ of the Citizens oP che city of Anaheim. 7. That the tra£fic yerierated by the proposed u~e will not imposc~ an undue burden upon the street5 and highways de~iyned and impr~vPd to carry the traffic in the areu. ft. That ane person inrlicatecl their presence at said public hearing i~i uppositioi~; and tha~ n~ curr~spondence was re:.eivec] :in opposition to tr~e subject petitioi7. ~~' PC84•-188 ~ 1 I;PIVJRUNMLNTAL lMPAC'1' E~'T~IllING: That the Anaheim City P.lanning Corntnissian has revit~wed the ~~roposal t:o ~~ermi.t on-sale beer and wine in a proposed restaurant wi.tr~ waiver minimum number oF parking s~aaces ~n ~n irregularly-shapecl ~>arc:el af land consisL-iny of a~1~r.oximaL-ely b.6 aeres located at ~he southwe:;t cornpr ot ~Znta Ana Canyon Road and Fairmont• Boul.evard, and L-uri:her desc:rib~d as 6324 East Santa Ana r_anyon Ftoad; and dues hereby approve the Neg~tive Ueclaration upan finding that it has censidered thc Negative Declaration togett~er. witti any comments r~ceived du.rin~3 t.he publi~ review proces:~ and fur~rier finc]ing on the basis of the initia.l studv and any c:omments received t:hat ther.c~ is no suhsL-ar-tial evid~nce that L•t~~ project wi11 have a signiEic~~nt etfect on the envirrmment. NUW~ '?'HERE~URE, BL I`1' RGSOLVEU i:h~at lhe Anahea.m Citv Planning Commissic~ri does her~by yxanr_ subject Petition for Conditione_ U:e Permit, upon hhe following conditions which are her~t~y iound l-o be a necassary prer~qu.i.site to the proposed us~ of tt:~ subjPCt property ir, order to pres~rve the safety and yeneral welfare ot the c~itizen,~ of the Ci.ty oL- Anafieim: 1. '1'hat th~: owner of subjec~ proper ry sha.ll pay to Lhe City ot Anaheim a fee tor sl:r~et lightirig along Santa T,na Canyon Ftoad and 12io Grande Urive in an amount as determined by ~he City Counc;il. 2. That the owncr of subject property shall pay to tt~e c,ity of ?1nah~i.m a fee tor t:ee plantiny purposes al~~~~ig Santa Ana Canyon Road, Faicmont Boulevard and ltio Granae llrive in an amount as deterr~~ir.ed by the City Council 3. Tl~at street ligl~ting Earilities alonq E'airrnont Boulevar~ shall be inst~ll.~d as required by the Utilities General Manuger ~n accordance with specifi~;ati~-is an file in the Office af Gtiliti,es General Manager, and tiiat security i.n the form ~f a bund, certificate ~f deposit, ].etter of credit, or c:ash, in an am~unt and form satisfactary to tkie City of A~laheim, ~ha].1 bA posted with the City to guarantee the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned improvements. Said security shall be p,~sted with the City of Anaheim within ~ periad c~f si.xty (60) days from the date of this r2~olution. The above-requireC improveme~its shall be inst~lled prior to commencenPnt of the ~ctivity authorized by this resolutiori. 4. That t.r~,h storc7~ areas shall be prov:i~led in ac:cordance ~rith ap~roveci plans ~n file witl~ tE~e 5treet hlaintenance and Sar~itation Divisiotl. 5. That all air conditioniny facilities shall be properly shi~:lded tr~m view, and the sound baEfere•9 from adj~r.ent prop~rties. 6. That the proposal shall comp].y with all signing requirements of the ~I.(SC) Zone, unless a vaciance allowing sign waiv~rs ia apprnved by the Planniny Commi.ss:.on or City Cour.cii. 7. ~'I~at tt~~ owner of subject property shall aubrnit a letter req~~esting terminaf:ion c~f Conditional Use P~rmit No. i810 to th~: Plc:~ning Department. -3- PC£34-188 e~l~h~. 8. .'hat r;uhjecL ~,~~opt~rty sha.il h~~ cir~velopf:d :,ut:;:,r_~nt.ially in ~ccordunc~ with ~lan:~ an~i ~.;E)~~r_A}.1C~1tLORS c~n f. i.Lc~ wit~.t~ tt~~~ Ci!:y c~E Anahe.im m~~rkec9 I~.xhibit Nos. 1 kf~t ouyh 4. 9. '!'t~at ~~ClUC' CO F.F~~_ ~.U(IlIT1G't1C~?fflt'il~ ot hhF~ activity authorized unciE~r thzsa resolution, or. pria~ to the time that ~~ t_~uildiny ~~ern~it is issued, or wi.Chin ~a ~~riod oE sixt.y ( bU ) d~,ys f rom the date of this rzsolution, whichever occur;~ first, Cc~ndi~ion ~cs. .l, 2, and i, abov~-mentioned, st~al.l be r,o~nplied 1JLtIl. L;.~~er,:~ions for Eurther time t:o ;:ompler_e yaid c~nditions may be grant~~d ~.,~ accordance w.ith Section 18.03.U9U of r_he Anaheim Municipa.l Coc1e. lU. That Nrior to the cummancernenr_ of Lhe acti.vity authurized urtdn~ th.e.U resol~tion, or f.in~.l buildzn~ ar.d zoniny inspections o: with.in a periud of sixry (60) days Irom th~ ciate of thi.s re;olu~ian, whichever oCCU[: L1CSt~ Conditi~.~,~ Nc)s. 3~ 4~ 5 8nd 8~ abcvE~-menti~.,n~d, shull be cotnp.lied with. 11. That -.o alcoho.lic t~evera,yes except ~eer and ~;..~e shall be sold or consumed on t.he prerr~ises . 12. 'Phat thE~ hours of operati~n st-~all i~~> ~tonday tnrouyh I'riday - 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. a~d S:OU ~.m. to 10:0U p.m., ~;nd Saturday and Sunda,y 5:O0 p.rti. ~:~ lU;UU ~~.m. BE [T E UF'i^HER I<EaULVEU that r.r~e Anaheim Ci ~y P,lanniny Commissiun ~o~s nc~rF~by iind anci cletecmine r_hat: ac]option ~~f this Resol~_~tion is expressly predicated uC~on appli~~ant's cUm~liancp with t~ach and a.ll of the condi~ions hereinabove set forth. Should any s~~ch conr~itions, or any Part th~r~of, be dcclared invalid or uneafor~eabic by tne f.inal judament of any court of competent juris~ic~ion, th~n ~his Resaluti.on, and any approvals herein cunlainecl, ~hall be cieemed nu.l.l and void. THE YOREGUING RE50L~T10tJ is si~~ned ~nc3 approved by me this 17th day of SeNtember., i984. ~ , . ' -. ~~-~ ~ ~ _ ~. - .;~' I:HAIRMAtJ, ANAHFlM C:7'Y PLANt:ING CGMMISiI(iN e~;"PEST ; %~ c~= . ,, ; _ ~~ ~:~ ~ l '~~~ t--~ .~ -. 5f. `tETARY~ ANAH~J.M C:ITY PI.ARt1iNG CUi~t1I:.i5TUP! _y_ Pc~4-183 0'~ 1 STAT~ OF CALiI'O12N:[A ) CQUN'i'Y Uf' OIiRNC,E; ) ,;,; . CT`i'Y OF ANF.'•iEIM } I, ~ait,~ J.. Harris, Se~~r.etary oi: thr-_~ Anaheim City Planning Comrnission, c1n f;ereby certify that the tt~regoiny r~sc~lutioi~ was p~ssed and ~:io~~tFd at a me~t:i,ny ot che Anah~~in~ cir_y Planr.ing Commi~sion hFld an Sept~mber 17, 1984, by the followiny vote of thc~ members thereoE: AYES: CUNMIS5T.Oht~RS: EiGUAS, CiUSiiClit~', [RY, HLRE3S'I', KlNG, LA CLAIRE, MC HUR~~EY NUES: COMMISSIUN~F2S: NUNr; ABSEN'!': C;UMMISSIUNERS: NONE IN WI'rNES~ WHERF.'qE, I Have hereunto set my h~~n~.l tnis 17t5 day of 5eptember., 1984. - ~%`GL~. ,C`~ Lt..~ SECRL•'TAkY, ANAnEIM CI'PY PLANNING COt~lMISaJ:ON ~J- ~ I pcea-is8