PC 84-196, ;r.~,,
1.Is~OLU'I'i0r: `~i~. PC£34-~19b
WElER~1~S, Lh~~ Anaheim City P.lanning Commis:~icn di.~ receive a verified
PeLiti.on f:or CondiL-ional Use Permit f:r~m CON'i~lNEN'.PAL P~1CTF1'C EN'1'ER1~F~ISE5,
ZNC.., 23U1 Campus llr.ive, P. ~. I~ox C1952J, Irv.ine, CA !~12713, A'i'TN• PE'PL
RODFtI~UEZ, owner of' cert~iin real property s:ituated in th~ CiL•y of AnahPim,
County of Orange, Sta~e ot ~:aliCor.nia, described as:
WfiERL;AS, khe City Pl~nniny CotTUnissiari did hold r~ public hearing at
the Civic Cei:ter in the Ci.ty of Anah~im o~ SPptemt~er ].7, .19G4, at 1.:30 p.m.,
noticP of said public hearing ha~iny been duly given as r~q~ired t~y law and in
ac:cordance wiL•h the provisi.ons of the Anat~eim Municipal Cc~de, Chapt~r 1~.03~
to hear and consider evidence for ~.~nd agains~ said proposcad cenditional use
permi.t and to invc1sr_igate and make tindings and reco!;.:nendations in connec~ion
therewith; sai.d public hearing t~aving been cr~ritinucad to the Planning
C'ommission meeting of October 1, 19~34; an~l
WHE.REAS, said ~ommission, attec due ins?ec;tion, investir,aticn anc3
study maoe by itself and in its behalf, anu aEter d~~e consider.ati~n of ali
evid~nc~ and reports otEered at said hear.ing, does find and deterrnine the
followiny facts:
1. That the prop~sed use is properly onc for which a condirional
use permit is aulhorized by Anaheim Municipal i:ode Sections 18.Q6.080,
18.44.U50.17U, 18.44.050.jU5 and 18.84.U62.U31. to wit: to construct a 45-foo~
higi~, 'ZU5-rootn s~nior citizens' retircment ~acility wif:h wai~~er of the
SF;CTION;; 1H.i16.U5U.013 - Minimutn number and ty~e of P~rkin~ spaces.
ANU 18.44.Obf.050 (164 covered sDaces required; 82'rspaces
consisting oP 79 cov~red and 3 open pr~posed)
2. ~i'hat the reque~ted waiver is he!:eby granted on the basis that
should it be deterrnined at• u f.uture date that inadequate parking has been
provided L-or this [acility (~aid c:e~iciency haviny been demon:;tratFd by a
parkiny detriand ~tudy to k~N £unded by the property owner at the requesk of tha
City TraCfic E;ngineer and to be reviewed and ap~r.oved by th~ Tt•affic
Enyineer), add.itional parking (not to ~xceed an additional 82 sPacrs) shall be
provid~d in a m~nner apprr~ved by i:h~~ City 'I'raffic Engineer; anci that a
covenant shall be recorded in a Eorm a~prov~~d by the City Attor.iley's Office
obligating the property o~,~ner anci any future a~~ignees c:o pr.ovide s~ich parking
i~ a de*icienc.y is tuund to exist; anc~ further, said waiver i.s gz~antpd on the
basis tliat thP parking variance will riot c~use an increase in traffic
congQSti.on in the immtdiate vicinity rior a~]versely affect any adjoining lar~d
uses; and khat tt~e ycantiny of tt-e packing variance under the condition~
ir~poaec~, if any, will not be deL•rimental tc tk~e ~eace, r~ealth, safety or
genetal welfare oE Lhe cir_iz~ns o£ the City ot Ariah~~im.
~0328r ~C8~--19G
3. That ttie ~rop~sed u.~~ is hereby yranked subject to the
petitione~'s sL-ipulat•ion at the public hearing t:o provide landscape :;creenir.y
alony C~righton Lane in acc:ordance with a~~pzoved ~1ans as a~praved by the
Anaheim Cit1 Planniny De~~~rtment.
4. 7'hat the pr.~pose~! us~~ will not ac:verse:~y affect the adjoinina
land uses and the gr~~wth aric9 development oF the ar~a in which it is g~rop~sed
lo be located.
5. That tt~,e size anc~ shap~~ of the sike proposed for the use is
adequal-e ko a.11ow ~tie fuJ.l. development uf the propos~d use zn a manner not
dettimental l-o the F~articu.lar area nar to the peace, h~alth, saEety and
general we.lfare oF t-he Citi.zens of the Cil-y of Anaheim.
G. That th~ gr.~nting of the Cunditi.onal ~~se Permit u~-der t}~e
conditions impose~d, if any, wil.l not. be dPtrimenl-al to tt~e peace, h~altk:,
saEety and general we].fare of thEe Ci.ti::ens of the City of Anaheim.
7. That the traffic gentrated by the proposec9 u~~ will not impose
an undtiN burden upon the screets a~id high~aays designed and improved co carry
tiie t:aff:ic in tne area.
8. i'hat three persons i~~dicated ~heir presence at the September 19,
1984 public hearing and ~rie person a.nd~cate3 his presence at the October 1,
1.984 ~ublic h~aring in oppo: ition; and cnat ~zo corresp~nder,c~ was recei.ved in
opposition to the subj~ct peti~ron.
ENVIRQNMFNrAL IMPACT FINDING: 2'hat t~. Anaheim rity Planning
:ommi.ssion has revi~we~.3 the proposal to construct a 45--foot h~gh, 2U5-room
senior citizens' retirement facili.ty with waiver of minimutn number and type of
~arking sp~ces on an ir.regialarl.y-shaped parcel of land consisting of
approximately 7.1 acres located a~ the so«thwest c~orn~r o£ P~ohl Ranch Road an~i
Anaheim Hi11s Road, and fur`her described as 505 S~uth Anaheim Hiils Ro,ad; and
d~~s hereby appr.ove the Negative Ceclaratzen upon finding l-t~at it has
considered the Negakive Declaration together with any comments ceceived during
the public review pro~ess and further finding on the basis of thP in~..ti.a1
stu~ly and any comments •~~~ .ved that L•here is no substantial evidencc~: that the
project will have a sigr.~~icarit effect or. Ehe environment.
NOW, THEREP'ORE, 13E IT kESOLVED tha~ ttie Anaheim City Planning
Commission does hereby gcant subject Yetition f~r Cunditional Use Permit, upon
ttie following conditiuns which are hereby found to b~ a necessary prerequisite
to tt-e proposed use of the subject ~.~raperty i.n ~rdec to preserve the satety
and genera]. welfare of the Citizen~ of tt-e City of ~lnaheim:
1. '1'hat drainage of subject property shall be r~isposecl of i« a manner
satisfa~~tory to the City Engineer.
2. That subject rr4perty sha11 be sPrved by undergrounc3 utilitic~s.
3. That pric~r to commencement of. structu.:al framiny, fi.re hydr~znts shall
be insta'lled and charged as required and determined to k~~ necessarX
by the Chief. of the F'ire Depar.l:ment.
'~~ PCf34-196
9. '1'hat trash : tor.aye ar~as shall be ~~rovided and maintain~r.l i.n
accor_dance with appLOVe~a ~:1ans on filc with tt~e Stre et M~iritenance
and Sdnitation Div.ision.
5. '.[~hat ~rior to issuance of a bu.i:~ding permit, L-ne apr~ro pr:ate t.raFfic
sigi~al ass~ssment fee shall be paid t:o the City of Anah, im in ar.
amount as determinEd by the City C~ut;cil tor each new dw::lliny unit
in this senior ci~iztns' reti rement fnci.l.il.y.
6. '.Chat priar t~o :issu~nce o.E ~z building permit, pri^~ary water mai.n f~es
sha11 be paid l-a khe c:ity of Anaheim, in an amount as determin~d by
t;he Office oL tt~e ULilii.ies Geriera2 Manager.
7. 'rhat the owner of subject pro~.~erty shall pay t~ the City of Anaheim a
fee tor. stre~t lightiny a.long Nahl Ranch ~~oad, Anaheim .ii11s R~ad,
and Brighcor~ Lane in an amoiir~t as de~armined by the Ci.ty Council.
~. That ya~es Uhall no~ be instal].ed across a~iy driv~way in a mannec
whictz may adversely af~ect vehicular traffic in tr~e ad jGc.ent~ pub~.ic
s~reets. Installatiun of ~ny yates within a distar-ce of ~ozky (4U)
feet from said public strpet rights-•oi-way sh~all be subject to the
review and approval of the City TrafFic Engi.neer.
~. Thai: the owiler of subject property sha11 pay L•a t:he City ot Anaheim a
fee L-or treG p7.a-~ring uurposes aJ.ong Noh1 Ranch Raad, Anaheim Hills
Road arid Bri9hton Lane in an ~mount as determined by the City Council.
lU. Tl-,a~ prior ~o issu~nce of a builc3ing pErmit, appropriate park and
L~ecreatinn in-lieu fees sl~~all be paid l-o the City of Ananeim in an
amaunt as determined by the C:it.y c:out~cil.
1.1. Tha;. all reyuirernents af Firc Zone 4, other.wise identified as Fire
Adminislrative Ord~r No. 76-01, sriall be met. Such requirements
inelude, but ar~ not limited to: chimn~ay s~ark arrest•.ors, protected
atti.c anc~ under. f-loor opcninys, Class C or bett~r roofing m~terial
and one hour fire resistive constr~ction of horizontal sur.far.es if
located within 20Q feet of adjacent hrushland.
12. 'Phat firr:~ sprinklers ~nd smoke ~larrns shall be installed as reguired
b,y Lhe Ci.ty Fir~ Marshall.
13. Th~t the vehicu.lar ~acc~ss rigl~ts to An<zhc~im Efills Roa~3, except at
approved access points, :ha:ll be dedicated to L-he City uf Anaheim.
14. Tt~a~ all air condi~ioning facilities :~hal.l be propE~rly shi.elded f:•om
view, anc3 the sound buffered from ~djacent pcoperties.
15. Z'hat in compliance witt~ ~~onino Code Ser.~ian 18.84.~62.U32, n~
r~of-mounted equipm~nt sFia11 be p~rmitted.
1~. That pri~r to issuance af building ~~ermi.ts, the upplicant shall
presenk evider~ce satisfa~:tory t~ the Chi.ef Buildiny _Tnspector that
the residentxa.l unils ~;ill :~e i.n c~ntormance wi.th Noise Tnsulation
Standards specified ir- the Calif.orni.a AdminisGrative Codp, Title 25.
-3- ~C84-196
17. `.t'hat. prior l-.o issuance oi buil~~ing per.mil~, the applicant shall
present evidence satisfactory to th~ Chief Bui:lding znspect.or that
the proposed projec:t is in c:onf~rn~anre with Council Policy Number 542
"Souncl Atter,uat.ion in Residenh.ial. Fro;jects" .
1&. That the proposrzl shall camply with U11 signing reqi~irements of the
CL(SC) lone, unless a v4riance allawing sign waivFrs is app~'JVed by
i:he PJ.arininy Commission or Ci.ty Council.
~9. Tt,at all on-:;iL-e landscapirg sh~ll be pe::petually maintained and
irriyated in conformance with Code standards.
20. Tt~at anv proposed park.ing area .lighting fixtures shall be
down-].ighted with a maximum he~ght of 12 feet. Said lightin~,~
fiYtures shu.ll be ciirected aw~y £rom ~3~ijacerit property lines to
protect the res.id~nti~~l integ~ity of thc ar.ea.
21. That t~~~ 'tenancy of subject facility stlall k~e r.estricted to persons
sixty-two (62) ye~rs of aaa or o?der; a~~d that a covenant shall be
recorded by the owner, of the property i.n a f~~rm approved by the City
Attarney so limiring such occ:upancy.
22. That in the event a parking de£iciency occurs i=ollowing ~~ccupancy af
tl~e subject property (said ~efi.ciency having been demonstrated in a
parka.ng ciemand study to be f~incled ~~y the property o~aner at the
request of the City ~'ra£fic Engin~er and to be reviewed and aFprove3
by thP Traffic I;ngiriecr), addikional on--site parking (rt~t t~ exceed
an auditicna.l 82 spaces) shall be provi.ued in a manner appraved by
the City Z'raffic Engineer; ~nd tt:at a covenant shall br recorderl in a
form a~proved by the ~ity Attornev's OEfice obliyating the petition~r
and any f.utuc~e ~ssiynees ta provide such parking if a deficisncy is
Lotlnd to exist.
23. That the existing rnedian a.sland on Anaheim Eiills Road shal.l be
reconscructc~d to che satisfaction of the Ci.~y Traffic EnginEer and in
accordance with specifications on fi1.e in the ~L-fice oP the Citx
Engir.eer ~
24. TtiaL• a11 lcckah.le peciestrian and vehicular access gates shall be
equipped wikh a"knox box" device to the satisfaction o£ the City
F~ire Mar ~hall and the City Poli.ce Chief.
25. That a°'crash yate" equipped with a"kn~x box" c]~evice shal). be
installed at the i~~~rthwe.,terly corner at subject property, frontzng
on ~lohl Ranch Road to the ::atisfaction o£ the City Fire Marshall anc~
l•he City Police Ghief. Said access sha.ll be restricted to ~merger~cy
use on].y.
25. Tha~ the pco~ose~J parking structu.r~ design sha11 conForm to
Engineering Standarc3 Plan No. 402 pertainin~ to skandaed details fo:
parking structures.
27. That all drivewCly:, shall be designed to accommoclate t~rt (10) f~ot
radius curb returns as raquiceci by L•he City Traffic Engin?er.
28. That subject proper~y shalZ be devel.oped sub~tant.ially in accordance
with p1.ar-s arid specifications on xile wirh trie City oF AnahFim m~rked
Exhibit Nos. 1. through 11.
29. Thac a~aarcel. ~i~~p, combininy L-he four (4) existing 1otz; comprising
~ubject pro• st~a11 be submi.t.ted to und appr.oved by the City of
AnahEim ar ~n bF~ recorded in tha Of~ice of the Orange Countv
3U. 'i'hat pri~ ~a issuance ot a building peririt, or within a period of
one year om ttic dai;e of this rF~~olution, whichever occurs first,
Conditz~ Nos. 5, 6, "/, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 21 and 22,
above-r cion~d, shall be complied wiL-h. Extensions for further time
to com~ E~ te saic~ conditians may, be yranted in ar.co'rdance with Secti.on
1.8.03.U90 of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code.
31. That prior to rinal building and zuning inspections, Conditioti Nos.
1, 'l, 4, $, .17., 12, 14, 2U, 23, 2~, 25, 26, 2'7, 26 and 29,
above-ment.ioned, sha11 be comE~lied with.
BE IT E'URTHGR Rk~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Flanni.ng Commission d~es
hereby find and determine that adoption of tnis Resolutior: is e;~pr.ess.ly
predi.cated up~n applic~nt's r.omp.liance witf~ eac~h and al~ t~f ~ cond:itions
herein~bove set fort:h. Shoulcl any such condition.~, or any part thereof, be
dFClared invalicl o:. unenforceable by the final judgm~-rnt of any court of
competent jurisdiction, then this P.esolution, anc~ ~:ny a~pr~val.s herein
containecl, shall b~ deemed null and void.
TEl~; FOREGOTNG R~SOLU~'ION is signed and a~~ oved by me this ].~t day of
Uctober, 1984. ~ ~ ~
~~.~' i~~ -G~~ %'~. ~ '' ~,_,,~,~~~,~
ATTESl': / ,
~/~ .
I, ~;dith L. Harris, 5ecr.~et:ary of the Anaheim Ci.t.y Planning
Commission, do hereby cer~i.fy ~hat the ~oregoing r~solution w~s passed and
ar,~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim Citiy Planning Commission held on October
1, '_984, by the f:allowi.ng vate of the membecs ther.eof~
IN WI':NSSt WHERLOI', I Etave hereun`a set my han~j thi.s lst c~ay of
October, 1989.
, Gy ~ ~' ---~ .
~ ,~
_5_ PC84-196