PC 84-20,.,,.r, I2ESOLUTION N0~ PC84-?.U A RESULU`PION OF Z'HE ANAHH~TM CITY PL.ANNING CUMMTSSION THAT P~TIT.TUN k~C)R RECL,ASS:If~'ICA'1''tOD] N0~ 83-8~1-•16 F3E GFtANTED W~;ERFA~, the Anah~im City Planr~.ng Commission did rece~ve a verified petition for ReclassificaLi~n Lrom MAGANBHA]'. NARANBHAI PAT~L, LT AL., 2I76 Su~ith Harbor ~3~ulevarci, AnahPim, Ca.lil:ornia 92002, owners, and ~E~i'~R R. 'LC)TUVICH, 3U7 Nor. L-h Eucl.id Way, ~G-1, ~r~aheim, Ca].ifarni.a 92801, ,,nt of certain real propPrty ~it~uatec, ,in the Cit,y oL- Anaheim, Caunry o.f Orar,~.•~, State of California, de~ccibed as £ollows: THA'1' YUI2TION OP ~L'HE SOUTEI HALE' OF '1'FiE NORTHW~S'P QUARTER UP' 7'EIL SOUTHEAST QpARTER OF SECTIUN 27, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, I2ANGE 10 WFST, PAR`~'LY WITEiIN TFiE; RANCH~ LAS BOLSAS AND PARTLY WIT.HTIJ `.l'HE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON THE SANTA ANA~ AS SHUWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOqK 51~ PAGE 1~ OF MISCELLr1NE0US MAP.°,~ RECQRDS OF ORANGE CUUNTY, CAI,IP'ORNIA. DFSCRTBrD A5 FOLLOWS: BEGII~NING AT A POtNT DISTANT SOUTH Q° 42' 47" EAST 239.04 FEET ALONG TY.E WES'i'ERLY L'!NE Or SATD a~UTH HAI,F, FROM THE NORTHWES~' CORNER OE' SAID SOUTH HAI~:', SAI~ PC~INT F3EIN(7 THG MOST WESTERLY SOU'I'[~IWESTEHLY CUItNER OF '.1'[IE LAND AESCRIPED IN llT~D TO LAYNI; E~ FIx"I'S ~,r~n OTLIERS, RECORDGb DECFMBER 27, 1956 ]:N BOOK 3753, PAGE 1~6 Uf' OFrICTAL RECORDS; THENCE SOU'IH 69° 38' U7" EAST 300.00 FEET 10 AN ANGLF POINT IN THE ~OUTI3ERLY FiOL'NDARY OF SA]:D LAND OF FITT~; THF.NCE Sc~UTH 0° 42' 47" FAS~ ALONG THF WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAIA LAIVD OF F'ITTS 100.00 FFE`C `t'U THE NOI:THEA~~T CORNER OF THE LANn DES~RII3~D 'iN DEED TQ CART, ARTHOFER AND WIFL, RECORUED llECEN1I3ER ~6, 1953 TN BOOK 5017~ PAGE 1~7 OF OCFIC:IAL RECORDS; 'i'HL•'NCE NORTH 89° 38' 07" WEST ALO~IG 'rHC NURTHERLY LINE Ok' SAID i,AND OF ARTHOFER AND AI.ONG THE W~STERL,Y PRULONvATION THEREUk' 3Q0.00 F'k:ET TO A POIt~`t IN SAID WESTERI,Y LINE OF THE SUUT~z;~~1S'I' QGARTER OF ~GCTIOf.~ 2 i; THENCE NURTH 0° 42' 47" WE~T 11~C~:dG SAI1) WESTBRLX I,INE 100.QG FEET TO THE PGIN'r OF BEGINtdING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissi~n did ;~old a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center ii~ the City of Anaheim or Febru~ry 6, 1984 at 1:30 p.~n., notice of said pub~ic hearing having been duly ~iven as requirPd Ly law ar~d in accordance with the provisfons of tt~e Anaheim c~tunicipal Code. Char~ter 18.03, to hear and consicler evidPnce L~r and again~C said propused reclas~ificati~n and to investigate anc~ rr..ake findi.n~~s and recommendat:.cns in c~~nnection therewith; and WHL•'R~,AS, s~-id Commissior:, at-ter due inspection, investiga;.ion and sl•udy made 51 itaelf and in =.~:s b~half, vnd aEter due consi~~eration of a1]. P~~idence and re~.orts offered at sa?.d hearing, doe~ find and deter~iine the foll ~wing far.ts : ,I. '1't~at the ~etitioner ptoposes rec.l~zssification of sut.ject property from the kS-A-43,OOG (Residenti.a~, Ae:ricultura.'..) Zone tn the CI~ (Commerc:ial, Limit~d) 'l,one. ~Ut45r PC$4-•2t~ w'" "., , 2, `1'haL- Y.h~ Anahei.m General Plan designates subjer,t proper~y £or gen~ral. comni~rcial larid usc~s. 3. Thak k.h~ praposed recla.~sification af subjQct. nrup~rt,y is nec~ssar~ ar~d/or ~ ~sir~~ale For the arcaerly and uroper development of the community. 4. 7.'hat the nroposed reclassification of subje~:t property does prnperly relat.e to the zo~zzs and `1-~eir permi~Led uses lar.aily estublished iri c~lose proximi.ty to sub;ject property and to tl~e zor~es and their perrni.tted uses gen~rally estZblish ed througho~,t the coimnurii.i:y. 5, 'i'h~~t the ~roposed recl ;~sification of subject proPe: Ly requires tha improvement of abutting street':s in accorc7~nce with the Circulati_on .Element o£ the General Plan, du.e to th~ an!:icipated increase in traffic which w:ill be gene~at~d b,y the int~i~si.ficztion of land use. 6. Tha~ nu ~~ne i.r-dicaCe~ i:heir presence at said public hearing in ~pposi.tion; and t,jat no corresponcience was receiv~d in opposiL-~on to su~ject petition. ~NV.iRONiN~N7.'AL IMP~'~C'i' FIND~NG; '.L'hat th~ ~~nahEirn Ci.ty Planni.ng Commission has reviewed the pruposal to reclassify subject property ;r.om the RS-A-43,000 (Resid~ntial, Agri..uli:ural) Zon~ to the CL (Comm~rcial, Limited} Zonc to permit a 6-unit additi.on to a 29-unit motel wi.th wai.ver~ of mini:num structur~l setbar_h and minimum fence i~eigk~t on a z•ectangularly-shaped parael ~f larid c~nsist.ing of approxirnateiy 0.55 acre, having a f.rontage oF approximately l0U fcet on the ea~t side a3' H~rbor Boulevar~, ancl furcher dAscribed as 2176 So;xth Harbor t3oul~vard (Hacienda Mutel); and do~s hereby ap~ro~/e ti~ie Neyative Declaration upon F:inding that it haa consid?red the Negative DEClaratiun to;eth~r wi ~h az~y commeni:s receivPCi duritig the public reviea~ process and further finriiny on tt~e basis of the initial study and any commenks recei~~ed ttiat ~h~re is r.o substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a signif.ic4nt e£fect on ti~e ~ar~~vironment. NOW, THF~Ei~ORE, 13E t'1' RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P].anning Commissi~n does herE~by grant st,bjecL- Petition ~or F.?eclassificai:iun ~~d, by so doing, tYiat Tit1e 18-'Loning oE thP Anaheim Municipal Code bP amen~3ed to excla~le the above-descr.ib~d property frum RS-A-43,OOU (Residenta.al, Agricultur~~l) Zone and to incarpor:ate said describ~d proper~y i.nto the CL (Commercial, Limitecl) Zone upUn !ne fc~llowing conditio7s which are hereby found tv be a necPssary prerequisite to the pr.o~osed use of subject property in ordcr to preserve l-.he safety anc! general welfare ~f the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. ~~'hat completiun of tr:ese r~classiiication proceedings is contingent upon the gr.antiny ot Cor-ditioral UsE Permit No. 2531. 2. Thak subject properi:y shail be cieveloped substantia.lly i.n accordance with plans an~ speci.ficati~ns on ~ile wi+:h the Cii:y of Anaheim marked Exhi.bi.t Nos. 1 thr~ugh 6 provided, hnw~ver, that kitchen ~fficiency unii:s may~ bs installe~ in n~ m~ e than twenty--fivF perccnt (25$) ot the motel units, with ~ max_mum oL• 6-•cubic foat reFcigerators, two-burner skoves excludiriy oven and baking facilities, ~nd sinyle compartment sinks, except that the manager's ixri~ ~aill be allow~d to have full kitchen Paci:lities. i -2- PC8~3-20 ^ . ~•, 3. That prior. to final buildir~y and ;~oning i~~spect.ians, Condit?~n No~. 2, above-menl-.ioned, sr~all be compli~d with. E3E IT FURTHL;R RGSOLVED that tl;e Anaheim City Planniny Commission does hereby find anc] d~ter.mine khzt adopti.on of this F.~soluti~n is expressl_y ~redica~ed upon applican+_'s complzance with each ~7nd all of the condil-ions hereinabove set ~orth. Shou].d a.ny sach ~ondition, or any l~art tl-ereof, be declarcd irivalid or unr•;nforceable by the final judgem~nt of any court oF competent jurisdi::kion, then this Re~olution, and any approva.ls herein conL~ined, shall be deernecl nu11 and void. THE C'OZtEGOIN~.~ RESa~UiIQN is signed and approved by me this 6th ~ay of F~bruary, .1)44. ,, ~ ,-; ~ -~~.~ ~ %;~4•.1-~~ ,. .~ , r~1 ~G ~.• ~:C:-cY.~' CIiAIRWOMAN, ~AH~;IM CTTY PLANNJNG COMMTSSIJf'J ATTES'1': ! ____~_ ` ~r..,L~9~~..~~ SECRLTARY, ANe~HGI.M G:IT~ PLAIJNING COMMISSION aT~1TE Or CALI~9RN:~A ) COUNTY G'P' URANG~ ) ss . ~ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eciith L. Harris, S~cretary of ti~e Anaheim City Plan~:i,;^, Commission, do h~r~hy c~rtify that the foregoing re:oiution was passed and adopted ai: a me.r.~t~.in~ aL-' tre Anaheim Ci.ty Plannin5 Commission held on February 6, 1984, by the fcllowing vote of the members theLe~f: AXES: COMMISSIflN:~RS: B~~IJAS, BUSHORE, F~tX, EiERBST, F:ING, LA CLAIR~ NOES: CO!•4MIS~IONERS: NOidE ABSENT: COMNISSIONERS: MC BURN~X IN WTTN~S~ WEIEREOF, I E~ave hereunto set my hand this Gth d~y of February, 1984, ~ ~ ~Q~ ~i'_~G:~~. SECRETARX, ANAHFZM CI~I'Y PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC84-2~ ,:~,~ ~