PC 84-204~ RESULUi'IOPJ NQ. P(;gg_Zp4 ~ A RE;SOLUTJUN QE' THE l~tdAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~>SION 7'HA'i' PF'I'IZ'iUN FUR VARI;1PdCE t;0. 342`a BG G1~AN2'ED WHEREAS, L-he Anal~e:im City Plannirig C~~mmission did recaive a verified Petition for Variarace frotn 2pE L. GRILL~., ~;~D DIANE G. GRILLt1S, 6104 Camino Manz~~no, Anatieim, California 92807, own~r of cert~~in r.eal prapF cty situated in the C;ity of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ California described as: LOT 22 76 OF ` ' TI'tACT NO> 81180 ~1S P.ER MAP RF,CpRUED IN HOOK 343 PAGES THE i H.ROUGH ' 23 INCLUSIVE OF , MISCELLANLOUS MAPS I~I THE OP'FICE n~` COUN7, Y RECORAER C)F SAID COUtJTY. [~tIER~;AS, the City Planning Commiss:on did hold a public hearing at the c:ivic Cenrer in tht~ City of AnahPim on Octaber .1, J.984, at 1:30 p~;;~~, notice o.f yaiq pub.lic heariny having been du.ly given ~s required by law and in ac ordance with the provisions of the Anaheiir ~dunicipal Code, Chapl•er 1£3.03, to hear and consider evidence fac and against s~id proposed variance ar.d to investigate an~i make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; ancl W~~'~~~5, said Cpmr~i.ssion, after 6ue inspection, investzg~tion and stuc~y r,iad~ -~y itself an~ in its behalf, and after due consideratiun o~ zll evidence and rep~rts offered at said t~earing, does find and dPtermine the following facts: 1. Th~.~t l:he petii:ioner prr~poses a waiver of the fo.Zlowing ta construci: a 6-foot high block wa11; SEC~'IUN 18.04.U43.101 - Permitk~d wall heiqht. (36 inche~ permitted i.n front and side yar.d AND ~etbacks; 6 feet proposed) ~. That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby yranted on th~ basis thak there are special circumstai~ces ap,plicable to the proper.t~ such as size, shape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to oth~r idEnticaJ.ly zc,ned propercy in the same vicinity; and that strict application of the 'I,oning Cocle deprives the property of p.rivileges enjoyed by other properties in l-he idenzical zune and classificaEion in the vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recomn~endati.~ns. 3. That therE are exceptiunal or extraordinary circumstances or conditior~s ap~l icable to the Property invulved oi to ttle intenc~ed use ot the property that do not ap~1y generally to lhe property or c.lass of use in the same vicinity and zonp. 4. That the rec~uesterl variance is n~cessarl and enjoyment of a subs~antial property right nr~s;;,-~GS~,~3 the same vicinity and zone, and denie~ to L-he property in 5. Tt~at the requested var. iance will not be rr to the publi.c we.lfare or injuri.ous to l-he ~~ro~~erty or vicinity and zone in WE'11Ch t.he ~ropzrty i.s located. #u336c ior ~he preservation by other proNerty in question. iaterially detrimen~al iniprovr~m~nts ,i.n su~h PC~4-204 6. 'I'hal I1G one ].11d1.Cdi:P„d their pr~sence at said ~~ubli.c hearing in opposition; and tliat~ no ccrrespond~nce was received in opposition to subjeci: petition. ENVIRnNMF.N`i'AL authorized r IMPACT hINDTNG: The Planninq Director or his within rhe epre~entative has determin~ d ~lefiriiti c f C th t the prQposed proj~ct falls State EIR . n G~idelines o. ategorical Exemptions, Class 3, a. defined i.n ~he and i s, therefore, cate~erically ex~mpt from tl~e requir.emcnt to prepare an EIk. NU~V, 'i'HEREFORG, BE TT RF.5ULV~D that the Anah~im City Flanni.ng C~mmission dc~es her~;by grant subaect Petitioc~ for Variance, upon the fcllowing cor.ditions wr,ich are hereby feund to be a necessar.y prexequisite to ~he Uroposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safPCy and general we7.fare of the Gitizens of th~= City o£ .~naheim; .l. Thak plans for r_he ~:~~ -~oot high block wall shall be sabmitted to the Building pivision snowing campliarice with the minimum construckion standards of the City uf Anahtim. 'Phe appropriate per.mits shall then be oLtained. z. That subject praperty sha11 be developed substantially in accordance wi:.h glans and specificati.ons on file wit.h th~ City of Anaheim marked Lxhibit N~~, 1. 3. Tt~at prior to issuance of a building permit, or within a period of ~ne year from L-he date of thi.s resolution, which2ver occurs f.irst, Condition No. 1, above-mentioned, ~h~ll be romplied w~th. ~x~ensionN f~r further timP to complete said canditi.ons may be q~:anted in accordance with Section 18.Q3.09Q o;~ the Anaheim Municipal rode. 4• That prioi to final building anc7 zoning inspections, Condition N~. 'l, above-mentioned, shall b~ complied with. BE IT FUR7'HGR RFSOLVED that the Anaheim Cit,y Planning C~mmission does hereby tznd and determine that adoption of this Rasolution is expressly predica.tecl upon applicant's complian~ce with each and a ~.l oE the aonditions hereinab~va set for~h. Should any auch condition, or an,y part ttiereof, be d~clared invalici or unenforceable b; the final judgment of any court of cornpetent jurisdictic~n, then r.h.is Resol~ition, and any approvals herEin containecJ, sha11 be de~med null and voa.d. 'i'HE NCRFGOING RESOliU'.CION is signed ,~nd approv d by mE this .lst day of October., 1984. / ~~ _ ~_._~-~ / / / /~`,-_7•~~ ` / /~ ~~ ~~ "i ,,.., CHAIRMAN, FNAH~IM ITY PLAR~NING COMMISSIQN A~'TES~': ,, ~' . ~ S~CRF:~~ARY, ANhfiEIM CITY P ANNING COMI7ISSION ~2~ PC84-204 ~ ~ +; ~ STA7'3 OE' CALlE'C)12N1A ) k_ CUUN7~Y UF' U1tANCk; ) :; 1;. ~~~~~~ Ci'1'Y UE' ANAHElM ) ;. i , ~ ~ I, EditF: I.. Commissian, do hc~r~:b Hc~rc~is, Sr_~cret•ar.y uE l:h~~ ~i~ah~~.m c kif CiLY Planniny ;.. y adopted ~3G a meel iny ot er y tha~ the i~r~~yoiny resolution ~h A was pa,sec; and ; . ~ naheim City Plann.i.ng C~mr~is~ion 1+ 1y84r by ~he Eollowing vc~te t th he.td on Octoher o e m~mbc~rs thereoP• ~~• AYES: CUM~I:iS~IUNERS: 13GUAS, BUSliUlli:, E'RY, H~RliS'I', KING, I~A C'LAIF2~;, MC EiUf2NEX NU~S: CUMMISSIJNEEtS: NONE i•' ABSEN:i': COh1MISSICN~RS: NONE `~•, ZN WITNESS WHEK~;UF', I Have h~~c~eunto set my hanc~ this lst dUy of ;;; Octok,er, 19t34. ~ ~' i . Y^. __ ~L, ~> . 1~~ .;F%CRLTARY, ANAHL•'IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN o+ ~~3- PC84-Zaa