PC 84-200~ RL•'SOLU'.I':[ON N0. PC84-200 A RLSOLU'.P:LUN OF '.T'HF' ANf~HLIhI C'I'i'Y ~?LANNTNG COMMIuSION THA`i' PE'[':I`1'IUN N'iiR CONUITIONAL USE; PLRMi`I' NC~. 2617 BF' GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anat~eim CiL}~ Plannirig Commission did receive a ver.~ified Petition for Conditional Us~ P~rmit frorn JU[•1N [30WAFtD TUT2'LE A.ND W. ItONALD DYE, 3.185-D Airway Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 92626, owners, and ALVZN FIELLERUD AIvD HARRY DUNALb MUSSCHE, 385 Olinda Drive, Brea, ~~1.`fornia 97.62..1, agPr~ts for cer.tain rea.l pro~erty situated in the Ci.ty of Anaheim, Counky of ~range, Skate of Calitornia, described ~as: Lp'I'.°, 159 AND 16U O[' THE t3UCAL~YP2'US FURES`I' '.CR.ACT, IN THE C'ITY OF' ANAHBIM, CO~N2'Y 0[' URANG~;, STA'i'L GF CALIk'QRNIA, AS SHOWN OIV A MAP RECORDEU IN BOOK 5, PAGES '?.9 A~1D 30 UF MISCFLLANGUUS MAPS, REC:ORDS OF' SAID ORANGE COUN'iY., CALIE'ORNIA, TQGETHFR WItH THE 50UTHEtl~S'1'ERLY "lU FEFT OF SANTA ANA STREET AnJO1NING SAIL L07'S O~1 ~HE NOR.TfIWES'P, A~ VACA2'ED LiY 'I'HE BOARll O.F SGPERVISORS Ok' ORANGE COUNTY UN JANUARY 16~ 1917, AS SHOWP~ IN MINU''1'E B(~~K 12, PAGE 372. EXC~P'I'ING THERFFRUM 'rE~AT PURTION THERrOF LYINU NOktTHGASTERLY OF TH~ SOU`i'HWESTF,RLY LINE OE' Y'HG LANU UESCF2If3FU IN ~'HAT CERTATN FINAL ORDER qN CONDGMNATION, SUPGRIOR CUURT CASE N0. 126804, A CEF:TIFIED COPY' UE' WH.ICH WAS RECORD~'D JULY 23, 1965, IW BUOK 16U5, PAGL 605, OFFICIAL RECURDS. WHGREAS, the City Planning Commission did k~old a public hearing at the Civic Center ir~ the C:ity of ArahEim on October 1, 1984, at ~:30 p.m., tiotice of said public h~~-~ring having been duly g.iven as requirec? by law and in accordance with the pr~visions oF the Anaheim Munic:ipal Code, Chaptez• 18.03, to hear and corisider evidence Eor and against ~aid proposed conditional use permit ar,d to investiyate and make findings and recon..nendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Cummis:sicn, after due in:;pecLion, i.nvcstigation and study made by itself ar~~ in its ~~Falf, ~nd after due conGider~tion of a11 Pvidence and reports otFered at said t~earing, does find and determine the followinr~ facts: 1. That lhe proposed use is pr~perly one for which a conditional use permit is aukhorized by Anaheim Municipal Code SPctions .1II.06.08f1 and 18.G1.USQ.6U1 to wit: t~ retain and permit. two automotive repair facili~ies wikh waiver uf the fo:llowing: SECTT:~NS 1Fs.U6.U50.0221~ - Minimum r~umber. of parkin~a spaces. ~ .~.8.05.U50.031 (48 spaces requi.red; 25 s ac:es exisl-ing) AND "l. That the pxoposed use iy herek>y yrant~~d For a period oE two (Z) ,years, to expire October. 1, 1y86. #U332t F~C84-200 .~:~~" ~ :s. That the requested waiver is hereby yranted on the b~sis that thF park.i.n,y ~~uriance will not cause an inci:case in traffic congestion in the ,immedi~it.~ vicinity r~or adver~ely affect any ~djoir~ing land uses; and that i~h~ granting af tk~e ~arking variance unraer L-he canditions imposed, ii any, will not be detri.mental to t4~e pca~e, health, saEety or gNneral welfar.~ of the citizf:ns uC the Gity of Anaheim. 4, That t;he proposed us~ ~ail.l. not adverse.ly affect thc adjoining land u^es anc] the yrowth and deve.l.uZ~ment of tt~e area in which, ~.t .is proposed to ~e .located, '?Y 5 . ,~ ; ' ~dequate to .;,, •,~ det.riment~l ~~~~~;~. eneral welf ~~,, , 9 'Phat the size and shape of thc sii~e proposed £or thP use is aliow thE f-u11 development ot the ~roposed ~ise in a manner not to th~ ~articular area nor to the pcace, health, saPe~y and `are of the Citizens of the City af Anaheim. x: G. 2'hat the yr.ani:iny ~f the c;ondition~l Use P~rmit und~r the conditions imposed , i£ any, will not be ~letrimental to the peace, health, safety and general wel~~re oE tht~ Citizens of l.he City oP Anaheim. i~','? 7. That the traEf.ic generated by the pr.o~aosed use will noi: impose an undue burden up on thc streets anc~ high wayJ ~~JLgII4:~ anci improved t.o carry %''? the traffic in the area. 8. That no one indic:ated their presenc~~ at said public hearing in opposi~ion; and tha~ no corr.espondence was received in opposil-ion i:o the subject petition. ENVIRONt4ENTAL INIFACT f INDING: That tt~e Anaheim City Planning Commissiori has re~iewed the proposal to retain and permit two automo'tive repazr facilities with waiver of min.imur~ number of parking spaces on a triangularly-shaped parcel of land consis~ing oP approximately U.65 ar.rP, haviny approximate frontages of 25U feet on thc we~t side oi Blue Gum Street, 15U feet on the nor~h side of White Star Avenue ancl 2'70 feet on the east side ot Blue Gum Way, and furthec describeci as 113i an~a 113y Narth Blue Gu-~ Str.eet; and does hereby approve thc Negative Declaration upon finciing L•hak it has considered the Negativ~ Declaration together with any commenty recei.v2d durin~~ the pub:li.c review process and furt.her finc~ing ~n the basis of the initial sY.udy and any commenl-s r~ceived that th~re is no suk~stantial evidence that the pr.oject will have a ~iyi~if.icant effect on t:he environment. NUW, THF.REEURE;, BE IT RESOLU~D that ~he Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby yr.~nt subject Petition fcr Conditional Usp Petmit, upon tt~e Eollowing conditions whir.n a:e hereby found to be ~~ r-ecessary prerequisite to the proposed use o.f tt~e subject property in order to pr2serue t.he safety and general wel~ar~ of th~ Citizens ot the City o~ Anaheim: 1. '.?'-~at th.ere sha.ll be n~ outdoor ; tarage of or w~rk un automobiles or automotive ~ari:s. 'l. Z't~at a traffi.c signa.l assessrnent tec equaling the ~iifference between the industr.iu~ and commercial assessment fees sha.l.l be paid to ttiE City af Anaheir~ it~ an ~mc~unt as detnrmined by thc~ Cir.y Cauncil. -2- PC84-20G 1,'. „_.. .. . . , ar~e 3. That trasYi storage ar.eas sha11 bc~ pr~vided arid maintai.ned in accordance with ap~;rove~' p.lans on fi.le with the Str.eet Maintenance and Sanitatiori Division. 4. That the pr.oposal st~a11 comp.ly with al~ siyniny c•eqt!irements af the ML Zone, unless a varianc:~ allowiny sign waivers is approved by the Planning Cartimission or City ~ounci.l. 5. :'hat subject prop~rty shall be dPveloped substantial.ly in accordancc with pl~ns and specit-ic.ations on file with the City oL Anaheim mark~d Exhibit Nc~s. 1 ~~nd 2. 6. ~'hak Condition Nos. 2, 3 and ~r above-mentionea, shall be co:~ple'teu witt~in a period of sixty t60) days fr~m the date of thi~ resoluti.on. 7. That this permit st~all expire in kwo (2) years o^ October 1, 198G. BC TT FURTFlFR RESULVEP that the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission r~oes hereby finn and determzne that adoption ~f this Itesolution is expr~ssly yredicated upon applicant's c;ompliance with each and a11 oF' the conditions hereinabove sel- turth. Shai~ld any s~~ch conditions, or any part th~reof, be declared invalid or unenfcrc~able t,y the final judgment of any court of competenl- jurisdiction, then this Rc~solution, anc] any appr.ovals herein contain~d, sha1:1 be deemed nu11 and void~ THE FOREGOINC; RESOLUTTUN is sign~~1 and appr ~ ec! hy me,1,:his lst day ~f October, 1984, - --- / • / / ~~~. . , ,; , ~:• ~, i~ , ~- ^...._. r' CHA ~MAN, ANAHB~''M.~CYTY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~Q~ ~' ~~ ~ ~C.Y~f... G.v SECi~ETARY, ANAHEIM CI`i'Y PLANIdING COMMISSION STr1TE OF (;ALIFURNIA ) COUNTY UF ORA.NGE ) sJ. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Fiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City P1.anning Commission, dc her~by cerrify that the foregoiny re~o].ution was passed and adopted at a meeting of t~ Anaheim City Planniny Commission held on October 1, 1984, by the following vote of the members thereat: AXES: COMMISSIONER5: BUUAS, BUSHURI:, FRY, HEHBST, KTNG, LA Ci~AIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOr1E ABSENT: CGMMISSIONERS: NON~ IN WITN.~SS WHEREGE', I Have f~ereunto seL my hand thi.s lst day of October, 1984. ~ ~ ~ ._ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEJM CITX PLA[JNING COMM~SSION -3' PC84-200