PC 84-2RL•'SOLU'I'I()N N0. pcgr+-2 A k2LSULUTION Oi `i'HE ANAHF'IM CTT'Y PLANNING (:UN.MISS:LON TH~IT. PE'T'I'I'ION [~'C)R CON1)I`1'IONAI~ fJ~G PE,RMT`i' ~lO. 2526 BG GRAN'~E1) WH~I2FAS, tl~ie Anahcim CiL•~~ Planning Cornrnissi~n ciid r.PCE;ive a ver.ified Peti`:ion for. Cclndi.tioi:a.l. Use Per.m.il from ROBE.[~T M. AD1D MAH?~,YN L. SEIEPAR]), JR., 4113 Mapl.etK~e Uri.ve, An~aheirn, Gali~~r.n.ia 92007, owner.s, anc~ ~3ASIC SHELT'sF INC~., JAM~S N~;EL`~IAM, 9492 ti~~ndr.a Cir.c~c, Vi:LI.~~ Par.k, Ca]iFornia 92667, agen4 uf cextain t:ea1 pr,op~r,i:y si.tuated in the City o~ An~h~im, County oi Urang~, State of ~_~~.i~~r.n~a, de~ci°ibnd us: Tf~(E WESTGRLY ONE-Eir`.L: QF' TEIA`I' PORTION U~~ VINEYAE2D LUT F-G, YN '.CEfE C.iTY U!? ANAHEJ:M, COUNTY OC ORAIVGE, S'rA'~'G Of CAL',r'GRNIA; A~ SI•IOW.N ()N A MAF~ RECORDFD IN Ei00K 4, P.AGES 629 AND 630, DEEDS, RECORDS Or L0~ ANGFLES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; f3E~INNING AT THE NJRTHWLSTERLY CORNt:P, Or LUT 13, I3LOCK 2 c)P TI•IG FNTERPRISE 'PRAC'1', AS SHOViN ON A MAP RECURllED TN BOOIi 4, PAGE $9, MISCELLANGOUS [~IAPS, RECORn~S OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; `~HENCE SUU~'HEASTERLY ALONG 2'HF WESTERI.X I~TNE OF SAID LOT 13, ;.58.44 FGE'r TO THE NURTHERLY I~INE U[' WLST BROADWAY; Tf3ENCE SOUTf:WESTERLY ALONG S.;Tb NORTHERLY L'!~E UE' WEST IIRO~,DWAY 10$ FEET TO A PUiP1T IN THE EAST LINE OF 'i'fiE I~AND CO[3VEYED TO SILBERNAGLE EiY. DGGD RECORAED r'F.BRUARY 3, 19U6, I~7 BOOK 124, PAGF: 109~ llEEAS; TH~N(:E NOP.THWESTERI~Y ALOIvG SAID FASTERLY LINE UF SAID LAND SO CONVr:YED Tn C. ~ILBERNAGLE, 1a8.44 FE~;T; THENCE NUR7.'HEAS'i'GRLY PA~2ALf.,EI~ WITH SAID NORTHERLY :,INE OF WEST BROAAWAY lOQ FEET TO 2HG POINT O~' BEGTNNING. WH~;RGAS, thc: City Pl.anning Commis~ion dir~ holcl a public hear.ing a~ khe Civic Center in L-he City ~F Anaheim ~n January 9~ 1984, at 1:30 p.R,., noL•ice of sair] public hear.iny hav:ng been duly given as r,equired by law and in accor.dance with the pr.ov.isions of tha Anaheim Municipal Code, ChapCez 18.03, ta Y;e~r and corlsider. evidence for and a~ainst said propos~d con~itional use per.mit arid to investigate and make findings and r.ecommendations in connection ther,~with; and WHERGAS, said Commission, afte-: due inspection, invesL•igation and stu.dy made by ityelF. and in i~s b~half, and after. du~ cons.ider.at.ion of a11 evidence and r.epor.t.s offer.~~] at sa.id hear.i.ng, do~s Eind and deter.mine the £~lloc~ing ~acts : J.. That the pro.pused use is pr.operly ~ne for. k~hich a condi~ional use per.mit is authar.ized by Anaheim M~~nicipal Code Sectiun :1.8.3?..OSO.lOQ to wit: to permit aei 8-unit seni.or. citizens a~ar.tnent c~mplex. 2. That the pr.aposed ~ise will. riot ~dver.sely afEect the adjoining land u~es an~J i.he gxowth and devclopment of the ar.ea in which it is proposed to be .locatFC1. #0126c PC84-2 ~,..~s~ 3. Tl~at the sice and shapr~ of the s.i~:~ nr.~~oosed F~~r. LhF us~ is adequate lo allow rhe full develo~~ment of tFic:: pr.ap~~.,t.~l i~ ~e in a niann~r. Il0}. detrimental to thc; F~a~:ticular ?rca nor. to i;~~-• ne~a,~~- , •ea7.ti~, safe~y and genezal welf:~r.e of ~he ~':k ~ ~ens •` `l~~e Ci.ty ~~f Anan~~~^~ 4. That t:he gr.~.nt~~... • . '_... ~'~~,.'; ~ • , . ~.~: Per,mit ~~nder tl~ie r.onditions impr~se~, ic any, ,~~ .. io~ kze ~,~;trim~:r.;.a) t~~ ,hc peace, he~lth, sa£ety and genel:al wel.Ear.e ~~t ~~.~ ~~Lis {~,~s ~ i: i:~e C1ty r.~f Ar.,lheim. 5. ~a~at L-he ;.r:af.r.ic g~:~eratecl '.,~ L-he propoaed u~~e~ will n~~ impose 3n undue bur.d~n upon t'~r sl-.r.eeLs and k,icl;v ~ys desigr-ed ar.d improved to carr.,~ the traff•ic in tht area. 6. Tn~.c no on~= indicate~ L-hei.r.• pr.esence at. said publ~.c hear.ing ir. c~pposition; an~: thai: n~ correspont ~,nc:e wa~ r.~~ceived in oppa~it.ion to th~ subject pEtiti~n. FNVTRONMENZ'AI.~ IMPACT r'INllTNG: TYiat the ~ naheim Cit,y~ Planning Commission has r.eviewed the px~posal to pFr.mit ar~ n-unit seni.or citi:,ens a~ar.tment comp7.ex on a r_ecL-angularly-shaped pa~c~l of. land cons~.st:ing of approximacely U.20 acr.ef havirig a fxont.aye of approxirnately 54 ~eet ~n the norlh ~ide oL E~roadway, and fucthex described as 615 We~~ Br.aadcaay; aricl r,loes h~r.eby ap}~rove the N~gativ~ Declarakion upon finding that it has considei:ed the idegativ~ Declarati~n together with an,y comtnents r.eceived ciuring the pubxic r.evi.ea pr.ocess and f.urther. .findiny on the bzsis of. the ir,itzal study and any commer.ts r.er,eived that there is no substaritial evi~~ence t•hat the pr.oj~ct wi11 ;~ave a significant effect on the envir.onment. NOW, 2'E~ERE}:,UR~, E3~, iT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commission does her.eb~ y.rant sub:iect Petitio~~ fcr Conditi.onal Use Per.mit, u~on che following condition~ which aze hereby found to be a necessar.y pr.er,eqi~isite to the pcoposed use o.f the subject. pr.oper.ty in order. i:o pr.esezve the safe~ky an~ general welfar.e ot the Citizens oE the Cii:y of Anahe:im: 1. ~'hat the o~aner af suk~ject pr.op~r.ty st;all by r.ecor.ded deE~d ircevocably o£fe~: to the City o£ Anahei.m a stzip af land IO fe~t ir, width fr.nm the center.li.ne of the alley for. a11ey wa.~ening pur.poses. 2. That the oc~ner. oE subject pr.opf:r.ty shall pay to the City of Anahein~i a fee Por str.e~t lighL-ing alor~y 13roadway in an amount a: deter.m:tned' b,y the City C~~;n~il. 3. Tha~ tl~e owner. of. subject prc~perly shal.l pay to the City of Anaheim. « fe~ for tr.ee ;~l~~ntin~ ~urposes alrng E3zo~~dway in ail amo~int as det;er_rnzned by i:h~~ City Council. 4. '.Chat the ~wner o~ '~~e~t pr.~pec:ty sha.ll execute and r.ecord a cuvenant aqainst the y~.~~~er.ty in a forrn apProa~d by the City Att.orney's Officc~, r.~sts-ictir~g occupancy o:E e~c}~ unik to a maximum of t~ro (2) reside~nks, at least ore of whokn musk be aL• lea~t ~ixty (60) years of agz or. older.. '~ --2- PC84-~ , ~~, 5. Tti~k subj~r,l: ~r.ope-:ty shall be develo~ed substant-ia:lly in ~~ccor.dance witt~ ;:1ar.s ~~nd s~~erif:ication:; on f.ile with the Cit1~ of Anaheim mar.ke~7 Ext~zbit No. 1. G. '1'hat r~r.'ior_ to tizc~ commencemc~nt aE Ll~a activity author.i2,ed und~r. this r_esoJ.uCic~n, or. pr.ioz Lc~ the time tha~. a buiJ.ding per.mit is issued~ ur withici a per. iod oL- onp ye~r. Er,•orr, th~ ~9~te of- this r,~solution, whicEi~v~r or.cur.s rir.st, Condition Nos.1, 2, 3 and 4, ~~bove-meni.ic~ned, sha11 ue eomplied with. Cxtensions for.• .fur.ther. tir,ie co complet~ saa.d canda.tions :nay be gr.anted in accor.dance wi.th Sc~ction .1~.03.0~0 of the Ariaheim Mun.icipal Code. 7. Thal_ pr;ior to [in~l bui.lding and zonirig inspections, Condition No. 5, abovv~-mentioned, shall be corrip].iec~ with. 8. ~t'h~t ~r•ior.~ to issuance of a bui].d.i.ng per.~mit, apnropr.iate water. ass~ssm~;~nt f~es sha11 be paici to the City of Anahe.im, in an amount as det~r~mined by the Office ~f the Utilities General hlanager.. 9. That prr.or to issuance of a bui.lding permit, L-he owner. of. sui~ject pr.operty shal.l deposiL- wi~h the City of AnahEim the e~timate~ seco¢Zdaz;,~~ reimbursement ar.ea water f.ees as Establi.sh~d by the Water ~ngineer~.r~g Divi.sion and also, shall execute and recor.d a covenant agaii7st the nroperty (in a for.m appr.oved by i:hP ~ity Attorney's Of£ice), agr.~eing to pay the actual amnunt of such fees f,as l~~zeinaf.t~=r. established by tk!e City) prior to final building and zo,zir.c.t in,~:zpections . ~E .T.T FUFTEIER P,ESUL'JED that the Anah~im City Plann:ing Cur;;nission c~oes hereby £i~zc~ an~~a deter.mine that acioption of this Resolu~ion is exY~r.FSS1y pxed icated upon ap,p.l.icant's compliance with each and all of. the conditioris her,e:i.n~bove set ~a'~rt~~. Should a>>y such conditions, oc any par.t tt~exh~Of~ be d~~cl~~r.ed inv;~lid or unEnfor.ceable by the fin~1 judgr~ent o.f any court of cc~mpet~ent jurisd,ict:i+7n, then this Resolution, and atty appr.ovals h~rein aonta~;.ned, ;;ha]•' ~!r~ d~:+~med nu:ll and void. THE FORE'GOTt~~G R~SOLUTION is siyned zr;~ a}~pr.oved by me t~,is 9th day of •Jancaaxy, 1984. .~-~ %J ,~ ~i .~.1'_~~'~.` --~~~~~'''-,~-.~c-~ c:HATRWGMAN, ~c.~7~HEIM CIT'Y. PLANHING COMMiSSION (/ ATTLST`,l" , -_~i4C~ ;~ / SECF{ETr`.RY~ .~NAI~EIM ~~I'IY'PLANNING (:OMMISSION -3- PC84-2 ~ ;,,~,~,,, ~ ..--... 1 i ; ; ST.ATE OI' CAL~FORNZA ) ; , CO~I~TY OF ORANGL ) ss. CITY Ok' ANF~FIEIM ? I, Edith L. Eiar.xz.s, Secr.etar.y ~f the Anah~im City Plann:ing ;: C~mm.ission, do her.eUy cextify thaL• the for.eoai.ng r.esalution was laassed and ~; adopted ai: ~. rieeting of the. An aheim City Planning Comrnis~ioil h~a].d on Januar.y i: 9, i~84, by the foll~wing vote of the membecs ther.~o~: ~' ; AYES: CQMMISSIONEIiS: BOUAS, EiUSHORE, E'RY~ HERCi:iT, KING, LA CL.'1IRE; ? MC BUI2NEY ! ' N0~'S: COMMISSIONERS: NONL ~` ABSEN2~: C;OMMISS:[ONERS: NONE ~ ,, i IIJ WZTN~SS WHER.E~OL', I have hex~unto set my hand this 9t1~ day af i; , Januar. ~~~ , 1984 . ~ /~~-""~ ~ : ~~.~~=5'L~L'c-'`.~,- • ~ SFCRETARX, ANAl~EIM (:ITX PT.,ANNING ~OMM~ SSION ~'. -4- P~84-7. ..,,,.