PC 84-198FtE;SOLU'1'ION N0. E'C84-.198 A RESULU'P1U~' UF 'THF; ANAHE:[M G!'L'Y PI..;1IvNTNG COMMI:;SI'UN '.'.'HA`1' PL'"1'r,`i'IUN 't''Uit CUNI)I'?'1ONAL U51; PLFIi•17.'C NU. "1.624 LiE CRAN'1'F,U W[iEkE;AS, the Anaheim City l~.lanninc~ Cc~mmissi~n d?ci recei.ve a verifi~d Petiti.ar~ tor Canditiuna.l U:~~:.~ Pe[~~it £rum 1~NAHEIM liil,LS DEVELOPMFN7' CORPORATION, 3t3U Anaheim Fli.lls Iload, AnahF~im, California 92~3U7, owner, and pACiFi(; BELL, 7337 `Trad~~ Strect-., Room hl"1.f), 5~n Uier~o, Cali~ornia 9~12,, ,~~P.Tt~: P. L. ElAMILTi)N, agent Lor .r.er.tain real property situ~ted in the City of At~aheim, County ot Orange, ;;tate oL Calzfornia, described as: E'AFZCELS 2, AS SHUWN Ut~l A h~AP h II.F.D IN E~~~OF' ~37, PAC~~:i 15 l~NU 16 UE' PAFtCEI., MAP~~, Iri '1'H.C: O~.FICE UF 'I'HE CI~UNTY. ItECORDF.k OF ORANGE COUNTX, CALIFGRNIA. WHERF:AS~ the Ci.ty Planning Com~a.ission did hold a public hearing at. the Civic Center iil the City of Anaheim on OcL-~bF~r 1, 1984, aL 1:30 p.m., notice oi sa.id public heariny having been duly given as r.equirer~ by law and in accor~3ance with the provisien~ oE the Anahei-n Municipal Code, Chap*er 18.03, Lu hear and consider evi~en~.:e ~or and aqa.inst said proposed conditional uGe permit and to investiya~e ~and make findinys and recum:~Pndations in connectior. thecewith; and WEiEREAS, said c:ommissi.on, after ~~ue ins~ection, investigati~n ~and ,tudy madE by itself and ~n its bet~alf, and after due c~:nsideration of all evidence and reports oLfered at said `~eariny, do~~G f.ind ar.c detec'mine the following facts: .l. That the pcaposed use is prcp~rl.y onP t:or wh_ch ~ ~onciition:il use permil- is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Coc3e Section to wit: to permit a-emote kele~h~ne s~aitci-~iny facility with waivec of the following: SC~'rION - Minimum structur.•al setback. ~ (25 feet front ::cl-tack required; 12 to 'lU feet E~roposed) 2. ThaC the ceyuest,e~ waiver is hereby qranted on ~he basis that there are s~ecial circurnstance:: applicable r.u ~t~e pro~erty suct~ as size, shape, topoyraphy, location .and surroundings which do not apply tn other identically zoned ~r.op~erty in the same vic:initl~ and r_hat strict appli.cation of th~~ Zoniny Code deprivPs rhe pr~perty of privi legcs enjoyed by c~ther pcoF~erties in ~he identical ~~one and .:la:,si.fication ;n the vicinity. 3. That the ~ropo:~~a us•~ wiil not adve!-3ely aEf~c~ th~ adjaininq land uses ancl thF~ yc~wth and cievel~»men: u E I:h~~ are« in which it is ~roposed to he located. 4. ~That thF~ ~ize a~~~j shane oE th~, ,ite E~ro~~sc~J for rhE~ use is adequate to allo~r the ful.l df:velc•pmer.c. of the propo ~ed uJn in a m~nner nok detciu~ental ~u thF E~~rticul~r arc:a -.or to thr ~eac~, health, safery and genera2 welEare of ehc titizen~~ r~f che c;iryo uE Ai~aheim. tU3:i0r F~C'84-J.98 ..::~ ~ ~, i i 5. 7:'t~at th~.: gr.antin~~ ol: t:he Condit~..ic~n~a.l Use F~c:rmiL• under the ~ cotiditions imE~or:;ed, if: any, wi.l.l not b;~~ de1.r irna~rital tc thc~ ~~eacc~, hea.ll•h, ` sate~y anc~ ~]c:'nera.l welE~~re oi Lhe Git.izen:, uf: the l:il:y af Anaheim. j ~. 'i'hat thf~ krafiic ~~ener.ated I~y lhe E~r~posed use wi'L1 n~~t impose r an undu~ bucden up~~~ .:ht' skreets and hi~t:way:~ cl~signed and irn~:t'oved to earry ~ t~~e tratEi~ in lhe are~. , 7. '.i'i~:~t no one ind::catE~d their presence at s~iiri p~z~lic h~:aring in opposition; ~~nd that nu ~~r.re~poridencF~ was r~ceiv~d i~~ up~usition to the SUt);J@C:t '~.~'?t lt. LOfI. ENVI.RONMFN`.I'AL, IMPACT ['iNUING: i'ha~ the I:nali~im Cicy l~ianning Commission has reviewed Che prap~sal ka per.miL• a rernu~~ t~lephone switching facilit.y with waivcr oF mi.nim~m structural setl,a~k on an irregularl.y-st~~ped parcel of .lan:i consisting of: appr~~ximately l. acr? huving a front~~ge o[ ~pproximately S50 feet c~n the south side o.E Canyon Rim Road, a~proximat~ly 7f~0 feet s~~rth~:Qst. oi the c:ent~rline of ~err.~ino Avenue; and does r,ereby approve the Negative DeclGr.ation upon ~inding L•hat ii~ l~as considered thr-. Negative D~claration t~yetF.er with any comments receiv~d d~aring the public review process and furtt~er fin~.li.ny on r_ht basi5 of the .irikial study and any comment~ received that there is n~ substantiaJ evidence triat tt-. ~~ject will ha~~e a siynificaiit P~fec~ on the envirunment. N(;W, TH~REEORE, BE: IT RI;SOLVEI) th,zk the Anaheim (:.ity P~_anning Commissian does i~ereby yrant subject Peti~i~n for conditional lfse PQrmi.t, upon the foi.lowing ~oi:ditions wt~ic.h ~-re herehy founc3 to be a necessary prerequisite to the propu:~eci use u£ the subject pCOF~~'C'_y in or.der to preserve tt~e saF:e~y and 9eneral weliare of the Cit.iz~ns of the City oE Anah~.~im: 1. That pr.i~r to issuanr.e of a building permi~ , pr.imary water mai.n .fees shall be ~ai~3 to ~.he ~:ity of. Anahe.im, in ~.~n amount as determined by the O.ffice of the Utiliti~s Grileral Mana .~r. 2. Tnat st,bjecC ~roperty sh~-11 be servec: ~y underground utilit.i~e3. 3. ?'hat a gate shall be instal.led across the driveway at ~~ point located ?.5-feet trom Canyon Rim Rc~ad a:• measured along the noxtherly boundary af ,aid driveway. Fi~rther.mare, the design ~f said gate sha11 be rFViewed and approved by th~~ City ~rraftic L•'nyineer and shall br. equipped with a"knox box" dr.vice. 4. That the landscaping as shown or, the ~ ubmi.tted Exhit~it No. 1 shull bP inntalled and ~~Qrpetually main-:ained in ordet to scrc~~±n the facility from sur.COUndiny re:~iaPnt.ial ~~ro~~~~rtic~.. S. '~hat• drain~ye of subject pcopecL-y .~ha.l1 be disposed oE in a nanner ~atisfactory to th~ c;ity Engineer. 6. ~I'haL all air condition~n~3 facili.tie:.~ rhall be proP~~r.ly shield~~d £rom view, and tt,e :~ui.~nd b~lEtPred Irom •~~ij~~c~nt. propert.'tes. ' 7. ihat thc pro~c~sal ::hall c:o~nE~ly with all signin~~ re~~uiremEnt:~ oE th~ ' RS-A-43,UUO(SC) Zor.~, unles:~ a v:,r.iance allowiny sign waiver~ is ~ a~~pr.oveci k~y tne P:anni~~g C~minis:sion or Ci:.y Council. _~_ Pc:84-198 8. 'Phat ~any k~ro~~ose~d E~~~rl::iny ar.ea 1.i~3ht.i.ng fixtur.es shal.l b~ down-l.iyh~eci wil.h ~~ maximum }~~~iyt~t oe 12 ~t~et. Sai ] lighr_lttg f_ixcurc~s st~all be dir.er.t~~d a4;,~y t:rum ~c:jacent ~~r.r~p~rh_y l.ines Y_o F~rutNcl: Li~e cesid~:~ntia.l inL•ec;rity oF thc are~~. 9. 'chat s.~bject propexr.y sha11 b~ d~~vel.oE~ed s~.~l~stanLially in acc.c~rdane~ with pl~ins and sp!~cification:; en til.~ with th~~ c,'ity of. t\nrzheim markeci I,xhibi.t No. 1. lU. 'I'hat pri~r to the commencement ot thc: ~act.ivity authorized under this resolution, or ~~riur t~ the ti.me tY~at a buildiny perriit is issued, or with.in a ~c~riod ot on~ year from +~he daLe of thi:~ resolution, wt~icY~ever occurs f:icst, C~ndition No. 1, abov~-;r,Nntioned, shall be complied witt:. Extensions for further tirne to cornplete wa.id con.~iti~~ns may be grar-ted in ~~ccordance with Sect.ion 18.03.090 of the Anaheim ~'Nunici~al Cocic~. 1.1. 'l'hat prior to the ccntmencement o£ the ~ctivity ~u~horized und~~r this resolution, or final building and zon.ing inspec~ion~ whichever occurs first, Cond.ition Nos. 2, 3, :, 5, 6, 8 arid 9, abovc-mentioned, ~ha1J. ~e complieii with. 9E I7.~ hURTE?r.Ft k~SULV~D that tht~ Anarieim City P.lanni~~g Commission does hereby f~nd and cle:termine thaC adopti.on of this Resotutior~ is ex~ressly ~redica~ed upor. applicanh.'s com~liac~c~ w:.th each and all o£ the cond.i~ions l~er.einabove set f.octh. Shou1:3 ~ny such conditior-s, or any parL kheraoE, te declare~ invalid or unen~orceahle b~~ the final judgrnent oE any court of competent ~urisdiction, then this kesolution, anc? any approvaly herein contain~d, shall be deerred null and vaid. :~:iE kOREGOING RESOLU'~ION is signed a~~d approyeC by me rhis 1st day of Uct~ber, 19£34. ~ ~ ~ . ; ` ~.' `"~~,~: ,l, ~, ~ ~-._. ~- i •'~' l ~ ~.. CHAI M 1VA , ANAH .IM CITY PLANNINv COiNMISSION IiTTE51' : . ~S '' SECRG'rRRY, A[JAHEIM CT~'Y PLANNING COMN,ISSION STA:i'E 0~ CAI.IE'ORNTA COUNTY QF URAyG~ ) ss. c:1~Y OF ANAHGIM ) I, ~dith L. Harri:~, Sccretary of the Anaheim t;it; P.lanning Commis~ion, do hereby certify th~~t the forr_going resolution was pa~sed and ad~pted at a meeting ot t.he Anaheim City Plannin~ Commissi.on held or- Uctuber 1, 1984, by the followiny vote of the membec~ thereof: AXEa: C:UMFlISSIUNfsf2S: I~UES: C9MMISSION[;RS: Af3aEN"1: C:OMI~IISSIuN~RS: IN ~JITNESS Wfi October, 198ti. BUlIA5, FRY, KING BUSHORE, LA CLAIRE: HF.EiBSi, M{: BURNf Y F.f;EOF, I Eiave hereunto sc~t my h~n~ this lst. day of ~~ DC.~l~L ~ ~ '[.til~ SECRETARY, ANANEIM CZ`PY PLANNItr'G COM~IISSION -3- PC84-iga